How do I choose which series or offering is right for me?
Does Kaitlin offer consultations?
If you’re new to astrology, remediation, or the use of magical items, it can be intimidating to choose which series or item will be best for you. There are two main ways of going about it…
Need or Desire Based
What do you want more of in your life, or what are you struggling with? This is by far the easiest method.
Are you trying to start a business and promote yourself? Regulus could be just the spotlight you’re looking for. Are you struggling with a health issue? Call the Divine Physician*
Below is a list of our current series and keywords to help you zone in on what can best practically serve you.
Note that there are dedicated write-ups for each series that you can locate by scrolling past the initial list of offerings once you click the series title. These were moved below the actual products to reduce the need to scroll, for those who have read the write-ups before!
You can also enter keywords in the search field like “exercise,” “motivation,” “money,” and “sex,”
or astrological ones like “the moon,” “mercury,” “libra,” and “regulus.”
A true Swiss Army Knife! The benefits of Mars and Saturn materia with fewer drawbacks than either alone. A true workhorse, and nothin’ better for “getting [someone’s] shit together”.
Achievement, Anger Management, Anxious States, Architecting, Artistic Endeavors, Athleticism, Back Pain, Boundaries, Brainstorming, Careful Speech, Classic Masculinity, Cleaning/ Tidying, Commanding, Competence, Competition, Consistency / Follow Through, Creativity, Delegation, Discipline, Embodiment, Empowered Speech, Engineering, Executive Function, Exercise, Financial Planning, Finding Direction/ Purpose, Finding Solutions, Foot Pain, Goal Setting, Grace in Victory, Grounding, Growth, Hard Conversations, Hyperactivity, Joint Pain, Kickstarting Projects, Leadership, Leveling Up, Logistics, Long-Term Planning, Making Progress, Management, Managerial Skills, Manifestation, Marathon Energy, Material Stability, Mental Health/ Stability/ Equilibrium, Motivation, Optimizing, Organization, Overcoming (Guilt, Shame), Overcoming (Resistance, Fear, Adversity), Pain Relief, Patience, Physical Activity, Pivoting, Positive Redirection, Posture/ Standing Tall, Productivity, Promotion, Responsibility, Rest / Relaxation, Rising Above, Self-Care, Slow Twitch, Stewardship, Structural Support, Teamwork, To Do Lists, Training, Vision / Inspiration, Winning, Wise in Defeat, Work Ethic, Work-Life Balance
An all-purpose, user-friendly Lunar materia with the aid of Jupiter. Great for settling the Mind-Body complex, improving sleep, and drawing resources.
Acquisition, Anxious States, Babies and Children, Bonding/ Secure Attachment, Boundaries, C-section Massage, Chill, Classic Femininity, Cooling, Divine Feminine, Embodiment, Emotional Health/ Stability/ Equilibrium, Emotional Processing, Executive Function, Family Time, Fertility, Growth, Healing, Homemaking/ Nesting, Homeostasis, Female Hormonal Regulation, Housing (Finding, Keeping), Hydration, Hyperactivity, Intuition, Manifestation, Material Gain, Material Goods, Material Stability, Matrilineal Healing/ Connection, Memory (Improving), Mental Health/ Stability/ Equilibrium, Nourishment, Postpartum, Protection, Recovery, Rest / Relaxation, Safety / Security, Self-Care, Sleep, Sweetness, Wealth
Lunar materia for Postpartum support, increasing milk supply, and bonding.
The most positive, jovial, and buoyant Martial materia. Energizing, uplifting, and motivating.
Achievement, Anger Management, Artistic Endeavors, Athleticism, Brainstorming, Classic Masculinity, Commanding, Competence, Competition, Creativity, Divine Masculine, Executive Function, Exercise, Fast Twitch, Finding Direction/ Purpose, Finding Solutions, Going Hard, Grace in Victory, Kickstarting Projects, Leveling Up, Logistics, Making Progress, Male Fertility, Male Hormonal Regulation, Men (Improving Relationships With), Motivation, Optimizing, Overcoming (Resistance, Fear, Adversity), Patrilineal Healing/ Connection, Physical Activity, Positive Redirection, Posture/ Standing Tall, Productivity, Rising Above, Sprinting, Structural Support, Testosterone Boosting, Training, Winning, Wise in Defeat, Work Ethic
The most user-friendly ~true~ Saturn materia possible, with the support of Venus. Excellent for meditation, gaining perspective, and boundaries.
