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Hermanubis II


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    Oil of Hermanubis II

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    In the pre-dawn hour of Mercury during Mercury's Eclipse of Sol on 11:11:2019, 100% extra virgin olive oil was poured over ritually harvested cemetery ivy, fallen autumn leaves, poppy, hops, barley, and sundry herbs of a Mercurial and Necromantic nature. Activated charcoal, dried mushrooms, and 24k gold. Apply to the self to make communion with the Dead easier, before channeling, séances, and Ancestral work. Apply to the heart and third eye as a meditative aid to excavate death gnosis from your immortal soul, beyond the confines of singular incarnate experience, and generate comfort with one's own mortality. Anoint Ancestral altars, glassware, or vessels used to make offerings to the Dead, to draw their attention and stoke their appetites. Use to dress candles for Necromantic operations or apply to other icons employed as intermediaries between yourself and the deceased, including photos, urns, and other memorabilia. Request Hermanubis support such individuals in navigating their landscape and experience, and help guide them where would be most productive, in addition to delivering messages to and from. Available in your selection of the standard 1/2 oz glass vial (w/ optional Dropper Cap Kit) for $80, a roller with snowflake obsidian or "flawless glide" steel Roll-On for $65, a very few 24k gold plated rollers for (brace yourself) $103, or 5ml mini vial for $33
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    Hermanubis II Self-Igniting Incense

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    Herbal mix ritually fumigated during Mercury's Eclipse of Sol on 11:11:2019 in the pre-dawn hour of Mercury, following prayers and offerings to Hermanubis for his empowerments and blessing. Cemetery ivy, fallen leaves, poppy, hops, hair from a black dog, myrrh resin, and sundry herbs and additions of a Mercurial and Necromantic nature, powdered and made self-igniting. Blood red wine, spiced rum, and 24k gold. Burn to draw the Dead and facilitate clearer communication during Ancestral work, seances, or operations involving contacting those in the Underworld. Smoke bathe as a primer for trance and mediumship. Burn as an offering to Hermanubis or the Dead. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or a 2 oz bulk pot for $90 Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
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    Hermanubis Oil Lamps

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    Unmarked standard size glass mason jars were suffumigated and filled with consecrated Hermanubis herbal base and clear paraffin oil, which has turned corpse-gold from the ingredients imbuing. Oil lamps are frequently employed in the Hoodoo tradition and possess the virtue of being infinitely reusable, building an even greater charge with use over time and a personal relationship with their keeper. The exterior is intentionally left unmarked so it can be decorated in accord with the user's desired purpose (optional, of course!). Includes the charged Hermanubis talismanic lamp base, antiqued burner, ream of wick, and chimney for $360
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    Ancient Egyptians harvested naturally occurring natron from dry saline lake beds, employing it for all manner of hygienic and household purposes, as it possesses cleansing, purifying, and preserving qualities. It was also an essential ingredient in the mummification process. Natron prepared with colloidal gold, dried, hand chopped, sifted, and blessed upon the altar of operation for Hermanubis II, as Mercury Eclipsed Sol in Scorpio on 11:11:2019. The resulting Natron can be used for the purification of statues and icons, to delineate ritual circles or barriers for containing Necromantic operations, creating boundaries for the Dead, added to baths and floor washes, mixed with additional salt for the curing and preservation of departed animalia, or in any way the Operator sees fit. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $16, or 2 oz bulk pot for $48
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    Balm of Hermanubis

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    A olfactory homage to Hermanubis, ritually blended in the election window by thee one and only Mrs. Elizabeth Barrial of Twilight Alchemy and Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs. Of which, she shares —

    Be silent in that solitude, Which is not loneliness — for then The spirits of the dead, who stood In life before thee, are again In death around thee, and their will Shall overshadow thee; be still.

    The bridge between life and death, between the conscious and unconscious, between the soul and the body. This is an oil to be used during the process of understanding life, death, and the spaces in-between. It eases the pain of grieving, opens doorways to the liminal space between states of being, and enables you to better understand life by confronting and embracing death. It is a scent of stillness and quiet, of standing in cool shadows. It is the solemn and joyous embrace of the beloved dead; you are not alone.

