Sphere + Sundry’s first Jupiter series was Jupiter’s Lightning Rod, which emphasized the thundering-power and lightning-fast aspects of the Greater Benefic. This one, Jupiter’s Bounty, highlights Jupiter’s generous, sustaining, and fruitful qualities, promoting a sense of nourishment, wellbeing, and goodness. It provides a classically uplifting, benefic and juicy Jupitarian charge, ideal for prosperity magic, luck increase, Jupiter remediation, and the promotion and preservation of All Good Things.
In Ayurveda, its character would be described as sattvic, which describes a class of foods that are fresh, nutritive, and tasty, giving the body the energy it needs to thrive and achieve balance. As a quality in and of itself, sattva relates to harmony, purity, creation, constructive growth, holistic positivity, luminescence, serenity, presence of being, and the promotion of peace and virtue. All of these speak to Jupiter’s exaltation in the Moon’s sign of Cancer, where slow, secure, and protected growth over time yields the most excellent and sustainable results, such as the generation of pearls from grains of sand, or fruit from seed.
Fruit itself, though commonly thought to be ruled by Venus, is Jupiter’s expression in the verdant sphere. Flowers belong to the Lesser Benefic, which serve as magnets and vessels for pollination. Once a flower has been successfully pollinated, its petals wilt and fall away, while the ovary containing the fertilized ova is in the early stages of becoming fruit. Fruit, as the Moon itself, waxes over time until it reaches a point of maximum fullness and ripeness, and from there begins to decline.
At the point of ideal harvest, or just before, creatures are drawn to the sweetness and nutrients ripe fruit contains, and its consumption gives them increased energy to go about their breeding and recover from winter, or create reserves for it. Seeds contained in these fruits are scattered throughout the land by the millions, though only a lucky few will survive the long journey to someday generating fruits of their own.
Jupiter has a well known (and much joked about) association with sperm and semen, which represents chance and base potentiality. Of the average 100 million sperm each lightning strike of ejaculation provides, only 1 might be lucky enough to fertilize an egg, and even then, the chances of their union coming to fruition are extremely narrow. All manner of things need to occur in perfect concert for the successful arrival of each new life, and through this lens, its rare preciousness is made evident.
The Jupiter’s Bounty series was created under the auspices of Jupiter in his own rulership, conjoined Luna on the midheaven, ruling the 10th house and rising (as always, the chart is in the image gallery for each offering). Jupiter was moving slowly and steadily at the time, which informs the ingredients chosen, the intention behind the series’ construction, as well as its mechanics and manifestations, being described as you read.
The Moon was in the nakshatra Jyestha, overseen by Indra — a Hindu and Buddhist guardian deity syncretized with Jupiter, Zeus, and Thor, among others. From Wikipedia:
In the Vedas, Indra is the king of Svarga (Heaven) and the Devas . He is the god of the heavens, lightning, thunder, storms, rains, river flows, and war. Indra is the most referred to deity in the Rigveda. He is celebrated for his powers, and the one who kills the great symbolic evil [an Asura] named Vritra who obstructs human prosperity and happiness. Indra destroys Vritra and his “deceiving forces”, and thereby brings rains and the sunshine as the friend of mankind.
Vritra had caused a horrific drought by keeping the rains from falling upon the land, which resulted in withered crops and much suffering. The lore follows:
In the Brahmavaivarta Purana, Indra defeats Vṛtrá and releases the waters. Indra asks Vishvakarma to build him a palace, but ultimately decides to leave his life of luxury to become a hermit and seek wisdom. Horrified, Indra’s wife Shachi asks the priest Brihaspati to change her husband’s mind. He teaches Indra to see the virtues of both the spiritual life and the worldly life. Thus, at the end of the story, Indra learns how to pursue wisdom while still fulfilling his kingly duties.
Jupiter’s Bounty approaches the role of Kingship through organic, balanced, and sustainable means. While Regulus is happy to promote the self for self’s sake, this series is focussed on the promotion of growth and gain that comes from wise decision making and devoted action over time. It encourages embodiment and
mindfulness, which are two central pillars of manifestation, while increasing one’s capacity to lead and sustain a good, rich, and harmonious life. It balances success with responsibility and power with wisdom, encouraging one to become worthy of the empowerments they seek, blessing and counseling their journey along the way.
Offerings from this series provide a very real sense of possibility and upgrades to attitude and outlook, improving head-game, but in a grounded, real, and actionable way. They don’t carry the energy of “excitement train” fast-hot-loose, good-time or no-time Dionysian Jupiter, but a more Apollonian take. The kind with the potential to facilitate a long and peaceful reign, in which the Sovereign is beloved and respected for their fairness, stability, and even-handedness, and their People are therefore happy, protected, and well-provided for, and as a result, all prosper.
