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Water of Asclepius II

Water of Asclepius II

Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV

As further detailed in the series description, cypress, garden sage, rosemary, and incense cedar were blessed using the words of Thessalos, given to him in dream by Asclepius, and harvested during the days and hours of Sol and Jupiter.

These, along with rose of jericho, wildcrafted and ethically sourced white sage, and carnelian, were combined in a copper still and immersed in water freshly collected from the headwaters of the Sacramento River in Mt. Shasta. A hydrosol was produced on the Sun’s day, which was later combined with essential oils of frankincense and rosemary, colloidal gold, and grain alcohol during the Jupiter-Luna-Ras Alhague election, where the water was dedicated to Asclepius and received his blessing.

Sphere + Sundry is pleased with all of the offerings we produce, but the Water of Asclepius in particular is something truly special (see reviews from the first edition). For a thorough application, shake well and use as a body and aura spray, making sure to focus around the head, neck, chest, and spine.

Invokes instant clarity and refreshment, and aids in helping clear your field, heart, and mind over the next many hours. Apply after difficult interactions or during times of stress and negativity, and before bed to invite healing sleep and potential dream visitations from gods and spirits. Spray in spaces in need of healing, purification, and renewal, especially that carry a negative charge or presence you wish to dispel. Produces emotional, mental, and physical clarity that deepens with continued use.

Includes a small piece of carnelian in each glass bottle, the stone used in talismanic rings of Asclepius for thousands of years. Available in a half ounce spray for $26 or a two ounce spray for $52.




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Weight .5 oz
Dimensions .80 × .80 × 2.4 in
Spray Bottle Size

1/2 oz, 2 oz


Benefic, Neutral

Fixed Star

Planetary Body


Yes — contains NO animal ingredients

Creation Date

Morning of February 27th, 2019. Chart in image gallery.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 153 reviews

I wish I didn't go through this stuff so quickly, but it's just so freakin' helpful for so many situations. I keep mine in the fridge, which makes it especially soothing when I get bad headaches.

Get the big bottle

So grateful this was suggested with Mother Algol materia. The waters go quick because they smell amazing and are ultra refreshing in the hot weather. This is by far my favorite Asclepius scent, and my favorite water out of the two I waters I have. Clean, crisp, soothing, and refreshing, but not too strong, day or night you can’t go wrong to clear the energy. Highly recommend! Will definitely be ordering another bottle to work with malefic materia and promote healing ease.

Derek O'Neill

I love, love, love this water. Feeling a bit sick? Hungover? Need to remediate your situation? Use this spray. Use it almost daily on my body, linens, or to clear the space. Highly recommended.

Louise Weir
My nephew loves it

Bought this product for my nephew’s birthday. He loves it and says:”It felt grounded, focused, and helped clear some pragmatic thoughts in a gentle but immediate way Both (Asclepius and Luna) lit up energy tingle reiki hands pretty instantly.”

Lizzy Berezy
Crisp fresh air in a bottle

The moment I first smelt this, I had visions as if I was standing on top of a snowy mountain looking out at the sky with the sun shining through. Instant crispy clear fresh clarity. I also felt a snake at my feet which freaked me out until I put 2 and 2 together lol. This feels like a delete button, white-out, an eraser - instant clearing. It doesn't always lead to insane healing dreams (trust Asclepius knows when/how I need them) but when it does, WOW.

Buy the large one, thank me later

Healing may be difficult and unglamorous, but we all need it. A lot of it. This water instantly resets the mood of any room, cuts through the smell of the compost bin, and feels clarifying, astringent, and cooling. Soothes pains both spiritual and physical. Strong, bracing rosemary odour I happen to find lovely. Brought courage and fortitude when loved ones were going through medical issues.


One of the best and most helpful items of the entire S&S catalogue IMO. It clears and refreshes energy and primes for layering of other series. It’s like a palate cleanser for materia. When I spray this over my crown chakra before applying any other series, the effects always feel more potent. Really great for a lift in spirit too as it feels like it’s clearing away heavy and lingering energy. An incredible reset.

Spray Bad Days Away

Not to sound like an informercial, but this stuff is versatile and smells wonderful. It's perferct for banishing ill feelings of the body, mind, and soul. If there ever was an S+S starter pack, I'd choose this water to lead the way. It will clear the space you're in and I like to shimmy under the mist to help slough off bad vibes. You can feel the difference right away and it's so easy to use and there's never any fallout with Asclepius products, at least in my experience.