Abstinence, Acceptance, Anger Management, Anxious States, Architecting, Asceticism, Boundaries, Breath Control, Careful Speech, Cleaning/ Tidying, Compartmentalization, Consistency / Follow Through, Cooling, Discipline, Endurance / Persistence, Engineering, Financial Planning, Grounding, Hard Conversations, Hyperactivity, Leveling Up, Liberation through Duty, Long-Term Planning, Longevity / Long Life, Loss (Understanding / Acceptance), Management, Managerial Skills, Maturity, Memory (Improving), Optimizing, Organization, Overcoming (Guilt, Shame), Overcoming (Resistance, Fear, Adversity), Patience, Protection, Releasing, Responsibility, Rest / Relaxation, Safety / Security, Scholarship, Shadow Work / Exploration, Silence, Stewardship, Stoicism, Structural Support, Swelling/ Inflammation, Training, Wise in Defeat, Work Ethic
A staple for nearly every Sphere + Sundry Client, as Asclepius helps to mitigate the side effects from strong Powers found in other series, cleanse energy, clear the mind, improve sleep, and provide sources of healing relief.
Anxious States, Back Pain, Bad Transits, Cooling, Detoxification, Emotional Health/ Stability/ Equilibrium, Emotional Processing, Finding Solutions, Finding the Root Cause, Foot Pain, Grief Support, Healing, Healing Protocols, Homeostasis, Hygiene, Joint Pain, Medical Support, Mental Health/ Stability/ Equilibrium, Negative States, Pain Relief, Postpartum, Recovery, Releasing, Self-Care, Sleep, Swelling/ Inflammation, Training, Work-Life Balance
The more yang / activating / warming version of Asclepius offerings, best suited to Solar Remediation and addressing conditions of a mental / emotional / spiritual nature, or physical ailments stemming from excess yin.
- Son of Apollo Anointing Oil
- Son of Apollo Spell Soap
- Divine Physician’s Healing Salve
- Son of Apollo Incense + Powder
- Radiant Glow of Perfect Health Beauty Oil
- Son of Apollo Bath Bomb
The selection par excellence for bringing levity, fun, and a flurry of communications! None better for exploring one’s options.
Androgyny / Non-Binarism, Artistic Endeavors, Brainstorming, Buying / Selling, Commerce, Creativity, Dexterity, Enjoyment, Exploration, Fast Twitch, Fun / Joking, Luck, Moving On, Multi-Tasking, Negative States, Openness, Optionality, Overcoming (Guilt, Shame), Overcoming (Resistance, Fear, Adversity), Pivoting, Plasticity, Play, Positive Redirection, Quickness, Releasing, Rising Above, Small Talk / Conversation, Social Media, Stimulating, Way Finding, Youthfulness
For gaining access, road opening, travel, and hidden knowledge.
For way-finding, circuitous and unconventional routes. Mercurial glamours, slick talking, and Mercury retrogrades. Intuitive and light hearted, but full of wisdom.
Achievement, Athleticism, Commanding, Competition, Cultivation of Shen, Depressive States, Empowered Speech, Energizing, Exercise, Fast Twitch, Finding Direction/ Purpose, Goal Setting, Going Hard, Grit, Heart Health, Hopelessness, Kickstarting Projects, Leveling Up, Making Progress, Male Hormonal Regulation, Motivation, Moving On, Never Giving Up, Optimism, Overcoming (Guilt, Shame), Overcoming (Resistance, Fear, Adversity), Passion, Physical Activity, Pivoting, Productivity, Protection, Quickness, Self Discovery, Sex, Shadow Work / Exploration, Sprinting, Testosterone Boosting, Training, Vision / Inspiration, Warming, Winning
For when you need to keep your Martial impulses tightly constrained, focus, and strategize. The sneakiest, most psychic, and potentially most dangerous (for any would-be opponents) of the Antares series.
For when you find yourself wrestling with the vipers of this world and need the protection, grit, and determination to come out victorious! Excellent for relentless pursuit of one’s goals and objectives. And very effective in works of defensive + counter-maleficia. Honey badger don’t care!
Uplifting, invigorating, and full of all-potential. Brings growth, good fortune, accomplishment, and a spark of Divine Favor — the Mandate of Heaven.
Discover the genuine potential of positive thinking! A warming, life-affirming, and uplifting charge (that won’t be possible to capture again until 2030!).