What we have to remember when we talk about Kingship and sovereignty from a magical perspective is that we are our own People — the Pauper, the Joker, or the Crown Wearer more or less often, depending on our ability to manage the Kingdom of our own lives. Only if we are capable of feeding ourselves, can we feed others (and only if we are morally good would we even possess the instinct), which brings us to the core operation that generated Jupiter’s Bounty — a ritual feast.
On the Moon’s day, March 26th, a feast was prepared in offering to Jupiter during his hour. The altar table was set with cheeses, fresh and dried organic fruits, mixed nuts, humanely and locally grown roasted and cured meats, freshly baked breads, butter and olive oil, pies, cakes, incense, and flowers. These were ritually offered to Jupiter using the full call from the Picatrix with a promise that the spoils from the King’s Table would be given to those in need once the Work was done and series created, in return for Jupiter’s blessing and empowerment of the resultant materia.
A bottle of fine champagne was poured into four flutes on the central altar in offering, and was left overnight for Jupiter to have his fill. The next morning during the election some of the fruits and nuts were repurposed and used as ingredients for the series itself, and the champagne was added to the hydrosol distillation, begun during the election and carried out slowly over diffused heat for the next 20+ hours, so as not to burn the fruit sugars. Many thanks to my GOAT of a husband, Austin Coppock (and his exalted Jupiter rising!), for not only providing the series election(s), but generously overseeing the final portion of distillation.
Jupiter’s Bounty was ritually crafted during the election window after further appeals to our Kingly patron, and afterward the food was packed up to be delivered as promised to those in need, with many synchronicities along the way. Now upon its release, further spoils will be cast into the world, providing a rich magical substrate in which to seed, grow, and harvest those aforementioned Good Things.
Sphere + Sundry prides itself on using the highest quality natural ingredients, and this series is no exception. All of the fruits, nuts, oils, spices, etc. are organic, uncut, and of the highest available grade, but this series is less flashy on the surface than the rest, almost humble in appearance. It doesn’t feature 24k gold or precious stones, as many others do, because it represents a more sustainable, base, and organic form of abundance — the availability of what one truly needs to thrive — nourishing food on their table, enough for themselves and those they love or wish to provide for, peace of mind, a sense of possibility, and support as they work toward a fruitful life.
All real value is first generated by providing for the needs of the people — feeding them, watering them, giving them energy. Humanity’s first gold rush was the dawning of agriculture, where we learned how to seed, water, and tend to the growing of that which sustains us. The King’s regalia and presentations of wealth — jewelry and gold and castles and carriages — are byproducts of the original value inherent in produced or extracted resources. Nature’s Crown Jewels are its literal fruit, that which promotes life and perpetuates creation. Without which, what good is jewelry?
Our base needs provided for, we can choose how to apply our excesses — whether to buy fancy cars and embellish our crowns; to help others along their way and provide for those in need; or as Indra teaches — a mindful bit of both. This series not only helps facilitate our fruitfulness, but counsels on the wise application of those resources. Praise Jove!
Many thanks to our series collaborators, without which our bounty could not be served…
Sphere + Sundry welcomes to the table Jeremy Bechelli Ph.D., master esoteric herbalist and proprietor of Phytognosis, unparalleled purveyor of fine resins, herbs, and materia magica. He offers incense coins handcrafted during the equivalent election, using four principle Jupitarian ingredients, individually wrapped.
Returning is Tony Mack, talismanic goldsmith, who ritually cast a collection of coin talismans with original depictions of classical Jupitarian imagery, fruit, and sigil; and last but never ever least, dear friend and lifelong sorceress Elizabeth Barrial of Twilight Alchemy Lab and Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, who, by Jove’s good grace, offers a ritually consecrated perfume oil, rich, sweet, and elevated.
Jupiter’s Bounty promotes patience and the generation of sustained success, overcoming feelings of scarcity and encouraging one’s sense of worthiness and capacity. It promotes productive balance, mindfulness, healthy optimism, and a sense of compassion and moral generosity.
Physically, as the rain bringer would, Jupiter is considered by traditional medical astrology and TCM to assist with the generation of bodily fluids (blood, semen, mother’s milk, etc.), as well providing support for the liver and general constitution, soothing the adrenals and nervous system.
Emotionally and psychologically, it provides a sense of support, safety, and nourishment, being gentle, reassuring, and centering in nature. Great for meditation, teaching, and triumphing against the ills and constraints of this world by helping to raise our sense of self-worth and station, and therefore our vantage. A most potent ally for those dedicated to a path of self-improvement and enrichment.
