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Exalted Venus Water I

Exalted Venus Water I

Created during a mouth watering, talisman-worthy election during Venus’ time in Pisces 2019.

A hydrosol of organic lavender, damiana, yarrow, passion flower, bee pollen, and other herbs sacred to the fairer benefic, emerald, diamond, and amethyst, with purple and white flowers freshly harvested during Venus’ hour to open the working. River water was simultaneously fetched by handsome assistant and devoted husband Austin Coppock as the ritual creation of the Exalted Venus series began, and distillation via copper alembic initiated during the height of the election.

Each bottle was marked with Venusian keywords in the spirit of Masaru Emoto’s work on structured water, and left to bask upon the altar of Exaltation.

The result is an incredibly beautiful hydrosol that triggers a light salivation response upon application, instantly relaxes and stirs the heart center. Promotes healthy emotional availability, facilitates connection, promotes intimacy, and heightens one’s appreciation for love, art, and all beautiful things, including one’s own self.

Use as a room spray to set the stage for Venus operations or magical works for love, beauty, and glamour. Use as a body spray to invoke the power of Exalted Venus and embody all she stands for.

Great for natural stress and anxiety management, quelling neurosis, when spending quality time with loved ones, when you want to feel at ease, attractive, and magnetic in social situations, or before engaging with art, nature, or to help steer mind altering substances.

Perfect when you’re ready to wash the day from your mind, body, and auric field, inviting a relaxed, pleasant, and untroubled state. Magical self care at its very finest — praise Venus!

Available in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle with keepsake amethyst for $28 or a 2 oz for $63.




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Weight .5 oz
Dimensions .80 × .80 × 2.4 in
Planetary Body

Spray Bottle Size

1/2 oz, 2 oz




No — Contains ethically, legally harvested animal components

Creation Date

Morning of April 7th, 2019, hour of Venus. Chart in the image gallery.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 44 reviews
Helped my migraines

The biggest tangible effect I experienced from this water is that it could end a migraine within the span of a minute. I have migraines that do not go away, even with meds, and with this water sprayed all over the head and neck area, they'd just leave...like immediately and totally (not just the headache portion, the whole damn thing). I do have a Pisces 6H, so I'm guessing that's a part of it too. I tried using it for relational stuff and just didn't find that it hit as much for that, for me. Again, probably has to do with my chart. It was more of a private thing for me, the kind of thing that helped me feel good in my skin inside my own house and helped relieve pain or discomfort. It doesn't feel sociable like Aerial Queen does, at least not in the airy way. With Aerial Queen, I would be talking, moving, connecting, and with Exalted Venus, I would just be comfortable and who came to me, came to me.

Linda Lee
Water of Exalted Venus

I love Water of Exalted Venus II!! I have an exalted venus in a private house that I have difficulty accessing as it can be overpowered by my Mars/Saturn co-presence in a social house. Not anymore! The effect was immediate. This is the one where other people immediately commented on my more amenable ways, from business partners to family members. I got an email from my business partner, with whom I frequently verbally spar, asking if I was feeling well, as he was not used to my graciousness. A family member also commented, "You have changed," when I did not immediately try to correct an error. I have also started to schedule more spa treatments, which I love. I layer it daily with Jup Juice and Asclepius IV, and I am enjoying its benefits, as well as my family and business partners!

Heymish Rorke
fastest working, lightest touch of this series

great for if you want the oomph layering with other forms, but also great if you, like maybe have to get stuff done today but still want that dreamy feeling. def worth it

Delicious Venus oomph

This is my favorite S&S Venus series. I have had wonderful experiences (and results!) with all of the other forms I've experimented with. I like to use the waters pretty casually so I thought, why not just keep a bottle on hand for adding a little bubbly sparkle to my social interactions as needed. The smallest bottle is great for keeping on hand in my purse or backpack. I struggle with staying relaxed in public and social situations. Applying this to my auric field, crown and hair is like summoning a cloud of super-chill-love-vibes that hovers and just melts away anxiety and physical rigidity. I love that I can use the heavier forms (like the oil and incense) in ritual, and then also enjoy on the fly in this lighter form. They array of offerings here truly covers all your bases :)


I bought this water for my partner who used it before an outing. Everyone was commenting how peaceful he seemed, and he said he felt very relaxed and connected to those present.

Light Touch of Calm Social Energy

I highly recommend this spray if your are ruled by Venus and are looking for a light boost for your social anxiety…


This water feels most appropriate to be applied on the body as it does not have any sparkles in it. I like to add it to beauty routine and any time I need accept myself as it is.

