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Moon-Neptune in Pisces


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The Full Pisces Moon of 2018 brought us much-needed respite after a difficult season of three subsequent Eclipses and other hard transits. The Full Moon itself was in the first decan of Pisces conjunct the fixed star Fomalhaut, but Luna was in almost exact aspect to Saturn and Uranus, which harmed her significations and put a damper on an otherwise excellent election.

The next day, however, the Moon departed from the malefics as she made her approach toward a trine with Jupiter and conjunction to Neptune, the planet of psychism, altered states, and permeability, which modern astrologers assign as the ruler of the sign they both occupied, Pisces.

Sphere + Sundry employs traditional rulerships, but also understands that the recently discovered outers do have an effect on the chart and resonance with certain signs and topics — Neptune and Pisces certainly empower one another’s significations, and Luna at her fullest and juiciest certainly held the power to manifest all its potential.

But what does that potential hold? This is clearly a specialized charge to tap, not recommended for generalized Lunar remediation. The Moon has a special relationship to water signs, as evidenced by her role as the prime mover of oceanic tides, but isn’t technically dignified in Pisces.

These offerings are incredibly strong and instantly altering, inducing a light trance state simply by holding them or being in their presence. Their charge opens avenues of subtle and psychic perception as it pulls you away from mundane and worldly matters, as if caught in a gentle, almost chemically induced riptide, being pulled into the depths of the oceanic void wherein all things are possible. The real is unreal, and the unreal is made manifest — the veil is rendered, and Otherworlds become ours to explore.

For those looking to enhance their psychic abilities and perception, increase their mediumship ability, engage in astral journeying and lucid dreaming, or take their seership to new heights (or shall we say depths?), this series is second to none.

These offerings act as hypnotics, trance-inducers, visionary aids, and dream potentiators, but benefit tremendously from intentional steering on behalf of the operant. Left to their own devices, they will cast you into the oceanic voidscape where you can pleasantly drift, but guided, they can unlock entire treasure troves of knowledge and gnosis that would otherwise remain unexplored.

Use as a ritual primer to enhance your connection with the subtle and ability to conjure imagery. Apply before bed or keep on the bedside to enhance dream states and recollection. This series is good for psychics, mystics, mediums, artists, hypnotists, and anyone who benefits from tapping subtle forces and altered states to do their thing.

As one would expect from a series charged with the erosion of boundaries and set in a dual-bodied sign, Sphere + Sundry welcomes more featured collaborators than ever before.

First and foremost, the premier artisanal esoteric perfume house Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, by the superior snoot and talented hand of one of our favorite Pisces, Elizabeth Barrial, who conjured a custom perfume oil that is nothing short of enchanting.

We also celebrate the return of Tony Mack, talismanic jeweler extraordinaire, who brings his talents to bear in the form of talismans and pendants derived from an ancient Greek coin depicting Triton, the son of Poseidon, circa 370BC.

And for the first time, a local Native American artisan heralding from the Cow Creek Umpqua tribe, Jason Potts, who handcrafted three dream catchers during the Pisces Moon, which were then consecrated with the rest of the Moon-Neptune offerings.

As always, elections are chosen in consultation with handsome manstrologer Austin Coppock.

This series presented more opportunities for creative expression and longer projects than most, since while the consecration window was small, the ambient charge featured heavily all day. Given that the series was constructed under the auspices of the Full Moon’s phase in a sign ruled by and in aspect to the greater benefic Jupiter, these items are good for manifestation and have a protective quality that will help keep seekers safe along their way.

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    Pisces Moon-Neptune Oil

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    Blue lotus, mugwort, oyster mushroom, salt water pearl, chamomile, myrrh, and silver leaf were ritually combined in liquid coconut oil with other ingredients sympathetic to the work under the auspices of the Full Pisces lunation of 2018, aspecting Jupiter and conjunct Neptune. An intact Lunesta moth was submerged in each bottle, which dissolved in the mixture to become as the patron spirit of this oil, delivering messages and assisting in etheric transport. This oil can be used as a ritual or channeling primer, in order to enhance subtle perception, psychism, mediumship abilities, and seership. It induces an altered trance state which promotes visionary capacity and helps gain access to the other realms, which can assist with communication between the self and non-human or deceased entities. It can be used before bed to vivify dreams, enhance recall, or — intentionally guided — empower lucid dreaming. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $63 (with an optional Dropper Cap Kit), or 10 ml roll-on w/ Mother of Pearl rollerball for $51
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    Pisces Moon-Neptune Water