Offerings from this series are excellent for routine Jupiter observations and Jupiter remediation, and are best applied routinely over time, or used magically in operations designed to bring sustained growth, beneficence, and ongoing blessings to the self and sphere.
For fast emergency-style cash or way-opening magic, items from Jupiter’s Lightning Rod or the St. Expedite series may prove a better fit for the job. Jupiter’s Lightning Rod can also be layered or added to Jupiter’s Bounty for a kickstarting effect, while also taking advantage of the longer staying power.
As with all Sphere + Sundry purchases, each series includes basic instructions for use, timing suggestions, and prayer, as well as an invitation to join our client-only forum (now off of social media) for support from both creator and community.
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Jupiter’s Bounty Oil
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Anointing Oils, Jupiter's Bounty, Sold OutFollowing a ritual feast as an offering for the Greater Benefic’s blessing, consecrated Jupitarian mix — including organic fruits, nuts, and Jupitarian herbs and spices — were ritually combined with citrine and amethyst in equal parts organic jojoba and almond oils on a prime Jupiter election, before the addition of frankincense and other essential oils befitting the operation. Bright, uplifting, supportive, patient, centering. Anoint yourself to promote embodiment, improve head-game and outlook, center, ground, and motivate yourself to work toward the enrichment of yourself and others, materially and otherwise. Great for supporting meditative activities, teaching and consulting, Jupiter remediation and propitiation. Purifying and generous, protective and nourishing. Use in Jupitarian magical workings or those designed to promote steady growth, medium and long-term gains, and charitable causes. The greatest benefits from Jupiter’s Bounty will result from routine applications over time. Wear every Thursday to invoke Jupiter’s ongoing blessing and support. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $72 (with an optional Dropper Cap Kit), or 10 ml roll-on w/ citrine rollerball for $60 Important allergen note: While this does not contain peanuts, it does contain other nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios, and cashews) that were processed in a facility that handles peanuts. Not suitable for use by those with peanut or other nut allergies. Buyer/ user agrees not to apply, gift, or make available to those with nut allergies, assumes full responsibility for any allergic interactions to self and others as a result of exposure, and releases Sphere + Sundry from any and all liability. Keep out of reach of children.$60 – $72$60 – $72 -
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Jupiter’s Bounty Candles
Candles, Jupiter's Bounty, Sold OutConsecrated Jupiterian herbal base, dried fruit from Jupiter’s ritual feast, and gold magnetic sand were added to the base of candle jars before virgin soy wax was poured during the height of the election window. Burn during Jupiter rituals or when engaged in activities where Jupiter’s steady emanating support would be beneficial, such as when teaching classes, working your way through stressful situations, doing yoga, or meditating. Topped with various Jupitarian gemstones. Available in a 2 oz glass jar for $88, or a 12 oz for $164. Only four large candles are being offered to the public. Important allergen note: While this does not contain peanuts, it does contain other nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios, and cashews) that were processed in a facility that handles peanuts. Not suitable for use by those with peanut or other nut allergies. Buyer/ user agrees not to apply, gift, or make available to those with nut allergies, assumes full responsibility for any allergic interactions to self and others as a result of exposure, and releases Sphere + Sundry from any and all liability. Keep out of reach of children.$88 – $164$88 – $164 -
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Jupiter’s Bounty Self-Igniting Incense
Incense, Jupiter's Bounty, Sold OutAfter a ritual offering feast and during a prime Jupiter election window, organic fruits, nuts, and Jupitarian herbs and spices were suffumigated, consecrated, and ritually combined with frankincense, golden copal, citrine, and amethyst. These were ground to a fine powder during Jupiter’s hour and combined with ingredients to make it self-igniting. Create a small mound on a fire safe surface or trace sigils. Burn as an offering to Jupiter for remediation and propitiation on Thursdays or in his hour, or invoke a purifying, beneficent blessing upon other magical works designed for growth, gain, protection, and healing. Available in a 1/2 oz vial for $28, or 2 oz bulk pot for $84 Important allergen/ legal note: While this does not contain peanuts, it does contain other nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios, and cashews) that were processed in a facility that handles peanuts. Not suitable for use by those with peanut or other nut allergies. Buyer/ user agrees not to apply, gift, or make available to those with nut allergies, assumes full responsibility for any allergic interactions to self and others as a result of exposure, and releases Sphere + Sundry from any and all liability. Keep out of reach of children.$28 – $84$28 – $84 -
