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Regulus Oil
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  • Regulus Oil
    100%  Sold Out

Regulus Oil

Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Regulus II ☀️

Sunflower and apricot kernel oil were joined with mugwort, yellow trumpet flower, helichrysum, turmeric, mastic, and garnet, along with other sympathetic ingredients to the fixed star Regulus, on the night of May 21st 2018. This election saw the moon and star conjoined on the MC with Jupiter, co-ruler of Regulus, rising. The oil glows with a golden hue and has a healing, warming, and cohesive feel.

Regulus was petitioned and the ingredients suffumigated and combined, sealing the jar and etching the seal at the height of the election.

It was then left to incubate with the rest of the series for a full lunar cycle before pouring into individual vials, on the day and hour of the Sun, which also happened to be Father’s Day.

Available in a 1 oz glass vial with 6 garnet chips, gum mastic, yellow trumpet flower, mugwort, and genuine 24k gold leaf in each bottle. As with all Sphere + Sundry offerings, there is no branding – only glyph of Regulus handwritten in gold. Sealed to prevent leakage during transport. Includes basic instructions for use and a natural preservative to stave off oxidation.


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Spoken for... theoretically! If there is a red banner on the main image indicating this item is Out of Stock, then it is truly spoken for. Other items are just in need of bottling and will be made available at some point in the future. Join the waiting list to be notified of any restocks.

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Creation Date

Night of May 21st 2018. Moon and Regulus conjoined on the MC with Jupiter rising. Chart in the image gallery.


Gold, Yellow



Yes — Vegan


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 2.85 in
Weight 2.5 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 128 reviews
She-ra P. (Calgary, CA)
Big cat energy

I have regulus right on my ascendant which, I’m told, has an effect! For me it is not so much how it makes me feel, but rather how other people behave around me when I wear it. They are polite, nice, friendly, and keep their distance. It’s not in any way negative, just respectful. I noticed this with the powder, and the oil brings it up a notch. Total energetic reinforcement. Love it.

K.E. (Shoreline, US)
Let the sun shine

It took me a few applications to feel much from this, but it has been worth the wait. The sun is a weaker planet for me and this oil has given me much-needed solar wisdom, like that it is a far greater tragedy to hide in fear than “embarrass” yourself. That the light inside you shines regardless of outside opinion…just as the sun rises everyday ;) So great full to the solar imprints this oil has been leaving.

Micki P. (Sag Harbor, US)
Don’t Leave Home Without It

Sphere and Sundry’s Regulus materia has been a must-have in my life for years. And each iteration has its own flair. I don’t travel without it, and I always replenish when I’m running low. You never know when you’re gonna need that extra dose of command, charisma, poise, and BDE.

K.A. (Anchorage, US)
Boost of Confidence and Sunshine

As somebody with a 12H sun, working with Regulus over an extended period of time has been extremely healing. In addition to restabilizing my relationship to self and slowly building confidence over time, wearing this at community events and while releasing artistic work has attracted me attention and praise from well-known people.

Jane M. (Mount Clemens, US)
Thank you

My oils came quickly and I’m loving both fixed star oils. They smell great and make me feel even better. I decided to open them in Jupiter’s hour and day after reading the great info that came with them.

David (Redondo Beach, US)
Quite confidence- a daily fave

This is my second time purchasing this solar-esque serum and I could not be happier. The first go around I used this oil selectively but more often than I had any other S+S purchase. I loved it and wanted to try it again but this time apply it daily in hope of (from a solar point of view) feeling more seen for what I create (4th house Sun). After 2+ weeks I can confirm that I can feel my outward confidence radiating and ability to shine growing. Thank you!

Michelle C. (Alameda, US)

This oil helps me feel effortlessly confident so I can show up as my whole self. It is a little overstimulating in that I will have a hard time falling asleep that night but still worth it!

Anonymous (New York, US)
Warm and fuzzy kitty vibes

Regulus materia is one of my favorites. I can use this daily without the "sunburn" that might come from solar elections. As a Libra, solar remediation is good for me, and I find this materia very accessible. Definitely yields positive attention and admiration from others, and also helps me increase my self-confidence.

Akila S. (Romford, GB)
The Sun at the Centre of your heart

A warm, comforting and uplifting energy. My absolute favourite to wear when going out, even if only for a walk on my own. I keep a decanted bottle of this oil in my makeup bag to apply after I’m done getting myself ready and catch myself in the mirror at the end of the day admiring myself lol. I just find myself smiling and enjoying the world around me, taking it all in without feeling anxious or overwhelmed a lot more when I have it on. Very grounding. I also notice I’m a lot more social and people in general are always a lot friendlier when I have this on.

Lili H. (Sacramento, US)
When I walk in, sit up straight

On it's own, it's an oil that gives me a mature respect everywhere I go. If I dress for the part, hype myself & genuinely try- well, consider yourself charmed. I have a lion's heart but sometimes go unnoticed, this helps with bringing that heart for all to see (and appreciate!)


  1. I did manage to get my hand some OG Regulus. I find the oil to be the most raw form of vitality for me, and literally had a warming effect when I dabbed it on my chest. It’s like having a small sun glow on you (or arc reactor a la Tony Stark). The energy is fiery, and geared almost externally toward exaltation and ascension.