    Cypress essential oil and cypress from the TAL garden (Cupressus sempervirens), myrrh essential oil and tears (Commiphora myrrha), organic hops flowers and hops essential oil (Humulus lupulus), cedar leaf (Thuja plicata), cedar berries (Juniperus monosperma), western red cedar essential oil (Thuja plicata) and Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica), peru balsam (Myroxylon pereirae), and black vegetal musk.

    Arrives in an amber glass bottle for $48
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    100%  Sold Out

    Hermanubis II Statue + Opening of the Mouth and Eyes Ritual Set

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    Long have I searched for a genuine statue of Hermanubis, until fortuitously stumbling across Oliver Laric's extraordinary project Three D Scans, which features copyright free 3D models of museum statues. One of the pieces in his collection is an exact replica of the Hermanubis statue on display in the Vatican Museum created during the 1st-2nd century AD. Statues are currently only available in white, and stand just under 5" tall. Every set from the Hermanubis series includes the statue completely gratis. This set includes the items necessary for performing the Opening of the Mouth and Eyes ceremony, a ritual performed on the dead Pharaohs, mummies, and statues of ancient Egypt in order that they may speak, breathe, and see — to wake them. A modified form of this rite is included, along with the Oil, Natron, Elixir, and Incense required to perform it, to open the mouth and eyes of your Hermanubis statue. Being awakened and charged in this manner empowers the figure to act as a vessel for the God's power. The ingredients of the Rite can be adjusted and the same ritual performed in order to enliven other statues, such as Asclepius. Due to the time time involved of 3D printing, only a few of these can be offered at a time. Join the waitlist if a selection is unavailable, to be notified when they are check-outable again, likely once per week...
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    Way Opening Dead-Drawing Elixir

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    Blood red wine and dark spiced rum, poured over consecrated Hermanubis II herbal mix for attracting the Dead at the height of Mercury's retrograde Eclipse of the Sun, November 11th, 2019. Mist to get the attention of the Dead, drawing them to partake of offerings or engage in communion. Acts as a veil thinner between the realms of the living and deceased, and facilitates an easier, more stable connection. Use to wake gravesites, before séances, channeling, making offerings to Ancestors, or performing Necromantic operations. Be specific with which dead you are calling when using this spray, as it will act as a beacon for all manner of deceased. You may find it useful to create a ritual circle with natron, or form a line outside the room chosen for the operation, to keep the Dead from venturing into unintended spaces. After the operation, to mitigate hauntings and loitering souls, a formal banishment and change of clothes is recommended. Asclepius, Son of Apollo, and Sol materia are excellent for this purpose, as is the herb rosemary. If need be, conduct a full ritual cleansing. Includes colloidal gold + copper to pay the toll for transportation to and from the Underworld. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass container with spray top for $30, or full 2 oz for $75
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    Powder of Hermanubis II

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    Herbal mix ritually fumigated during Mercury’s Eclipse of Sol on 11:11:2019 in the pre-dawn hour of Mercury, following prayers and offerings to Hermanubis for his empowerments and blessing. Cemetery ivy, fallen leaves, poppy, hops, hair from a black dog, myrrh resin, and sundry herbs and additions of a Mercurial and Necromantic nature, left to incubate for almost a full Solar round before being powdered on Saturn's day and hour before release. Blood red wine, dark spiced rum, dried mushroom, and 24k gold. Mix into the grave dirt or ashes of those with which you wish to commune. Add to mourning reliquaries. Dust over letters or gifts you wish to offer your dearly departed. Use in any way Necromantic dusts can magically serve. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or a 2 oz bulk pot for $90
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    Bath Salts of Amenti