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Water of Jupiter’s Bounty
Jupiter's Bounty, Sold Out, Sprays + Hydrosols, WatersWater from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta was collected and used as the base for a distillation of various fruits and fine champagne served at Jupiter’s ritual feast, along with Jupitarian herbs, spices, and gemstones. It was begun after the ritual invocation of Jupiter using the full call from the Picatrix, and produced over low diffused heat for 20+ hours, so as to avoid burning the fruit sugars. Combined with a small amount of grain alcohol to preserve. A mouth watering and comforting hydrosol, smelling of apple pie and molasses. Use to invoke Jupiter’s presence and blessing, attuning yourself to his sphere and setting the stage to receive his bounty. Can be used to spray altars, papers, spaces, or the body. For practical application, spray upon your person to uplift, fortify, and provide energetic nourishment. Promotes embodiment and has a grounding, calming, and centering influence. Use to increase emotional and mental capacity, restoring mana and promoting good judgment, sound generosity, and patience. Use to fortify oneself when under stress and improve outcomes via the Greater Benefic’s protection. Excellent before meditation, yoga, mantra, or teaching. Available in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle with 4 juice-colored gems for $28 or 2 oz for $64$28 – $64$28 – $64 -
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Jupiter’s Bounty Charcuterie Sets
Jupiter's Bounty, Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesCreated by Cody Dickerson of Borealis Ironworks, these stunning charcuterie implements were forged during a prime Jupiter election for the service of both Gods and Man —$294In celebration of the eleemosynary hand of Lord Jupiter, Borealis Ironworks has again been honored to participate in an election series, here paying tribute to the charitable spirit-face of Jupiter as Dapalis, overseer and provider of the banquet, in the form of four charcuterie sets. The four sets of four implements were initially forged and formed during the election. Materials were prepared before hand and finished out during the days that followed. These solid carbon steel utensils are appropriate for either one’s private altar space or among your beloved, in his honour, at the lavish and bounteous banquet table. Ad Salutem!Each talismanic implement (most literally, in this case!) serves to promote the charge of our prime Jupiter's Bounty election. Only 3 of the sets are being offered to the public. $294 per set$294 -
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Jupiter’s Bounty Bath Salts
Bath Salts, Face + Body, Jupiter's Bounty, Salts, Sold OutConsecrated Jupiterian herbal base was suffumigated with frankincense and ritually combined with dried fruit, essential oils, Dead Sea salts, Celtic Sea salts, Himalayan salts, and epsom salt, a small amount of organic powdered milk and cane sugar, along with minerals for stress reduction and muscle release. A small amount of Jupiter’s Bounty oil, comprised in equal parts of organic jojoba and almond, was mixed in a few weeks later during day and hour of Jupiter before bottling, to add further skin nourishment and Jupiterian oomph. This bath is gently purifying and energetically cleansing, but also sweetening, protective, and fortifying. Use in times of stress to increase bandwidth, relax the body, clear away bad energies and depressive, anxious thoughts, and reset on a positive note. Enough for 2-3 deep baths, or add smaller homeopathic doses to make a little go a longer way. Time to Jupiter’s days and hours for remedial Jupiter observation or to strengthen outcomes. Available in a reusable 8 oz glass jar for $36 Important allergen/ legal note: While this does not contain peanuts, it does contain other nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios, and cashews) that were processed in a facility that handles peanuts. Not suitable for use by those with peanut or other nut allergies. Buyer/ user agrees not to apply, gift, or make available to those with nut allergies, assumes full responsibility for any allergic interactions to self and others as a result of exposure, and releases Sphere + Sundry from any and all liability. Keep out of reach of children.$36$36 -
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The Fulfiller Who Whispers Words of Wisdom
Jupiter's Bounty, Sold Out, Talismanic PerfumesFollowing on the hooves of Jupiter’s Archer, Queenly collaborator Elizabeth Barrial of Twilight Alchemy Lab and Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab formulated an exquisite blend in celebration of Jupiter’s Bounty. She offers —$44This is a perfume of sagacity and good counsel, and the prudence and judiciousness that leads to good judgement. It is a scent of stability, prosperity, and sovereignty - but more specifically, the creation, fortification, and nurturing of a kingdom that you build for yourself through self-respect and sound choices, the ability to govern your impulses wisely, and utilizing generosity, compassion and kindness as a means of protecting and expanding your dominion.
This is a perfume dedicated to Jove.
I will sing of Zeus, chiefest among the gods and greatest, all-seeing, the lord of all, the fulfiller who whispers words of wisdom to Themis as she sits leaning towards him.
Be gracious, all-seeing Son of Cronos, most excellent and great!
