Happy 2020-is-almost-over-mas from Sphere + Sundry!
We haven’t been able to complete a full new series in time to celebrate, but we did want to offer our clients something special to mark the occasion…
Since the website has a history of crashing during launches (messing up stock tracking), in addition to safekeeping backups in case *genuinely* limited edition items break or go missing in transit, sometimes we end up with a secret stash of extra goodies.
The astromagical catacombs have been canvased, and the rest of what we currently have has been listed below. These are the exact same items created on the same elections for the same original price, they’ve just been in reserve, waiting in the wings for a moment like this.
Jupiter in Sagittarius was Sphere + Sundry’s Christmas debut last year, but half of the mulling spices were kept in the vault since we knew coming in that 2020 would be Jovially forsaken. Those are being offered now, too!
We also have a handful of Asclepius inspired candle scribes from Borealis Ironworks.
And some lingering BPALS…
And the final Venus in Taurus Powders + Incenses, which have been at long last bottled…
TWO WHOLE TALISMANS even showed up to the party!
Citrine rollerballs have been added as an option to Jupiter’s Bounty Oil, and the final Luminous Crown Bath Salts have also been made available.
Honorable seasonal mention that Jup-Juice is the smell of Christmas in a bottle, and a great way to create a warm and uplifting atmosphere to ward off the SADs.
Big holiday love from the Coppock family and the entire S+ team <3
Please note that the “One Left”, &c. banners are not going to be reflective of actual availability for long, since most of these items are single units. If you can’t add it to the cart, it is probably gone (this’ll be fun for like 5 minutes — sorry!). Ready, set, and happy grab bagging!
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Asclepius Inspired Candle Scribes
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Sold OutDouble ended Asclepius inspired candle scribes forged by the wicked talented Borealis Ironworks. Eight were created, offered for $26 each$26$26 -
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Immortal Heart Candles
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Immortal Heart, Sold OutVirgin soy wax poured over ritually consecrated herbal blend during the height of the Immortal Heart operation. The Divine Mother’s love, cast by candlelight. Burn to establish an atmosphere of emotional authenticity and safe space. Light in talks with Ancestors or other spirits of a compatible Maternal and healing nature, alongside prayers for relief and guidance. Offered as an 8 oz slim vigil for $111$111$111 -
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Asclepius III Talismans
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Asclepius III, Sold Out, Talismans + Reliquaries[sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Talismanic goldsmith and AstroMage par excellence Tony Mack returns, delivering unto Sphere + Sundry our largest run of talismans yet, designed for affordability as much as efficacy —$297Modeled in hard carver’s wax and cast on April 12, 2020 at 12:39 am EST in Williamsport Pennsylvania, moon applying within three degrees of the fixed star Rasalhague, rising on the ascendant at 22 Sagittarius. Casting was accompanied by petition and suffumigation with S+ Asclepius II incense.
Cast in fine silver with calcined cypress, sage, and cedar. One side of the coin, carved in relief, is the messenger serpent of Asclepius (who in myth placed a healing herb into the mouth of a dead snake, resurrecting it; giving Asclepius/Polyidus the knowledge to restore life to the prince Glaucus.) On the reverse is the a lyre accented with serpent motifs, framing the fixed star alpha ophiuchi; an image recognizing Asclepius as son of Apollo, and the moon’s applying trine to the sun in its exaltation at the moment of the election.
Each coin includes a keepsake box bearing the wax seal of the Asclepius rod.
To pass savings on to the client, each Asclepius talisman comes with a Rose of Jericho and instructions for recharging with it. They can also be anointed with any Asclepius oil we offer. $297$297 -
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Forged Rods of Asclepius III
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Asclepius III, Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesRe-ups of the Snake-bound rods debuted for Asclepius II, forged during the equivalent Asclepius III election per his location by sorcerous blacksmith Cody Dickerson of Borealis Ironworks. Every talismanic rod includes a vial of Asclepius III for regular anointing. Mount above doors or beds to safeguard good health and act as a protective ward, or store upon altars or under mattresses for the same purpose. Can also be successfully employed as an energetic scraping tool by skimming it across the body in ways similar to the cleansing method suggested on the Son of Apollo Kolonía page, cutting cords and reclaiming your own energetic boundaries. Text and images lifted from the initial collaboration —$130“So be Wise as Serpents, and Innocent as Doves.” — Matthew 10:16
These relics are a visceral, ferrous expression of two primary principles observed within an occult framework : Salubrity and Resolve.