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    Water was freshly collected from the headwaters of the Sacramento River in Mt. Shasta the day before this series election, on the full Pisces Moon. This was used as the base water for a hydrosol of blue lotus, ritually harvested atropa belladonna, oyster mushroom, and other proprietary ingredients, then consecrated alongside the other Moon-Neptune offerings. This water has a naturally imbued purple cast, inspired by the liminal colors of dusk, the Pisces palate, and the blue lotus flowers which feature heavily as an almost narcotic note. This can be sprayed upon the self or a medium/ scryer to promote trance states and increase permeability between the body/ mind and other realms or entities. It can be used to prime a ritual space or sprayed on bed linens, to enhance dreamtime and induce magical sleep. Available in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle for $27, or 2oz for $57.
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    Pisces Moon-Neptune Candles

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    Unscented beeswax candles, ritually poured over the Moon-Neptune herbal mix, topped with a salt water pearl, tiny starfish, and silver leaf. Light while scrying or engaged in psychic, mystical, or artistic endeavors to enhance visionary capacity and thin the veil in your physical setting. Use the flame as a meditative aid and as a catapult for inner or outer void-work. Three variations were poured for this election. Available in a small Pisces-blue 2oz jar for $63, or larger 4oz mercury glass jars with a silver cast for $81, in white (limit 8) or Pisces-blue (limit 4).
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    Eggs of the Starry Void

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    Organic, cage free, vegetarian-fed eggs were blown, honoring the spirits of the chickens who were-not, and the eggs cooked before being offered outside to the Moon, her attending spirits, and the night beasts to feed upon. The shells were then soaked, sigilized, painted, and given a starry cast with a sprinkling of saltwater pearl dust. These were ritually suffumigated and consecrated along with the rest of the Moon-Neptune series. These shells, voided of their contents under the auspices of the full Lunar charge, act as vessels for manifestation and incubation. They have been magically primed to receive the clients’ intentions, which can be written or sigilized on small pieces of paper and loaded into the shell. This will, over time, bring about the manifestation of their intent, the goal of which can be material, personal, or spiritual/ mystical/ esoteric in nature. Each egg comes carefully packed in a hand painted wooden box and includes instructions and suggested times for use. 9 were created, 6 are being offered to the public. Available for $135
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    Ocean of Dreams Perfume Oil

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    One of the nearest and dearest Pisces to our heart, and proprietress of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, Elizabeth Barrial, ritually crafted this stunning perfume oil at the equivalent Moon-Neptune election in her location. She writes —

    This perfume encapsulates the sensation of descending slowly and languorously into a warm pool of dark water, and holds within it the voices from the nights before night existed, before twilight bisected the day; whispers burbling from our primodial subconscious, sending omens, portents, and symbols on dark wings. This is the stuff of your dreams, the dreams of your ancestral line, the dreams of your future selves, and the flotsam of dreams that buffet around you and buoy you.

    The bottles were bathed in water steeped with blue lotus petals, clary sage, and rose mallow, and charged under the auspices of Jupiter on Sunday, August 26th from 7:28-8:21PM beneath the full moon in Pisces. This oil has been crafted to be worn as a perfume and to be used in a ritual capacity.

    Signs and symbols, both subtle and shrieking, drifting like thick-tentacled currents through the black ocean before time: blue lotus absolute, white champa flower Co2 select, French lavender essential oil and buds, armoise mugwort essential oil, styrax essential oil from sapwood and bark tissue, liquidamber orientalis, CO2 extract of butter, marshmallow root, frankincense carterii essential oil and gum, coconut oil, bay leaves, and orris root and butter, all steeped for a full lunation in kewra and oudh attars.

    Please note that these bottles may contain solid plant matter, and each bottle contains a piece of amethyst.

    Enchanting. Intoxicating. An absolute dream. Only 80 bottles were created. $45
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    Pisces Moon-Neptune Self-Igniting Incense

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    Blue lotus, belladonna flower, oyster mushroom, myrrh, and other sympathetic ingredients, ritually combined and suffumigated during the Moon-Neptune election. This was then powdered and paired with naturally combustible materials to create a self-igniting incense. Burn to thin the veil between here and the Otherworlds, increase mediumistic and psychic phenomena, before séances, or other activities of that nature. Use the smoke to smudge scrying vessels and seers. Available in a 3.7ml glass vial with cork top for $27.
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    Dream Reliquary Boxes

