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Client Field Reports + Experiences Since 2018

Based on 8658 reviews
The Aerial Queen Subset
F.C. (Baltimore, US)
Easy; a gentle breeze

This oil eases unnecessary tensions, social especially. If you are socially drained, it feels nice to pull back and let go. If you are seeking social engagement, it's really easy to connect. I've been using this during a difficult period in my life - it helps bring a little lightness in.. also applying to a scar and have received the comment "healing beautifully" by pretty much anyone who sees it :).

Oil of Exalted Mercury
Jessica A. (Saranac Lake, US)
Joyful productivity

Tends to keep me happy and busy, but also open to messages that I can often shut out if I'm very focused. As an older student who's back in college, it's also been great for studying and test taking.

Son of Apollo Attuning Tincture
Mary S. (Minneapolis, US)
Liquid Gold

This is my secret to feeling rock solid every day. First thing in the morning, I take a few drops of Son of Apollo with a glass of water. My energy levels have never been so steady, my overall demeanor is much brighter, and it feels so easy to make the healthiest decisions for myself. Looking forward to seeing how these results evolve over time.

Bath Salts of Asclepius
Mary S. (Minneapolis, US)

Essential for spiritual cleansing. Sometimes, the results are very subtle and not noticeable right away. But recently during a rough week, I took a full Asclepius bath and immediately all the mental noise dissipated. These bath salts also work wonderfully for physical health! I frequently prepare Asclepius baths for my partner when his back is acting up. This helped me not only manage chronic hip pain from work, but helped it disappear!! (Via finding an acupuncturist and a great yoga studio nearby!). Most highly recommend. Also an excellent primer for any magical workings!

Exalted Luna Body Butter
Ana C.P. (Middletown, US)
Rest and Soothe

I've been using this body butter non stop and it has been amazing. I love its pillowy softness and the scent that now feels like a safe cocoon: nourishing, calming, and restorative. I struggle with digestive problems, and in times of flare ups I wake up feeling depleted and tired, no matter how many hours I've slept. That has almost completely disappeared since using the butter before bed. I've also noticed a big change in my digestive symptoms, it seems to be helping to stabilize my digestion. I feel more nourished and less worried about the food that I eat (which tends to be a big issue for me), I'm enjoying it more and being less restrictive. I have noticed the benefits of using it for an extended period of time and I intend to keep using it until I feel fully restored!

Butter Ocean Bath Salts
Vivian H. (Chicago, US)
I only wish I ordered the larger size

I have been working with this as Jupiter remediation and literally got good news after my first bath!

Saturn in Capricorn Ritual Salt
U.W. (Jyväskylä, FI)
Heavy hitter

When extra protection is needed, do a purification ritual and then turn to this heavy hitter. A little sprinkle of this, and voila. Ask and you shall receive extraordinary protection. The vial is literally 4 times heavier than any other salt! It’s not for casual or everyday use. Add to a glass of water for deep and restful sleep.

Heart of the Emperor Scorpion Subset
Anonymous (Sunnyvale, US)
Pacifies Scorpio aspects; protective, secure, anger management, healing

I’ve taken a lot of heat and relational trauma over my lifetime with aspects in Scorpio 5th house. One set of traumas resurfaced the other night and triggered legitimate (but inconvenient and wearying) rage, such that I reached for Heart at bedtime, despite the cautions in write-up. And rather than “start slow”, I applied liberally and then just curled up in bed and went to sleep. For me, Heart is instantly calming, secure, protective, warming, and wholly *redeeming* — the presence of Scorpion seeing exactly who you are and why, and treasures every sincere part of you, gently instilling new armor around the heart space, and filling in any gaps or crazing with pure gold. Impeccable.

I’ve used Heart periodically for grit and to get through work days in tough times, but it is astoundingly instantly effective in times of need of protection, comfort, security, and serious anger management. It may be that in reaching for the help of Heart, one acknowledges and owns the rage and *cares* for it with love, easing the way to self-integrating and gently renewed self-authority; in any case, for me Heart gets right to the heart of the moment and closes ranks around the part that hurts, that didn’t deserve attack, and that needs swift accurate formidable defense. After years of unjust treatment by one person in particular, Heart let me actually *rest*, distance, and sleep like a baby — protected, adored, and all of my parts, even my challenging traits, whole and fully redeemed.

So much love and gratitude for this oil; thank you beyond any words.

Mercury in Gemini Anointing Oil
Vik (Reykjavik, IS)
Never without it again

This Mercury in Gemini oil is truly exceptional and I do not want to ever live without it again 🙂 it has been working very differently than expected - I thought I will use it to bring my many writing ideas down on paper, research and think about things a lot. Well, now I don’t have time for that anymore. A few days in I got a new, very well paid job, then several more huge things happened very quickly relating to the house topics Gemini rules in my chart. Changes I have been hoping for for years, suddenly happening with such ease and quickness. I absolutely love this oil, the ease, playfulness, speed and versatility Mercury brings through it.

U.W. (Jyväskylä, FI)
Favorite scent profile

This oil is optimistic and comforting. The scent is like smelling jasmine in the summer breeze - it is light and not overwhelming. I feel safe and grounded. My favorite BPALS of all time.

Anointing Oil of Capricorn II
Doll (Kissimmee, US)
Oil of the Pyramids.

This oil has allowed my angular mars to become a cunning mage. The sharpening of the Martian blade to cut the excess is, POIGNANT.

The oil brings a sense of relentlessness that is tempered by structural desire for perfection

Golden Oil of Sol
Dallee K. (Vancouver, CA)
Like literal rays from the golden sun

Can’t believe I haven’t reviewed thus yet! It’s bliss, bottled heaven and happiness.


