A hydrosol of blood orange, mugwort, mastic, bee pollen, yellow flower, red ginseng, and garnet. Distilled using water collected from the headwaters of the Sacramento River in Mt. Shasta as the Moon conjoined Regulus on the rising, in the hour of Jupiter, and left to bask upon the Regulus altar in the warm glow of Cœur Leonis. Combined with colloidal gold, frankincense essential oil, and grain alcohol to preserve.
Spray to invoke the blessings and qualities of Regulus, to restore your sense of self, before making public appearances, or in magical operations of a Solar and beneficent nature.
Available in a reusable glass spray bottle with keepsake garnet and hand drawn Regulus glyph.
1/2 oz for $30 or 2 oz for $63
$30 – $63
Creation Date | Night of January 22nd 2019. Moon and Regulus conjoined the Ascendant, hour of Jupiter. Chart in the image gallery |
Areas of Application | Altars, Aura, Essential Oil Diffuser, Full Body, Linens, Spatial, Wherever Appropriate |
Star | |
Step / Function | |
Magical Applications | Clearing, Mantra, Meditation / Contemplation, Offerings to Spirits / Ancestors, Spiritual Washes / Basin Baths, Water Wards |
Spray Bottle Size | 1/2 oz, 2 oz |
Vegan | No — Contains cruelty free, ethically, and legally harvested animal-derived components |
Dimensions | .80 × .80 × 2.4 in |
Weight | .5 oz |
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I spritz this shimmering water on before I go out and it gives me an instant boost of fun, light hearted confidence!
Literally gives you the heart of a Lion!
I bought the small size of this during the relabeling sale. I hadn't previously worked with Regulus, but was intuitively led to this materia. The presentation is gorgeous, the smell is lovely, and the effects are instant. My only regret is not purchasing the larger size before it sold out!
I have been working with Regulus on the regular for a while now. Regulus is also present in my star parans chart so I do feel especially connected. I struggle with stage fright when it comes to performance art and ever since building a relationship with Regulus, I've been able to lean in more easily to taking up space and being in the spotlight whether it is singing in front of others or for more mundane daily tasks. I'm at a particular place in my life right now where a lot of goals and callings are requiring me to put myself out there more and take up space and spotlight. As someone who has been conditioned to be quiet and humble, Regulus has been wonderful to work with.
A really light and comforting source of energy - the water sprays are so gentle and easy to work with - instantly brightens my mood.
This water is just lovely. I give myself a couple of spritzes on my head every morning before my day begins and it feels cozy, warm, and uplifting. A simple and energetic water.
Winters in Alaska are dark, we can go days without seeing the sun. I use this spray both personally and in my healing arts practice to gift a sprits of the Sun. I feel the mood lighten and uplift. Also I nice fit for someone in the midst of a Saturn/Sun transit. I love love love that waters.
I use this Water, in addition to wearing a Regulus talisman I have, when I'm especially in need of having an upcoming social interaction of importance to me proceed smoothly. While I can spray the Exalted Venus II Water for similar purposes on many occasions, this Water is a must-have for times when I have a related goal of being taken seriously on a matter of importance somehow. I have used it before numerous occasions where something went more strongly than expected in my favor as well.
This water is a balm for my 12 H Sun. Its reverberations are gentle but potent nonetheless. I spray it on myself whenever I need a boost of energy or optimism, either for social occasions or physical activities. It simply makes it easier to access *joy* in situations where I would instinctually focus on the challenges.
Ok maybe if you’re not into gold glitter this ain’t for you but if you’re like me and enjoy sparkly like a star on the daily, you’ll love this stuff. This stuff instantly boosts my mood and I don’t even spray it on myself directly. I use it more as an aura spritz
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St. Expedite’s Holy Water
Sold Out, Sprays + Hydrosols, St. Expedite I, Waters

Water of Aldebaran
Waters, Sprays + Hydrosols, Sold Out, Aldebaran I

Water of Asclepius II
Asclepius II (+ Jupiter), Sold Out, Sprays + Hydrosols, Waters