The Asklepian or ‘Rod of Asclepius’ consists of the serpent and staff. The serpent here may be said to represent both perpetual renewal & healing as well as the dual nature of pharmakon as both panacea and poison. The staff reminds us that in times of great need we must be willing to be supported. Their respective forms are expressed in hand-wrought iron, born of the hammer & anvil in flickering cacophony that is the ancient and venerable craft of the smith.
Some preparation of material took place the evening prior (cutting, layout, etc.) and final preparations were made during pre-dawn hours the morning of the election. Offerings of cedar, juniper, fir pitch and several native artemisia species were burned in the forge and a fumigatory rite of cleansing took place.
Enough material was cut and prepared for the 13+ relics to be forged, the serpent and staff to be officially intertwined during the beneficent interstice of this potent election. The election allowed a small but adequate window in which the work was to take place.
It was an intense fifty minutes. I can’t recall the last time I worked with as much vehemence, but I did manage to meet our goal. And not without some violence against my own corpus for as the work concluded, I fell into an intense bout of very unpleasant nausea and vomiting, swiftly (and mercifully!) followed by a deep sense of wellness. This speaks precisely to the often purgative, sicken-ing nature of pharmakon and again -- to the dual-nature of the serpent as an embodiment of wisdom and rejuvenation.
As for the iron Asklepians and their care, I recommend only this: while the relics have been treated with a thin coating of wax, I recommend that upon receipt they are further coated in the accompanying oil formulated by Sphere + Sundry during the election, or one of your choosing, preferably that lends itself to the restorative and health-giving nature of Asclepius and the noble art of physik.
I pray these talismanic objects of virtue serve in whatever capacity you desire, be they employed as ceremonial foci or by iron’s physical touch as a means of removing illness and dis-ease, thereby exploiting iron’s capability in the eradication of foul spirit presences afflicting both body and soul.
Only 13 were forged. Offered for $130 each.$130 -
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Son of Apollo Kolonía
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Asclepius III, Kolonías, Sold Out, Son of Apollo, Waters[sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — something similar is available as part of Asclepius I.I ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Water freshly harvested from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta, combined on the Asclepius III altar with grain alcohol + colloidal gold, making for a final solution with 80% alcohol content. Mixed with Solar essential oils on the Sun's day and hour as Apollo transited his sign of his rulership, and decanted into glass woozy bottles with orifice reducers for easy application. Turkish colognes are often sprinkled upon the hands before entering one's household or business establishment, providing some natural sanitation and also a delightful scent. This can be used in such a way, or as a type of Asclepius Florida Water for energetic cleansing, drawing goodness and illumination — anytime or before ritual. Makes it difficult for nasties to glom on or penetrate the auric body. Shake well to integrate the Sol-looking drops of golden essential oil before use. Energy Clearing Protocol For energetic cleansing, sprinkle about a half teaspoon onto the palms of the hands and gently but thoroughly rub together for 10 or so seconds, coating both sides. The hands can float 2 inches from the body or be lightly touching it. Stand and run your palms from the crown of your head down the back of the head, then start from the top again, going down the front of your face and body, all the way down to the tops of your feet. If you feel any areas "sticking", continue stroking them until energies disperse, and then proceed with downward sweeping. Continue skimming from the head downward, running your cologned hands across every surface area, including under the arms, groin, and rear, concluding with the bottoms of the feet by lifting them. You can "flick" the energy off if it feels right, or it will dissipate naturally, however you prefer. Take 10-30 seconds to close your eyes and integrate the cleansing, feeling the shift, and thank Asclepius and/ or Apollo for their protection, sealing the auric body from negativity. Asclepius' Kolonía can also be used before performing reiki, energy work, or any other healing activity, on clients or loved ones. It can be done on the self, objects, or 3rd parties. Other Applications This can also be added to baths, floor washes, essential oil diffusers, or dishes of water kept at the bedside for protection. Extraordinarily versatile, effective, and p o t e n t . A little goes a long way. This listing will go quickly. Offered in a 1.7 oz glass woozy bottle for $33, or (very few) bulk 5 oz for $97$33 – $97$33 – $97 -
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Luminous Crown Bath Salts
