The fixed star Regulus represents the Heart of the Lion in the constellation Leo, although due to the natural course of precession it currently resides in the first degree of the tropical Virgo. Regulus is one of the four Royal Stars and fifteen Behenian Fixed Stars. It has an unparalleled reputation as a benefic, aggrandizing influence, being supremely Solar in nature. In right accord with the Doctrine of Signatures, it shines at a luminosity 360 times greater than that of our own Sun.
The offerings from this series were created the night of May 21, 2018 with Regulus and the moon conjunct the MC and Jupiter, the co-ruler of Regulus, rising. The election chart can be found in the image gallery of any item from the series and was chosen in consultation with astrologer Austin Coppock. This is a particularly fine election, further empowering Regulus’ associations with Kingship, ascension, visibility, and the earning of favor from powerful or benevolent beings, human and discarnate.
Regulus is one of the finest influences for dispelling melancholy and anxiety, promoting a sense of wholeness and wellbeing. It warms the heart, mind, body, and spirit, and has a healing, strengthening influence. The effects of Regulus are overwhelmingly positive, except perhaps in cases where Solar excess is already presenting, whether in the natal chart or the personality. That being said, the vast majority of people would do well to work with good Regulus energies, as we live in a time and culture where Solar virtues are heavily rewarded.
The first 10 people to order from this series will receive an extra gift in the form of a small Regulus talisman on gold cardstock, constructed during the operation. All Sphere + Sundry orders come with basic suggestions and protocols for use, to help the client maximize their results. Click here to learn more about our wares and approach.
Sold out100% Sold Out
Regulus Candles
Sold Out, Regulus I[sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Regulus II ☀️[/sf_iconbox] Virgin soy wax was melted and mixed with yellow and orange dyes to create a beautiful golden hue, very lightly scented with essential oils of helichrysum and frankincense. Each candle was poured during a supreme Regulus election over mugwort, mastic, yellow trumpet flower, and 6 garnet chips, before being topped with genuine 24k gold leaf. These candles produce a cohesive, healing, and warm atmosphere. They can be burned during compatible workings or used as a background influence to uplift and inspire. Each 2 oz candle can provide around 15 hours of burn time. The base of each jar features an etching of Regulus' name and seal. Two candles are reserved for box sets, and 10 are being offered standalone. $90$90$90 -
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Regulus Oil
Regulus I, Sold Out[sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Regulus II ☀️[/sf_iconbox] Sunflower and apricot kernel oil were joined with mugwort, yellow trumpet flower, helichrysum, turmeric, mastic, and garnet, along with other sympathetic ingredients to the fixed star Regulus, on the night of May 21st 2018. This election saw the moon and star conjoined on the MC with Jupiter, co-ruler of Regulus, rising. The oil glows with a golden hue and has a healing, warming, and cohesive feel. Regulus was petitioned and the ingredients suffumigated and combined, sealing the jar and etching the seal at the height of the election. It was then left to incubate with the rest of the series for a full lunar cycle before pouring into individual vials, on the day and hour of the Sun, which also happened to be Father's Day. Available in a 1 oz glass vial with 6 garnet chips, gum mastic, yellow trumpet flower, mugwort, and genuine 24k gold leaf in each bottle. As with all Sphere + Sundry offerings, there is no branding - only glyph of Regulus handwritten in gold. Sealed to prevent leakage during transport. Includes basic instructions for use and a natural preservative to stave off oxidation.$90$90 -
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Lion-Heart Regulus Talismans
Sold Out, Regulus I[sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Regulus II ☀️[/sf_iconbox] Golden clay rolled with genuine 24k gold leaf, cut into disks. Imprinted on one side with the form of a lion and a heart of garnet, and the seal of Regulus on the other. Cured in boiling water with mugwort and mastic at the height of a supremely fine Regulus election with the fixed star conjunct the moon on the MC while Jupiter, the co-ruler of Regulus, was rising. These talismans when worn on one's person produce a Kingly disposition, a warm, generous, and noticeable presence, and a charismatic field. They draw good luck and the attention/ favor of powerful or important individuals. Regulus talismans are good for uplifting the spirit and elevating the mind, and can provide assistance in matters of healing and achievement on all levels. They help facilitate cohesion and wholeness of being and have the pleasant side-effect of quelling anxiety. Only three Regulus discs were crafted during this election. They are being reserved for box sets, two of which are being offered to the public. Join the waiting list below to be notified of when future Lion-Heart Regulus talismans are being offered standalone.$200$200 -
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Regulus Box – Complete Set
Sold Out, Regulus I[sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Regulus II ☀️[/sf_iconbox] Wooden round 'boxes' painted gold and featuring a lion-heart wax design on the lid. On the interior, the seal of Regulus can be seen on the roof, with the constellation of Leo on the base. Not visible under normal circumstances, the seal and name of Regulus are both written on the bottom. Each box contains one Regulus candle, one bottle of Regulus oil, and one Lion-Heart talisman. All of these items fit neatly inside the box, making for a complete set from the Regulus MC 2018 series. Also includes a vial of gold leaf, herbs, resins, and gems sacred to Regulus, mixed during the night of the operation. Three Regulus boxes were produced for this very fine election, two of which are being offered to the public.$360$360