I’ve sprayed myself with the Regulus spray prior to meetings. I find it makes me both more self-confident and willing to engage with others. The solar aspects are filtered through a “courage” filter to me. So this has been particularly helpful when I’ve had to be firm. Will also chase the seasonal blues away.
I love the smell! This is my first order and exploration of this space. Since I ordered, before I even received the water, I got recognised at my work for the first time in a year almost, which made me realise once more I need to be in a place where what I have to offer is appreciated. I also have already two interviews lined up. The Regulus water helps me stay grounded during this process. Upon application I actually don’t feel such an intense effect comparing to my ViT oil. I feel more energetic, warm, bright, centred and notice my complexion appearing warmer.
I have to give some major props to this stuff for giving me the gumption to not only follow through on a longheld creative goal, but to completely decimate any and all stage fright I was anticipating. Shortly after getting the Regulus water, I started booking studio space to work on personal choreography, which culminated in performing my first burlesque routine to a very receptive and supportive crowd. I grew up performing on stage, but this was the first time I’d ever performed alone, let alone stripped. A combo of Regulus + some of the Venus materia helped me feel confident and comfortable on the stage, and I felt incredibly recognized for my talents and creativity.
I bought this because I need some solar remediation, as my natal Sun is afflicted.
At first I didn’t really jive with it and felt like the attention I was getting from it was a bit too much, but I’m starting to come around to enjoying how it feels for other people to think I’m important, gifted, and worthy. I think for a long time I felt like feeling that way wasn’t acceptable, and I’m learning that’s not the case.
To be honest, using this hydrosol when your Sun is afflicted takes some getting used to. Some of the realizations I’ve had using it have been painful but necessary in order to become a better version of myself. I’ve had to do a lot of work in order to feel comfortable wearing this, but I’m happy to because I genuinely think it helps me improve myself. I’ll definitely buy more Regulus products in the future.
This is a very useful, multi-purpose spray for anybody with a chronic health issue, chronic periods of sadness or grief, or self-consciousness about some aspect of their life. Also, for anyone facing a situation, obstacle, or environment where they would like to do their best socially.
I go through a 1/2 oz bottle of this stuff quickly because I use the spray so much and can use this with no noticeable negative effects at work. I’m now buying the larger 2 oz bottles to prevent running out.
In any case, I recommend using the spray on both “days you don’t feel well or are tired” and “days you feel well” because the spray can help you in either scenario. I’m diabetic and there are some times I just don’t feel well when I wake up in the morning even though I take insulin and get plenty of exercise. This spray helps me dispel some effects of fatigue and a few liberal sprays can help perk me up at “low energy points” or when waking up and groggy from sleep.
For that use/purpose, the spray is consistently effective at providing improvement. I also often end up smiling and in a peaceful, more positive mood a short while after application – regardless of whether I had a rocky start to the day before using the spray.
Other notable observations:
1) I started using the Regulus II spray, in conjunction with Venus in Taurus and others, a few weeks before I was offered my current job in July 2019.
2) I have used this spray for several events or interviews that seemed to go well or better than I could have expected in the time since.
3) With use of the spray before social events of any kind – even phone calls – I become significantly less self-conscious and less concerned about “what can go wrong in whatever social situation I am facing.” This is especially helpful for days where I started my work day feeling impaired by lack of sleep.
Overall, I’ll continue to buy more of this spray and recommend it. There are so many uses for Regulus that it seems difficult to go wrong by getting this one. A final example:
I even use this spray, along with some of the products from the Deneb Algedi line like Lord of the Sacred Eye, to give myself a boost of confidence and a reduction of nerves before making phone calls in the training I’m doing at work. These calls are all on new-to-me material that I have to put in layman’s terms for whomever I am speaking to. They involve the calculating of complex rates and keeping track of various protocols I have to follow as well.
Anyway, the calls really set off my nerves when I started making them because so much can go south if I don’t hit upon key things to say when I need to. I now find the calls more bearable to take on in general during my work day. Since I’m still relatively new to the calls, this spray and other S and S products certainly seemed to help me get to this point faster than practice would alone.
Partner and I don’t normally go to black tie events but an old friend of mine was organizing for Her clients and got us tickets to a charity gala. So we suited up and I spritzed both of us with the hydrosol. When we got there we were surrounded by high society legends (think of names like Rockefeller, Guggenheim, etc) and it was the private home of one such family. There were even a couple movie stars. For whatever reason, even though we only knew my friend, it was really easy to move around confidently in such an insular world. People came up to us and even introduced themselves… they complimented us as a couple, and several people even asked for our info. I kept thinking they must be mistaking us for important people! Even though the environment was about 10 degrees removed from what we’re used to, we were able to swimmingly navigate with such ease. My partner even struck up a convo with one of the movie stars like it was nbd.
Anyway we put it on without any real intention. But I’m sure if we needed royal favor, we would have gotten it! It was very good for my partner who wanted to get more confidence and face time to pull off his own charity goals (saving animals, environment) down the road with such people.
This is the first Sphere + Sundry product I’ve run out of! It’s the only water where I feel the urge to apply *lots* at a time. It’s so good too. I love it for a quick boost when I need to be visible, and I’ve used on it myself and another person when I was helping them with their resume and how they present themselves. Great for public speaking, letting my good work shine, and generally cheering myself up. I especially like to spray it on my throat and heart area. It smells good, too.
wow- kaitlin’s products are always amazing. i got this and let me just say that my modeling career has taken a huge huge huge turn for the better. people love being around me and can’t get enough of me, whether it’s in photos or in person. absolutely the most potent solar plexus kinda focused aura building product i have EVER used. i need more. lol
I wore this for an exhibition opening I curated and since then have been called back to collaborate more and speak to a class of high level art students at a college. People seem to want to let me take charge any time I’m wearing it. It’s very good for helping me wake up in the morning? sometimes when I’m so depressed I put it on and it just lifts me out bed and gives me this “ok i’m back in my body” so much of it has been for me about feeling in my body which I feel out of so much. It changes the way I walk. It like is probably my favorite product and I own several.
I’ve been doing some workings to keep the dysfunctional higher-ups at my job feeling good will towards me. I’ve been using the Regulus Water (and oil from the first batch) to help make things good for me at work. They also seems to be helping me not get so bogged down by the BS from those folks. Their foul moods don’t affect me nearly as much as they used to. I radiate around there now, and most of the time, the supervisions respond to the glowing vibes coming off me. A quick spritz of the Regulus Water helps me maintain all the magic I’ve been working there! It’s beginning to sometimes feel effortless!
Regulus items are particularly attractive to me because of my sun huddling away in my 12th house. So I got the Regulus water and I can already feel positive effects. I make more space for myself to be myself and no longer care so much what others may think. I really start to claim my prerogatives in a more proactive way and challenge negative thinking more often. For the first time in a long time, it feels like I can *breathe* again. I can’t wait to see what else this offering can accomplish. My deepest sincerest thanks to Kaitlin for creating these golden blessings.