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Venus in Taurus Self-Igniting Incense

Venus in Taurus Self-Igniting Incense

An organic incense blend of materia close to the Fairer Benefic’s heart — rose bud, rosehips, rose quartz, marshmallow root, red clover blossom, emerald, and more, ritually combined and suffumigated during one of the finest Venus in Taurus elections of 2019.

Create a small mound or trace sigils on a fireproof surface before lighting. Burn during weekly Venus observations, for remediation, or during magical works for maintaining and strengthening relationships, drawing lovers, gifts, upgrades, and money.

Take a smoke bath to enhance glamour, beauty, and encourage self-acceptance, self-love, and feelings of desirability. Promotes comfort in one’s skin and putting your own needs and desires first.

Pure, uncut, and organic herbs, gemstones, and flowers.

Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $28


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Creation Date

Morning of May 27th, 2019, hour of Venus. Chart in the image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function


Magical Applications

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Planetary Body


Yes — Vegan


FIRE HAZARD — Never leave fire unattended. Clear away packing materials before burning and do not close the lid on boxes while a flame is burning

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 2.85 in
Weight 2.5 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
R. (Alabama, United States)
divine offering

This incense is my go-to offering for Venusian spirits, from Aphrodite down to 'ancestors of art', the poets and artists who've inspired me over the years. Its rich scent makes the entire space sacred and precious.

K (New York, United States)

I didn't say everything I wanted to say about this incense in the last testimonial I wrote. I still have some of it left, and it's without a doubt my favorite S+S incense. In fact, having been a Client since 2018 (starting with the Venus in Libra I release) and being first in line for every Venusian series, I can confidently say that Venus in Taurus I is the ideal to which I will always compare all others. I've stated in testimonials many times that some of the newer Venusian series' were my favorites, but as I've gained more clarity through experience & consistently working with all of them, I can now very much see that ViT I resonates/ blesses me in alignment with my truest desires. It's lush heaven!

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Kelly S. (California, United States)
Dozy sweetness

I will only employ this incense when I'm ready to indulge in some serious *me* time -- this is some exceptionally potent, luxurious magic! If you have any tasks to do, though, that you're less than inclined to tackle, this Venus is definitely gonna sideline these with a heavy dose of 'why bother?' mentality. She wants what She wants, full stop! It's taken me quite awhile to learn how to comfortably use this materia, but now that I get it, I'm loving it.


Obsesseddd with this incense! Down to the last bit now (I've used several vials of it, I believe) & it has me craving a new, lush, riot-of-roses Venus in Taurus series like crazy. I find myself constantly dreaming of a rose kolonia, body butter, Beauty Oil, etc. Knowing how much S+S has grown since ViT I was released, I have high expectations for its successors! ViT was very special & I absolutely can't wait for more...


As a Venus in Virgo native, I have found burning Venus in Taurus incense to be helpful as I open up to receiving more with less work. I feel more relaxed, self-loving, and deserving of abundance. I also highly recommend bathing your wallet in this smoke as a form of Venusian money magic.


I gave myself a smoke bath in this incense before taking some selfies to be used for a portrait. I was feeling nervous and self conscious about it but I feel like the incense helped me relax (and convinced me change my shirt to something more Venusian and floral, lol). I ended up with a few options I love. I’m excited to receive the final piece and that the materia will be part of how it was made!


This is a delightful incense, potent yet subtle in its works. The scent reminds me of all manner of fruit-and-cream desserts. I started using this for remediation purposes and the Venus transits have been hitting me hard. Venus in Taurus has been encouraging me to spend a lot of money, but in a constructive, rather than a frivolous way - showing me how I can "level up" to a more glamorous life. As Venus hit my first house, I changed my hair colour and started buying better quality dye. Venus hit my third house and I started making an effort to support more local businesses. Venus hit my sixth house, and I invested in better (and prettier!) storage space. And so it goes. For me, the incense is lightly energising, though it can be relaxing if I need it.

Due to the pandemic I've only been able to test this outside once, but it was a productive experience. During a brief interlude when it was safe to go out, I was invited out to a club (by my most antisocial friend!) and gave myself a smoke bath beforehand. As a weird witch immigrant living in a conservative country, I don't usually have much luck finding the kind of men who appeal to me. I expected I'd end up surrounded by the usual sleazebags. This time, however, two very intriguing, charming men came up to talk to me, with no effort on my part whatsoever. My highest praises to the laughter-loving Queen!


I received this incense as a gift and wasn't sure what to expect, as I hadn't used incenses as part of my rituals before. Using this ViT incense has been a lovely learning experience for me – it's worked very well as part of magical rituals of a Venusian nature, as having the real-time smoke/combustion feedback is really helpful in feeling the ritual work. It's also so nice for bathing specific objects in, or meditating to and bathing myself in as a preparation for Venus activities.


