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Venus in Taurus Powder

Venus in Taurus Powder

An organic blend of herbs close to the Fairer Benefic’s heart — rose bud, marshmallow root, red clover blossom, rosehips, and more, were ritually combined and suffumigated during one of the finest Venus in Taurus elections of 2019. Later powdered with rose quartz, emerald, and copper during the day and hour of Venus.

Use to boost spellwork related to the attraction and endurance of love (self-love included), beauty, glamour, money, and gift drawing. Dress candles, create your own sachet powders and add to mojo bags, or use in any other way enchanted herbal mixes and powders can be employed.

Pure, uncut, and organic herbs, gemstones, and flowers.

Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $28


Out of stock

Spoken for... theoretically! If there is a red banner on the main image indicating this item is Out of Stock, then it is truly spoken for. Other items are just in need of bottling and will be made available at some point in the future. Join the waiting list to be notified of any restocks.

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Creation Date

Morning of May 27th, 2019, hour of Venus. Chart in the image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Magical Applications

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Planetary Body


Yes — Vegan

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 2.85 in
Weight 2.5 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
K (New York, United States)

I still have a very small amount of this, and really wish I had more! Looking forward to getting the bulk size when next a Venus in Taurus series is released.

I would use this ViTI powder for so many things if I could, but alas, I'm holding onto it in case of a special operation . . . I like to use powders more so for relatively "permanent" purposes, such as in jars or other enclosed magical spaces. As with the rest of this series, stunning energies & results that are totally in alignment with the coveted earthly manifestation of Venus!

J.Y. (District of Columbia, United States)

Venus in Taurus materia was temperamental - and the powder was the least temperamental of them all. It smells rosy and sweet, and is great for a Venusian mojo bag. Great for self-love moments or generating a bit of luxury for yourself. I find powders to be super versatile and enjoy using them on items and self.


Venus in Taurus wares quiet my mind and allow me to truly embody myself, to truly see that loving and having confidence in myself isn’t a question of worthiness, but a state of being. I love the powder especially, because it works perfectly for attuning myself with the very specific Earth of Venus energies during ritual, and also because it fast-tracks manifestation in the material sphere on a level that always leaves me staggering. I love love love this powder and I would buy a vat of it if I could!

Alexis P.M.

I am a HUGE Kaitlin and Sphere + Sundry fan, and regularly promote her work to anyone who appreciates the magical arts.

Her Venus in Taurus series was the first materia I ever purchased, and her ViT powder has been a huge boon to my luck and marketing work, as well as attracting more generosity and strengthening my self-esteem. It's one of my favourites!


This is how crazy fast ViT works: earlier, my fur child was being a little too wild (chewing on furniture and being spazzy) so I showed him the powder, he is very much a male cat--he has to smell E v e r y t h i n g, and then put just the teeniest bit in his basket that he loves to curl up in.
I have the ViT water and sometimes if I want to have a really good night's sleep I will spritz some on the bed, and whenever I have done this the cat shows up and wants to cuddle all night.
But I digress, after putting some powder in his basket, I let him go outside and then basically forgot about it. I had intended the powder for him, obviously, not for myself.
Not three hours later, my coworker asks if I want to pick up his overnight shifts. I know this doesn't sound *glamorous* but it is Venusian from the perspective that I need money and will make significantly more on an overnight than a dayside shift. Hail to the Fairer Benefic! She is truly great.
Now the cat is cuddled in his basket, with an extremely satisfied look on his face.

William W.

I'm pretty sure I can credit lady Venus in Taurus for the sudden appearance of a clean and fully working surround sound set next to my apartment's dumpster this morning (no bric-a-brac brands here, either). Of course I picked it up. I sprinkle the powder on altars and candles while working Venus rituals. She's also given me bags of free food at farmer's markets, and facilitated the appearance of deep discount coupons in online orders from other retailers. Perfectionism has its merits, it seems. ;)

Stephanie J.

