The Exalted Venus series captured Venus during one of her finest talisman-worthy elections in her Pisces 2019 stay, the sign in which the Fairer Benefic exalts. Ruling and tightly sextile a similarly exalted Taurus Moon in the 1st house from the place of the Good Spirit and socially active 11th, offerings from this series provide a supreme and potent Venusian charge, ready, willing, and certain to please.
The color scheme and addition of amethyst and frankincense are informed by Jupiter’s rulership over Venus in Pisces, as Jupiter was in a strong position to support in his own sign of Sagittarius and serves to potentiate and magnify this series’ charge. The electional chart can be found in the image gallery for each offering.
This writeup, in contrast to longer and more involved ones like Jupiter’s Bounty, St. Expedite, or Asclepius, is going to be (relatively) short, sweet, and practical in nature. The planet of love, beauty, harmony, relationships, joy, and the like, needs no introduction, and and this is her, in her prime.
Aptly, given Pisces is the only water sign where Venus holds great sign based dignity, these offerings activate the heart and emotions in a beautiful and benefic way. They conjure a strong desire for connection to who and what you love and appreciate — people, art, music, nature, pets, kids, food, libation — anything or anyone the heart desires, and stirs the objects of your desire to respond in kind, having a mutually magnetized effect. Venus gets what Venus wants.
The fourth wall breaks — the first time I applied the water, it caused a light salivation response. The oil brought tears to my eyes in appreciation for how beautiful it was, and silly as it may seem, felt like a love poem being spoken directly to the heart. The waters of the body are drawn, as the Moon pulls the tides.
In contrast to the airy and much beloved Venus in Libra series, which is amazing for socializing, these offerings have a more intimate feel. They still masterfully facilitate connection and quell social anxiety (as Venus will do!), but they also run deeper and are less verbal. One might apply it and not feel like being in a crowd, but sharing quality time with those they hold true affection for instead.
That being said, Pisces is a very easy going sign, and adaptable, and individual chart factors play a role in how each of us are impacted by the placement of Venus in different areas of our lives and personality.
[For a general sense of what Venus offerings can achieve and the potency of Sphere + Sundry’s wares in particular, feel free to check the testimonials on individual offering pages from Venus in Libra: oil, water, incense, candles, and hair and body oil.]
Apply to the body in preparation for date nights, going out dancing, to accentuate glamour, draw people to you, be seen at your best, most alluring, and beautiful, feel at ease and appreciative of yourself and others, and heighten your ability to enjoy a good time. Great for self-love and magical self-care.
Use before or during magical operations related to Venus or the things she governs — love, beauty, harmony, diplomacy, sex, intimacy, desire, small gains, and to bring freely gotten gifts. Receiving gifts with Venus is a thing, as is what I’ve called the Disney Princess effect, where animals can’t get enough of you.
Great medicine for those who have a hard time feeling at ease, struggle with self-love or opening up to people, coming from the heart, being intimate with those they love, are excessively type-A, have difficulty letting go and letting live, suffer from neurosis or anxious feelings, or could be astrologically described as having an overly Saturnian or Martial nature.
Note: Venus in Pisces, especially because she was conjunct Neptune in this election, has the capacity to be highly altering, depending on dosage. Do not apply wantonly, but in carefully chosen place and time, in right company.
Just as Venus brings us that which we desire, it can also bring unwanted attention as it magnetizes people to you, and can also be distracting or cause inconveniences in certain settings, such as the work place. Upon heavy application (lots of the hydrosol or using multiple Venus offerings at once), this series has dissociative qualities and can bring about light feelings of inebriation (as will Moon-Neptune), and will likely exacerbate susceptibility to intoxication and make it more fun (in contrast to Asclepius, which has a sobering quality).