  2. I’ve been working on writing fiction lately and trying to improve my prose. When I started writing while wearing regulus oil, the clarity and skill level of my writing doubled in one use. I was stunned! I kept using it over the course of a few months and the visibility of my writing also increased. A lot more people were interested online in my work. I developed a bit of a following and made new friends within the writing community I’m apart of. Pretty spectacular.

    I stopped using it for a couple of months because I found the energy very FIERY and was starting to burn out. I noticed a slight decrease in attention as I continued writing without the aid of regulus oil. However, my skill level remained at a higher level, and I am still in a far superior position as a writer than I was before.

    I’m gonna start writing while wearing it again and see what happens. 🙂

    Excellent product as usual.

  3. Application over the heart for an event imparted a steady, almost unconscious confidence, whereas a direct appeal to Regulus with a dressed yellow candle resulted in a days-lingering feeling of heart expansion. <333

  4. This is probably my favorite offering of Sphere + Sundry’s so far! I wanted to wait a bit before giving my review to make sure I’d had plenty of chances to use the oil and see how it worked for me. Well… it works beautifully!!! (And the oil itself is a warm, sparkly gold that’s lovely to behold).

    I imagine anyone using this will be delighted, but if you’re heavily ruled by Saturn (especially the Sun), I’d add this to your cabinet of special wares!!! I don’t use this too often as I like to preserve it for special social occasions where I might anticipate awkward tension or when I want a boost of confidence. Each time I’ve anointed myself with the oil, I’ve been received exceptionally well. Seriously…I was surprised by how generous some people were with me when I felt as though I carried myself in the same way I normally would. That said, I did make an effort to project the light that the oil clearly possesses and this could have translated to me carrying myself in an apparently more confident manner. The influence might feel subtle, but the results are real!

    I’ve also used it for interviews and for a couple of client encounters which all went over very well! Each time, resulting in referrals for more work, getting hired, and/or highly satisfied clients.

    Thank you for this offering <3

  5. I love this oil. Typically, I use it to anoint my head, applying it like a crown of radiance across my forehead into my hair.

    I have been using this oil to influence my current employers in their attitudes and treatment towards me. It’s wrought some powerful results. Today I had my work evaluation (first one in over 7 years). I anointed my head, as well as the paperwork I was expected to bring with me. My evaluation was glowing. My boss said doing this review made her realize exactly how good I am at my job and that they had been taking me for granted.

    I have used this oil when preparing for interviews as well as for meeting with potential customers of my art. I define my feel it imparts a “glowing” to all those endeavors – it makes me glow in their eyes.

    Thank you for this powerful tool.

  6. I feel I’ve been waiting for something ELSE to happen before writing this testimonial, but I think that part is up to me. So here it is: this oil, given to me by a dear friend, gave me the first writing idea I have been excited about in at least seven years. That may not sound like much, but if you’ve identified as a writer as your life-path, and you’ve been struggling for a while to find something worth writing about, then well, that’s huge.

    Not only that, but I believe that using this product helped me gain insight into the magical nature of writing in general, and into how previous efforts of the craft were actually successful (or unsuccessful) magical operations. Self-expression goes this way sometimes if you have basic magical knowledge and bake it into your art. So have a care and know yourself better with this Regulus Oil.

  7. I’ve been buying magical oils for nearly twenty years. Out of all those oils, Regulus has made by far the best first impression. It has a warm regal glow that amplifies and creates an inner heat as you perform the included mantra. I’ve only begun to experiment with Regulus but I am humbled by its undeniable presence.

  8. Regulus is said to dispel the melancholic humor and this oils does that. The oil itself has a yellow golden hue to it that shines even in dim light. The oil is brimming with positive energy! I have used it one one candle so far and was enthralled by the warmth the candle combo made.

    definitely try to get this oil again when there is a second run if it

  9. So far I’ve used this on yellow candles on Sundays during the hours of the Sun, with petitions to help me be more present and visible. Like all the Regulus offerings, there’s an added benefit: the glow just feels good. I know this oil will be outstanding should I ever have the need to job hunt again, and in any situation where I must exude authority or gain someone’s good favor. I really love it!

  10. I bought this oil mainly as an aid in solar remediation and for use in mundane situations. This oil is incredible! It’s benefic influence is very strong and is felt immediately, expanding and deepening over time and with continued use. It is calming, strengthening and magnanimous – bringing sunny sovereignty and confidence into the game .

    I have worn the oil in various mundane contexts and it has made quite a difference – adding charisma and star power to the proceedings. This effect has been especially noticeable in situations where I might typically be struggling with anxiety or doubt. For instance, when wearing the oil during interviews, important meetings and presentations, I have sailed right through and felt good throughout and afterwards. I have even noticed the effect when interacting with strangers – in the grocery line, on the street – when wearing the oil, people seem to treat me with more deference and amiability than might normally be the case.

    I also want to say that I really appreciate the time, energy and expertise that Sphere + Sundry has put into the informational material that came with my order, as well as all of the very useful content that is posted on the site and through social media. Suggestions for use, appropriate timing and mantras, as well as more general astrological information and advice are all made available to help one make the best use of their offerings, regardless of a customer’s previous knowledge or experience. Thanks so much, Sphere + Sundry, I will definitely be ordering again!

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