Initial preparation began on March 7th in Jupiter’s day and hour, and the consecration occurred between 6:06-6:55am Pacific on March 26, 2019.
Peru balsam essential oil (Myroxylon balsamum), steam-distilled terebinth essential oil (Pinus palustris), pulverized organic fig and chestnut, handcrafted vegetal musk, blue chamomile and Roman chamomile essential oils (Matricaria recutita and Anthemis nobilis), hyssop essential oil (Hyssopus officinalis), clary sage essential oil (Salvia sclarea), blue yarrow essential oil (Achillea millefolium), valerian essential oil (Valeriana sp.), wild-harvested pinon pine resin (Trementina), chamomile flowers (Matricaria recutita), sarsaparilla root (Smilax regelii), wild-harvested cedar berries (Juniperus monosperma), organically grown orange peel from the TAL garden, juniper berries (Juniperus communis), bayberry root bark (Morella cerifera), crushed oak galls, organic rosehips (Rosa canina and Rosa rubiginosa), locally wild-harvested white sage leaf and white oak bark (many thanks to the genius loci of Los Angeles), and dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale). Each bottle contains a piece of lapis that has been washed in whiskey.
$44 Important allergen note: While this does not contain peanuts, it does contain chestnuts that may have been processed in a facility that handles peanuts. Not suitable for use by those with peanut or other nut allergies. Buyer/ user agrees not to apply, gift, or make available to those with nut allergies, assumes full responsibility for any allergic interactions to self and others as a result of exposure, and releases Sphere + Sundry from any and all liability. Keep out of reach of children.$44 -
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Jupiter’s Bounty Talismans
Talismans + Reliquaries, Sold Out, Jupiter's BountyTalismanic goldsmith and AstroMage par excellence Tony Mack returns, this time with Jupiter talismans —$444Modeled in carver’s wax and lost-wax cast in fine .99 silver on the corresponding election.
Each coin was cast with an image of Jupiter from Picatrix book II chapter X; “Under the influence of Jupiter make the image of a crowned man sitting on a throne carried by four winged men”. A spear was added to the right hand (borrowed from an alternative Jupiter image from picatrix bk II) to signify the protection and upholding of the fruits of his bounty. The reverse side bears an image of grape vines growing around the planetary sigil of Jupiter from the Arabic Ghayat Al Hakim.
The Jupiter’s Bounty coin talisman arrives in a black leatherette box.
Available for $468, and includes a vial of Jupiter's Bounty self-igniting incense for charging the talisman. Four talismans are being offered standalone, and four are being reserved for treasure sets.$444 -
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Jupiter’s Bounty Powder
Jupiter's Bounty, Powders, Sold OutOrganic dried and freeze-dried fruits, mixed nuts, holy basil, red clover, dandelion root, wormwood, pie spice, other Jupitarian herbs, citrine, and amethyst, ritually combined and suffumigated after an offering feast to Jupiter on a prime astrological election. Add as an ingredient in magical works designed for prosperity, gain, growth, wisdom, and the like, or in any fashion powders are typically employed, such as for dressing candles or making sachet pouches. Wear on your person or inside your shoe, or place in your wallet to carry Jupiter’s influence with you, promoting wise decision making, luck, gain, and protection. Pure, uncut, and organic herbs, resins, fruits, nuts, gemstones, and dried yellow lilies from the offering table. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $28 Important allergen note: While this does not contain peanuts, it does contain other nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios, and cashews) that were processed in a facility that handles peanuts. Not suitable for use by those with peanut or other nut allergies. Buyer/ user agrees not to apply, gift, or make available to those with nut allergies, assumes full responsibility for any allergic interactions to self and others as a result of exposure, and releases Sphere + Sundry from any and all liability. Keep out of reach of children.$28$28 -
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Jupiter’s Bounty Treasure Chest Set
Altar Boxes + Ritual Sets, Jupiter's Bounty, Sold OutEverything in the Jupiter’s Bounty series, including a hand-stained wooden treasure chest (7" wide, 4.5" deep, 5" tall), which can be used to store the offerings or act as a ritual treasure box —$456- Jupiter’s Bounty oil
- Jupiter’s Bounty candle (2 oz)
- Jupiter’s Bounty self-igniting incense
- Jupiter’s Bounty powder
- Water of Jupiter’s Bounty (2 oz)
- Jupiter’s Bounty bath salts
- The Fulfiller Who Whispers Words of Wisdom ritual perfume oil x BPAL
- Jupiter Incense Coins x Phytognosis
- Optional: Jupiter's Bounty coin talisman x Tony Mack