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Attuning Tincture of Exalted Luna

Attuning Tincture of Exalted Luna

100% organic and/ or wildcrafted herbs, tinctured in vodka following fumigation during the height of our Moon in Taurus conj. Jupiter election with myrrh resin + Luna Incense.

Motherwort, oat straw, heal all, plantain, raspberry leaf, blessed thistle, chamomile, lady’s mantle, hops, eleuthero root, milk thistle seed, white chrysanthemum, mugwort, blue poppy seed, fenugreek, watercress, catnip, and orris root. White lotus, and Jyotish remedial-grade pearl.

Offered in a 1/2 oz glass jar with dropper cap for $35, or 1 oz for $60

Please Note: To promote the longest shelf-life possible and reduce the likelihood of leaking during transit, this Tincture now arrives sealed with a flat closed cap, with a glass dropper bulb + 5 ml Mini vial for collecting the displaced excess on the side (for travel or gifting!).

We suggest only inserting the bulb during periods of routine application, and keeping the flat cap for times of dormant or less active use, especially since droppers can allow for evaporation and discoloration over time.

Disclaimer: While this does not contain anything inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption (legally speaking). Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.




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Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 0.80 × 0.80 × 2.4 in
Creation Date

Night of November 24th 2023. Luna’s hour. Chart in image gallery.

Planetary Body



Benefic, Neutral


Yes — contains NO animal ingredients


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

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Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Godsend for afflicted Moons

This restores something I’ve been missing without knowing. It brings interior contentment and delicacy. It helps me be careful and thoughtful, but active. I feel like I’m learning a different mode of being. It also helps with emotional awareness (if you’re shut down like me) and seems to increase precognitive material in dreams.

I’ve been working a lot with Immortal Heart (and Asclepius) for 9 months, which are phenomenal. Contrasting EL with IH, I recommend IH foremost for health issues with an emotional component, for trauma, and for addiction. Subsequently, I recommend pivoting to EL to assist re-establishing life going forward. IH helps set the the altar of one’s heart; I would suggest that EL builds a home inside you to shelter your altar and your heart.


This tincture has been life changing for me. At the very start of working with this tincture it was so blissful and comforting. Not that it isn't anymore, but after spamming for a bit, the materials started showing me what is missing in my life. Luna in this chart is configured to my Mars in a challenging way, however, this has allowed me to better acknowledge and accept the difficulties I have faced and imbued me with the power and ability to be more self-compassionate and resourceful. This materia has helped me massive changed in how I view things and with reconnecting and participating in life once again - in ways that felt nearly impossible after deeply unpleasant past experiences. I am beyond grateful for this materia! Out of all of them, this is the one I know I've needed the MOST and is helping me heal my deepest wounds.


I use most of my other tinctures as needed during the day, but this is definitely best for bedtime use (or maybe before a daytime nap!). I put a drop in my water or melatonin drink before bed and have found it brings restful & healing sleep.

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I've said before that my favorite S+S tincture is Exalted Venus II, and it may still be . . . but as this Lunar series has become tied with Venus in Taurus for my number one, I am REALLY into all of its forms including the tincture! I find it hard to describe, though, compared to my reviews for the rest of the Exalted Moon forms. Oddly enough, I've experienced tinctures as alternating between more subtle & more overt than other materia. Sometimes holding them provides a dense feeling of magic or energy, while actually taking a drop in the mouth can have nearly imperceptible effects. At the same time, it's quite clear that the purpose of the tinctures {attunement} is being achieved. That's why I use them, and feel called to them; there's a sense of coming into complete harmony with the desired qualities of the Power they're consecrated under. They just make it that much easier to manifest or create what you're aiming for. I feel like they clear blockages within so that you can become filled with, and embody the essence of, your chosen aspects of Divinity.

Lisa K
Dreamy, floating-on-cloud, restful goodness <3

Normally I like to sit with a series for quite a while and get a thorough sense of what it does before leaving a review, but I have no hesitation in running to the presses early on this one! In feeling, it's the pleasant, floaty, easeful, drowsy relaxation of having all problems solved and to-do lists taken care of and everything is just good and fine in the world (most of us probably haven't felt this sans materia in years!). In concrete circumstances, it got me caught up on sleep after having accumulated a big sleep debt that was tearing holes in my physical and mental health. (It also smells and tastes amazing - I put a few drops in chai tea or vanilla oat milk - or a combo of the two - and it's delicious). After about a week of daily use, I'm starting to experience the "cup is full, energy is now available for other things" that the write-up describes. Using more discipline-oriented materia during the day and Luna in Taurus tincture at night is getting my work/life balance sorted out and enabling my mental buzz (and work-related guilt trips) to turn off when it's time for rest. It's already a treasured presence in my toolkit, and one I'll definitely be coming back for more of.

Luna Jupiter goodness

Soothes the nerves. Builds inner confidence gently by removing the fear of intimacy and quieting the nagging inner critic.


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