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Gorgon Mirror Talismans

Gorgon Mirror Talismans

The design for these Gorgon talismans was inspired by the use of convex mirrors used to not only reflect, but refract negative energies, and provide wider survey in bagua mirrors typically placed above doors in Feng Shui.

Etched at the beginning of the Full Moon conjunct Algol 2019 in the hour of Saturn and day of Mars, quickly cleaned, suffumigated, and rubbed with Algol oil during the election. Mount externally, above entryways or in the direction of harm you know is being directed toward you. The back has a sticker which can be peeled off in order to stick it to a surface. Rubbing the image with a small amount of oil conceals the Medusa image, allowing for even more covert operation.

Two of these are being offered standalone for $213, the rest being offered to the public are included with box sets and Watchtowers.

Please note that due to the particularly malefic nature of Algol, divination is being done on all orders placed for this series. If the results are ill-omened, we cannot ethically fill your order, and you will be refunded in full for any Algol items in your purchase. 

Shoutout to long-time Renaissance AstroMage Christopher Warnock of Renaissance Astrology, who himself created etched talismanic Algol mirrors many years ago. I did not know about them before designing/ executing this project, but after showing a friend my own, they mentioned having gotten something similar from Esquire Warnock in the past, so I would like to pay homage by linking to them 😊


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Creation Date

Sunset, Tuesday November 12, 2019. Full Moon conj. Algol rising, hour of Saturn. Chart in the image gallery.

Areas of Application




No — Contains cruelty free, ethically, and legally harvested animal-derived components

Dimensions 4 × 3.25 × 1.75 in
Weight 4 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

Truly impressive materia. There is indeed a 'settling in' period; I had a few electrical disturbances that resolved as soon as I created an appropriate space for the work.


  1. Truly impressive materia. There is indeed a ‘settling in’ period; I had a few electrical disturbances that resolved as soon as I created an appropriate space for the work.

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