I love using this spray to clear the space when I pull tarot cards. It's a lovely way to keep my cards clear of negative energy and it helps to make them feel cared for. Hard recommend!

Lisa Solari
Wake-Up Spray

This Water gives a refreshing, energizing boost. It is a potent reset spray. I love it.

Must Have Travel Item

The small bottle is perfect for bring along on trips for quick and easy cleaning of energetic gunk. I spray on myself and also around hotel rooms/airbnbs which often have a funky energy.


  1. Asclepius Water had been instrumental in the recovery of my husband’s fall. It provided the much needed immediate relief on his knees followed by another materia on the series. A great help for first aid.

  2. I spray this on stiff joints before bedtime and im sad to have almost finished it. It smells bready to me in a comforting way and I end up tossing less than usual before I find a restful position.

  3. To me, this version of Asclepius water is much more lunar based, slightly more gentle. This is like a soothing ice pack to me. It promotes rest and relaxation. I sprayed this on myself today both because its a super moon, a lunar eclipse, and also an Asclepius day, and it has brought that lunar element to the fore.

    I would use this spray to support any therapy or processing needs you may have since it facilitates connection to what you may be feeling in the moment.

  4. After having an incredibly deep healing experience from the first Asclepius series, I knew I needed to have more on hand for all purpose reasons and at the time of ordering because I had to have oral surgery for a long time standing dental issue that no matter what doctors did it always came back with issues. This resulted in the tooth in question having to be uprooted and pulled out. Needless to say, I needed the physical healing support and emotional support for the trauma of having to have another surgery yet again. I used the water and the oil in conjunction with the healing process which always includes integrating the spiritual and mental with the physical experience of pain and healing. The water of Asclepius is something I always want to have available. It is cooling, calming and so healing. It truly feels like divine holy water. Now with the realities and trauma of 2020, this water has been at the bedside and used every night before going to sleep and provides a sense of wellbeing and peace for a good nights sleep. So happy that there is a new Asclepius re-up since this one is sold out and I for sure have ordered more! Thank you Kaitlin for such beautiful medicine.

  5. The effects from this are almost immediate: whenever I spray them on myself, I feel grounded, more level-headed, and able to focus on taking care of myself in the face of whatever stressors have been making me panicky and disconnected. It also works wonderfully as a room spray prior to cleaning, and seems to really help in purifying spaces. With it smelling so wonderful and having so many uses, I’m excited for this to be restocked with the next edition of Asclepius wares.

  6. I really love this Asclepius water and use it more often than any other S+S product I own. It’s very fast acting and, in my experience, is great for headaches, hangovers, sinus issues, and even just general overwhelm or exhaustion. When I’m suffering from any of these, I spritz myself in the face and feel almost immediately soothed. I could literally use it everyday.

  7. Without a doubt, this hydrosol is the quickest acting and most obviously effective product I’ve gotten from S+. Headaches, bug bites, muscle pains, it almost always knocked them all out, and if not, significantly relieved whatever it was. Definitely the product I miss having on hand the most.

  8. This Asclepius hydrosol has been a god send in times of physical stress. The results are incredibly swift.. I had recurring chest pain which my doctor has checked up on but is not concerned with for now and application of this hydrosol to my heart ceased the pain within minutes. It’s even wonderful for pets.. my kitty cat broke her tail and I massaged some of the spray through her coat. Her tail was back to its usual full mast just days later and the vet was happy he didn’t have to turn her into a manx! Looking forward to purchasing more when the next batch is made xxx

  9. Note: I bought this spray “just in case” I got sick this season because I gathered from reviews and comments in the FB S & S group that working with Asclepius might help speed recovery. I then got sick no more than a week and a half later because I’m lucky like that.

    What I did:

    I mainly used this spray after getting a cold, and used it 2-4 x a day during that time.

    What happened:

    My Asclepius II hydrosol aided in relieving my sinus pressure, lack of mental clarity, and congestion during my recent cold. I sprayed it every day around my face and head until the hydrosol liquid disappeared on the same day my congestion totally cleared up.

    Bonus: my cold WAS shorter than usual. I used cold products in addition to this spray, but felt I achieved an ambitious and satisfactory outcome as fast as possible thanks to regular use of the hydrosol. I’m diabetic and it is very important to me to get rid of illness quickly because anything like a virus impairs me so badly – and can linger in my system.

