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Froggy Subset

Froggy Subset

“Froggy” was supposed to be a working title, but a more highfalutin one hasn’t presented itself yet! We reserve the right to change its name at a later date ; )

“From the works of Mercury, inscribe the figure of a frog on an emerald… Whoever carries this stone will be offended by none; nay, people will speak well of them, and they will say good things about all their works.”Picatrix, Pingree edition

“A frog engraved on a beryl, will have the power to reconcile enemies and produce friendship where there was discord.”Book of Wings, Rabbi Ragiel

Consecrated herbal blend and Anointing Oil from our Mercury in Gemini election, with the addition of witch grass, myrrh, hydrangea root, motherwort, anamu, devil’s shoestring, rattlesnake root, deer’s tongue, witch hazel, honey powder, slippery elm, and blessed thistle. Moss agate, tree agate, labradorite, and emerald. Violet leaf, pink lotus, and angelica root. Variegated green leaf. Two mummified frogs and two frog skeletons (ethically obtained, natural causes).

A subset for the wise selection of word and deed, for reputation management, reconciliation, and greasing the wheels of difficult conversations/ dynamics. The Eirene of the Mercury in Gemini series, except for slyer, and more cunning. For the casting of Mercurial glamours… the “witchiest” of its Mercurial ilk.

Wear or take a smoke bath before social occasions, important discussions, or simply going about your daily business. Good for adding safety rails to the act of socializing, and for solitary endeavors involving writing, contemplation, meditation, or ritual.

Use as an offering, dressing, or fumigant in works of magic toward compatible ends.

Froggy Anointing Oil: 1/2 oz Standard Vial for $80, 10 ml “flawless glide” Steel Roller for $65, or 5 ml Mini for $30

Froggy Incense-Powder hybrid: 1/2 oz Vial for $33, or 2 oz bulk pot for $99

Froggy Spell Soap: 2″ x 1″ disc for $48 (please view important tips here)

Note that Sphere + Sundry’s Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite.

Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to ‘cut’ the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 




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Weight 1 oz
Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in

1/2 oz Anointing Oil, 10 ml "Flawless Glide" Steel Roll-on, 5 ml Mini, 1/2 oz Incense Powder, 2 oz Bulk Pot, Spell Soap

Creation Date

Hour of Mercury, Mercury in Gemini on the MC. Moon DOE. June 23rd, 2022. Chart in image gallery




No – Honey, No – Egg Shell, No – Mummified Frog (ethically, legally obtained)


FIRE HAZARD — Never leave fire unattended. Clear away packing materials before burning and do not close the lid on boxes while a flame is burning, HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Chart Remediation

Mercury — Good for people who are Mercury deficient and need support for the natal Mercury

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Customer Reviews

Based on 47 reviews
A helping hand

This is a good oil to have on hand, even if you don't have a situation that requires it now. This can help you navigate difficult conversations and charm your way into good ones.

Ani Mir
Protect your reputation

I like to burn Froggy incense with DA II powder on frankincense and myrrh resin. There’s not much scent to the incense, but the ritual seems effective.

Lizzy B.
Perfect for serious-silly jobs

Love my little hoppitty froggy friend. Whenever I sprinkled the powder on my head I would get a little giggle of excitement. I've found froggy to be so useful when working with kids within a serious context (as a therapist) - helps me to flexibly respond to a laughing kid running up the walls one minute and a crying parent the next. I tried Venus AD for this but Froggy is soo much more useful at work. And so much fun. The bottle feels like a box of sparkly rainbow giggles and I forget that it can be used for a whole range of more serious matters.

Frog Omens

As I'm resetting health & lifestyle habits currently, FROG appeared to support this evolution so I turned to this subset for support. Journaling my way through this tranformation, I'm finding creativity & inspiration in the becoming, as well as noticing smoother conversations and transitions when interacting with others. I'm using a combo of soap & powder, and may add in a mini of oil to facilitate even more of this cherished magic. Froggy simply makes this new life more easeful.

Amazing for travel and sticky situations

This is my number one travel companion - even when traveling to unchartered territory ;) Total secret weapon for airport hassles, tricky convos. I've used it with colleagues/networking events and it made me feel like a total charmer. Great for being free and fun without worrying about foot-in-mouth syndrome (which as a sag rising....)


When I was going through a tricky time at the office, I used a combination of this oil and Eirene to help ensure relationships went well and my words and actions both aligned with my values and were received well. After only a few wears my situation has improved dramatically.

Useful tool for smooth and pleasurable travel

I love using this for travel -- I appreciate the other reviews attesting to this! For example, in terms of air travel, security always goes smoothly, luggage gets to me quickly, and I haven't really noticed the usual annoyances that come with travel. I'm sure it has further daily applications, and I look forward to experimenting more! Will update once I do.


Pretty incredible how much working with this Oil eased interactions with a transportation service. "greasing the wheels of difficult conversations/ dynamics" is SPOT-ON.


This oil does help me get into the zone, though I have to meet it halfway. If I’m ready to work Froggy does seem to boost my capacity to focus, to work and write longer, and enjoy the process. It has a quieter energy than other Mercury in Gemini offerings.

Laurence BL
A guide in the dark

Gemini is my 8th house in my chart. At first, I tried to use the powder on myself, to help me write my thesis. The results were not really productive. I realized that Mercury in Gemini was not the ally I needed for this task, so I stopped using it on myself and burned some incense instead.

After I finished my thesis, I took some times off. I went in a cabin deep in the wood with my boyfriend, who is a hunter. It was during Scorpio season and I was going deep in myself, feeling into my fears about what was coming next, now that this big part of my life was over. I brought my Froggy powder with me. It helped my untangle my knots, it brought to me the messages I needed to hear when I needed too. It was a guide in the dark and an amazing ally during those expansive and scary times, to help me access the hidden places of my 8th house.


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