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Copper Vessels


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    Talismanic Copper Vessels

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    Thirteen copper water bottles were etched and fumigated with royal hojari frankincense during the election, roughly by the Mage's own hand with the Serpent-Bound Rod and Serpent-Wound Chalice on the base, symbols of Asclepius and Hygieia. Simultaneously, the interior of the caps were being laser etched with the medical symbol, so the talismanic image could make direct contact with water stored within the confines of vessel. Over time, much more detailed original artwork of (a très handsome!) Divine Doctor (thank you, Tony!) was laser etched into the side of each. Water stored in, and taken from, pure copper is one of the healthiest ways to drink it, according to the Ayurvedic tradition. Fill with fresh, purified water. Shake 13 times, with prayers and intent for any specific health or dream related outcomes. Leave overnight, optionally — to maximize impact — on an Asclepius Altar. Water within can be consumed, fed to plants, children, and animals, used to bloom rose of jericho (at the bedside, in the office, or anywhere energies would benefit from refreshment and renewal), and as a healing holy water added to diffusers, humidifiers, spiritual baths, floor washes, and the like. Offered for $633, accompanied by a complimentary rose of jericho

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