Anxious States, Classic Masculinity, Depressive States, Divine Favor / Intervention, Divine Masculine, Emotional Health/ Stability/ Equilibrium, Empowered Speech, Endurance / Persistence, Energizing, Enjoyment, Excess Yin, Exploration, Faith, Fast Twitch, Finding Direction/ Purpose, Freedom, Going Hard, Good Fortune, Growth, Hope / Optimism, Leveling Up, Liberation, Light Work (Inverse of Shadow Work), Limiting Beliefs (Overcoming), Live and Let Live, Luck, Making Progress, Male Fertility, Manifestation, Mastery, Material Gain, Men (Improving Relationships With), Motivation, Moving On, Narrative Shifting (Positively), Negative States / Thinking, Never Giving Up, Overcoming (Guilt, Shame), Overcoming (Resistance, Fear, Adversity), Passion, Physical Activity, Pleasure, Positive Redirection, Positive Thinking, Purification, Quickness, Releasing, Religious Devotion, Rising Above, Safe-Keeping, Self Discovery, Soul Retrieval, Sprinting, Stimulating, The Secret, Training, Updating Worldview, Uplifting, Vision / Inspiration, Way Finding, Wealth, What’s Possible, Wild Abandon, Winning, Wisdom
A nourishing, calming, reassuring, and indulgent take on Jupiter in Pisces (not available again until 2033). The most yin, terrestrial Jupiter in the shop — arguably best for wealth magic and cultivating “the good life” on all levels.
Acceptance, Acquisition, Anger Management, Anxious States, Babies and Children, Bad Transits, Bandwidth (Increasing), Bonding/ Secure Attachment, Chill, Composure, Consistency / Follow Through, Depressive States, Divine Favor / Intervention, Embodiment, Emotional Health/ Stability/ Equilibrium, Emotional Processing, Enjoyment, Enrichment, Family Time, Fertility, Forgiveness, Gentleness, Good Fortune, Good Vibes, Grace in Victory, Grief Support, Grounding, Hard Conversations, Healing, Homemaking/ Nesting, Homeostasis, Hydration, Hyperactivity, Improving Worldview, Letting Go (of Control), Limiting Beliefs (Overcoming), Live and Let Live, Loss (Understanding / Acceptance), Luck, Male Fertility, Manifestation, Material Gain, Material Goods, Material Stability, Memory (Improving), Mental Health/ Stability/ Equilibrium, Milk Production, Narrative Shifting (Positively), Negative States / Thinking, Nourishment, Overcoming (Guilt, Shame), Overcoming (Resistance, Fear, Adversity), Parenting, Patience, Prosperity, Recovery, Releasing, Rest / Relaxation, Safe-Keeping, Scarcity Mentality (Overcoming), Self-Care, Self-Discovery, Self-Worth, Soul Retrieval, Stress Reduction, Sweetness, Teaching, The Secret, Uplifting, Wealth, Wisdom, Wise in Defeat, Work-Life Balance
Mercury in Virgo is a taskin’ and chorin’ POWERHOUSE, rivaling even prescription meds for focus and productivity. It’s also excellent for money drawing and magically troubleshooting electronics.
Achievement, Acquisition, Analytics, Attention to Detail, Bandwidth (Increasing), Buying / Selling, Chores / Errands, Cleaning / Tidying, Commerce, Compartmentalization, Competence, Composure, Dexterity, Editing, Energizing, Engineering, Executive Function, Financial Planning, Finding Solutions, Focus, Hard Conversations, Hygiene, Hyperactivity, Leveling Up, Logistics, Luck, Making Progress, Management, Mastery, Material Gain, Material Goods, Minimalism, Motivation, Multi-Tasking, Nootropic, Optionality, Organization, Perfection (Making / Being), Pivoting, Positive Redirection, Precision, Problem Solving, Productivity, Quickness, Sales, Scholarship, Small Talk / Conversation, Social Media, Stimulating, Teaching, Test Taking, To Do Lists, Travel, Troubleshooting / Repairing Electronics, Way Finding, Work Ethic
Venus at Her very best, without a care in the world aside from Her own pleasure and contentment! The ultimate in relaxation, letting go, and letting live. Easy going, smooth, and utterly divine (with or without company!).
