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A talismanic perfume created for Sphere + Sundry’s Deneb Algedi II election by thee Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (and Twilight Alchemy Lab!) —

This is an oil of presence. Auctorias was crafted to augment your personal power, majesty, and authority. It can be used to enhance your sense of self-esteem and self-worth, bring dignity and honors in your field, and assist you in projecting confidence, competence, proficiency, and composure. This oil can also assist you in dominating situations and resolving legal matters.

Frankincense essential oil and tears (Boswellia sacra), Spanish marjoram essential oil and herb from the TAL garden (Thymus mastichina), juniper essential oil and berries (Juniperus communis), cedar berries and leaf (Juniperus monosperma), carnation petals from the TAL garden (Dianthus caryophyllus), gum mastic (Pistacia lentiscus), white oak bark (Quercus alba), sage leaf and essential oil (Salvia officinalis), saffron (Crocus sativus), hyssop herb and oil (Hyssopus officinalis), acacia bark and leaf (Acacia Senegal), angelica root and essential oil (Angelica archangelica), High John the Conqueror root (Ipomoea jalapa), licorice root (Lycyrrhiza glabra), master root (Imperatoria ostruthium), cascara sagrada (Frangula purshiana), deerstongue (Dichanthelium clandestinum), galangal (Alpinia galangal), and blue chalcedony.

Available in BPAL’s iconic 5 ml apothecary bottle for $48


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Creation Date

Waxing Gibbous Moon conj. Deneb Algedi + Jupiter on the MC, September 17th, 2021. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application



Step / Function


2.5 oz, 4 oz

Magical Applications

, ,

Planetary Body


Yes — Vegan

Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews

If you are able to find this oil in the 2nd hand market, do so. The DA BPALS have blown me away and have become my favorite. Auctoritas brings aura of confidence and clarity, without being a jerk. It clears away obstacles like nobody’s business. I am surprised to see how fast it works to fullfill my wishes. (I make sure those wishes are reasonable and fair to the other party as well).

K.S. (California, United States)
No-Nonsense Assist

I've opted to use this BPAL whenever I've needed to be taken seriously, wanting an interaction/transaction to resolve in my favor, and it hasn't let me down, yet! It's been just the right thing when returning to a mechanic to argue that the service he charged me for didn't solve the issue, resulting in a very favorable outcome. I've also had receptionists at a dermatologist tell me that it might take several office visits to achieve a simple result, only to show up in Auctoritas and have everything efficiently addressed in a single visit, with zero hassle.
The scent reminds me a lot of The Goat's Phalanges (Saturn in Cap), which I actually like a lot but only when I'm in the right mood; cool, dark, heavy and heady. Very herbal, bitter; evocative of pitch. Has an 'off' sort of undertone that I don't mind that much, but for that reason this is a needs-based BPAL for me, rather than one I'd reach for just for casual aromatic vibes. It's too serious for that!

K.Z. (Pennsylvania, United States)
Power in Presence

Big “Speak softly but carry a big stick” energy. If you’re feeling less-than-confident, it’s a real boost without being overly “hot”! Cooling, calm, composed.

I.L.D. (Occitanie, France)

Repair for long-standing harm (60+ years) came through not long after I got someone this oil for another situation that seems to have turned out in their favor as well.

M. (New South Wales, Australia)

fee fi fo fum if you need to go to bring a giant to their knees dab a bit of this on and tell them how far you're willing to go to defend your case. I didn't even have to go there, just letting them know I could and would was enough. They responded with a threat which probably should have scared me but it just didn't and when I came back with a counter threat, they crumbled. It was the biggest anti-climax ever and I have no complaints about that. Someone below drew a parallel with the Aldebaran oil and I agree - that's when you pull out the big sword and get to work cutting through their ranks, this is the simple act of telling them you have a sword and that being enough.