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Bath Salts, Face + Body, Luminous Crown, Salts, Sold OutConsecrated Luminous Crown herbal blend mixed with Dead Sea salt, suffumigated with frankincense, saffron, electrum (a gold and silver alloy), and pure essential oils. Soak in the tub to diffuse limiting beliefs, dispel fear, and promote integration and embodiment. Warming, energizing, and bright. Clear away that which does not serve, especially before important life events, rituals, empowerments, and initiations. Potentiates one's ability to manifest and actualize. Add a small amount to floor washes to elevate the atmosphere of a space and clear away stagnant, dark, and low grade energies, leaving behind a high key feeling or cleanliness and fertility. Highly concentrated. Available in a reusable jar marked by the hand stamped, embossed seal of the Luminous Sovereign — enough for 2-3 deep baths, or many more via the principle of contagion. Please Note: Due to high magnesium content, do not use in cases of kidney failure, or if kidney issues present. Lift yourself out of the bathtub carefully, and drink plenty of water. Offered in an 8 oz glass bail jar $36$36$36 -
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Luminous Crown Candles
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Candles, Luminous Crown, Sold OutVirgin white beeswax poured over consecrated Luminous Crown herb and gem mix, including saltwater pearl, ruby, diamond, and saffron, super-quickly powdered and sprinkled into every mold. Each candle includes dual wicks which burn united as a single flame, representing each of the lights in their signs of exaltation, fueling united purpose. Topped or gilded with electrum, an alloy of gold and silver, the metals of Sol and Luna respectively, showcasing the same. This is the first series offering pillar candles in addition to glass jars, perfect for carving, dressing, and works of candle magic. I suggest burning them in glass containers near their size regardless, so if any wax drips down the side (see gallery), it can be used to feed the flame as it burns, rather than go to waste. Each candle is marked on the bottom with a hand stamped and embossed Luminous Crown seal. The pillars stand within 1/4" of their ideal height of 3" and 6". Unscented, burn on a firesafe surface, never leave unattended. Only half of what was poured is being offered to the public, the Luminous Crown being an exceedingly rare, highly eminent election. The slim vigil style jars seen in the photos have been paired with large Box Sets. Short pillars and 2 oz jar candles for $90, or tall pillars for $168.$88 – $168$88 – $168 -
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Mars in Scorpio Candles
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Candles, Mars in Scorpio, Sold OutRed soy wax, poured over consecrated Mars in Scorpio herbal mix during the hour of Mars as he rose in Scorpio on day 1 of 2020. Burn during ritual Mars observations, or use in spell work for victory and Martial achievement. Light as a background influence to promote focus, tactical thinking, commitment to getting the job done, or physical activities. Use as a meditation aid to partake of the Martial sphere's wisdom. Arrives in an 8 oz slim vigil style for $155, or large 24 oz for $255$155 – $255$155 – $255 -
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Waters, Sold Out, Jupiter in Sagittarius, 2020 Holiday Grab BagNote: A new edition is available as part of Jupiter in Sagittarius II!$28 – $64
A beloved favorite, given new life just in time for the holidays! Consecrated mulling spices and citrine distilled with a combination of water collected during a thunder storm (8/9/19) and freshly drawn from the underbelly of the earth (well) via two copper alembics, initiated at the start of Jupiter’s hour during the ritual operation and produced until the following hour of Jupiter. This hydrosol was mixed with a small amount of grain alcohol to preserve and left to bask upon the Jupiter altar, stored with the rest of the materia since to imbue its positive characteristics and “program” its charge. Synchronistically, the day the offering photos were staged (+ the day of launching this series), the air was heavy with cloudy white mist (see photo gallery), mirroring the clouds within the freshly distilled liquid and a nod to Jupiter’s rulership over “generous bodily fluids”, including those of... a prolific nature. Shout-out to Zeus’ many offspring. The result is an uplifting, motivating, and utterly delicious spray that can be conveniently applied any time one finds themselves in need of a jolt of good fortune, improved attitude, optimistic stimulation, and good cheer. Note that this is the only offering from the Jupiter in Sagittarius series containing lightning charged components, and is therefore closest to the Lightning Rod series in effect and temperament. Use to set the tone of a space before holiday or social gatherings, as well as ritual. Spray as an offering over wealth altars, or those in devotion to Jupiterian spirits. Stimulating, warming, and motivating. Instills a sense of bright, yet grounded hopefulness, cuts melancholy and helps emotionally reframe anxiety into an exciting sense of potential and possibility. Excellent for application before engaging in brain storming sessions and yang activities for self-improvement and goal achievement, ranging from going to professional development conferences, engaging active self-help practices and materials, running marathons, working out, or networking for opportunities. Or, simply use to help get yourself off the couch and out of an emotional rut. We start from where we're at Arrives in a glass spray bottle with hand drawn Jupiter in Sagittarius glyph and keepsake citrine, available in a 1/2 oz travel or sample size for $28 or full 2 oz for $64 Golden and clear drops of essential oil resulting from the distillation are still present, in some bottles more than others. These are completely natural, not any indication something is amiss.$28 – $64 -
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Jupiter in Sagittarius Altar Ornaments