Venus, and this Venus especially, is ultra chill and has little desire to work or do things that don’t please her. She has no interest in toiling, but in leisure and sensuous enjoyment. For creative support and to maintain productivity, it may be combined with Expedite, Mars, or Mercury to customize your state and manifest results, and will serve to round the edges of other charges. Beware applying only Venus before your work day is done, for you may find it difficult to focus on things other than relaxation, enjoyment, and down time.
These same qualities make the Exalted Venus series perfect for when you’re ready to kick back at the end of the day or enjoy time off, as all worries melt away and are set aside in favor of that which brings joy, comfort, and makes the heart happy. A vacation in a bottle… or vial, or tin, or jar…
Excellent for orgasm enhancement, libidinal support, and tantric pursuits. Can also be used to facilitate re-connection between yourself and those you’re feeling out of touch with, including your own body and desires.
For the first time, we welcome Júlia Tort and her partner Hector of Occvlta, who specialize in the ritual crafting of incenses and artifacts with a focus on the poison path and darker, more occulted side of esoteric herbalism, who offers a loose incense that drills to the very bottom of the heart’s deepest recess.
We thank goldsmith and fellow astromage Tony Mack for his incredible handiwork, who cast a handful of silver rings and stunning copper pendants during the equivalent Exalted Venus election in his location. There are also offering bowls which will be debuted later, as our jeweler works to finalize their detailing.
Our literal and metaphorical astrologer in residence, Austin Coppock, chose this election and also contributed to the series by collecting fresh stream water at the start of the election, used for the hydrosol. For this and his love, devotion, and attention to both his Art, mine, and our life together, my heart thanks him.
As always, each order comes with basic instructions for use, timing suggestions for application, and a prayer. It also includes an invitation to participate in the Sphere + Sundry client forum (now off of social media) for ongoing support from both creator and community. Enjoy!
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Exalted Venus Water I
Exalted Venus I, Sold Out, Sprays + Hydrosols, WatersCreated during a mouth watering, talisman-worthy election during Venus’ time in Pisces 2019. A hydrosol of organic lavender, damiana, yarrow, passion flower, bee pollen, and other herbs sacred to the fairer benefic, emerald, diamond, and amethyst, with purple and white flowers freshly harvested during Venus’ hour to open the working. River water was simultaneously fetched by handsome assistant and devoted husband Austin Coppock as the ritual creation of the Exalted Venus series began, and distillation via copper alembic initiated during the height of the election. Each bottle was marked with Venusian keywords in the spirit of Masaru Emoto's work on structured water, and left to bask upon the altar of Exaltation. The result is an incredibly beautiful hydrosol that triggers a light salivation response upon application, instantly relaxes and stirs the heart center. Promotes healthy emotional availability, facilitates connection, promotes intimacy, and heightens one’s appreciation for love, art, and all beautiful things, including one's own self. Use as a room spray to set the stage for Venus operations or magical works for love, beauty, and glamour. Use as a body spray to invoke the power of Exalted Venus and embody all she stands for. Great for natural stress and anxiety management, quelling neurosis, when spending quality time with loved ones, when you want to feel at ease, attractive, and magnetic in social situations, or before engaging with art, nature, or to help steer mind altering substances. Perfect when you’re ready to wash the day from your mind, body, and auric field, inviting a relaxed, pleasant, and untroubled state. Magical self care at its very finest — praise Venus! Available in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle with keepsake amethyst for $28 or a 2 oz for $63.$28 – $63$28 – $63 -
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Exalted Venus Oil
