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On the Sun’s Fall in Libra, and Taking Our Astro-Magical Vitamins

On the Sun’s Fall in Libra, and Taking Our Astro-Magical Vitamins
October 13, 2019 Kaitlin Coppock

On the Sun's Fall in Libra + Taking Our Astro-Magical Vitamins

This was posted to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter on October 13th, 2019.

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The photo above is a throwback to the Sol in Leo operation, created during one of the shining electional moments of the Sun’s time in Leo, 2019…

The Sun is currently passing by its maximum degree of Fall (the 19th of Libra) — the single worst degree of the entire 360 for any planet or luminary, based on the qualities of the sign and how they benefit or harm the objectives and functions of the body in question. This is always exactly opposite the degree of Exaltation.

The Sun has difficulty functioning in air signs because of their multitudinous, temperate, and back and forth nature. It finds its Detriment in Aquarius, whose classical Saturnian rulership limits its ability to beam and brighten, and its Fall in Libra, whose Venus ruled, harmonizing and conciliatory nature makes it difficult for the Self to rise above the relational Other.

Libra is also notoriously indecisive, which is at odds with the Sun’s role as the maximal point of unification and embodied, confident leadership, not just externally, but within our own selves and natal charts.

The talismanic art in astrology is the ability to capture charges at their most desirable. I’ve referred to it before in the context of catching snowflakes, but canning metaphors work equally as well. We harvest when the harvest is good, and preserve things at the peak of their ripeness, so we can continue enjoying the fruits (or vegetables!) of those labors all year round. An entire lifetime, in the case of metal and stone.

The use of high quality astrological materia can be viewed through the lens of supplementation. Maybe we’re treating chronic conditions in the natal chart, often presented in terms of “remediation”.

Having the Sun in its Fall in my own chart, for instance, I’m perpetually Solar deficient, so using Regulus and Sol materia has proved deeply therapeutic and beneficial. I use it on Sundays as a form of ongoing attunement, or whenever I feel negative Libran instincts activate for a little course correction.

[Related: True vs. False Light, Being a Weirdo, and the 12th House in Modern Times]

But we can also treat acute conditions such as transits, where we can’t draw strength or magic from a planet or luminary given its current condition. Libra season is basically Seasonal Affective Disorder for all Solar concerns, so performing Solar rituals and magic alone likely won’t yield good results, and isn’t recommended.

It’s better under transiting conditions like these to supplement with the energies of Sol from its Aries or Leo harvest, instead of asking the Sun to provide what it isn’t under right conditions to offer. That’s one of the ways talismanic materia truly, well… it shines.

Take your magical vitamins, basically. As the testimonials on each offering’s page readily attest, you just may find it life-changing

Solar Supplementation + Remediation via Sol in Leo

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    Golden Oil of Sol

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    A blend of organic safflower and jojoba oils ritually imbued to talismanic standard on a carefully selected Sol in Leo election, complete with Jupiterian and Lunar support. Dried sunflower harvested during the day and hour of the Sun during Sol's time in Leo 2019, cedar, saffron, bay laurel, ginger, sweet cinnamon, rue, orange, clove, bloodstone, heliotrope, 24k gold, and more. Anoint the heart, third eye, crown of the head, or elsewhere to better embody your authentic self, build deeper and truer self-confidence, and purify the heart-mind-spirit complex. Healing, illuminating, warming, and uplifting. Can also be used to feed Solar talismans and items of power. Apply before going on stage, to elevate melancholic states, and to gain greater perspective. Great for self-reflection and meditation practices, as well as worldly success. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $72 (with an optional Dropper Cap Kit), or 10 ml roll-on w/ aventurine rollerball for $58 (sold out)
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    Powder of Golden Sol

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    A combination of herbs and gems under the governance and accord of Sol, with Jupiterian emphasis — sunflower harvested during the hour and day of the Sun was dried and ritually consecrated during the series election, alongside cedar, saffron, bay laurel, ginger, sweet cinnamon, rue, orange, clove, hibiscus, bloodstone, ruby, heliotrope, ultra fine Hojari frankincense, and 24k gold. These were ground during the Sun's day and hour, making for a pure and uncut powder of great Solar potency. Dress candles, sprinkle in carefully selected areas, use as an ingredient in your regular spellwork, or in any way magical powders can be employed. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30
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    Sun in Leo Talismans

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    Resident Sphere + Sundry goldsmith and 5-star AstroMage Tony Mack offers to the Sol in Leo series custom designed talismans  —

    Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and cast in molten metal on August 9th, 2019 at 6:10AM EST in Williamsport PA, during the planetary hour of the Sun; accompanied by a solar petition and suffumigation of frankincense, cinnamon, sunflower, and celandine.

