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Regulus Talismans II

Regulus Talismans II

Regulus talismans by goldsmith and planetary mage Tony Mack, cast during the equivalent election per his location. Of his glorious creations, he shares —

Modeled in hard carver’s wax on January 22nd, 2019 at 7:27pm EST in Williamsport PA; accompanied by a petition to the Heart of the Lion, and suffumigation of celandine, mugwort, and wormwood; the corresponding herbs for Regulus via “Liber Hermetis tractans de 15 Stellis”, and H.C. Agrippa.

A pure gold lion’s head likens to a blazing star, conjoined with electrum (an 80/20 alloy of gold and silver) wreath of laurel framing the symbol of Regulus. Equal parts of the aforementioned herbs were placed behind the eyes of the lion before being hammer-set in place. A high grade 1 carat garnet is prong-set into the heart of Regulus.

On the effects —

I began to notice ritual bleed as soon as the date had been set, starting with my being gifted two 80lb stone lions – which became a recurring theme. The hour leading up to the election carried with it tremendous momentum; culminating in an unusual/ moving silence. The words I had prepared gave way to a more fluid and emotive petition, and the entire operation became heart-centered in a way I hadn’t anticipated.

These talismans have a brilliant and warm presence. Like a lantern hung in the heart’s cathedral, from which you can orient or install yourself and shine forth from. There is a very particular courage that wells up, and a benefic desire for the heart to be shown. An expression which won’t diminish or augment itself for fear of the vulnerability that visibility necessarily entails.

The effects have been received very well; and acting upon those desires has been rewarding, including being gifted 1.5 ounces of gold as a direct consequence of the working. I’m still attuning with the talisman, but it’s already more than I hoped it would be, and in a pleasantly unexpected way.

Ten talismans are being offered to the public. Each comes with a 20” silver chain and arrives in a black leatherette latched pendant box, marked by the wax seal of Cœur Leonis’ glyph. Includes a 1/2 oz vial of Regulus Oil to fuel its charge and directions for maintenance.



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Creation Date

Night of January 22nd 2019. Moon and Regulus conjoined the Ascendant, hour of Jupiter. Chart in the image gallery

Areas of Application




Yes — Vegan

Dimensions 4 × 3.25 × 1.75 in
Weight 4 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

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My sun is at 29 degrees of Leo, so I was a little hesitant to go all in on this Regulus Talisman at first. However, I felt so drawn to it in the photos, I decided to trust my gut. I am very glad I did, as it warms my heart every time I wear it and just makes me feel more...well, me! Aside from my Leo sun, I have a lot of Libra in my chart and I think I sometimes have a difficult time holding space for myself, and I can definitely foresee this talisman aiding my growth in that area. Besides, all of Tony Mack’s works are truly exquisite. One cannot go wrong with anything he makes. And last, but definitely not least, I was so pleased to see that Sphere + Sundry through in a bottle of Regulus oil. I will most definitely be using this in my work with the Talisman to feed and keep it charged. Thank you!

Posted t.c.f.

Regulus Talismans II


  1. you are best

  2. My sun is at 29 degrees of Leo, so I was a little hesitant to go all in on this Regulus Talisman at first. However, I felt so drawn to it in the photos, I decided to trust my gut. I am very glad I did, as it warms my heart every time I wear it and just makes me feel more…well, me! Aside from my Leo sun, I have a lot of Libra in my chart and I think I sometimes have a difficult time holding space for myself, and I can definitely foresee this talisman aiding my growth in that area. Besides, all of Tony Mack’s works are truly exquisite. One cannot go wrong with anything he makes. And last, but definitely not least, I was so pleased to see that Sphere + Sundry through in a bottle of Regulus oil. I will most definitely be using this in my work with the Talisman to feed and keep it charged. Thank you!

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