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Powder of Mars in Scorpio

Powder of Mars in Scorpio

Organic herbs and gems of a classical Martial nature, including red ginseng, scorpion pepper, black and pink peppercorns, bloodstone, and red jasper were combined with sundry ingredients famed in Hoodoo and Conjure for victory, strength, and potency, such as High John the Conqueror Root, Devil’s Shoestring, and others, in addition to yang potency enhancers such as horny goat weed, yohimbe, and tongkat ali.

These were combined and ritually suffumigated with Mars’ Exaltation Degree incense during the hour of Mars, as the zodiac’s soldier rose over the eastern horizon in Scorpio following a lengthy entreaty for his empowerment. Election chart in the image gallery.

Pure and uncut, ground with the addition of ammoniacum gum during the day and hour of Mars.

Use as any magical powder is typically employed — dress candles, build mojos, or cut with corn starch or talcum powder to create your own Mars in Scorpio sachet powder. Use for overcoming and tactically outsmarting those who would work against you.

Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $25, or 2 oz bulk pot for $75




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Creation Date

New Year's Day, January 1st 2020. Hour of Mars, Mars rising in Scorpio. Chart in image gallery

Areas of Application

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Magical Applications

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Planetary Body

Potential Side Effects

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Yes — Vegan

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 2.85 in
Weight 2.5 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Jessica L. (Michigan, United States)
actually smells warm and comforting in a savory way

It's...friendlier than I thought it would be. I have a debilitated Mars and thought this would be musky, bloody aggro, but when I smelled it, it was peppery and warm, almost like beef noodles. Have tried it when working out from time to time when I can't really do the thing, but I should probably try it out more.


During Aries season, every Tuesday in the hour of Mars, I would saddle up to theMars altar I made and do a little remediation using the MiS powder on my tools. Using it made me feel more stable through an unstable time, stronger to head on difficult issues more than usual. I struggle with how my anger expresses itself and this has been helpful in those areas.


  1. During Aries season, every Tuesday in the hour of Mars, I would saddle up to theMars altar I made and do a little remediation using the MiS powder on my tools. Using it made me feel more stable through an unstable time, stronger to head on difficult issues more than usual. I struggle with how my anger expresses itself and this has been helpful in those areas.

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