    An 18k gold blazing sun, conjoined with an electrum (an 80/20 alloy of gold and silver) frame depicting our star ascending over the horizon. The heart of the sun is set with a 1.5ct ruby. The reverse side of the talisman is engraved with the planetary characters of the Sun as depicted in Arabic manuscripts of the Ghayat Al Hakim [Picatrix].

    Mr. Mack's preliminary findings —

    The Sol in Leo talismans made space for a number of bird of prey synchronicities, beginning with a pair of hawks (the animal totem for the Sol in Leo series, featured upon The Golden Sovereign label) driving crows over my home in the morning hours following the casting (a scene which the talismans had a view of as they lay in a brass bowl under the sunlight post-casting).

    My most immediate, embodied experience of the talismans was an awareness and correction of my breathing; which in turn reoriented my attention, put a bit more light behind my eyes and elevated my present experience - rather obvious; though I’d been unconsciously running on shallow breath, and I’d receive a nudge until this was remediated as I proceeded putting the finishing work/stone setting to the talismans.

    In the days following the election I was contacted by a handful of clients, some familiar and some new acquaintances regarding not-explicitly-astrological metalwork; each of their projects connected either directly or indirectly to the Egyptian Horus. I'm thrilled with my experience with the Sol in Leo’s while they were at my bench, as well as with the opportunities that have presented themselves in their wake...

    Nine talismans are being offered to the public. Each comes with a 20” silver chain and arrives in a gold foiled and latched pendant box, marked by a golden wax seal featuring a Sun in Leo glyph for easy identification. Includes a vial of Oil of Golden Sol for charging and feeding. Available as an optional add-on to each full Sol in Leo box set. Available for $1,800
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    Candles of Golden Sol

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    Virgin yellow beeswax was poured over consecrated Sol in Leo herbal mix during a prime Sun in Leo election, making for talismanic candles perfectly at home upon success altars. Burn to call Solar spirits to attention, during meditation and self-reflection, or while engaged in spellwork for compatible self-actualizing and illuminating aims. Available in a 2 oz glass container for $84, or a 12 oz for $162
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    Golden Sol Self-Igniting Incense

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    A combination of herbs and gems under the governance and accord of Sol, with Jupiterian emphasis for increased luck and support — sunflower harvested during the hour and day of the Sun was dried and ritually consecrated during the series election, alongside cedar, saffron, bay laurel, ginger, sweet cinnamon, rue, orange, clove, hibiscus, bloodstone, ruby, heliotrope, ultra fine Hojari frankincense, and 24k gold. These were finely ground and made into a self-igniting incense blend during the Sunday following the election, in the hour of the Sun. Pure, uncut, and organic herbs, gemstones, and flowers. Burn during Solar rites, or those for purification, healing, inspiration, and wholeness. Take a whole-body smoke bath to support self-development, greater embodiment, and self-actualization, or use during meditation. Use to clear away negative, limiting, or melancholic energies. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30
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    Water of Golden Sol

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    Water freshly collected from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta, distilled via copper alembic from one hour of the Sun to the next on the day of the election. A combination of herbs and gems under the governance and accord of Sol, with Jupiterian emphasis — sunflower, cedar, saffron, bay laurel, ginger, sweet cinnamon, rue, orange, clove, hibiscus, bloodstone, ruby, heliotrope, and colloidal gold. The result is an uplifting and warming hydrosol, honoring the Sun's invigorating, purifying nature. Use as a body or aura spray as an invocation of the Sun and authentic self, to help uplift, heal, clarify, and bring about better alignment. Can also be used as a room and linen spray to prepare for ritual operations of a Solar nature. Available in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle with 24k gold leaf for $30, or a 2 oz for $66
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    Oil Lamps of Golden Sol

