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Anointing Oil of Golden Sol II

Anointing Oil of Golden Sol II

Organic and wildcrafted herbs including chrysanthemum, calamus, yellowdock root, bay leaf, balm of gilead, angelica, ashwaganda, hyssop, St. John’s wort, cinnamon, orange peel, ginger, and rue were fumigated with royal hojari frankincense + incense from Golden Sol I during the height of our Sun Without Sin election.

The softest, fuzziest Sun in Leo to ever Sun in Leo — so feel good, so warming, and so very full of love, gratitude, and appreciation for life itself.

A wonderful infusion of soft, morning light, with the promise of a new and better day.

Includes 24k and a Jyotish remedial-grade ruby (in Rollers and Standards).




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Creation Date

Sunrise August 4th, 2024, hour of Sol. Chart in image gallery.

Planetary Body


Yes — Vegan


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 62 reviews
NS (England, United Kingdom)
Very gentle

I don't love this as much as the first Golden Sol oil, because I think I can probably handle a good degree of Sun energy without getting burnt - so this one feels like quite a subtle, pure energy, which is lovely but doesn't quite meet my needs as much as the obvious warmth and reassurance of the first series.

Sea P. (Colorado, United States)
Safe access to the solar realm

My relationship with the solar sphere has traditionally been challenging, and this series provides a bridge to navigate the (for me) terrifying prospect of Being Seen for Who I Actually Am. As an AuDHDer with plenty of C-PTSD triggers, I'm beyond grateful to this series for making the whole idea of visibility less threatening...even when others are clearly not a fan of what I'm bringing to the table, I don't take it personally. Highly recommend for anyone looking for gentle ways to establish healthier relationship with solar qualities

Kiran A. (Victoria, Australia)
Heart of the Lion

Well, I’m still working with and getting to know this lovely spirit. The scent is gorgeous, gently warming and gingery-turmeric-y-milky, to me. Apart from using it to dress candles and petition for help for loved ones, or wearing when I’ve needed confidence, I thought I’d talk about my experience today.

For context, my natal Sun is in Aries, in the 8th Whole Sign house. A bit of a mixed testimony. I struggle somewhere between long periods of being hidden from the world in ignominy, and other moments of getting attention that curries envy. Also bear in mind, Mars is the ruler of that house. Since embarking on planetary devotions, I’ve noticed that sometimes connecting with a planet seems to activate the planetary ruler from my own chart. So when Mars entered the scene today, I wasn’t terribly surprised.

It’s Sunday, and I thought this was a good day to wear GSII. I spread a fingertip’s worth across my chest where my heart is, then got on with my usual dog walk. As I walked, I began to feel an agitated fire build within me regarding something my son’s father had said to him recently. I felt compelled to call him and get to the point on the issue (I usually avoid confrontation). I called and listened to his defensive (Martial) reaction. Things got heated. I was bold enough to swear at him. As he teetered on his usual go-to of threats and flouncing, I managed to turn it around without fawning or pandering. Staying firm and direct and passionate, I got this man’s attention in the direction I wanted it to go - towards the wellbeing of our child.

I got off the phone, wondering what was going on with the transits that minute that made Mars seem to show up so pointedly. I also rolled my ankle on the edge of the footpath, but luckily I was fine. My dog also went ballistic lunging and barking first at a child’s bike then at a rather innocent looking dog. Good heavens, this was not a peaceful Sunday walk and the Mars presence was very notable.

HOWEVER the other thing that was notable was that several people seemed to turn their heads and smile at me at various points during the walk. We passed a woman trying to admonish kids for hitting each other as she put them in the car (again, Martial for a Sunday morning). Instead of looking frazzled, she looked across the street and smiled at me. I smiled back. Random person putting their bin out also smiled across the street to me. I smiled back and said “hey”. Feeling surprisingly outgoing, like I was welcome, and like me being welcome was expected. A conversation with a lady with her dog had her being the one who didn’t want to leave and I was the one who broke it off (usually it’s the other way around).

Now it’s not that people aren’t normally nice to me on walks. But it really felt like they looked up and SAW me, and they all liked what they saw. Like I was the magnet. It was an extraordinary feeling, especially in combination with the intense feeling of “fight” energy on the same walk. Come to think of it, it wasn’t actually intense with an edge. It was just firm fight energy, like a steady fire.

Now perhaps the fight energy was nothing to do with my wearing of GSII. Perhaps it was just something to do with the transits (Mars is retrograde). But it felt so specific to putting it on and heading out this Sol’s day. Perhaps it’s the fact that Sun burns as well as warms? But I am mostly working with the theory that wearing this oil interacted with my exalted Sun in the 8th house (arguing with ex about kid and money, and really holding my own), perhaps triggering Mars because Mars is its ruler. I was shown, like it was opened up and laid out on a map, some facets of what my exalted Sun can be about. Finding my fight - and drawing the love.. And standing tall in it, and smiling without fawning. Yes - I have a right to glow. It’s my birthright!

Thank you Golden Sol II, I hope we can do something like this again soon.

Lepus (Chiapas, Mexico)
A soft taste of the sun

I hadn't had a chance to try any of the previous Solar series. Apparently Exalted Sun could feel a bit heavy, and well, this is definitely a soft thing, very suitable for devotional practices or daily use. It transmits a lot of joy, at least in my case, that's how it has been.

TV (California, United States)
Delicious, Warm Sunshine

I never knew how good it could feel to support my cadet-house Sun. I feel like a content kitty lying in a patch of sunshine when wearing this. It simply lends to feeling good - feeling good in your body and your person. Highly recommend this materia.

Amanda B. (New Mexico, United States)
Good vibes and natal chart activations

I've been working with this for a couple weeks, mostly by applying it to myself. Generally, it invites positive interactions with people around me, be they random strangers, friends, or family. It also invites a more neutral/positive embracing of changes in direction in favor of new pathways (excellent for clearing through stagnant patterns!).

Interestingly, I've observed some nuanced, subtle activations with my natal chart. I have Leo in the 11th and my sun in the 9th ruled by a dignified Mercury. Wore this on a Sunday, and had a very social day with a friend and befriended the barista when we went out for coffee. Wore this on a Wednesday and ran into the most positive apocalyptic prophet at the doctor's office (yes, it was very random). Then I went to a coffee shop where the baristas were discussing their theological study/practices. I'll see if this pattern holds. If it does, it could point to this oil giving a boost to solar dynamics within your natal chart.

Anonymous (Colorado, United States)
Sun without sin

My experience with this seems to be more akin to the expected effects of the Torch subset. It's been a wonderful (at times painful) illuminator and supportive in solar issues.

J. L. (New Hampshire, United States)
Fortifying and Joyful

This oil is heart-lifting and smells lovely. It’s the most wearable Sol series so far for me; I find the effects subtle but pervasive with no blowback or extra heat.

Philly (California, United States)

I felt so giggly and joyful the few days I applied after using this oil, but that has settled. At times the solar energy feels a bit intense, and I use kolonia. It feels like I’m learning to build up a sustainable capacity for solar energy

Dena D. (Maryland, United States)
Warm- but watch out!

I'm going to preface this by saying that even though it's still the "softest" version of Sol, it can still be very uncomfortable for any Libras. I was tricked into a false sense of security from reading the description, thinking it would be a walk in the park. It was energetically burning and gave me angry mood swings the first time I used it. After utilizing the cleansing/bath mentioned on the site, everything was fine, however, and it felt relaxing.


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