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    Dead Sea salt, magnesium flakes, organic spirulina, Natron, and consecrated Hermanubis II herbal mix, suffumigated during Mercury's Eclipse of Sol on 11:11:2019, alongside prayers for Hermanubis' blessing. Bathe before engaging in Ancestral or Necromatic rituals, to prime for contact of the chthonic variety. May induce trance. Offered in an 8 oz glass jar for $36, 16 oz glass bulk pot for $66, or an 18 oz bath bundle (for those who wish to avoid breakage in transit, have their own jars, or are procuring a refill) for $60. Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!
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    Hermanubis II Candles

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    Virgin beeswax, dyed black and poured over consecrated Hermanubis II herbal mix at the height of the Mercury Cazimi election of 11:11:2019. Acts as a lighthouse for the deceased, drawing them as moths to a flame. Burn on Ancestral altars during offerings or to facilitate better connection and communication. Light during seances, while channeling the Dead, or performing Necromantic operations. Be specific in who you are trying to draw and consider employing a natron barrier as a ritual circle to keep from drawing wandering spirits. Can be burned as an offering to Hermanubis in exchange for guiding deceased loved ones to the other side, and ferry them to where they need to go. Light during Hermanubis operations to make invocations and evocations easier. Very few candles were created for this series. Only 10 slim vigils, 6 of which are reserved for Box Sets.
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    Hermanubis II Altar Box Sets

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    Wooden boxes in 2 sizes, hand-painted matte black. May be further decorated or inscribed by the client. Along with the box, this set includes all items from the Hermanubis II series (excluding the Oil Lamp). Most items fit upright within with the lid closed, with the exception of Bath Salts in the small set and the Slim Vigil Candle. Three small sets and three large sets are being offered, with your selection of standard oil or roller. Includes a copy of the Opening of the Mouth and Eyes ritual, and a white 3D printed statue of Hermanubis.
    • Hermanubis II Oil (standard, snowflake obsidian, 24k gold plate)
    • Dead Drawing, Way Opening Elixir (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz)
    • Slim Vigil Candle (8 oz)
    • Hermanubis II Self-Igniting Incense (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz)
    • Powder of Hermanubis II (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz)
    • Bath Salts of Amenti (S: 8 oz | L: 16 oz)
    • Natron (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz)
    • Balm of Hermanubis by BPAL
    Availability, dimensions, pricing —
    • Small (3 each): 6.5” wide, 4.5” tall, 3.8” deep = $296 + oil selection
    • Large (3 each): 9.5” wide, 5.5” tall, 6” deep = $498 + oil selection
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    Hermanubis II Bath Bombs

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    We are beginning to roll out bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Offered in a 2.5" sphere for $33
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    Hermanubis II Spell Soap

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    We are beginning to roll out soaps for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Offered in a 3" x 1" disc for $48 Please note that the loaded herbal components can make these slightly "scratchy" on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!

On 11:11:2019, as Sol ascended in the East and Luna slipped through the Western gate to enter the realm of Amenti, the winged Messenger rose within the blazing Heart-chamber of Humanity’s Own Star.

This condition is referred to in astro·lese as “cazimi”, when a planet is so tightly conjunct the Sun that it becomes empowered and pronounced, rather than outshone and burned up (“combust”) by its blinding rays. The strictest requirement is that a planet be less than 16 astrological minutes from the Sun’s post, whereas looser definitions allow up to 1 degree.

In that pre-dawn hour of Mercury almost one year ago, when the second edition of Sphere + Sundry’s Hermanubis series was called into corporeal form, Mercury was just *6 minutes from Sol’s core, meeting every definition of a cazimi and then some. It also qualified as a true Mercurial Eclipse from a latitude and longitude perspective, putting it visibly front and center of the Sun — a configuration that won’t feature again until 2031.

Mercury was retrograde in Scorpio at the time, lending it a darker, witchier, and more chthonic orientation, perfect for communication between the living and those occupying the realm of the Dead. Many an astrologer has spoken of Mercury in its retrograde phase as transiting the underworld, and for this reason, we do recommend petitioning Hermes Chthonius (if not Hermanubis) instead of the default day-side Hermes under such conditions.