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Jupiter in Sagittarius, Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesGlass orbs filled with consecrated mulling spices, herbs, frankincense, and 16 pieces of citrine from the Jupiter in Sagittarius operation on the day and hour of Jupiter (before he left his home sign of Sagittarius). Home grown lamb’s ear, ritually harvested in accord with Jupiter’s rulership. Genuine gold and silver leaf. Suffumigated with frankincense, internally and externally. These ornaments are charged vessels for Jupiterian possibility. They can be left “blank” or filled with sigils, affirmations, and intention for whatever benefic things you wish to make manifest within your own sphere. They can be hung on Christmas trees as a talisman for happy holidays and to promote generosity of spirit, and/ or kept on a suitable altar using its stand, where below it incense could be burned to activate or charge. The stand is very responsive to motion, resulting in gentle swinging and vibration which serves to promote ongoing energetic output. The outside could be painted or otherwise decorated to disguise it as standard ornament, or embellished with names and icons of power, in service to one's desired purpose. The orb itself is 3.5" x 3". The stand is just above 9" tall with a 5.5" footprint. Only eight were created, six of which are being offered to the public. Arrives with a stand and elongated ornament hook for $244$244$244 -
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Jupiter in Sagittarius Candles
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Candles, Jupiter in Sagittarius, Sold OutNon-GMO soy wax, dyed bright yellow and poured over consecrated Jupiter in Sagittarius herbal mix during the height of the series election with a small amount of frankincense essential oil. Crowned with citrine and gold leaf, as a nod to Regulus’ background influence and Jupiter’s incorruptible spirit. Burn during Jupiter’s day or hour for remediation and ritual. Light to set an inspiring, optimistic, and jovial tone during brain storming sessions or social gatherings. Arrives in glass jars bearing the Jupiter in Sagittarius glyph on the bottom in 2 oz for $92. Two extra large 24 oz candles are also being offered to the public for $272$92 – $272$92 – $272 -
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Talismanic Mulling Spices
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Jupiter in Sagittarius, Sold OutJupiter is sometimes referred to as the Santa Claus of the zodiac, provider of bounty and good cheer. It’s fitting then that many of the spices the Western world uses throughout the holiday season fall under the Greater Benefic’s purview, providing warmth, fortifying the immune system, and bringing a generous and satisfying payload of spice to the table. A blend of organic winter warmers ruled by Jupiter: cinnamon bark, clove, and allspice, in addition orange peel — a nod to Regulus’ presence in the Jupiter in Sagittarius series election. Ritually combined with edible 24k gold leaf and suffumigated with Jupiter’s bounty incense, blessed by Jupiter after issuing the full call from The Picatrix. Mulling spices are commonly used to make fragrant and delicious warm ciders and wine, but can also be made into tea. Cook up fragrant beverage offerings of Jupiterian virtue for Gods and human spirits alike, elevating the mood and crafting an atmosphere of good cheer. Can also be freshly ground and added to pies, gingerbreads, cakes, cookies. Offered for the 2020 Holiday season in three sizes — 1.5 oz mini tin for $20, 2 oz air tight glass bale jar for $26, or 8 oz bulk tin for $78.$20 – $78$20 – $78 -
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Sun in Leo Talismans
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Golden Sol I, Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesResident Sphere + Sundry goldsmith and 5-star AstroMage Tony Mack offers to the Sol in Leo series custom designed talismans —$1,800Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and cast in molten metal on August 9th, 2019 at 6:10AM EST in Williamsport PA, during the planetary hour of the Sun; accompanied by a solar petition and suffumigation of frankincense, cinnamon, sunflower, and celandine.
An 18k gold blazing sun, conjoined with an electrum (an 80/20 alloy of gold and silver) frame depicting our star ascending over the horizon. The heart of the sun is set with a 1.5ct ruby. The reverse side of the talisman is engraved with the planetary characters of the Sun as depicted in Arabic manuscripts of the Ghayat Al Hakim [Picatrix].
Mr. Mack's preliminary findings —The Sol in Leo talismans made space for a number of bird of prey synchronicities, beginning with a pair of hawks (the animal totem for the Sol in Leo series, featured upon The Golden Sovereign label) driving crows over my home in the morning hours following the casting (a scene which the talismans had a view of as they lay in a brass bowl under the sunlight post-casting).
My most immediate, embodied experience of the talismans was an awareness and correction of my breathing; which in turn reoriented my attention, put a bit more light behind my eyes and elevated my present experience - rather obvious; though I’d been unconsciously running on shallow breath, and I’d receive a nudge until this was remediated as I proceeded putting the finishing work/stone setting to the talismans.
In the days following the election I was contacted by a handful of clients, some familiar and some new acquaintances regarding not-explicitly-astrological metalwork; each of their projects connected either directly or indirectly to the Egyptian Horus. I'm thrilled with my experience with the Sol in Leo’s while they were at my bench, as well as with the opportunities that have presented themselves in their wake...