Acceptance, Anxious States, Aphrodisiac, Arts / Crafts, Babies and Children, Beauty, Bonding / Secure Attachment, Chill, Classic Femininity, Compliments (Receiving), Cooling, Dancing, Depressive States, Divine Feminine, Embodiment, Emotional Health/ Stability/ Equilibrium, Enjoyment, Enrichment, Female Hormonal Regulation, Fertility, Forgiveness, Free Stuff (Getting), Gentleness, Gifts (Receiving), Glamour, Good Fortune, Good Vibes, Grief Support, Harmony, Hydration, Improving Worldview, Intimacy, Letting Go (of Control), Libidinal Support, Limiting Beliefs (Overcoming), Live and Let Live, Love, Magnetism, Material Gain, Material Goods, Music, Negative States / Thinking, Nourishment, Overcoming (Guilt, Shame), Parenting, Patience, Play, Pleasure, Poetry, Positive Redirection, Postpartum, Prosperity, Recovery, Releasing, Rest / Relaxation, Safe-Keeping, Seduction, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Self-Love, Self-Worth, Softening the Heart, Soul Retrieval, Stress Reduction, Sweetness, Tips (Increasing), Trip Support (Hallucinogens), Upgrades, Wellbeing
Unrivaled in magical applications, this Lunar series is ideal for practitioners of witchcraft, seership, and spell casting, as well as those looking to mine the depths of the feminine mysteries. It is also excellent for exploring emotional foundations and re-parenting, for those stable and serious enough to engage on the deepest of levels.
Acquisition, Animals (Drawing), Cooling, Divine Favor / Intervention, Divine Feminine, Embodiment, Emotional Attachments, Emotional Availability, Emotional Processing, Female Hormonal Regulation, Fertility, Finding the Root Cause, Foundational Issues, Gentleness, Giving / Receiving Care, Growth, Homemaking/ Nesting, Housing (Finding, Keeping), Hydration, Intuition, Kids (Drawing), Magical Speech, Magnetism, Manifestation, Material Gain, Material Goods, Matrilineal Healing/ Connection, Memory (Improving), Milk Production, Nourishment, Openness, Pleasure, Re-Mothering, Re-Parenting, Rest / Relaxation, Safe-Keeping, Seduction, Self-Care, Self-Worth, Shadow Work / Exploration, Sleep, Softening the Heart, Soul Retrieval, Sweetness, The Secret, Unmet Needs, Wild Abandon, Women (Improving Relationships with)
- Deneb Algedi II: Fixed star conjunct Jupiter. Boundary reinforcement, energetic Sovereignty, warding. Protection against predatory energies and individuals, especially during times of vulnerability. Bringing true Justice via the favor and ethical conduct of those in Power. “Adulting” and promoting right-behavior in the self and others (kids and co-workers included). Wealth generation.
- Venus’ Aerial Delight: Venus in Libra (Air of Venus). Lightening the load — emotionally, physically, mentally, and otherwise. Promoting joy and release of worries/ consternation. Stress and anxiety reduction. Romance and chivalry, the cultivation of Elven charm and a light, easy manner. Eirene for diplomatic gravitas and supreme balance, providing more scaffolding and guidance than the base series.
- Regulus III: Gaining attention in non-thirsty, yet shiny ways. Cultivating extroversion and charisma through highlighting one’s virtues. Promotions, recognition, the favor of those in power. Self-love and self-acceptance (requires less “inner work” than Sol materia (Golden, Exalted) — use before events where you need to appear your most brilliant and best!)
- Quicksilver Tongue: Saraswati yoga (configuration of Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter) for skill in the Arts, cultivation of creativity, and socializing. Great for solo application and socializing/ parties. Promotes talking and fun conversation. Time warping.
- Jupiter’s Empyreal Vantage: Jupiter in Pisces (Water of Jupiter). Gold label/ Empyreal Vantage subset for increasing and elevating creative energy (in the “prolific masculine” archetypal sense) + becoming Zeus-like. That includes the Tincture (it was mis-labeled). Cloud Kingdom/ blue label for energetic insulation, management of anxious sensations, and unwinding/ de-stressing.
- Saturn in Capricorn: Cultivating anti-fragility, maturity, and a long-term perspective. Boundaries, binding, and the Saturnian-like. Golden Gator and Golden GOAT subsets aid in achievement and performance.
- Exalted Sol: Championship, self-cultivation and self-authoring, big achievement energy. Martial and Solar support in one.
- Immortal Heart: Grief support, therapeutic support, addressing and intercepting Samskaras (before they embed themselves), re-Mothering, emotional comfort, emotional healing.
- Hermanubis II: Communicating with the Dead (Ancestors or otherwise!), thinning the veil, necromantic operations.
