Exalted Mercury Powder
Note that following our Re-Labeling Sale, as series are re-debuting, standalone Powders are being combined into Incense / Powders to increase utility, so this particular listing will forever remain Out of Stock.
You can find Incense / Powder of Exalted Mercury here.
30+ organic herbs of Mercurial nature, including ritually harvested palm frond and fern leaf during the day and hour of Mercury during its Virgoan tenure, fumigated with Frankincense during Sphere + Sundry’s Exalted Mercury election.
Lucky hand root and abre camino. Barley, wheat, and nutritional yeast. Ground with frankincense, agate, peridot, and high-grade opal.
Sprinkle in your shoes to help getting from point A to point B faster (+ solve whatever problems you encounter along the way!), your purse and wallet to increase sales and draw wealth. Promotes eloquence, energizes, and acts as a natural magical nootropic/ study aid. Employ when a Way needs Found or Figured…
Use to dress and load candles, in spell jars, blow over letters and communications, or in any way magical powders can possibly be employed.
100% pure, organic and uncut herbs and resins. Genuine 24k gold leaf. Nothing artificial, and no fillers.
A very versatile choice for those on a budget!
Offered in a 1/2 oz cork top vial for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90
$30 – $90
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First of all, any S & S powder is one of the most versatile and long-lasting products you can buy. Mercury is one of the strongest planets in my chart, but I still found this Exalted Mercury powder to be a major boost of GET THINGS DONE energy. Keep it on hand for the next Mercury RX period or anytime your motivation wanes. It’s productive without malefic side effects. Dust it on a candle, sprinkle it in your shoe, or just set the vial on your desk. Go powder.