This was my first S+S purchase, but it certainly was not my last. First of all, you'll want to know (if you're a first time buyer), S+S is the most excellently crafted handmade product I have ever purchased. S+S products are art, and like high quality art, every last detail has been covered to the extreme, from the election and conception to the packaging and shipping materials. It is just, plainly, an excellent product and you should treat yourself to it.

Venus in Taurus is my favorite S+S purchase, although I have loved everything.

As a long time amateur observe of the science of astrological talismanic magic, I knew something about what I was getting into here, but I had never experienced for myself an excellently timed election paired with appropriate material craftsmanship. The result is a pure experience of the Planet in its favorable position.

Like many others, I purchased ViT to remediate problems in my chart. As a Scorpio Venus, experiencing my dead opposite was a revelation, a bright light breaking into the darkness of the areas of my life that Venus rules. Just a few crumbs of this stuff and I transcended into an ecstasy. I literally wanted to make out with the bottle. To say that it facilitated worship of the goddess would be putting it mildly.

I immediately began to revitalize my makeup and dress routine. I began to look absolutely stunning. Where previous experimentations with Venus work had taken me far, this stuff catapulted me into a new dimension. Any dregs of unrequited and impossible love left in my heart left me completely and I began to love myself for my own sake, entirely satisfied by my own beauty, glamour, and pleasure.

I did, however, drain my bank account on beauty supplies under the influence of ViT, and I had to call it in check after a few weeks. Not too much harm done because money flows. But it was a fabulous time.

Venus in Taurus is also a warrior. She will fight for her devotees and make sure that you stand up for yourself. But in a luscious, lavish, way.

Unless you already are a beauty queen with the happiest of hearts, you should totally invite Venus in Taurus into your life.


I love dressing candles in oil & then rolling them in this powder for my Venus altar. Sometimes I feed bits of the powder to the melted wax pool because it looks lovely & feels indulgent. I've noted the following during or right after I burn candles dressed with ViT powder:

- I unexpectedly received two dozen gorgeous roses from my spouse
- A friend gave me lovingly handmade crafts she created
- Received a response to a message I'd sent more than a year ago
- My veterinarian conducted some expensive tests at no charge

I look forward to more luxuries after employing this wonderful powder.


I didn’t doubt the legitimacy of magic in this materia when I first heard about it and initially ordered it, but I drastically underestimated its potency and the extent to which I’d benefit from working with it. In a material sense, it paid itself off in random makeup and jewelry gifts and job offers literally just in the time between ordering it in the mail to when it arrived at my house. Energetically and spiritually, I can’t put a price on how much it helped me. I have been incorporating it into my standard Venus rituals, and it’s vibration helped me tune-in to a type of self-love and body acceptance I didn’t expect to be achievable for me after so many years of battling and recovering from deep rooted body-image issues, low-self esteme, etc, at least not achievable in such a small window of time. I now recommend Sphere + Sundry to all of my friends, family, and even most of my clients.


  1. Venus in Taurus wares quiet my mind and allow me to truly embody myself, to truly see that loving and having confidence in myself isn’t a question of worthiness, but a state of being. I love the powder especially, because it works perfectly for attuning myself with the very specific Earth of Venus energies during ritual, and also because it fast-tracks manifestation in the material sphere on a level that always leaves me staggering. I love love love this powder and I would buy a vat of it if I could!

  2. I am a HUGE Kaitlin and Sphere + Sundry fan, and regularly promote her work to anyone who appreciates the magical arts.

    Her Venus in Taurus series was the first materia I ever purchased, and her ViT powder has been a huge boon to my luck and marketing work, as well as attracting more generosity and strengthening my self-esteem. It’s one of my favourites!