- The Ancestral Series: Ancestral healing and veneration, ancestral magic, comforting, empowering, and channeling loved ones, magic via the class of spirits we call the Dead.
Astrology Based
Are you trying to address natal chart placements or remediate a transit? To approach things this way is more complicated and case by case, so prepare to venture into the deeps…
One school of talismanic thought is that if you have a difficult Mars (in Cancer, for instance), you shouldn’t use exalted Mars to fix it because the results can be unpredictable.
That may be true with a forever metal talisman to be worn on your person, but talismanic materia is a different animal because it can be used in so many ways. The relationship is more transient and circumstantial.
Lighting Exalted Mars incense and making prayers and propitiations to Mars will not only please him (which is a form of remediation), you’ll also gain insight into how “proper” Mars should feel during that ritual moment. Such passing applications can help you sort through your tangled Mars wires and think on how to do it more effectively.
And regardless of where your natal Mars is, if you want to do Mars MAGIC, there is no better charged source than the Degree of Exaltation series. Putting that out into the world will deliver pure Mars-y results, because that’s just what it does.
The argument could be made that it’s safer to get your Mars magic off of someone else than to make it yourself if you have a weak or difficult Mars in your natal, especially if you’re a beginner or haven’t done a lot of development in that sphere.
I have a “bad” 12th house fallen Sun in Libra, and the Regulus series has been tremendously medicinal for me, so I’m not entirely sold on the idea that direct remediation doesn’t work.
My suspicion is that it helps to use a fixed star that runs a similar charge to a planet, rather than the planet itself (Sun in Aries, for instance), since it’s less of a direct confrontation between the natal energy and the charge, but still clarifies and benefits similar channels and topics. Using fixed stars for remediation could be a direct planetary “hack” in that sense.
But here’s the thing — at the end of the day, so much of magic is trial and error, and trusting your intuition. If you are curious about a series but concerned about whether it would be good for you, turn to whatever form of divination you work with and check in about it. Connect with the item through the screen and try to psychically feel it. Does it productively resonate? It’s all about trusting your inner guidance and coming in eyes open.
Which brings us to the second question, which is — do I offer consultations? The answer is no. Why? Because it puts the onus of a personal decision on a third party, and it’s important that your will is the primary drive behind any magically involved act (and ideally any act).
While Austin Coppock is in the business of teaching people how to fish, Sphere + Sundry is in a strange middle realm where we are offering people fish and include recipes (instructions, prayers, suggested times for working) for grilling those babies up. Whether you choose to follow our recipe or deviate is your own call.
Once we put a package in the mail, these items are no longer ours. They are yours, and it is up to you to navigate their appropriate use and get the best results. If I recommend something specific to someone in a consultation, and they receive the fish but don’t cook it how I recommended, I’m not responsible for their bad result.
It’s like when people rate recipes online and give something 3 stars, but then go on to talk about all the deviations they made. They didn’t rate the original recipe, they rated their Franken-one. It’s too easy when someone else makes a recommendation to misdirect blame and responsibility, when really your magic is a personal matter. You know yourself and your path better than an outside consultant, as helpful as their advice and guidance may be at various points along the way.
Real magic is volatile, and there are usually some weird side effects to dealing with new energies, whether positive or negative. There can be “healing crisis” types of reactions when you begin a course of remediation, or when magic comes into your world. It starts changing things — because it’s real, and it works.
Our offerings are designed to be helpful and provide as much of a safety net as possible, but at the end of the day it’s still your job to use them in a way that is productive for you, and do the Work. Working with these energies will change and evolve you for the better, if you go with the process, but the middle of that process isn’t always pretty or easy. Magic is always self-development in that sense.
Selecting the Form
Returning to the primary topic of choosing which offerings and their form, that is entirely up to your habits, objectives, and preference. Once you’ve picked the series, consider what you would like to accomplish with the charge and the types of materials you already enjoy working with — that will point to the vehicle that would best suit you.
Forms Comparison
Each base-form has qualities it brings to bear in addition to the charge captured by the operation, which is one of the dynamic aspects of creating talismanic materia, as opposed to a more classical talisman. For instance:
- Waters are clarifying and act instantly, but they also “wear off” the most quickly, like drying off after a shower. For fast energetic shifts, state re-orientation, and emotional intervention, the waters are a phenomenally convenient energy hack in the day to day. They can be used pre-ritual to attune the self, prime the vessel and space, but they really shine for their daily practical applications.