Venus in Taurus felt more like self love for me. It was a lot subtler than a lot of other S+S materia, probably because it's in Taurus, an Earth based sign, but that is the point. It really had me sit down in order to "listen" and see its energy flow toward my heart center. Once I settled and let her do her thing, she provided a feeling of stability, opposite my natal Venus in Scorpio (ViS). Not what I'm used to, but an ideal I could strive for. ViS can be a little paranoid projecting monsters where there might not be, sitting with the calm was a nice change of pace. Thanks, Kaitlin!


I always have the most blissed, smooth sailing Fridays when I burn this at my Venus altar. People go out of their way to help me or come bearing gifts.. it's rather phenomenal. My partner is a VnT native and let's just say this works a treat along with the oil. Thank you so much Kaitlin X


  1. Obsesseddd with this incense! Down to the last bit now (I’ve used several vials of it, I believe) & it has me craving a new, lush, riot-of-roses Venus in Taurus series like crazy. I find myself constantly dreaming of a rose kolonia, body butter, Beauty Oil, etc. Knowing how much S+S has grown since ViT I was released, I have high expectations for its successors! ViT was very special & I absolutely can’t wait for more…

  2. As a Venus in Virgo native, I have found burning Venus in Taurus incense to be helpful as I open up to receiving more with less work. I feel more relaxed, self-loving, and deserving of abundance. I also highly recommend bathing your wallet in this smoke as a form of Venusian money magic.

  3. I gave myself a smoke bath in this incense before taking some selfies to be used for a portrait. I was feeling nervous and self conscious about it but I feel like the incense helped me relax (and convinced me change my shirt to something more Venusian and floral, lol). I ended up with a few options I love. I’m excited to receive the final piece and that the materia will be part of how it was made!

  4. This is a delightful incense, potent yet subtle in its works. The scent reminds me of all manner of fruit-and-cream desserts. I started using this for remediation purposes and the Venus transits have been hitting me hard. Venus in Taurus has been encouraging me to spend a lot of money, but in a constructive, rather than a frivolous way – showing me how I can “level up” to a more glamorous life. As Venus hit my first house, I changed my hair colour and started buying better quality dye. Venus hit my third house and I started making an effort to support more local businesses. Venus hit my sixth house, and I invested in better (and prettier!) storage space. And so it goes. For me, the incense is lightly energising, though it can be relaxing if I need it.

    Due to the pandemic I’ve only been able to test this outside once, but it was a productive experience. During a brief interlude when it was safe to go out, I was invited out to a club (by my most antisocial friend!) and gave myself a smoke bath beforehand. As a weird witch immigrant living in a conservative country, I don’t usually have much luck finding the kind of men who appeal to me. I expected I’d end up surrounded by the usual sleazebags. This time, however, two very intriguing, charming men came up to talk to me, with no effort on my part whatsoever. My highest praises to the laughter-loving Queen!

  5. I received this incense as a gift and wasn’t sure what to expect, as I hadn’t used incenses as part of my rituals before. Using this ViT incense has been a lovely learning experience for me – it’s worked very well as part of magical rituals of a Venusian nature, as having the real-time smoke/combustion feedback is really helpful in feeling the ritual work. It’s also so nice for bathing specific objects in, or meditating to and bathing myself in as a preparation for Venus activities.

  6. Venus in Taurus felt more like self love for me. It was a lot subtler than a lot of other S+S materia, probably because it’s in Taurus, an Earth based sign, but that is the point. It really had me sit down in order to “listen” and see its energy flow toward my heart center. Once I settled and let her do her thing, she provided a feeling of stability, opposite my natal Venus in Scorpio (ViS). Not what I’m used to, but an ideal I could strive for. ViS can be a little paranoid projecting monsters where there might not be, sitting with the calm was a nice change of pace. Thanks, Kaitlin!

  7. I always have the most blissed, smooth sailing Fridays when I burn this at my Venus altar. People go out of their way to help me or come bearing gifts.. it’s rather phenomenal. My partner is a VnT native and let’s just say this works a treat along with the oil. Thank you so much Kaitlin X

  8. I have received my incense today, and feel very surprised to have received it so soon, given that Kaitlin is moving house this week. I ordered less than a week ago and received my package this afternoon. I thought I’d get my order in a few weeks, but here we go. Which confirms that apart from being an incredibly talented esoteric practitioner, Kaitlin is also such an honorable person — an extremely rare occurrence in the modern-day occult circles. Usually — in my experience — the more talented a person is metaphysically (at least in the West), the less meticulous they are when it comes to obligations. Not Kaitlin. For someone who is able to embrace both light and shadow (in herself and in the outside world) with such confidence, she is amazingly grounded in positivity and 100% ethical and dependable. I don’t know her personally, but I have heard her being interviewed and I’ve seen her interact with such integrity on the Sphere & Sundry forum. Even when random people address her with undue familiarity she is so gracious in her replies. I can’t imagine anyone else having such patience and can only imagine what someone like Crowley or Peter J. Carroll would have replied to some of those posters. But I digress. The bottom line is that Kaitlin — while being uniquely talented to such a high degree — remains so modest and so diligent. Which makes her stand out even more among other practitioners. Thank you, Kaitlin for your wonderful creations and for keeping your shipping operation clockwork-solid even while moving house. Again, I couldn’t have done it.

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