Eric R. (New Jersey, United States)
Worthy of Respect

This oil makes me feel like I’m a well-dressed western tycoon who is ready to sign a major contract deal while smelling and feeling quite fresh, obviously worthy of respect and regard. Very useful if your job entails either being or working with authority figures, particularly useful with the boss and supervisors etc and other people of high-office or esteem. Highly recommended

Lucy M. (Illinois, United States)
level up

I apply this when I feel like I need to level up at work or be perceived positively/ competently. The smell is a little strong for me so I dilute it

C.J. (California, United States)

When I was having a difficult time at work, I used this BPAL and was protected in big ways. Security and police showed up as well for protection.

HNatif (Maryland, United States)

This has become my go to bpal for meeting in the office (usually layers with a mercury and regulus materia). It makes me feel strong and confident but even better it makes me STRONG in the eyes of coworkers and clients, and they do not mess with me or challenge me.

Jamie C.

Who knew upholding boundaries could smell so good? I have been successfully pairing the delicious perfume with Pompilus for most "dealing with dickheads" situations. Aside from smelling like a well kemp person who knows her shit, it does indeed let me step into my power and make friends out of enemies. Disclaimer: this combo doesn't work on super extreme narcissists. I think the boundaries piss them off. Ha. Otherwise, I have built a strong client base I am attributing in part to this combo.


  1. Who knew upholding boundaries could smell so good? I have been successfully pairing the delicious perfume with Pompilus for most “dealing with dickheads” situations. Aside from smelling like a well kemp person who knows her shit, it does indeed let me step into my power and make friends out of enemies. Disclaimer: this combo doesn’t work on super extreme narcissists. I think the boundaries piss them off. Ha. Otherwise, I have built a strong client base I am attributing in part to this combo.

  2. This perfume reminds me of a really competent and experienced lawyer who charges a lot for their work! Look the part, know their sh*t.

  3. Used this for the first time today to help me settle a dispute with an internet provider, and it went really well. I was preparing myself for a lengthy discussion and plenty of arguments. And while there were some confusion, eventually a senior officer helped (although said officer did ignore me the whole time) which immediately settled the matter.

    Another thing I noticed about Auctoritas, used along with the DA II water, was that my posture became better. I have a bad habit of slouching and realized that I was standing and sitting straight throughout the day.

    Definitely recommend this! I’m amazed at the effect this has on me, especially since the effect of most materia I’ve used tend to be more subtle and takes time for me to notice.

  4. Auctoritas is my go to DA BPAL. It feels like a best friend – or perhaps better said – it helps me to be my own best friend. I feel much more able to make good decisions for myself, stand up for my worth, and overall have a much more solid and effortless presence as my authentic self. Highly recommend!

  5. The strongest analogy to me is that Auctoritas is an Aldebaran oil hack. Whereas the Aldebaran oil has will + drive thrown in, Auctoritas gives you that impression of sovereignty without the “doing part”. If anyone needs to throw presence around like a brick through a window, Auctoritas helps you with that. If you already have Presence +5, ask yourself if/when you need an additional +10 to your presence rolls though. I would pair Auctoritas with another DA item to ensure that all that presence also doesn’t garner unwanted negative attention.

    Also out of the DA2 items, which all seem to provide protection via stealth, this is the one DA2 item that is not about stealth but instead about commanding the spotlight. (You might struggle to keep your light underneath an invisibility cloak, is all I’m saying! Also be careful with blinding others if you do a reveal).

  6. This is a really motivating oil for me. I feel composed, assured of myself and it’s been so nice to immediately be taken seriously/ person of authority in the workplace
    (I look young so it’s been a *thing* my entire working life). It’s a great balance of projecting self confidence without any semblance of ‘overdoing’ it or arrogance. It smells great too!

  7. My favorite BPAL in this series. It’s difficult to balance empathy and good boundaries but it’s almost effortless with this. Especially good to apply before bed after a whirlwind day – wake up feeling centered and purposeful.

  8. I used this BPAL alongside others from the series to settle a lawsuit and dispute that had dragged on for nearly 2 years. Enthusiastically recommended!

  9. On the recommendation of a friend, I picked up Autoritas and Eternal Flame BPALs. I use them together as a floor wash in my home. The two BPALs together create a warm and nourishing and protective environment for my teenagers. I have noticed an increase in their self confidence, independence and responsibility. I highly recommend the combination.

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