The life-giving luminary spheres which govern the principles of Spirit and Embodiment were straddling the very horizons of Life and Death, the steadfast and exalted Taurus Moon brimming with light, acting as a lamp to anchor our presence and illumine the psychic landscapes of necromantic exchange.

Mercury, backed by the full power and potency of Sol, serves as a gateway through which Hermanubis can come and go, delivering souls and messages from one side of the veil to the other with extraordinary ease and unparalleled efficacy.

This in the 2nd Decan of Scorpio, having to do with connection, communication, and the refinement intimacy provides, which Austin Coppock calls “An Apparatus for Mutual Distillation” in his book 36 Faces.

Select extracts include —

…A vision of ideal exchange between two parties, poignant and perfect…

…the alchemical process of mutual distillation, wherein the matter passes back and forth between one alembic and another, growing increasingly rarefied and potent…

…Taoist sexual energy practice, referred to as dual cultivation, involves exactly this exchange between partners…

On the Titan Leto, attributed to Scorpio II in the Hellenistic text The 36 Airs of the Zodiac

…Leto is the mother of both Apollo, the Sun God and his twin sister Artemis, goddess of the Moon. Leto was not worshipped alone, but always with her celestial children. This relationship between the Sun and the Moon, or King and Queen, is the very crux of alchemical operations, for they represent the Spirit and the Body of the matter…

On the Sun in Scorpio II —

…The Sun is considered the ruler of this face, and thus serves to unlock the power of this decan. Sol here has the power to bring about mutually satisfying exchanges of all kinds, as well as to invigorate existing relationships. The Saimhain Sun, it is a doorway which opens onto a vision of the ultimate tantra—that of life and death…

On Mercury in Scorpio II —

…Mercury’s power in this face is to emotionally anchor the mind to a subject. Alternatively, this power can be activated to bond people emotionally through conversation…

While this election may not have offered much to be desired outside of the exalted Full Moon (Mercury is not well dignified, for instance, so it wouldn’t be recommended for generalized Mercury Things™, and even still, Luna was conjunct Uranus), numerous facets poetically combined for magical and necromantic potential under the auspices of Hermanubis, a psychopompic deity whose lore and operations are in perfect alignment with a Mercurial Eclipse of the Sun.

Consecrating God + Spirit based materia in times of such comptaible astrological affinity serves to quicken and potentiate the Power’s ability to act, providing a battery of bio-spiritually available energies through which to Work. Such is not always necessary, but it is potent, and our particular specialty ‘round here. To the knowledgeable Mind, experienced Hand, well trained Eye, and Intuitively Adventurous, such unorthodox alignments present interesting opportunities for increased astro-magical exploration #astromage #traditionalchaoswitch

Introducing Our Patron

Hermanubis (Ἑρμανοῦβις) is a hybridized psychopomp worshipped during the Greek domination of Egypt — a chimera of the robed Hermes, dextrous and articulate hands bearing a caduceus and feather, topped by the erect and vigilant jackal head of the ancient Egyptian Anubis.

A statue of Hermanubis can be visited in the Vatican Museum to this day, a small 3D printed rendering of which is included with each order of the Opening of the Mouth + Eyes Ritual Set and Altar Boxes for this series.

Hermes was, among other things, messenger of the Gods and deliverer of the Dead into Hades. Anubis was a protector of graves, master of embalming, and the original Egyptian Lord of the underworld before being later replaced, but remained the primary conductor of souls into the realm of the Dead and oversaw the scale at the heart weighing ceremony, the results of which determined if the individual would gain eternal life in the realm of Amenti.

My first introduction to this life-changing figure was in the “Armies of the Dead” section of Gordon White’s book The Chaos Protocols, where Hermanubis is introduced as “the most magically useful God you have never heard of”. In it, Gordon presents a modified spell from the Greek Magical Papyri and ritual formulas for approaching the God. I recommend the book, both generally and for those looking to work with Hermanubis, but it is not at all mandatory to benefit from this series’ offerings.