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Anointing Oils, Exalted Venus I, Sold OutRitually created during one of the finest elections Venus’ time in her exaltation had to offer in 2019. Equal parts organic jojoba and almond oils, combined with organic lavender, damiana, yarrow, passion flower, blue lotus, and other herbs sacred to Venus, along with bee pollen, emerald, diamond, and amethyst, frankincense, benzoin, and genuine copper leaf. Similarly to the Venus in Libra oil, our most beloved and best selling offering to date (check the testimonials...), apply to the heart center and perfume points to be seen at your best, brightest, and most beautiful, to increase glamour, draw others to you, calm anxiety, and facilitate connection between yourself and those around you. This is a more emotionally activating and intimate take on Venus. One may choose one or the other based on their natal chart placements, or whether they would prefer a lighter, more social and airy Venus, vs. a deeper, dreamier, emotionally activated Venus. For the most embodied and money drawing effects, see Venus in Taurus. Use in magical works devoted to love, beauty, harmony, connection, glamour, or other things related to the Venusian sphere. Apply before intimate encounters or tantric practices (in non-delicate areas) to enhance the experience. Supremely soothing, like a deeply satisfying emotional vacation. If those were available in in 1/2 oz vials for $68, of course ;) Note: The last portion of this oil was reserved for 10 ml roller bottles before the pre-bottled standard sizes ran out, and we were waiting for the custom commissioned rollerballs to arrive. These have been made available as of 10/30/20 in a limited edition Cape Amethyst for $53 or genuine copper plate for $98. The copper will patina over time and should be cleaned using a polishing cloth every as needed...$53 – $98$53 – $98 -
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Blue Lotus + Vanilla Bean Salve
Face + Body, Salves, Sold Out, Exalted Venus IA blend of organic and fair trade jojoba oil, extra virgin olive oil, and shea butter, infused with fragrant blue lotus, lavender, frankincense, Venusian herbs, and Tahitian vanilla bean, mixed with triple filtered organic beeswax and topped with amethyst from the Venus altar. Ritually combined during the main Exalted Venus operation with the rest of the series, gently warmed for extra herbal extraction on each Venusday since, and poured during Venus’ hour before the series went live. Apply to sore, tight or spasming muscles, shoulders and neck, or the bottoms of feet at the end of a long day. Great for massaging yourself or loved ones. Reduces stress, assists in pain reduction, and has a calming, pleasant effect on the nervous system. Perfect before bed. Available in a 1/2 oz screw top tin for $28, or 2 oz for $63$28 – $63$28 – $63 -
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Exalted Venus Self-Igniting Incense
Exalted Venus I, Incense, Sold OutOrganic herbs and stones sacred to Venus and related to Pisces, including lavender, blue lotus, yarrow, damiana, passion flower, diamond, emerald, and amethyst, were ritually suffumigated and consecrated by Venus during one of her most talisman-worthy 2019 exaltation elections. These were powdered during Venus’ day and hour and made into a self-igniting incense base. Form a small mound or sigil on a fire proof surface and light during Venus observations, or compatible workings for love, beauty, sex, and the like. Pass talismans and objects through the smoke, or run it along the body in preparation for appropriate rites. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $28$28$28 -
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Exalted Venus Candles
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Candles, Exalted Venus I, Sold OutOrganic beeswax, dyed purple in honor of Jupiter’s rulership of Venus in her exaltation of Pisces, ritually poured over bee pollen, consecrated Venus herbal mix, and Tahitian vanilla bean at the height of a supremely fine Venus election. Topped with fair trade diamond dust, amethyst, emerald, and genuine copper leaf. Burn during operations for love, beauty, glamour, repairing relationships, or other rituals oriented to the Venusian sphere. On a mundane level, light to set an ambience for romantic encounters, to facilitate emotional connection and promote harmony. Available in a 2 oz glass container for $84, or a 12 oz for $161.$84 – $161$84 – $161 -
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Exalted Venus Loose Incense
Exalted Venus I, Incense, Sold OutFor Occvlta's first ever collaboration with Sphere + Sundry, Júlia offers a dark and rich loose incense ritually crafted during the equivalent election from the Pyrenees of Lleida, Spain —$35The Venus Exalted incense was made Sunday between 8:31 and 9:24 UTC+1 in honour of Venus. Its base is composed of Alexandrian Rose buds, Nettle leaf, True Vervain, and Myrtle, plants that inflame and inspire desire and allure.