  3. This is how crazy fast ViT works: earlier, my fur child was being a little too wild (chewing on furniture and being spazzy) so I showed him the powder, he is very much a male cat–he has to smell E v e r y t h i n g, and then put just the teeniest bit in his basket that he loves to curl up in.
    I have the ViT water and sometimes if I want to have a really good night’s sleep I will spritz some on the bed, and whenever I have done this the cat shows up and wants to cuddle all night.
    But I digress, after putting some powder in his basket, I let him go outside and then basically forgot about it. I had intended the powder for him, obviously, not for myself.
    Not three hours later, my coworker asks if I want to pick up his overnight shifts. I know this doesn’t sound *glamorous* but it is Venusian from the perspective that I need money and will make significantly more on an overnight than a dayside shift. Hail to the Fairer Benefic! She is truly great.
    Now the cat is cuddled in his basket, with an extremely satisfied look on his face.

  4. I’m pretty sure I can credit lady Venus in Taurus for the sudden appearance of a clean and fully working surround sound set next to my apartment’s dumpster this morning (no bric-a-brac brands here, either). Of course I picked it up. I sprinkle the powder on altars and candles while working Venus rituals. She’s also given me bags of free food at farmer’s markets, and facilitated the appearance of deep discount coupons in online orders from other retailers. Perfectionism has its merits, it seems. 😉

  5. This was my first S+S purchase, but it certainly was not my last. First of all, you’ll want to know (if you’re a first time buyer), S+S is the most excellently crafted handmade product I have ever purchased. S+S products are art, and like high quality art, every last detail has been covered to the extreme, from the election and conception to the packaging and shipping materials. It is just, plainly, an excellent product and you should treat yourself to it.

    Venus in Taurus is my favorite S+S purchase, although I have loved everything.

    As a long time amateur observe of the science of astrological talismanic magic, I knew something about what I was getting into here, but I had never experienced for myself an excellently timed election paired with appropriate material craftsmanship. The result is a pure experience of the Planet in its favorable position.

    Like many others, I purchased ViT to remediate problems in my chart. As a Scorpio Venus, experiencing my dead opposite was a revelation, a bright light breaking into the darkness of the areas of my life that Venus rules. Just a few crumbs of this stuff and I transcended into an ecstasy. I literally wanted to make out with the bottle. To say that it facilitated worship of the goddess would be putting it mildly.

    I immediately began to revitalize my makeup and dress routine. I began to look absolutely stunning. Where previous experimentations with Venus work had taken me far, this stuff catapulted me into a new dimension. Any dregs of unrequited and impossible love left in my heart left me completely and I began to love myself for my own sake, entirely satisfied by my own beauty, glamour, and pleasure.

    I did, however, drain my bank account on beauty supplies under the influence of ViT, and I had to call it in check after a few weeks. Not too much harm done because money flows. But it was a fabulous time.

    Venus in Taurus is also a warrior. She will fight for her devotees and make sure that you stand up for yourself. But in a luscious, lavish, way.

    Unless you already are a beauty queen with the happiest of hearts, you should totally invite Venus in Taurus into your life.

  6. I love dressing candles in oil & then rolling them in this powder for my Venus altar. Sometimes I feed bits of the powder to the melted wax pool because it looks lovely & feels indulgent. I’ve noted the following during or right after I burn candles dressed with ViT powder:

    – I unexpectedly received two dozen gorgeous roses from my spouse
    – A friend gave me lovingly handmade crafts she created
    – Received a response to a message I’d sent more than a year ago
    – My veterinarian conducted some expensive tests at no charge

    I look forward to more luxuries after employing this wonderful powder.

  7. I didn’t doubt the legitimacy of magic in this materia when I first heard about it and initially ordered it, but I drastically underestimated its potency and the extent to which I’d benefit from working with it. In a material sense, it paid itself off in random makeup and jewelry gifts and job offers literally just in the time between ordering it in the mail to when it arrived at my house. Energetically and spiritually, I can’t put a price on how much it helped me. I have been incorporating it into my standard Venus rituals, and it’s vibration helped me tune-in to a type of self-love and body acceptance I didn’t expect to be achievable for me after so many years of battling and recovering from deep rooted body-image issues, low-self esteme, etc, at least not achievable in such a small window of time. I now recommend Sphere + Sundry to all of my friends, family, and even most of my clients.

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