Items which act as powerful veil renders between the realm of the living and deceased, and shine as a lighthouse, drawing the Dead to their brilliant flame. Hermanubis can be intentionally invoked as an intermediary to deliver specific souls and help them navigate the death realms (or find their way back to + from the land of the living), facilitate communication between beings incarnate and dis-, and allocate offerings to specific dead, or classes of them.

He essentially serves as divine courier between ours and the under-world, trafficking in all manner of gnostic treasure, magical commodities, and vital communications. An open and direct line to the chthonic, ever standing by. Provider of the fastest, most direct broadband connection, straight to the hearts and minds of Amenti. No buffering, just crystal clear 1080p HD 4K Necromancy.

Hermanubis materia can be used in advance of (or during) Ancestral workings to make communication easier and prime the Operator (you!) for utmost psychic receptivity, automatic writing/ drawing, and even mediumship.

They differ from The Ancestral Series in that they do not color or influence the nature of the dynamic, or achieve any purpose aside from facilitating intimate *interface and deeper, clearer *connection. Both series play exceptionally well together, and can produce shockingly effective, very pronounced trance states, along with the potent results Sphere + Sundry has become (literally, quickly, and with gratitude) famous for delivering.

Personal application can serve as a bridge to death-gnosis, deepening understandings of the revolving door between the states of being Alive or Dead, and the doubly-ouroborotic process they together form; excavating the singularity of the immortal soul beyond the shell of one’s current incarnate experience; and preparing the conscious Self for navigating the transition state. It can aid in shadow work, truth seeking, and the general sort of empowerments Necromancers tend to go for.

For the advanced magical practitioner, use before bed lends itself to especially chthonic lucid dreaming (be sure you are warded). Application before or during intimate exchanges for tantric and gnostic purpose (with a consort Living or Other) may prove interesting.

For the less magically experienced, please use these items with intention and give yourself an energetic rinse after, if not a full blown cleansing.

Offerings from Hermanubis II contain ethically obtained, organic and wildcrafted ingredients — hair from a black dog, extra virgin olive oil, ritually harvested cemetery ivy, fallen autumn leaves, poppy, hops, barley, dried mushroom, blood red wine, dark spiced rum, beeswax and 24k gold to honor Sol, and genuine copper as a representation of the coin paid to ferry souls into the afterlife, alongside sundry herbs + additions of a Mercurial and Necromantic nature.

Two roller editions are available for Hermanubis II Oils — a snowflake obsidian gemstone or (for the first time) custom commissioned 24k gold plated rollerballs, which can be re-purposed in rollers for other oils or kept as altar pieces ad infinitum. These are also available in hyper limited quantities for Sol in Leo, Son of Apollo, Deneb Algedi, and Aldebaran oils. Depending on demand, they will be offered again as more are re-cast in small batches.

Please note that Hermanubis materia acts as a beacon and crossroads for the Dead whether actively engaged or not, so it is best to keep them covered or stowed when not in use, lest we end up drawing random, unwanted, or unsolicited souls to our abodes.

Should you need to disperse such hangers on (or cleanse following significant interface with the materia, both body and space), Water of Asclepius, Kolonía, and Ritual Salt are excellent repellants of the deceased — as is the herb rosemary. Asclepius, Son of Apollo, and Golden Sol items are also perfect for restoring death-life balance (in the living’s favor).

Side effects of interface with Hermanubis may include stomach upset or nausea related to activation of the Earth element within the vessel. Death vibes can register as draining, foreboding, heavy, and serious (shorthand: Saturnian), but with deeper engagement, are also humorous, therapeutic, and rewarding. All part of a balanced magical diet.

Emphasis on *magical…

While I would not characterize this series as “malefic” in the way Algol most definitely is, it won’t be a good fit for the non-magically operant. Those who are engaged in Ancestral lineage healing may find Hermanubis acts as a bridge to deeper pools of Occult and magical practice, but I don’t recommend it for muggles who partake of magic exclusively for the “practical” benefits. Hermanubis is initiatic in nature and can help guide one further into existing practices (or feel out new ones) through meditation, trance, dreaming, and ritual. It’s not a put it on before you leave the house and forget it type of series, though many of our others can be.

