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Exalted Mercury Powder

Exalted Mercury Powder

Note that following our Re-Labeling Sale, as series are re-debuting, standalone Powders are being combined into Incense / Powders to increase utility, so this particular listing will forever remain Out of Stock.

You can find Incense / Powder of Exalted Mercury here.

30+ organic herbs of Mercurial nature, including ritually harvested palm frond and fern leaf during the day and hour of Mercury during its Virgoan tenure, fumigated with Frankincense during Sphere + Sundry’s Exalted Mercury election.

Lucky hand root and abre camino. Barley, wheat, and nutritional yeast. Ground with frankincense, agate, peridot, and high-grade opal.

Sprinkle in your shoes to help getting from point A to point B faster (+ solve whatever problems you encounter along the way!), your purse and wallet to increase sales and draw wealth. Promotes eloquence, energizes, and acts as a natural magical nootropic/ study aid. Employ when a Way needs Found or Figured

Use to dress and load candles, in spell jars, blow over letters and communications, or in any way magical powders can possibly be employed.

100% pure, organic and uncut herbs and resins. Genuine 24k gold leaf. Nothing artificial, and no fillers.

A very versatile choice for those on a budget!

Offered in a 1/2 oz cork top vial for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90




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Creation Date

August 12th, 2022. Hour of Mercury. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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1/2 oz, 2 oz

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body


Uses / Applications

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Potential Side Effects


Times/ Activities

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Yes — Vegan

Dimensions 0.80 × 0.80 × 2.85 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
G (Oregon, United States)

So great for editing and just getting things done! Appreciate the focus and fuel it provides to see tasks through and keep a clear (and efficient) head.

D.M. (California, United States)

After using this series I was thinking how Virgo is an earth sign, Mercury manifest results in material world so quickly it is jew dropping even for magically seasoned person.

Lizzy B.
Works too well

I tried this for report writing at work and with a natal gem mercury and ADHD meds in me this was insane. In a good way. But insane. Truthfully, I do not reach for it very often for this reason but it's good to know it's there when I need it.

Nathalie W. (British Columbia, Canada)
encouraging results!

I think this materia -as described- would be a good addition for money magick, specifically fast cash. I did a small, low effort, money spell with this powder and had some interesting results: found a rare old nickel, found a $25 gift card from 2019 (that mysteriously popped up on my floor out of nowhere?) that still worked, and had a good sales day for my side business after a month of zero sales. The effects seemed to have dissolved after a few days, but it was a nice boost. It would be interesting to experiment with a more indepth money spell or perhaps a money bowl.

TV (California, United States)

The perfect boost when I have a tedious writing or creative project that requires attention to details. I use it mostly to dress candles that I burn - a companion to inspire and produce superior results, especially for research or writing work.

M. (Maryland, United States)

This gave such a specific and obvious result. One of the first experiences with magic that was absolutely undeniable to me.

Azur C. (Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France)
Versatile and efficient

I was a little nervous to purchase some Exalted Mercury items because the tunnel vision side-effect would be difficult for me. But this Powder has been such a nice introduction to this series! I love dressing candles with it, and it's been tremendously helpful for tech issues as well. The scent is lovely and I don't get overactive when using it, just efficient.

V.L. (Louisiana, United States)
This stuff WORKS, y’all

I have been depressed as hell for so so long, which means procrastination! Endless scrolling! Laying in bed! But I started using this via 3rd party application-does sniffing count?-and I’m more motivated. I’m doing dishes. I’m writing again. I’m more active. It may be because Mercury has a lot of presence in my chart, but this materia seriously WORKS. I’d give it a whirl regardless of how Mercury pops up in your chart.

Deborah G. (Oregon, United States)
A balm for troubled natal Mercuries

I don’t know if most people have this experience— but when I burn the powder and smoke myself, I feel that Mercury themself steps in, puts their arm around me and says, “it’s ok kid. I got you.” I honestly end up in tears! I feel a lot of love and tenderness from Mercury through this powder.
I think it has this effect on me because I’m a Virgo rising and my natal Mercury is a Cazimi (tightly conjunct the sun) and both are also tightly conjunct Saturn. This is in my 3rd house Scorpio. Pluto is also only 6° away. Fear, anxiety, depression, and heavy ancestral energies have all haunted me for my whole life. But this powder is a tender loving balm for my heart. I hope to never be without it.

Andrea H. (Scotland, United Kingdom)
Finder of words, clearer of fog…

I was struggling with a task and thought I’d try make a petition for some help and out came the Exalted Mercury which I love the scent of. Barley and Frankincense are quite the sentimental mix for me too, so nice to see included.

I found that it was a great aid for writing/typing, infact… what started off with not any words (and also post losing a word document… pages of words and brain fog that followed) became sooooo many words, better words and the new task became narrowing them down!

I also found that I had a boost to other written and creative tasks, meetings and things that previously were stuck communication or project wise started moving again.

Yay exalted Mercury! Motivator to help get things done. Memory booster. Miracle worker.


  1. First of all, any S & S powder is one of the most versatile and long-lasting products you can buy. Mercury is one of the strongest planets in my chart, but I still found this Exalted Mercury powder to be a major boost of GET THINGS DONE energy. Keep it on hand for the next Mercury RX period or anytime your motivation wanes. It’s productive without malefic side effects. Dust it on a candle, sprinkle it in your shoe, or just set the vial on your desk. Go powder.

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