First Aid to Love

Helps this Cap Moon open up to feeling and receiving love. Any other Cap Moon reading this understands what a huge deal that is.

I will always repurchase this

I’m not exaggerating when I say that this water has paid for itself multiple times. When I wear it, I get gifts and unexpected perks! I love the scent and the way it instantly opens me up to receive.

Can’t recommend enough!

Highly recommend to those with trauma histories that make it difficult to feel fully embodied and *there* during intimate encounters. Really got my libido up and running after a long lull, and most importantly, helped me feel safe. Smells great too! Thank you S&S!


  1. This is a very relaxing Venus water. I used it last weekend after a day busy with running errands to be able to go out and enjoy some time with friends. Relaxing, soothing, and helpful if you wanted to be gracious but have been feeling overtaxed or frazzled. In fact, we ended up having a conversation with another group, and I’m typically not someone who has “come talk to me” vibes at all.

  2. This is my very favorite S+S offering. It is so beautiful. It’s very relaxing and makes me often salivate when I smell it, Everytime I wear it I get attacked with cuddles from my partner 🙂 It is very helpful for sleep and intimacy

  3. As a mom of 3 kids with a lot on the go, I often find it difficult to relax and completely enjoy any downtime as I’m constantly multi-tasking, making mental checklists and planning for the next days, weeks, etc. I’ve used this hydrosol before a few date nights with my husband and was able to be fully present and really enjoy myself. I find this series very restorative and the scent is divine.

  4. This hydrosol instantly relaxes me when sprayed. It smells delightful and is very soothing. I will say that I tend to over indulge on the booze when I use it prior to having a few drinks but I think that has to do more with my natal Jupiter in Pisces placement. It’s wonderful, soothing, and relaxing.

  5. This hydrosol opens my heart in the silkiest way and invites extraordinarily loving interactions. (Sometimes the phone will ring seconds after I spray some on and a dear person I’ve wanted to talk to will be on the other end and we’ll connect in a beautiful way.)

    When our city was choked by wildfire smoke earlier this year, Exalted Venus was my constant companion, keeping me relaxed (and hence holding some asthma at bay) and mindful of the beauty that always persists even when external conditions are dramatically ugly.

    I’m beyond grateful for this exquisite material.

  6. I’ve been unlucky in love for pretty much my entire life, so I definitely wanted to get some Venus materia, especially as I had a crush on someone that I wanted to do something about. I got a LOT more than I thought I would! After using this spray a few times, I got a message from Venus telling me to “Have some self-respect.” I realized I didn’t have a lot of that when it came to romantic relationships, so I’ve been working on figuring out what that looks like.

    This is a great self-confidence booster, particularly if you struggle with self-confidence like I do. I definitely recommend it!

  7. I absolutely adore this series. This water makes me salivate! So yummy. When I first used this series it made me feel uncomfortable, it was way too out of my normal venus vibes. After using it for over 6 months it feels so integrated into my life. I have gotten almost euphoric highs off of using the oil and water on Venus’s day during the first venus hour. Whenever I wear it my partner is super lovey and cuddly with me. It is wonderful during sex and sleep. Over time it can increase libdo and if you ask Venus into your heart she brings joy, friendship, love, and desire into your life 🙂

  8. When I’m feeling overwhelmed, this calms me in an instant. Not only is the scent lovely and divine, so the aromatherapeutic benefits are very real, but I feel like I am able to let myself be. It feels like a deep breath that I don’t have to try to even do. Additionally, it has helped me be more vulnerable in expressing my emotions with those close to me, and has made my artistic endeavors allow for more healing as well. It’s a gift!

  9. For this natal Venus in Virgo, this has been amazing. I had trouble sleeping through the night and now, with a spritz of this before bed I always sleep through the night. I wake after a deep and restful sleep, feeling wonderful! And as many others have also stated, it smells amazing and is incredibly relaxing.

  10. I’ve bought this hydrosol at least twice already and am about to buy it again. I find it so immediately, physically soothing and calming – so much that I often use it to anoint my sheets for a good night’s sleep. It’s so effective that I have to be careful where/when I use it, because it can knock me out! In addition to using it for sleep, I like to use a spritz of it to balance out if I overdo something from the Mars series and feel myself growing impatient and aggressive.