Absolutely love this series and love this oil! I put some drops in my leave in conditioner, moisturizer, lotions, honestly anything I use in terms of my skin care/hair care routine. And it is sooo lovely! Thank you Venus and S+!

Water of the Immortal Heart
Inna a. (Saugerties, US)

I have an online hypnotherapy practice and spray this water around my desk/laptop to bring supportive energy to grieving clients or those dealing with especially difficult transitions. I also add a few drops of the IH tincture to my drinking water for those sessions, and feel that it helps me be present for others' pain, while energetically protecting my own emotional space.


The sweet scent of this beauty oil reminds me of candy and makes me feel flirty, sexy, and very glamorous all at once. This is the 3rd beauty oil I've tried (after Asclepius and Luna), and it helps me feel almost playful (?) in my skincare routine. I love all the beauty oils from S+S. This one is extra fun!

Attuning Tincture of Exalted Mercury
Inna a. (Saugerties, US)
Exalted Mercury Tincture - Clarity in a bottle

I have gifted this tincture to several people, all of whom agree it just helps you feel CLEAR. I am waiting for the restock because I do not want to be without this stuff!

Exalted Luna Body Butter
Inna a. (Saugerties, US)
Deepest sleep aide

I have been using this bb before bed, applied to the palms of my hands and sometimes my chest. I am a light sleeper, and often wake up several times during the night. Since I started using the Exalted Luna body butter, I wake up fewer times each night, and even when I do, I fall asleep immediately, and always wake up feeling deeply restored. I can tell a huge difference in how rested I feel versus the nights I forget to apply this materia. The best!

Oil of Exalted Venus II
Vik (Reykjavik, IS)
Boundless love

I already loved the first exalted Venus oil and this new version beings even more love and softness into my life. Pisces is my 5th house and I especially love wearing the oil in the afternoon and evenings when I am alone with my toddler. These times have become absolutely lovely and magical, when before the days could be quite strenuous. I am so grateful to be able to really enjoy every minute with my precious child and give her all the love she deserves.

Mars-Jupiter Anointing Oil
Lauren S. (Lakewood, US)
Hype Embodied

The martial magic with this one is real. As a very martial day-Mars person, my hope here was to work with my natal Mars and counterbalance with Jupiter in order to channel some of the inflammation into energy and prowess. In particular, I used this series to start a training regimen with my Jupiter-ruled fitness coach brother. We train on Tuesdays, using with a Sagittarius rising chart. Pairing that with the anointing oil, hymn and smoke offering has been amazing. My focus is better, my energy feels more constructive, and my gains in strength training are helping to protect my joints from my hypermobility (my natal Mars is square Neptune conjunct my Capricorn AC).

The first time I used this series I got whole-body tingles, cars literally just moved out of my way as I drove to my brother's and I was hype and over-energized all day. So definitely don't neglect the warnings on this: do NOT use it too close to bedtime if you intend to sleep. If you're martial already like me, maybe avoid using it past 3pm lmao. It is materia that truly needs something to tackle so I also wouldn't recommend it casually unless you're giving the energy somewhere to go.

Also I have to say when mine arrived, it was a little too martial because the powder vial had shattered. It's the only series I've ever had that happen with because S+S is so good with their packaging. I took it as Mars being like "you really didn't need more Mars, but if you insist..." Rather than being upset I cracked up and enjoy serving Mars incense on the little glass dagger he made from the vial. Honestly, the hype is real on this one. I love it so much! 10/10

The Throne of the House
Anonymous (Englewood, US)
Strength and Glowy Protection

I received this as a gift from a friend to support protection work. I've used this on items related to a new home and on my body with equal success. I'm sensitive to fragrance, and while this has a strong scent I find it pleasant. The effect feels like a glowing, empowering forcefield.

Bluing of Deneb Algedi II
Anonymous (Englewood, US)
Effective, Comforting, and Unpretentious

I received this as a gift from a friend to help with protection work. Immediately out of the wrapping, it was introducing itself to me with affection and desire to set up bluing jars without fanfare. This has now become a staple, particularly for my workspace and my nightstand! Gentle enough for use with/around my kids.

Golden Gator Subset
Anonymous (Englewood, US)
Inner Protection

I received this as a gift from a friend to help me with protection work. Although serious and powerful, this materia feels reassuring and comforting to me, not frightening. Knowing that I am wearing/using this powder makes me more aware of being proactive with my boundaries, because I know it's possible this materia will encourage me to "bite" if I'm stepped on.

Eirene Subset
Anonymous (Englewood, US)
Counterbalance to working with malefics

I use this after working with malefics and it is gentle, reassuring, and lovely. I've also used before seeing beloveds with whom I want to encourage or cement reciprocity and balance.

Heart of the Emperor Scorpion Subset
Anonymous (Englewood, US)
Mother Algol Complement

I didn't choose this materia, it chose me. This is powerful, potent, and worthy of respect. A wonderful ally and tool for those who struggle with over-empathy, self sacrifice, and porous boundaries. I keep this covered in a special home, it does not mingle with the rest of my life. I have used this alongside Algol work, and follow it up with a deep cleanse and then anoint with Eirene.

Blood of the Gorgon
Anonymous (Englewood, US)
The Power of Mother Algol

If Algol is calling you, you don't need my review of the materia. What I'll offer instead is that it's important to prepare your physical space for the materia and Algol before ordering, and to approach this materia/relationship with the reverence and gravity it demands.

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