Hermanubis II was originally set to debut on March 13th 2020, but out of sensitivity regarding a death themed release in the midst of the burgeoning Covid-19 pandemic, it was delayed, delivering to us now the things Halloween Dreams are made of. Synchronistically, on the election’s lunar and Mercurial return (by sign), and at II:II AM, no less, upon the original soft launch to the client community on 10/3. The public announcement was made on 10/8, also at 11:11, making for dual releases of an underworld + overworld variety.

There is some remaining Oil and Ink of Amenti from the first Hermanubis series. The Oil is being offered at a rounded 33% discount while supplies live and breathe, though the ink remains constant, since no more was created for II’s iteration. For a sense of what Hermanubis items are like, peruse the testimonials from the first series, as most of the items remain similar.

Thanks and praise to our collaborators — the inimitable (I’m biased!) Austin Coppock for selecting our times of working, and thee Mrs. Elizabeth Barrial of BPAL + TAL for transmitting a deeply moving olfactory homage to Hermanubis.

Each order includes basic instructions for use and a prayer, along with an invitation to the private Sphere + Sundry client community for the sharing of field reports, asking of questions, and ongoing support from nigh 1,000 like-Minded, like-Hearted, like-Spirited Others. And those are just the living 😉

Happy Haunting…

  • SALE!


    Oil of Hermanubis II

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    In the pre-dawn hour of Mercury during Mercury's Eclipse of Sol on 11:11:2019, 100% extra virgin olive oil was poured over ritually harvested cemetery ivy, fallen autumn leaves, poppy, hops, barley, and sundry herbs of a Mercurial and Necromantic nature. Activated charcoal, dried mushrooms, and 24k gold. Apply to the self to make communion with the Dead easier, before channeling, séances, and Ancestral work. Apply to the heart and third eye as a meditative aid to excavate death gnosis from your immortal soul, beyond the confines of singular incarnate experience, and generate comfort with one's own mortality. Anoint Ancestral altars, glassware, or vessels used to make offerings to the Dead, to draw their attention and stoke their appetites. Use to dress candles for Necromantic operations or apply to other icons employed as intermediaries between yourself and the deceased, including photos, urns, and other memorabilia. Request Hermanubis support such individuals in navigating their landscape and experience, and help guide them where would be most productive, in addition to delivering messages to and from. Available in your selection of the standard 1/2 oz glass vial (w/ optional Dropper Cap Kit) for $80, a roller with snowflake obsidian or "flawless glide" steel Roll-On for $65, a very few 24k gold plated rollers for (brace yourself) $103, or 5ml mini vial for $33
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    Hermanubis II Self-Igniting Incense

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    Herbal mix ritually fumigated during Mercury's Eclipse of Sol on 11:11:2019 in the pre-dawn hour of Mercury, following prayers and offerings to Hermanubis for his empowerments and blessing. Cemetery ivy, fallen leaves, poppy, hops, hair from a black dog, myrrh resin, and sundry herbs and additions of a Mercurial and Necromantic nature, powdered and made self-igniting. Blood red wine, spiced rum, and 24k gold. Burn to draw the Dead and facilitate clearer communication during Ancestral work, seances, or operations involving contacting those in the Underworld. Smoke bathe as a primer for trance and mediumship. Burn as an offering to Hermanubis or the Dead. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or a 2 oz bulk pot for $90 Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
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    Hermanubis Oil Lamps