To this base other components were added: storax bark, frankincense, juniper berries, damiana leaf, costmary, elder flowers, Icelandic moss, angelica root, yarrow flowers, orris root, passion flowers, and mugwort. These are spirits related to planet Venus and help balancing the power and directing the practitioner's will.
Finally, this exalted mix is crowned with mallow, violet, lotus, and periwinkle flowers, elevating its potency and making it a fit offering for a deity.
Beautiful and dark, perfect for calling up underworld aspects of Venus, such as Innana and Persephone. Must be burned on charcoal or an incense warmer. Available in a 1 oz dark amber glass jar for $35$35 -
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Exalted Venus Pendant + Ring Talismans
Exalted Venus I, Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesTalismanic goldsmith and AstroMage par excellence Tony Mack returns, this time with exalted Venus talismans in the form of size 6 rings, 3 of which are currently being offered to the public —$646Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and lost wax cast in fine silver on the corresponding election. Around the ring shank is a relief engraving of the ‘characters of Venus’, and the sigils of the intelligence and spirit of Venus [from book I chapter XXXIII, and book II chapter XXII of H. Cornelius Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy]. The ring is set with a malachite cabochon, one of the stones attributed to Venus in the Ghayat Al Hakim aka Picatrix.
The ring arrives in a black leatherette ring box with a Venusian glyph wax seal. And 3 pendants —Modeled in carver’s wax and lost-wax cast in copper on the corresponding election. Each pendant was cast in the image of Venus from Picatrix book II chapter X; “The form of Venus according the the opinion of other sages, is the image of a woman riding a stag with her hair down, and in her right hand an apple, and in her left she has flowers.” Engraved on the back of the talisman are the ‘characters of Venus’ and the planetary sigil of Venus from Arabic manuscripts of the Ghayat Al Hakim. The piece is set with a malachite cabochon, one of the stones attributed to Venus in Picatrix.
The Exalted Venus Picatrix Image talisman arrives in a black leatherette pendant box with Venusian glyph wax seal, and includes a 20” sterling silver chain. Available for $646 each, and includes a vial of Exalted Venus oil for charging the talisman. Additional talismans will be released to the public within a few weeks, as the jeweler finalizes some aspects of the design.$646 -
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Exalted Venus Sugar Scrub
Face + Body, Masks + Polishes, Sold Out, Exalted Venus IOrganic and fair trade cane sugar and crushed saltwater pearl, ritually combined with consecrated Venusian herbs, such as lavender, yarrow, damiana, and passion flower, Tahitian vanilla bean, lavender and frankincense essential oils, and genuine copper leaf. Mixed, suffumigated, and prayed over for the blessings of Venus during a supremely fine election that saw her exalted in Pisces. Use as an all natural, environmentally friendly, and delightfully scented body scrub. In the shower, turn off the water and use the hands to wipe excess water from the body. Pour a small amount into the palm of the hand, rub them together and slowly stroke over parts you’d like to exfoliate for kissably smooth, caressable skin. Rub until the sugar has dissolved, and rinse. You may choose to soak in the rinsed off Venus sugar, or add some Exalted Venus oil to a bath. Use before Venusian operations or intimate encounters to prepare thy vessel, to feel more beautiful, soothe anxiety, and create a clean slate for bodily and sensory pleasures. May be mixed with other sugar to make a little go a longer way. Available in an 8 oz metal tin for $35$28$28 -
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Exalted Venus Powder
Exalted Venus I, Powders, Sold OutOrganic herbs and stones sacred to Venus and related to Pisces, including lavender, blue lotus, yarrow, damiana, passion flower, diamond, emerald, and amethyst, were ritually suffumigated and consecrated by Venus during one of her most talisman-worthy 2019 exaltation elections. These were powdered during Venus’ day and hour. Add as an ingredient in magical works designed for beauty, love, glamour and the like, or in any fashion powders are typically employed, such as for dressing candles or making mojo bags. Pure, uncut, and organic herbs, resins, gemstones, and flowers. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $28$28$28