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Bath Salts of Regulus III

Bath Salts of Regulus III

Dead Sea salts, fumigated in the election window with frankincense, combined with organic consecrated Regulus III herbal mix, including classical associations for Cœur Leonis: mugwort, celandine, wormwood, mastic, and garnet, alongside 24k gold, saffron, and sundry ingredients for personal empowerment, healthy ego development, and illumination.

Essential oils of frankincense, mugwort, blood orange, and helichrysum. A touch of Regulus III Oil makes this not only a cleansing, but an anointing in one step.

Bathe to banish self-doubt and low, melancholic states. Especially as part of the full Ritual Bathing protocol.

Restore a strong sense of self, and embody that which makes you unique, authentic, and special — help others to see the same!

Take confident command as the unfettered, unstoppable leader **your OWN Sphere** needs, emerging as Luminous Sovereign of thine own realm.

The standard size is enough for 2-3 deep baths, or dilute smaller amounts with more salt to make a little go a much longer way.

This salt can also be added to floor washes, sprays, or dishes of water for additional magical utility, or used as a salt scrub for those without a tub.

Offered in an airtight 8 oz bale top glass jar for $36, 16 oz bulk pot for $72, or unbreakable 18 oz (by weight) bath bundle for $66 (enough to refill the bulk pot).

Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you’d like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!




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Creation Date

Night of June 15th, 2021. Moon-Regulus in the 10th, opposite Jupiter in Pisces in the 4th (Lion-Elephant Yoga), Luna's hour. Chart in the image gallery

Areas of Application


Step / Function


16 oz, 18 oz bundle (weight), 8 oz

Magical Applications



No — Contains cruelty free, ethically, and legally harvested animal-derived components

Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 in
Weight 5 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 21 reviews
DK (British Columbia, Canada)
Regulus bath salts

Is your crown tarnished? Feeling down on y ourself? Take a dip in royal waters, add some golden sol for added ooomf. I will be so sad when these go away forever.

Anonymous (Colorado, United States)
Regulus bath salts

Warming and invigorating, in a nourishing rather than wiring way. Feels slightly more fortifying than cleansing (which I like). I've also added some to distilled water for a salt spray.

H.C. (Scotland, United Kingdom)
Solar goodness

Nice to use before working with Regulus, energizing and uplifting.

Tim M. (Texas, United States)
worked very well

used before giving a big presentation and it went way better than expected

Kyndal W. (California, United States)
I'm Walking on Sunshine

I've had these bath salts for a minute but only used them for the first time recently for a Winter Solstice ritual to welcome back the Light. Soaked in the tub then came out feeling like I was walking on sunshine. I felt energized, but not overly so, and generally optimistic. Will be employing this for Sunday rituals moving forward.

tea (New Jersey, United States)
Lion friend

I originally got this for my partner since he has no fire in his chart, but I like to use it as well :) The election for this series is so compatible with my natal chart. I feel more confident with my creative projects and more comfortable being ~*me*~ I used it the day before I had to do my yoga teacher training final flow instruction and it really helped me with stage-fright feelings I often get, yay

lisa c. (California, United States)
Honestly, worked a little too well

I'll be coming back for more Sphere + Sundry. :)

Satvinder M. (Ontario, Canada)
Regal smell, Regal vibes

This was my first bath salt purchase and considering that I've got a collection of them now, it's fair to say that they've been worthy investments. Regulus III, in particular, gives me the feeling that my body is my cathedral/temple/shrine and that it's worth pampering. I combine it with my bath salt mix (sea salt, Himalayan salt, Epsom salts and magnesium flakes) to get more bang for my buck and it does the job well. It's also helpful in a spray bottle to protect and support self-esteem and self-confidence for people with 12 house placements (and for anyone else, I imagine).