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    Unmarked standard size glass mason jars were suffumigated and filled with consecrated Hermanubis herbal base and clear paraffin oil, which has turned corpse-gold from the ingredients imbuing. Oil lamps are frequently employed in the Hoodoo tradition and possess the virtue of being infinitely reusable, building an even greater charge with use over time and a personal relationship with their keeper. The exterior is intentionally left unmarked so it can be decorated in accord with the user's desired purpose (optional, of course!). Includes the charged Hermanubis talismanic lamp base, antiqued burner, ream of wick, and chimney for $360
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    Ancient Egyptians harvested naturally occurring natron from dry saline lake beds, employing it for all manner of hygienic and household purposes, as it possesses cleansing, purifying, and preserving qualities. It was also an essential ingredient in the mummification process. Natron prepared with colloidal gold, dried, hand chopped, sifted, and blessed upon the altar of operation for Hermanubis II, as Mercury Eclipsed Sol in Scorpio on 11:11:2019. The resulting Natron can be used for the purification of statues and icons, to delineate ritual circles or barriers for containing Necromantic operations, creating boundaries for the Dead, added to baths and floor washes, mixed with additional salt for the curing and preservation of departed animalia, or in any way the Operator sees fit. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $16, or 2 oz bulk pot for $48
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    Balm of Hermanubis

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    A olfactory homage to Hermanubis, ritually blended in the election window by thee one and only Mrs. Elizabeth Barrial of Twilight Alchemy and Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs. Of which, she shares —

    Be silent in that solitude, Which is not loneliness — for then The spirits of the dead, who stood In life before thee, are again In death around thee, and their will Shall overshadow thee; be still.

    The bridge between life and death, between the conscious and unconscious, between the soul and the body. This is an oil to be used during the process of understanding life, death, and the spaces in-between. It eases the pain of grieving, opens doorways to the liminal space between states of being, and enables you to better understand life by confronting and embracing death. It is a scent of stillness and quiet, of standing in cool shadows. It is the solemn and joyous embrace of the beloved dead; you are not alone.

    Cypress essential oil and cypress from the TAL garden (Cupressus sempervirens), myrrh essential oil and tears (Commiphora myrrha), organic hops flowers and hops essential oil (Humulus lupulus), cedar leaf (Thuja plicata), cedar berries (Juniperus monosperma), western red cedar essential oil (Thuja plicata) and Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica), peru balsam (Myroxylon pereirae), and black vegetal musk.

    Arrives in an amber glass bottle for $48
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    Hermanubis II Statue + Opening of the Mouth and Eyes Ritual Set

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    Long have I searched for a genuine statue of Hermanubis, until fortuitously stumbling across Oliver Laric's extraordinary project Three D Scans, which features copyright free 3D models of museum statues. One of the pieces in his collection is an exact replica of the Hermanubis statue on display in the Vatican Museum created during the 1st-2nd century AD. Statues are currently only available in white, and stand just under 5" tall. Every set from the Hermanubis series includes the statue completely gratis. This set includes the items necessary for performing the Opening of the Mouth and Eyes ceremony, a ritual performed on the dead Pharaohs, mummies, and statues of ancient Egypt in order that they may speak, breathe, and see — to wake them. A modified form of this rite is included, along with the Oil, Natron, Elixir, and Incense required to perform it, to open the mouth and eyes of your Hermanubis statue. Being awakened and charged in this manner empowers the figure to act as a vessel for the God's power. The ingredients of the Rite can be adjusted and the same ritual performed in order to enliven other statues, such as Asclepius. Due to the time time involved of 3D printing, only a few of these can be offered at a time. Join the waitlist if a selection is unavailable, to be notified when they are check-outable again, likely once per week...
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    Way Opening Dead-Drawing Elixir

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    Blood red wine and dark spiced rum, poured over consecrated Hermanubis II herbal mix for attracting the Dead at the height of Mercury's retrograde Eclipse of the Sun, November 11th, 2019. Mist to get the attention of the Dead, drawing them to partake of offerings or engage in communion. Acts as a veil thinner between the realms of the living and deceased, and facilitates an easier, more stable connection. Use to wake gravesites, before séances, channeling, making offerings to Ancestors, or performing Necromantic operations. Be specific with which dead you are calling when using this spray, as it will act as a beacon for all manner of deceased. You may find it useful to create a ritual circle with natron, or form a line outside the room chosen for the operation, to keep the Dead from venturing into unintended spaces. After the operation, to mitigate hauntings and loitering souls, a formal banishment and change of clothes is recommended. Asclepius, Son of Apollo, and Sol materia are excellent for this purpose, as is the herb rosemary. If need be, conduct a full ritual cleansing. Includes colloidal gold + copper to pay the toll for transportation to and from the Underworld. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass container with spray top for $30, or full 2 oz for $75
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    Powder of Hermanubis II

