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Became Web Mistress to the Esoteric Scene

Became Web Mistress to the Esoteric Scene
April 28, 2023 Kaitlin Coppock

My career in web design began because Austin needed a website, and people liked it, and I liked not having a “real” job. FORM & FUNCTION [ web production ]’s  first paying Client was William Kiesel to re-do the Ouroboros Press website, which paved the way to create sites for the Esoteric Book Conference, Xoanon Limited, Three Hands Press, Fulgur, Abraxas, Clavis, Anima Nocturna, Treadwell’s, The Flenser, and Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, among others. [It would have been Scarlet Imprint too, but politics at the time prohibited the possibility].

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