    To be honest, I started out unsure if/how the hydrosol would help with my cold. But breathing in the mist and spraying it on my face and head was naturally helpful for breathing.

    Other thoughts:

    I will buy more. Even before I got sick, spraying the hydrosol near my face and head immediately perked me up with the resulting energy lift. As well, I procrastinated on buying Asclepius products in previous months and now wish I had gotten 1 or more sooner. Healing, and being prepared for times we need assistance with healing, is important.

  10. I really appreciate all of the work I’ve experienced that Kaitlin creates with her wisely chosen collaborators at Sphere + Sundry. The integrity of the offerings has been solid throughout my time working with her works. Having tried both of the Asclepius series, and loving them both, what I’ve noticed with Asclepius II is that it will show up wherever it needs to, dream time or awake time— wherever, to help make your healing solution clear. It’s an assist that has helped many times to reconnect to the ideas of, self-agency and proactive clearer solutions.

  11. I received my Water of Asclepius II in April 2019 and Kaitlin has been so kind to also gift me the Asclepius I oil for my first order. I needed something magical to assist me in doing some energetic & literal blocking from a toxic exchange with someone who was acting like a bully. Though the whole affair was a grave misunderstanding, I was afraid that there was going to be more serious negative outcomes from it. As a result, I ended up choosing the Water of Asclepius II after reading all of Kaitlin’s materials, especially this – “These offerings help facilitate psychic and emotional metabolism and the distillation of wisdom and perspective from experience. ”

    After a month of using it, I was talking with friends who had a similar unfortunate experience, and I found myself having completely forgotten the name of the person I had the gross exchange with. I truly found myself speechless and flabbergasted. Sure perhaps I dissociated enough to forget but honestly, i believe that this material has helped protect me from a petty situation. It has helped remove me from being projected on. I certainly feel a veil of protection from it.

    I feel like my experience is slightly different from the other reviews, in terms of the health this water has given me.

    Thank you for all this magic! I can’t wait to try more of your offerings.

  12. I use this before bed on for a great night’s sleep. I also spray it on my partner who has a very stressful job and often has trouble falling asleep. He knows nothing of the magical qualities but has grown to love the spray and always asks me to spray it on him right before bed. Thank you for this! Will buy more!

  13. A beautiful offering. I used up my hydrosol so quickly as I loved the smell and sense of clarity it provided! I’d spray myself with it as part of a daily self care routine if I could. (Now I actually get a lot just from looking at the bottle and smelling the residual fragrance). Will buy more.

  14. This was lovely. Was up for about 24 hours having been flying across the country on no sleep. Arrived home feeling like I had been hit by a truck. My order had arrived in the mail the same day and I decided to spray myself with this water. Wow! Instant clarity and energy lift. The bottle itself seemed to glow with a white purifying light. I am so looking forward to working more with this water! Thanks Kaitlin.

  15. The Asclepius hydrosols, both I and II, have become an integral part of my self-care routine. Where I invited you to rest and dream in the great physician’s temple, II encourages active participation. You may find remedies and articles or suggestions appear almost immediately. For me, Asclepius II brings a vitality and sense that whatever is happening WILL be healed, and it encourages using that mind-body connection to make it so.

  16. The asclepius 1 water is prob one if my favorite S+S offerings to date. I adore the sage-heavy aroma and the profound effectiveness, which eliminates all manner of my ills ranging from bad moods to migraines to joint pain with a swiftness that is, indeed, magic!

    The new batch smells more of rosemary and a rinse of gin. While edition #1 was that holistic healer who held my hand and cultivated a slow, personal connection, edition #2 is more of a swift clinic doctor who takes pride in efficiency. A bit more energetically wham bam but equally effective in healing what ails me.

    So grateful that this stuff exists. ❤

  17. The Asclepius Water from both series have become a staple in my self-care routine, whether I’m feeling fuzzy from lack of sleep, am sitting in a crowded airport, have a headache, or just finished having an argument with one of my kids about homework. It helps me feel better after a night of bad dreams, cleanses the ick off my aura, and clears the air energetically after certain types of magical workings.
    I simply feel better after I’ve sprayed it: clearer, cleaner, and whatever aches and pains I may have had either reduce themselves dramatically or disappear altogether.
    I just hope there’s no chance of developing an immunity to its effects.

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