Nine talismans are being offered to the public. Each comes with a 20” silver chain and arrives in a gold foiled and latched pendant box, marked by a golden wax seal featuring a Sun in Leo glyph for easy identification. Includes a vial of Oil of Golden Sol for charging and feeding. Available as an optional add-on to each full Sol in Leo box set. Available for $1,800$1,800 -
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Candles of Golden Sol
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Candles, Golden Sol I, Sold OutVirgin yellow beeswax was poured over consecrated Sol in Leo herbal mix during a prime Sun in Leo election, making for talismanic candles perfectly at home upon success altars. Burn to call Solar spirits to attention, during meditation and self-reflection, or while engaged in spellwork for compatible self-actualizing and illuminating aims. Available in a 2 oz glass container for $84, or a 12 oz for $162$84 – $161$84 – $161 -
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Venus in Taurus Rose Water
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Sold Out, Sprays + Hydrosols, Venus in Taurus I, WatersA hydrosol of 2 dozen fresh and fragrant roses, rosehips, marshmallow root, raspberry leaf, and other herbs sacred to Venus, rose quartz and emerald, distilled during one of the best elections the Fairer Benefic's time in Taurus 2019 had to offer. As detailed in the description, the Venus in Taurus series was the first Sphere + Sundry created while traveling, which necessitated the use of a very small still. For this reason, the Rose Water of Venus in Taurus is the most limited run of waters available. Use as a body and aura spray to promote self-love and self-assuredness. Promotes desirability, groundedness, and reduces feelings of neurosis and judgment. Chill AF, indulgent, and lush. Can be used weekly as a form of Venus remediation. Apply before dates or social events where you desire to be seen at your most glamorous, turning your inner Queen out into the world. Draws admirers, gifts, free upgrades, food, libation, enjoyment, compliments, and money into your sphere. While absolutely not a requirement to utilize, the entire Venus in Taurus series is especially productive for those whose income is derived from their attractiveness, glamour, and Venusian social station, such as tipped workers, dancers, hostesses, sex workers, those looking to "marry up", and the like. Apply before going to work. Available in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle with rose quartz for $28 or a 2 oz for $63.$28 – $63$28 – $63 -
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Venus in Taurus Oil
Anointing Oils, Sold Out, Venus in Taurus I, 2020 Holiday Grab BagAn oil ritually imbued to talismanic standard during one of Venus' finest Taurus elections 2019. Equal parts organic apricot kernel and almond oils, combined with organic rosehips, rose buds, marshmallow root, red clover blossom, rose quartz, emerald, copper, and additional herbs sacred to the Fairer Benefic. The scent is a naturally derived rich floral, containing essential oil of Belgium butter and rose absolute of French origin. Apply to the heart center and perfume points to embody the rightful Queen you are, be seen at the height of your glamour and attractiveness, draw admirers, feel at home in your body and environment, and establish a commanding Venusian aura. Or in popular parlance, #bethatbitch Of the three Venus series we offer, as the earth of Venus, Taurus is the most manifest and self-serving. It's particularly good for promoting the embodiment of Venusian qualities, drawing gifts, upgrades, money, free drinks and food, luxurious experiences, and the company of the affluent. Enhances self-worth and self-acceptance, connects you to your honest desires, and releases feelings of shame and judgment. Use in magical works devoted to strengthening and reinforcing relationships, promoting commitment, beauty, glamour, self-love and self-empowerment, or other things related to the Venusian and Taurean sphere. Apply before intimate encounters (in non-delicate areas) to enhance the experience. Check the testimonials from the Libra and Pisces sister oils to get a sense for the potency and results one can expect from Sphere + Sundry's Venus offerings — they're our most popular for a reason 😉 Available in in 1/2 oz vials for $68$68$68 -
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Venus in Taurus Powder