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    Inspired by a workshop given by Professor Charles Porterfield on conjure lamps in the hoodoo tradition at the Viridis Genii Symposium 2019, glass vessels were suffumigated and filled with consecrated Sol in Leo herbal mix before being filled with golden, odorless, and clean burning paraffin lamp oil during the height of the election. Contents include, among other high quality ingredients, sunflower harvested during the day and hour of the Sun, bay laurel, saffron, ginger, bloodstone, heliotrope, cedar, frankincense, and 24k gold. As taught by the charisma-laden conjureman, the light (and shadow) from lamps (and candles, no doubt) can be guided with the use of mirrors to shine in certain directions, upon photographs or specific items for additional magical utility. It was this point in particular that inspired the idea that such light could also be used to feed, magnify, and activate talismans, and experiments since have successfully confirmed that suspicion! A benefit oil lamps in particular possess over candles is that they can be eternally refilled, vastly increasing the span of their application and usefulness. Burn as you would a candle to invoke the Sun in Leo's light. Keep on altars for success, fame/ reputation, healing, or personal meditation. Shine the light on Solar talismans and implements to empower, activate, and magnify their charge. These particular lamps are round in honor of Sol, appearing from the top as the Sun's glyph itself. Comes with a 6" tall glass chimney for increased safety and protection against wind. Keep on a stable, flat surface, do not jostle, and never burn unattended. Only 6 oil lamps were created during the Sol in Leo series election, 4 of which are being offered to the public. Available for $360 All due praise + thanks to Prof. Porterfield for being a source of illumination and inspiration 🙌
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    The Golden Sovereign

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    In memoriam of the much beloved Heart of the Lion, Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab ritually crafted a limited edition perfume oil during the Golden Sol series election. Of it, she shares —

    There’s a quote that floats around the internet periodically, attributed to Gianni Versace: In the past, people were born royal. Nowadays, royalty comes from what you do. Whether or not this is a legitimate quote, the sentiment perfectly encapsulates the essence of the Golden Sovereign. We are all born with access to our own kingdoms, and it’s up to each of us to expand that kingdom to the benefit of all, to rule benevolently, and to use our power to not only lift ourselves up, but to lift up those around us - especially those who are not empowered to help themselves.

    This is an oil of power, but specifically it is an oil of power accumulated and wielded benevolently. It amplifies charisma, heals while providing healing to those in your sphere, amplifies authority, and brings opportunities for you to use your personal power to commit acts of true generosity, kindness, and compassion.

    The Golden Sovereign helps you to accumulate a bounty of resources and reserves to sustain and enrich you, so you can comfortably share the bounty of your good fortune with others.

    This is your kingdom; govern it with kindness and love. Be royal – not only because of who you are, but because of what you do.

    Honeyed amber with 24k gold leaf, organic Atlas cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) and organic Western red cedar (Thuja plicata) essential oils, two organic frankincense essential oils (Boswellia carteri and Boswelia serrata), organic bay laurel essential oil (Laurus nobilis), organic bergamot essential oil (Citrus bergamia), organic clove bud essential oil (Syzygium aromaticum), chips of Baltic amber, bee pollen, saffron (Crocus sativus), whole wild-harvested cedar berries (Juniperus monosperma), organic chamomile flowers (Matricaria recutita), organic cloves (Syzygium aromaticum), calamus root (Acorus calamu), sunflower oil, single-origin olive oil, Ethiopian frankincense tears (Boswellia papyrifera), Baltic amber chips, and rue (Ruta graveolens), Mexican marigold (Tagetes erecta), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), bay leaf (Laurus nobilis) and angelica root (Angelica archangelica) that have all been harvested from the TAL garden on the day and hour of Sol, plus some heliotrope harvested on the day and hour of Sol from Lilith’s best friend’s parents’ garden. Whew!

    PLEASE NOTE: this oil is not vegan.

    Available for $45

Solar Supplementation + Remediation via the Fixed Star Regulus

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    Regulus Oil II

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    In a similar formulation to our first Regulus oil, organic sunflower and apricot kernel oils were ritually poured over the Regulus herbal mix containing the main ingredients associated with our patron Royal Star. These include celandine, mugwort, wormwood, and mastic, along with proprietary additions of saffron, frankincense, 24k gold, bee pollen, yellow trumpet flower, dandelion root, chrysanthemum, eyebright, red ginseng, and other herbs associated with personal empowerment, light, and Solar beneficence. Created as the Moon conjoined Regulus on the rising, in the hour of Jupiter, along with a natural preservative. Anoint your heart center or other areas of the body to invoke Regulus’ influence and aid, especially before public or important appearances. Can also be used in weekly Solar devotions, or as a component in other magical works for sympathetic ends. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with 24k gold, saffron, and 6 pieces of keepsake garnet, marked by hand drawn Regulus glyph. $72
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    Regulus Candles II