D.M. (California, United States)

From my experience as someone with strongly controlled by Saturn Sun (in 12 house conjunct Saturn plus Pluto in Libra), this was the easiest item for me to start. I still need to agree that any Solar materia gives me a scare to use, but you cannot go wrong with the bath salt. After a few session with this bath salt in a shower I could start reaching out for other items as well.

S.T. (Tennessee, United States)
Bought the bulk size and glad I did!

Regulus bath salt is the perfect ally for Sunday ritual baths. It is activating but I don’t find it to be overwhelming. Yes diurnal use recc is good but I didn’t experience that feeling of being wired how some materia can make me feel that has the same instructions! I go about the rest of my day feeling lighter and lifted. Regulus is a great ally and I love this particular form so much.


  1. Regulus has been an incredible friend over the years, and the bath salts from this third iteration of materia is no exception. Earlier this year I made a change to my hair, and as I’ve been re-setting my relationship with my mane, I’ve been sprinkling a tiny amount of salts into the spray bottle I use while styling. My hair is healthy, sure, but the sensation of walking around with a subtle but palpably protective, glow-ier aura is the more substantive consequence. As someone else said in these reviews, all the salts S+ makes are multiply useful, and Regulus in particular is quite good for “crown” work.

  2. I don’t know what it is about Regulus, as I’m only a novice, but I get on so beautifully with this materia..especially applications to the body, like these lovely salts and the body butter. It’s so sanguine in nature, so bright and yet there is a playfulness to its regality. I find myself being the best version of me—more positive, optimistic, and comfortable. It’s perfect for socializing for me, as I’m an extreme introvert with a generally melancholic disposition (which I am forever trying to remedy) . I feel young, free, and vibrant with Regulus. It doesn’t hurt a whit that it all smells so lovely and sunny. I cannot express how grateful I am to have this materia in my life right now.

  3. I’ve been navigating a promotion at work, developing a conscious plan for managing depression, and learning the social nuances of having some new hires around.

    The Regulus III salts make such a soothing bath for this work and leave me reassured of new tools I am developing, and of the skills I already have developed. Using them has been a nice addition to my self care routines— and only a little is needed each bath!

    I credit them for giving me a sense of security in the face of the strong emotions of colleagues, and with helping me remember my worth and capabilities in helping the people around me manage conflict with care and an aim towards love. These were my first buy from S+S, and I’m excited to try other materia as they resonate with me.

    I just bought a whole bunch of materia for some coven mates I’ll be departing from this year, and these salts are part of that package because they’ve just been so good to me.

  4. Absolutely incredible! My favorite of the bath salts from S+S I’ve tried. It was so uplifting and my heart felt aglow, golden, leonine. The blood orange comes through and smells so delicious.

  5. These were the first bath salts I tried from S+S, and now I understand what I’ve been missing out on! I never normally use scented bath products because of sensitivity to them, but it’s true that a little goes a long way with these S+S salts. I mixed a hefty tablespoon with about 2 cups of epsom salts, and the result was still SO aromatic and indulgent; my skin felt amazing afterward. I didn’t experience any adverse reaction, either. Rather, I felt a glorious sense of renewal and optimism which carried me over to the following day (which this evening bath was in preparation for). I was planning on giving notice at my job, and wanted to bolster myself for what I anticipated would be a tense experience. Instead I found myself feeling empowered by my decision and fully capable of executing it with ease and grace (while wearing Regulus III oil and taking some attuning tincture, along with “Confidence” BPAL, so I was sufficiently loaded!). The bath was the precursor, though, and it really set the stage for a perfect result. Lovely stuff!!

  6. Starting out a new series with the bath salts has been really fruitful for me and Regulus III is no different. These smell like just what the doctor ordered for northern hemisphere darkness to light vibes, heavenly citrus orchard at midnight, having a bath under the moon in a copper tub, beeswax candles alight. Placing some salts in a glass of water as an energetic space cleanser has also been key, makes everything glowier, clearer and sparkle. The salts have so many uses, adding some to a hair rinse is also mane worthy.

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