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Powders, Sold Out, Venus in Taurus IAn organic blend of herbs close to the Fairer Benefic's heart — rose bud, marshmallow root, red clover blossom, rosehips, and more, were ritually combined and suffumigated during one of the finest Venus in Taurus elections of 2019. Later powdered with rose quartz, emerald, and copper during the day and hour of Venus. Use to boost spellwork related to the attraction and endurance of love (self-love included), beauty, glamour, money, and gift drawing. Dress candles, create your own sachet powders and add to mojo bags, or use in any other way enchanted herbal mixes and powders can be employed. Pure, uncut, and organic herbs, gemstones, and flowers. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $28$28$28 -
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Venus in Taurus Candles
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Candles, Sold Out, Venus in Taurus INon-GMO soy, ritually poured over consecrated organic herbal mix and gold magnetic sand during one of the best Venus in Taurus elections 2019 had to offer. Crowned during Venus' day and hour with a fair trade emerald, genuine copper leaf, and royal jelly drizzle, a bee secretion used exclusively to feed the Queen Bee and her growing larvae. No cute word for larvae, is there? 😆 The point is the QUEEN! 👑🐝 Burn to make the Venusian manifest, and reinforce your assets. Perfect for operations to strengthen romantic bonds, draw admirers, gifts, or money, or other rituals for Taurean ends. On a mundane level, light to set an ambience for paid or romantic encounters. Available in a 2 oz glass container for $84$84$84 -
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Venus in Taurus Self-Igniting Incense
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Incense, Sold Out, Venus in Taurus IAn organic incense blend of materia close to the Fairer Benefic's heart — rose bud, rosehips, rose quartz, marshmallow root, red clover blossom, emerald, and more, ritually combined and suffumigated during one of the finest Venus in Taurus elections of 2019. Create a small mound or trace sigils on a fireproof surface before lighting. Burn during weekly Venus observations, for remediation, or during magical works for maintaining and strengthening relationships, drawing lovers, gifts, upgrades, and money. Take a smoke bath to enhance glamour, beauty, and encourage self-acceptance, self-love, and feelings of desirability. Promotes comfort in one's skin and putting your own needs and desires first. Pure, uncut, and organic herbs, gemstones, and flowers. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $28$28$28 -
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Bright Goddess of the Skies
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Sold Out, Talismanic Perfumes, Venus in Taurus ICollaborator of Queenly virtue, Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, ritually crafted a talismanic perfume oil during the Venus in Taurus series election. Of it, she shares —$42Once more, O Venus! hear my prayer, And ease my mind of anxious care; Again vouchsafe to be my guest, And calm this tempest in my breast! To thee, bright queen, my vows aspire; O grant me all my heart’s desire! - Hymn to Venus, Sappho
Translated by Francis Fawkes.
The scent feels like a cascade of pale, crystalline roses; it is a silken bedsheet clinging like the langurous drape of a half-open dressing robe. It is the crashing wave of rapture, it is the scent of passionate words breathlessly gasped between entwined bodies. It is the ecstasy of the moment of release from the pain of heartache. It is a bouquet of swelling joy that beauty inspires, and it contains the essence of the blossoming of self-love that enables you to truly love others.
Utilize this oil to develop your appreciation of your own beauty, to open yourself up to the beauty of others, when creating art or when you wish to enhance your appreciation of the arts, for opening your heart and unblocking your receptivity to love, to aid healing romance-rooted emotional trauma, and to bind lovers together.
This is a perfume of love, of mending hearts, of union, and of the expression of love and union through the arts; this is a hymn to Venus.
Honey absolute (Apis melliferra), vanilla absolute and CO2 extract of vanilla (Vanilla planifolia), Bulgarian white rose otto (Rosa x alba), Bulgarian rose absolute (Rosa x damascena), white champa flower (Michelia alba), Motia attar, jasmine sambac absolute (Jasminum sambac) Sumatran benzoin (Styrax benzoin), ylang ylang essential oil (Cananga odorata var. genuine) solvent-extracted cassie absolute (Acacia farnesiana), rose-infused vegetal musk, 24k gold, pink and red rose petals.
PLEASE NOTE: this oil is not vegan.