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    Virgin beeswax dyed rich yellow, poured over mugwort, wormwood, and mastic, topped with 24k gold and six garnets, in a similar style to the Regulus candles from the maiden series. The tall style contains approximately 8 ounces of wax and is almost 8" tall x 2" in diameter, perfect for short and routine ritual observations or multi-day vigils. Available in glass jars marked on the bottom with hand drawn golden Regulus glyph. Prayer candle style for $168, or 2 oz for $90
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    Regulus Water II

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    A hydrosol of blood orange, mugwort, mastic, bee pollen, yellow flower, red ginseng, and garnet. Distilled using water collected from the headwaters of the Sacramento River in Mt. Shasta as the Moon conjoined Regulus on the rising, in the hour of Jupiter, and left to bask upon the Regulus altar in the warm glow of Cœur Leonis. Combined with colloidal gold, frankincense essential oil, and grain alcohol to preserve. Spray to invoke the blessings and qualities of Regulus, to restore your sense of self, before making public appearances, or in magical operations of a Solar and beneficent nature. Available in a reusable glass spray bottle with keepsake garnet and hand drawn Regulus glyph. 1/2 oz for $30 or 2 oz for $63
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    Regulus Talismans II

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    Regulus talismans by goldsmith and planetary mage Tony Mack, cast during the equivalent election per his location. Of his glorious creations, he shares —

    Modeled in hard carver’s wax on January 22nd, 2019 at 7:27pm EST in Williamsport PA; accompanied by a petition to the Heart of the Lion, and suffumigation of celandine, mugwort, and wormwood; the corresponding herbs for Regulus via “Liber Hermetis tractans de 15 Stellis”, and H.C. Agrippa.

    A pure gold lion’s head likens to a blazing star, conjoined with electrum (an 80/20 alloy of gold and silver) wreath of laurel framing the symbol of Regulus. Equal parts of the aforementioned herbs were placed behind the eyes of the lion before being hammer-set in place. A high grade 1 carat garnet is prong-set into the heart of Regulus.

    On the effects —

    I began to notice ritual bleed as soon as the date had been set, starting with my being gifted two 80lb stone lions - which became a recurring theme. The hour leading up to the election carried with it tremendous momentum; culminating in an unusual/ moving silence. The words I had prepared gave way to a more fluid and emotive petition, and the entire operation became heart-centered in a way I hadn’t anticipated.

    These talismans have a brilliant and warm presence. Like a lantern hung in the heart’s cathedral, from which you can orient or install yourself and shine forth from. There is a very particular courage that wells up, and a benefic desire for the heart to be shown. An expression which won’t diminish or augment itself for fear of the vulnerability that visibility necessarily entails.

    The effects have been received very well; and acting upon those desires has been rewarding, including being gifted 1.5 ounces of gold as a direct consequence of the working. I’m still attuning with the talisman, but it’s already more than I hoped it would be, and in a pleasantly unexpected way.

    Ten talismans are being offered to the public. Each comes with a 20” silver chain and arrives in a black leatherette latched pendant box, marked by the wax seal of Cœur Leonis' glyph. Includes a 1/2 oz vial of Regulus Oil to fuel its charge and directions for maintenance. $1600
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    Regulus Bath Salts II

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    Pink Himalayan salt and epsom salt, ritually combined with consecrated Regulus herbal mix, dried flower petals, essential oils, and 24k gold as the Moon conjoined Regulus on the ascendant, in the hour of Jupiter. The water becomes soft... energetically warm, as if being immersed in reassurance from a most beloved familiar. The constitution of the soul is restored. The narrator discloses: This is my very favorite offering from all of Regulus II. Soak to calm and center yourself in your own power. Cleanses the auric body of debilitating notions, soothes muscle tension, invites deeper breathing. Use to clear away self-doubt and anxiety, especially in regards to public appearances or putting yourself out into the world. Helps alleviate melancholy and heal the heart, restoring a sense of secure selfhood, ease, and possibility. Welcomes deep rest. It's almost painful to watch it go down the drain. Highly concentrated. Available in a reusable 8 oz glass jar marked by hand drawn Regulus glyph, enough for 2-3 deep baths, or many more via the principle of contagion. Please Note: Due to high magnesium content, do not use in cases of kidney failure, or if kidney issues present. Lift yourself out of the bathtub carefully, and drink plenty of water. $36
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    Regulus Powder II