  11. The Exalted Venus water was one of the first items I used from S+S (I placed a large order but this item was actively used ritually with 2 other complimentary materia). Starting fertility treatments and having very specific days on which I needed to feel seductive, relaxed, and libidinous – Exalted Venus water was absolute perfection. I applied this water as well as the Exalted Venus oil, and the Exalted Venus Hair + Body Oil on Venus’ day. I sprayed it in our room, on garments worn, and my body. The lavender notes were strongest to me with this water spray – a scent and herb which I have always loved and connected to my matrilineal line. A very historically-fertile connection to have during an important time. Our fertility doctors had made it clear these days were our last days before proceeding to the IVF process. We had a less than 4% chance and this magic made it happen. Our Leo baby is due July 31, 2020. All our gratitude and highly recommended.

  12. This is the most amazing spray!! It has helped me get past fear around intimacy in such magical and mysterious ways. It has promoted healing and loving myself more. I can never be without it.

  13. A very belated testimonial for this lovely materia. It accompanied me to my first astrological conference In 2019 and using it brought about a dreamy love cloud that helped me connect to many new friends. I also combined it with my exalted Mars spray, which yielded a nice yin yang balance of venusian open-heartedness and grounded martial confidence. “Intoxicating reverie” is probably my best attempt at describing this exalted Venus energy. Boundaries kind of melt away so probably best to use around people you already trust.

  14. Historically I have not been a huge fan of lavendar, but this changed my relationship with the verdant purple plumage. Most noticable for me was the way Exalted Venus Water has served as an analgesic and pain mitigator. It has been incredibly helpful in reducing the pain from my endometriosis–pain which, historically, not even Vicodin has touched (and has increased since Uranus began transiting my Venus ruled 6H). It always works wonders for slowing racing heart as a result of inflammation. I am grateful for the reprieve from pain this beautiful concoction has allowed me!

  15. I’ve had this since its release, but I realized, when I ordered a new bottle to replace my empty one, that I hadn’t reviewed it yet. I think the reason is that I already wrote a rather in-depth testimonial on the Exalted Venus oil, and I felt that this might be repetitive. But I am hoping I can offer some new insights with this one, considering I’ve had the materia for almost a year now (which seems crazy; the time has flown)!

    Exalted Venus Water is one of the things I reach for when I am stressed, struggling to sleep and/or experiencing the inability to relax. It is absolutely great for soothing agitation. Perhaps worry as well. This may all sound similar to what I wrote about the Venus in Libra Water (and that series in general), but where ViLW is about harmony to me, and smoothing out the ‘kinks,’ this is more about calming, pacifying, stilling. I experience Exalted Venus Water as an amazing soothing agent.

    ViLW makes me more magnetic, charming, confident and sensual (by virtue of basically demolishing that which may be causing blockages). Exalted Venus Water — while also capable of similar effects — does not feel nearly as energizing; thus it can be a bit difficult to act upon one’s newfound sense of magnetism and sensuality as one is forcibly lulled into a relaxed state of bliss.

  16. I bought this because both mine and my partner’s Venus is in Pisces. Whenever I’ve used it, I’v been more relaxed, more loving and the whole day has been mellower. I should probably add that ‘short fuse’ and ‘wound tight’ are terms readily applied to both of us. I also love love love lavender!

  17. I love this series so much. The results I get when I work with it are always consistent: my very busy job suddenly slows to a crawl, my guy makes time for me and becomes especially loving and attentive, we eat good food and have some fun. Last time I used this spray he invited me to go on a road trip with him but I demurred since I had work to do. This kinda back-fired since I ended up napping instead of working, but all was well in the end.

  18. LOVE!! I’ve been using the hydrosol and the Exalted Venus oil in combination when performing Venus day/night prayers and when I feel the need for a dose of Venus. The initial experience of using the spray and oil occurred on a weekend and had me feeling adored and on a pedestal. I received lots of compliments and small favors. Whenever I use it,I feel sparkly and soft, I feel confident, sensuous and beautiful. The scent is wonderful with lavender as the dominant note. Everything arrived quickly and packaged carefully and thoughtfully. As always, I love everything I get from S+S

  19. This whole line of offerings is really beautiful. I recently wore the water, oil, and ring talisman to a reunion with old friends and I could truly feel the abundance of love in the air. I don’t remember the last time I gave and received so many hugs! This line is light and airy, and all about the giving and acceptance of universal love. Also, it smells amazing!

  20. This item arrived beautifully packaged and secure. immediately upon holding it in my hands I felt an immense sense of clam and peace. Which is great because I get a lot of anxiety and due to this it is hard to keep my mind quiet and be able to be in the present moment. When I sprayed this on myself, I felt very relaxed and more connected to the experience that I was having. I felt, calm, peace, and joy.

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