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    Herbal mix ritually fumigated during Mercury’s Eclipse of Sol on 11:11:2019 in the pre-dawn hour of Mercury, following prayers and offerings to Hermanubis for his empowerments and blessing. Cemetery ivy, fallen leaves, poppy, hops, hair from a black dog, myrrh resin, and sundry herbs and additions of a Mercurial and Necromantic nature, left to incubate for almost a full Solar round before being powdered on Saturn's day and hour before release. Blood red wine, dark spiced rum, dried mushroom, and 24k gold. Mix into the grave dirt or ashes of those with which you wish to commune. Add to mourning reliquaries. Dust over letters or gifts you wish to offer your dearly departed. Use in any way Necromantic dusts can magically serve. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or a 2 oz bulk pot for $90
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    Bath Salts of Amenti

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    Dead Sea salt, magnesium flakes, organic spirulina, Natron, and consecrated Hermanubis II herbal mix, suffumigated during Mercury's Eclipse of Sol on 11:11:2019, alongside prayers for Hermanubis' blessing. Bathe before engaging in Ancestral or Necromatic rituals, to prime for contact of the chthonic variety. May induce trance. Offered in an 8 oz glass jar for $36, 16 oz glass bulk pot for $66, or an 18 oz bath bundle (for those who wish to avoid breakage in transit, have their own jars, or are procuring a refill) for $60. Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!
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    Hermanubis II Candles

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    Virgin beeswax, dyed black and poured over consecrated Hermanubis II herbal mix at the height of the Mercury Cazimi election of 11:11:2019. Acts as a lighthouse for the deceased, drawing them as moths to a flame. Burn on Ancestral altars during offerings or to facilitate better connection and communication. Light during seances, while channeling the Dead, or performing Necromantic operations. Be specific in who you are trying to draw and consider employing a natron barrier as a ritual circle to keep from drawing wandering spirits. Can be burned as an offering to Hermanubis in exchange for guiding deceased loved ones to the other side, and ferry them to where they need to go. Light during Hermanubis operations to make invocations and evocations easier. Very few candles were created for this series. Only 10 slim vigils, 6 of which are reserved for Box Sets.
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    Hermanubis II Altar Box Sets

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    Wooden boxes in 2 sizes, hand-painted matte black. May be further decorated or inscribed by the client. Along with the box, this set includes all items from the Hermanubis II series (excluding the Oil Lamp). Most items fit upright within with the lid closed, with the exception of Bath Salts in the small set and the Slim Vigil Candle. Three small sets and three large sets are being offered, with your selection of standard oil or roller. Includes a copy of the Opening of the Mouth and Eyes ritual, and a white 3D printed statue of Hermanubis.
    • Hermanubis II Oil (standard, snowflake obsidian, 24k gold plate)
    • Dead Drawing, Way Opening Elixir (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz)
    • Slim Vigil Candle (8 oz)
    • Hermanubis II Self-Igniting Incense (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz)
    • Powder of Hermanubis II (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz)
    • Bath Salts of Amenti (S: 8 oz | L: 16 oz)
    • Natron (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz)
    • Balm of Hermanubis by BPAL
    Availability, dimensions, pricing —
    • Small (3 each): 6.5” wide, 4.5” tall, 3.8” deep = $296 + oil selection
    • Large (3 each): 9.5” wide, 5.5” tall, 6” deep = $498 + oil selection
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    Hermanubis II Bath Bombs

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    We are beginning to roll out bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Offered in a 2.5" sphere for $33
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    Hermanubis II Spell Soap

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    We are beginning to roll out soaps for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Offered in a 3" x 1" disc for $48 Please note that the loaded herbal components can make these slightly "scratchy" on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!

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