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Mars-Jupiter Talismans

Mars-Jupiter Talismans

Mars-Jupiter in Aries Talismans (Standard)

Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and Cast in 90/10 Electrum [silver and gold] with iron firescale and calcined salts of hawthorn, and frankincense. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of cayenne and frankincense.

The image of Mars with resolute visage, modeled after depictions of Alexander the Great with the ram’s horns of Jupiter-Ammon. During his military campaign through Egypt, Alexander encountered the Oracle of Amun at the Siwa Oasis. The oracle, functioning as the conduit for the deity, hailed Alexander as the son of Jupiter-Amun, affirming his divine status and legitimizing his rule over Egypt. In gratitude and to solidify his divine connection, Alexander adopted the symbol of the ram’s horns, an attribute of Jupiter-Ammon, into his iconography. Images of Jupiter-Ammon were later erected in the Temple of Mars Ultor [Mars the Avenger] in Rome. The image of Mars, with features reminiscent of Alexander’s divine imagery underscore martial prowess exalted by jupiterian divine mandate.

The other side takes the image of an Elephant, associated with mars in book II, chapter X of Pixatrix on the image of Mars. Engraved beneath its great head are the astral sigils of Mars from arabic manuscript of the Ghayat al-Hakim. Each side of the talisman is set with a 2.5 carat amethyst cabochon, a gem associated with mars in book I, chapter XXVII “What things are under the power of Mars.” and commonly associated with jupiter in contemporary lists of planetary gemstones.


Mars-Jupiter in Aries Talismans (Ornate)

Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and Cast in 80/20 Electrum [silver and gold] with iron firescale and calcined salts of hawthorn, and frankincense. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of cayenne and frankincense.

The image of Mars, with features reminiscent of Alexander’s divine imagery as the son of Jupiter-Ammon. Upon his head sits a diadem of laurel [cast in 18k gold with calcined bay and native mountain laurel], listed under the rulership of Mars in Picatrix book III, chapter I “On the Roles of the Planets in Plants, Animals, and Metals.” Set into the diadem is an .7 carat ruby.


Each talisman arrives in a keepsake jewelry box wax-sealed with the glyph of mars, and a 20″ silver chain. They include a vial of Mars-Jupiter in Aries Incense / Powder.




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Yes — Vegan

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
mars-jup standard talisman

first pass report: putting this on is like donning resolve. you are become david goggins - there is zero chance you aren't doing the task be it elliptical intervals or getting a run in before sundown. bonus: my partner whom i almost never outrun said i was going very fast :")

Carly J. (California, United States)

This talisman is an incredible friend and ally. Mars-Jupiter is a signature repeatedly found in my familial and ancestral charts, and this was debuted on my birthday, so my connections to this talisman felt extra special.

Working with this talisman has greatly helped me to improve my executive function, being able to get stuff done when I don’t want to, and having the mental chatter that helps me get tough things done. Which doesn’t make it easier, but DOES help it to happen.

Working with other series in conjunction with this talisman have also helped me to be accepting and loving of all the ways I embody Mars qualities, not just the positive ones.

I’m also much more confident! This talisman gives me the audacity to stop overthinking and say and do the things I want to in the moment.

I know when I put on this talisman that I’ll be putting in hard work and will get results, so I make sure to wear it where I actually want my efforts applied, otherwise it’s easy to overdo things and get exhausted.

V (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France)

I saw big shifts upon purchase, before I even actually received this talisman. I finally started an exercise protocol that has been very helpful in mitigating chronic pain, and some long-standing issues I'd been having regarding the Aries topics in my chart found relatively swift resolution. There has been less overthinking, less anxiety, less static in the way when making decisions or needing to assert myself. And the protective & defensive virtues are unprecedented! This talismanic companion has clarified situations where there was subtle interpersonal harm, in a way that keeps blowing my mind. Immensely grateful to have welcomed this beautiful creation.


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