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    Customary material and herbs associated with Regulus include mugwort, mastic, garnet, wormwood, and celandine. These, along with frankincense, 24k gold, saffron, chrysanthemum, yellow trumpet flower, calendula, dandelion root, orange peel, red ginseng, and other plants allied to the powers of empowerment, light, and leadership, were ritually suffumigated, consecrated, and mixed as the Moon conjoined Regulus on the rising, in the hour of Jupiter. Use as an ingredient to empower magical works, add to mojo bags, dress candles, or in any other way magical powders can be employed. Pure herbs and resin, completely uncut. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with hand drawn Regulus glyph for $30
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    Regulus Self-Igniting Incense II

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    Customary material and herbs associated with Regulus include mugwort, mastic, garnet, wormwood, and celandine. These, along with frankincense, 24k gold, saffron, chrysanthemum, yellow trumpet flower, calendula, dandelion root, orange peel, red ginseng, and other plants allied to the powers of empowerment, light, and leadership, were ritually suffumigated, consecrated, and mixed as the Moon conjoined Regulus on the rising, in the hour of Jupiter. Pour into a small mound or form lines and sigils on a heat proof surface before lighting. Burn as an offering to Regulus, to invoke the Royal Star's influence, or during other magical operations intended for self-promotion, self-actualization, success, or explorations of a heart-centered, empowering nature. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30
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    Lion-Heart Regulus Talismans II

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    Clay was rolled with 24k gold, mastic, wormwood, mugwort, and yellow trumpet flower before being cut into disks. One side was impressed with the form of a lion, a piece of garnet in place of a heart and gold leaf as the mane. The other side showcases the glyph of Regulus, making for the exact same design as the sold out first series. These were then cured in an infusion of the herbal mixture consecrated to Regulus, setting the election at the prime moment of maximal influence. Keep on your person to command authority and output shine, the closer to the heart the better, whether in a shirt pocket or tucked within the left side of a brassier. Can also be placed within, behind, or underneath items such as business licenses, logos, artworks, or whatever your heart desires to use as an engine for magical prominence, empowerment, and promotion. Every talisman includes a vial of Regulus Oil for ongoing maintenance of its charge. Please note: Do not apply the anointing tincture to these talismans, as they will weaken the clay. Attempts to bend may result in snapping, so please handle with reasonable care. $189
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    Regulus Stickers

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    An image dedicated to Regulus created by Grant Hanna for his forthcoming oracle deck, the Liber Celestis. This sticker is 2” wide and 4” tall, featuring extra space on the bottom which can be used by the client to make their own additions of logo, text, or sigil (or is easily trimmed). Contains no branding or business names, simply displays the image. Limited to 360 prints, each available for $6
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    Heart of the Lion

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    Handcrafted by Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, she says of her creation —

    One fine morning, in the country of a very gentle people, a magnificent man and woman were shouting in the public square. “My friends, I want her to be queen!” “I want to be queen!” She was laughing and trembling. He spoke to their friends of revelation, of trials completed. They swooned against each other.

    In fact they were regents for a whole morning as crimson hangings were raised against the houses, and for the whole afternoon, as they moved toward groves of palm trees.

    - Arthur Rimbaud

    Heart of the Lion is a perfume of recognition, accolades, and sovereignty. It amplifies charisma, courage, strength of spirit, and nobility of the soul, helps you to achieve your ambitions, and magnifies benevolent power. A dry, astringent, warming blend, it is perfect for warming others to you, reaching for promotions and acknowledgement of your achievements, dispelling despair and melancholy, and expanding the borders of your personal kingdom. This oil is your crown, scepter and orb; it is a radiant golden diadem of compassionate authority.

    Initial consecration of this perfume began on January 22, 2019 during the election in the hour of Jupiter, and it contains Egyptian frankincense essential oil (Boswellia serrata), mugwort essential oil (Artemisia alba), dry distilled fossilized amber oil (Oleum succinic), ylang ylang essential oil (Cananga odorata), white champa essential oil (Michelia alba), helichrysum, attar of oud, attar of Rosa damascena, golden vegetal musk, omubiri and frankincense resin, wild harvested Artemesia vulgaris. Each bottle contains garnet and citrine chips, and may contain plant material and resins.

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    Regulus Attuning Tincture II

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    Cognac is a distillation of Champagne, a beverage long associated with Kingship, wealth, and opulence, whose bubbles impart a quality of literal effervescence and therefore elevation. This was used as the tincture base from a high-end, well regarded manufacturer, combined with mugwort, mastic, wormwood, and honey as the Moon conjoined Regulus on the rising, in the hour of Jupiter. Available in a 1/2 oz dropper bottle with 24k gold and keepsake garnet for $30 Please Note: This was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user's sole risk and liability.

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