Hail, Intellectual Guest!
“The Shop of your friend Madame Coppock displays various antidotes, fomentations, ointments, and remedies, according to the differing mental capacities and natures of humankind. If in some way, they happen to displease you, pass over these, by all means!
Finally, if you do not approve of astrological images, albeit invented for the health of mortals… dismiss them with my complete permission and even, if you will, by my advice.
At least do not neglect medicines which have been strengthened by some form of heavenly aid, unless perhaps you would neglect life itself. For I have found by long and repeated experience that medicines of this kind are as different from other medicines made without astrological election as wine is from water.
For example, there was an infant who was born half dead in the eighth month from conception in the month of March, at night when Saturn, retrograde, was ascending; by this sort of care the child seemed to be brought back to life.
Moreover, if I told you more cases of this sort besides, I would be speaking the truth, and I would report them, not to boast, which is totally out of place in a philosopher, but to persuade…”
the INTRO TO Marsilio Ficino’s
three books on life, book 3
In everyday parlance, s'il vous plaît?
We make magic (that actually works!) on very specific astrological alignments, bottle it, and ship it right to your door
Too good to be true? Thousands of testimonials duly attest!