High luxe, ultra lovely 🌹💖 $42$42 -
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Pink Himalayan Milk and Honey Bath Salts
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Bath Salts, Face + Body, Salts, Sold Out, Venus in Taurus IConsecrated organic Venus in Taurus herbal base was ritually combined to talismanic standard with pink Himalayan salt, skin softening Dead Sea salt, rose petals, organic powdered milk, and honey on a supremely fine Venus in Taurus election. Includes copper, the metal of Venus, and royal jelly - the nectar upon which the Queen Bee feeds. Naturally scented with rose absolute of French origin, essential oils of Belgium butter and Somali Frankincense. It was said that Cleopatra bathed in milk and honey, both natural humectants, long employed as a beauty secret by those whose livelihoods (or old fashioned vanity) drove them to embody their loveliest selves. Enjoy a luxurious soak to promote feelings of self-worth, self-love, and self-acceptance. Enhances beauty, glamour, and promotes soft, kissable skin. Get in touch with your core desires and banish feelings of shame or judgment. Enough for 2-3 deep baths, or add smaller homeopathic doses to make a little go a longer way. Time to Venus' days and hours for remedial Venus observation or to strengthen outcomes, or before important engagements where you need to feel and be seen as the Queen you are. Available in a reusable 8 oz glass jar for $35$35$35 -
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Exalted Venus Oil
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Anointing Oils, Exalted Venus I, Sold OutRitually created during one of the finest elections Venus’ time in her exaltation had to offer in 2019. Equal parts organic jojoba and almond oils, combined with organic lavender, damiana, yarrow, passion flower, blue lotus, and other herbs sacred to Venus, along with bee pollen, emerald, diamond, and amethyst, frankincense, benzoin, and genuine copper leaf. Similarly to the Venus in Libra oil, our most beloved and best selling offering to date (check the testimonials...), apply to the heart center and perfume points to be seen at your best, brightest, and most beautiful, to increase glamour, draw others to you, calm anxiety, and facilitate connection between yourself and those around you. This is a more emotionally activating and intimate take on Venus. One may choose one or the other based on their natal chart placements, or whether they would prefer a lighter, more social and airy Venus, vs. a deeper, dreamier, emotionally activated Venus. For the most embodied and money drawing effects, see Venus in Taurus. Use in magical works devoted to love, beauty, harmony, connection, glamour, or other things related to the Venusian sphere. Apply before intimate encounters or tantric practices (in non-delicate areas) to enhance the experience. Supremely soothing, like a deeply satisfying emotional vacation. If those were available in in 1/2 oz vials for $68, of course ;) Note: The last portion of this oil was reserved for 10 ml roller bottles before the pre-bottled standard sizes ran out, and we were waiting for the custom commissioned rollerballs to arrive. These have been made available as of 10/30/20 in a limited edition Cape Amethyst for $53 or genuine copper plate for $98. The copper will patina over time and should be cleaned using a polishing cloth every as needed...$53 – $98$53 – $98 -
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Exalted Venus Candles
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Candles, Exalted Venus I, Sold OutOrganic beeswax, dyed purple in honor of Jupiter’s rulership of Venus in her exaltation of Pisces, ritually poured over bee pollen, consecrated Venus herbal mix, and Tahitian vanilla bean at the height of a supremely fine Venus election. Topped with fair trade diamond dust, amethyst, emerald, and genuine copper leaf. Burn during operations for love, beauty, glamour, repairing relationships, or other rituals oriented to the Venusian sphere. On a mundane level, light to set an ambience for romantic encounters, to facilitate emotional connection and promote harmony. Available in a 2 oz glass container for $84, or a 12 oz for $161.$84 – $161$84 – $161 -
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Jupiter’s Bounty Oil
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Anointing Oils, Jupiter's Bounty, Sold OutFollowing a ritual feast as an offering for the Greater Benefic’s blessing, consecrated Jupitarian mix — including organic fruits, nuts, and Jupitarian herbs and spices — were ritually combined with citrine and amethyst in equal parts organic jojoba and almond oils on a prime Jupiter election, before the addition of frankincense and other essential oils befitting the operation. Bright, uplifting, supportive, patient, centering. Anoint yourself to promote embodiment, improve head-game and outlook, center, ground, and motivate yourself to work toward the enrichment of yourself and others, materially and otherwise. Great for supporting meditative activities, teaching and consulting, Jupiter remediation and propitiation. Purifying and generous, protective and nourishing. Use in Jupitarian magical workings or those designed to promote steady growth, medium and long-term gains, and charitable causes. The greatest benefits from Jupiter’s Bounty will result from routine applications over time. Wear every Thursday to invoke Jupiter’s ongoing blessing and support. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $72 (with an optional Dropper Cap Kit), or 10 ml roll-on w/ citrine rollerball for $60 Important allergen note: While this does not contain peanuts, it does contain other nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios, and cashews) that were processed in a facility that handles peanuts. Not suitable for use by those with peanut or other nut allergies. Buyer/ user agrees not to apply, gift, or make available to those with nut allergies, assumes full responsibility for any allergic interactions to self and others as a result of exposure, and releases Sphere + Sundry from any and all liability. Keep out of reach of children.$60 – $72$60 – $72 -
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Jupiter’s Lightning Rod Powder
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Jupiter’s Lightning Rod, Powders, Sold OutThis powder is 100% pure uncut herbs, barks, wood, gemstones, and resin. Saffron, lightning struck peach wood, fulgurite, lapis lazuli, 24k gold leaf, frankincense resin, cinnamon, allspice, clove, orange peel, mullein, and other Jupitarian herbs were ritually suffumigated and combined to create a potent draw for benefic Jupiter energies, opportunities, and sudden positive change. Use in magical operations designed for sympathetic ends. Use to dress candles, or in any manner sachet powders are often used. Can be cut with other powders to make it go a longer way. Not intended for consumption. Much like the Exalted Mars powder, the effects are heating and quickening. 1/2 oz vial for $28$28$28 -
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Jupiter’s Archer Perfume Oil
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Jupiter’s Lightning Rod, Sold Out, Talismanic PerfumesA ritual perfume oil, specifically formulated by Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab for the Jupiter’s Lightning Rod collaboration, never to be made again. In describing her creation —$44This perfume has been constructed and charged to reflect the electrostatic power of divine lightning, the precision of Sagittarius’ arrows, and the expansive, uplifting, and majestic benevolent power of the Mover of the Forces of Heaven, the Thunderer, the Liberator, He Who Brings to Achievement, He Who Brings Help to the Needy, the Everlasting Fountain of Justice. The perfume, and our Jupiterian Anointing Tincture, were crafted to invigorate, charge, and stimulate all that is conducive to advancement, prosperity, and good health in your life…
… like a restorative, life-affirming lightning bolt straight to your heart.