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    Real moss covers the floor of these beautiful reliquaries, which contain a Lunesta moth as the primary centerpiece, assisting in spirit and astral flight. A whole silk cocoon, the worm still within, represents dream incubation. Includes sympathetic herbs, mushrooms, shells, saltwater pearls, and a phrenite crystal. Starfish decorate the top glass panel, as a representation of the stars above, but also the oceans below, facilitating liminality via inversion. These were created the day of the working before being ritually consecrated, suffumigated, and sealed during the Moon-Neptune election. They enhance dreaming, astral travel, and magical sleep. These works of esoteric art are intended to be set upon a bedside table, or if space is a concern, under the bed. They can be used by candlelight as meditative aids, and pens for glass writing can be used to mark the panels with temporary words, images, or sigils, should the owner have specific intentions regarding their dream-works. The top is not permanently sealed, so the client can make their own additions to the interior. Three reliquaries were made, 2 are being offered to the public. Due to their delicacy, these will be shipped “fragile" mail class and are only available to those in the continental USA. Includes a bottle of the Moon-Neptune oil and large 2oz water. $450
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    Pisces Moon-Neptune Talismans

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    Tony Mack returns for another collaboration, this time for the Moon-Neptune in Pisces series, the election adjusted per his location. Lost-wax cast in fine silver. Modeled in carver’s wax after an ancient Greek coin depicting the god Triton, son of Poseidon and messenger of the sea, circa 370BC. Slight modifications were made so we could offer mer-talismans in lad and lady varieties. On the reverse side of the image, a circular setting was carved. Within is blue lotus, oyster mushroom, and other herbs sent by Sphere + Sundry, featured throughout the rest of the series for greater cross-sympathy. A mother of pearl cabochon setting was then applied. Our smith, on the effects he noted working with the talismans —

    They are like keys or portals to the realm of dreams. I still get the intense dream recollection while in waking state. For me it’s mainly of places I was in past dreams. I just kind of sink into these dimensions. It’s been going on consistently since the talismans were cast.

    I would definitely encourage people to keep a journal or something to write with/on handy when they wear and experiment with these. I’ve recovered and anchored an immense amount of otherwise hidden/unconscious experience, and there’s something very healing about that.

    Another thing I’ve noticed is that they are a damn good visualization aid; it’s really easy to conjure up images and sensations, and that’s very useful.

    Available in two forms... of two forms — Merlady: 8 necklaces and 9 coins Merlad: 5 necklaces (sold out) and 7 coins Coins can be put under the mattress or in a pillowcase and are available for $297, necklaces can be similarly stashed or worn around the neck to enhance psychic sensitivity, visionary work, etc. for $360. All talismans from this series include a vial of Moon-Neptune oil for regular feeding and consecration, and come in a leatherette box decorated with a Full Pisces Moon ritual symbol. Pendants include a 20” silver chain. You may choose to include a silver and gold polishing cloth.
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    Saltwater Pearl Exfoliating Polish

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    The most recent Full Pisces Moon oversaw the combination of genuine salt water pearls, powdered, and fine sugar, alongside other high quality, natural ingredients. The result is a gentle and luxurious polish, which can be used to exfoliate the face, neck, and décolletage, leaving your skin smooth and baby soft. Pearl has been used for thousands of years as a natural beautifying agent. Being ruled by the Moon, pearl is supremely yin in nature, and has a cooling and tonifying effect on the skin, providing an luminous glow, unrivaled, aside from Luna herself! The results are clear, even after the first use, and over time reduces dark spots, red spots, blackheads, whiteheads, and soothes inflammation. This is an eco-friendly alternative to commercial over the counter scrubs that frequently contain plastic microbeads or other undesirable chemicals, and comes in a reusable glass vial to further reduce environmental impact. The mask can be used any time, but is especially recommended to prime the skin before applying the Whipped Honey Beautifying Mask, or really, any mask. Exfoliating reduces the appearance of aging and also exposes fresh skin cells to whatever you apply to your skin, as opposed to dead surface cells blocking absorption. It also makes makeup look more natural by laying better on the skin's surface, and can be used to polish away the residue at the end of the day. Can be used as a cleanser in and of itself, or after using your normal face wash. Wet the face with warm water and pour a quarter sized amount of pearl polish on the fingertips before applying to the face and massaging in small circular motions for 1-3 minutes. It is gentle enough to be used around the eyes and to exfoliate the lips. Wash away with warm water and pat dry before applying a mask or proceeding with the rest of your normal skin care routine. $21

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