- Oils and oil based perfumes can take a little bit longer to kick in and are gentler than waters initially, but have longer staying power. Oils and Waters can be used together to jump-start a charge while adding sustain, perfect for all-day (or night!) support during long engagements. Oils are lubricating and nourishing, and can be used to anoint the self, objects, feed talismans, and in spellwork.
- Candles are warming, illuminating, and activating. They provide a powerful background charge to assist in controlling the psychic and energetic atmosphere in support of your activities, whether that means lighting a Venus candle at family gatherings to keep the peace (or during romantic encounters), an Asclepius candle during convalescence to create a healing atmosphere, or burning an Aldebaran candle while whipping up a sigil shoal. They are wonderful to burn for routine planetary rituals during planetary days and hours, especially as a substitute if the planet is not doing “well” by transit at the time.
- Incenses work similarly to Waters in that they clear energies and re-orient the stage in accord with their purpose, but are more yang and activating, sometimes inducing trance. They make wonderful offerings for spirits, Gods, and the planetary and stellar powers they serve. They can be used during ritual and to activate sigil shoals, vision boards, and for consecrating items of power. They can also be used on oneself in the form of a smoke bath, to clear and prime the aura in accord with their purpose, resetting the mental state and removing that which does not serve.
- Honeys are sweetening, useful in love magic, relationship repair, casting glamours, winning affection, and promoting good will. They’re also useful for beautification.
- Powders are most often used as components of spellwork. They can be used to dress candles, add to mojo bags and other fetishes, mix with dirts, etc. Sphere + Sundry powders are pure and uncut herbs, gemstones, metals, and resin, mixed during the core operation and later ground during appropriate planetary days and hours. They can be mixed with talcum powder or corn starch to create one’s own sachet powders.
- Salt is purifying, warding, and also energetically absorbent. It can be used to clear the auric field or spaces. Taking pre or post ritual salt baths, or bathing as a form of remediation on the right planetary days and/ or hours is an excellent practice. The bath salts can also be used as needed to help course correct overwhelmed or negative states, in addition to preparing for what one has on the horizon, for instance taking a Deneb Algedi bath the night before a court appearance. The salts can also be added to floor washes for use in physical space.
- Ritual inks can be used for drawing sigils, writing on paper talismans, automatic drawing and writing, and creating art.
If anointing stuff is your thing and you like oils, go with that. If you are a fan of candle magic and want to light it every week and say the Orphic Hymn during the hour of X for remediation, or even devote a single candle to one big spellworking and dedicate the full charge, choose a candle. If you want to make convenient applications, perhaps daily, a spray may be the best option.
Take the time to read the category descriptions for each form and series — more than enough information is provided to orient you. (The Coppocks have been lovingly described as “long-form” )
You don’t have to follow a purely planetary magic protocol with these items, either. Feel free to throw the recipe booklet out and adapt them to fit your model and methods. The magic will work anyway, because the items themselves have already been charged. You can be as active or passive with them as you like, they’ll work however you engage them.
In that way, you can use these items as components in whatever your style of magic is to boost the signal, even if you don’t do classical planetary workings.
If you are a witch who wants to do love or glamour magic and you already use incense, you may want to grab some from the Venus in Libra series. The Venusian charge will further empower your work and add more magic to the mix, and you don’t have to alter your methods in any manner.
So in short — we are helpful fishmongers offering only the highest quality goods, but it is up to you to determine which fish you want to go with, and how you want to cook it. I, for one, hope it’s the best meal of your life!
*also an appropriately qualified medical professional, disclaimer, disclaimer, blah, blah, blah
Comments (3)
What would be a good remediation for Mars going retro this year with natal Mars in Gemini 12th at 29 degrees?
I see you still have something available in the Mars in Scorpio series, but would it be better to focus on cooling, anti Mars strategies instead? I’m wrapping up a vary conflict driven Mars ruled Scorpio profection year, intensified with the nodes in Scorpio/Taurus. The Deneb Algedi has been exceptional for these transits, just wondering if I should try working directly with Mars. -
Hi! I just ordered several of your oils. I can be a bit impulsive. I wanted to go back and look at the election charts. I can only find the comments: located in image gallery. Can you help me find the image gallery? Thanks!
Hello Karen! If you go to any individual offering’s page in the series, the image will be in the gallery. To see the electional chart, click on the picture icons or the main visible image and scroll or arrow through them with your keyboard : )