This perfume contains essential oils of Himalayan cedar, eucalyptus, juniper, hyssop, clove and rue, and is enhanced by our finest in-house vegetal musk. The oil has been infused with sweet dried figs, lightning-struck wood, fulgurite, cedar berries, eucalyptus leaf, and juniper berries, and was charged on November 8, 2018 at sunrise, the second hour of Jupiter, the series election window, and the hour of Jupiter after nightfall. It’s a fourfecta.* Lightning-struck wood, cedar berries, wildharvested English oak, aloeswood (courtesy of Jeremy Bechelli of Phytognosis!), and pine resin added during the election window of the ritual.
Each bottle contains a piece of lapis lazuli and a piece of quartz that was purified with salt and rinsed with whiskey.
Please be advised that there may be solid plant material present in the perfume.
* Odd Couple joke.
$44$44 -
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Hermanubis Candles
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Candles, Hermanubis I, Sold OutBeeswax was mixed with myrrh and dyed black before being poured over the Hermanubis herbal mix, including cemetery cypress, hops, and barley, along with some hair from a black dog. Each candle was topped with 24k gold leaf and ritually blessed by our patron, alongside the rest of the series. Acts as a lighthouse for the deceased, drawing them as moths to a flame. Burn on ancestral altars during offerings or to facilitate better connection and communication. Light during seances, while channeling the dead, or performing necromantic operations. Be specific in who you are trying to draw and consider employing a natron barrier as a ritual circle to keep from drawing wandering spirits. Can be burned as an offering to Hermanubis in exchange for guiding deceased loved ones through the other side, and helping get them to where they need to go. Light during Hermanubis operations to make invoking him easier. Available in a 2 oz glass jar for $72$72$72 -
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Exalted Mercury Cazimi Self-Igniting Incense
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Exalted Mercury Cazimi, Incense, Sold OutA blend of ritually harvested plants, herbs, frankincense resin, and 24k gold leaf were ritually combined and suffumigated during Mercury’s cazimi in Virgo. These were combined with self-igniting ingredients to create an Exalted Mercury incense cazimi blend perfect for way-opening in ritual or mundane life. Burn to open any crossroads, draw Mercurial spirits, or to get mental juices flowing. 1/2 oz vial for $27$27$27 -
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Venus in Libra Oil
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Anointing Oils, Sold Out, Venus in Libra IVenus was ritually called upon during one of her finest Libra elections of 2018 to bless this oil and imbue it with her luxurious, beautiful, and joyous qualities. Damiana, raspberry leaf, yarrow, honey bee, emerald, diamond, and other ingredients sacred to Venus were combined with cold pressed almond and apricot kernel oils, along with copper leaf and sakura blossoms. The result is a lovely perfumed oil, beautiful and fascinating to even gaze upon, let alone to experience. Upon application to the body, stress, anxiety, and worry instantly give way to an easy going, pleasant, and self-satisfied state. The heart itself opens into a beautiful bloom, ready for pollination by company or indulgent activity. It will act as a powerful attractant for those around you, helping you be seen in your best, most beautiful light, and feel that within yourself. Apply to the heart or over common perfume points (wrists, neck, behind the ears) before parties, family events, or social activities where you would like to get maximum enjoyment and fawning from the experience, date nights, or when you want to give yourself an emotional vacation and enjoy some much needed time off and self-care. Magically, this oil can be applied before performing Venus rituals to create a sympathetic link between yourself and the fairest benefic. This oil can be applied to yourself, sigils, or magical icons to induce and enhance glamours, ingratiate others to your person or a desired cause, and promote a charming, magnetic, and lovely persona. Available in a half ounce glass vial for $63.$63$63