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Immortal Heart Bath Salts

Immortal Heart Bath Salts

Dead Sea Salt, magnesium flakes, organic powdered milk, and consecrated Immortal Heart herbal and floral blend, fumigated with frankincense and benzoin during the Virgo III New Moon opposite Neptune, alongside butterfly pea powder and essential oils of a comforting, soothing, and emotionally healing nature.

Soak in the Divine Mother’s undiluted love, compassion, and understanding. Assists in clarifying emotions and making space for the grieving process, apart from the anxiety and loneliness the experience of intense emotions can sometimes carry.

Inspired by the Grief Salts from The Ancestral Series, Bath Salts of the Immortal Heart can serve a very similar function, but also possess a more all-purpose quality that transcends the focus on loss of a loved one through dying. Use to comfort and wind down before bed, and invoke a sense of security that all will, in time and in fact, be well.

The standard jar is enough for 2-3 deep baths, or use less and supplement with additional salt to make a little go a longer way. Perfect for Energetic Cleansings + Ritual Baths intended to focus on emotional recovery and coming into right relationship with the Divine Feminine, or Mother Goddess of infinite compassion and understanding, in protective service to us — her beloved Children.

Add to floor washes or cleaning agents used in areas of high emotional traffic, to help establish therapeutic safe space, banishing the spiritual glommers who feed off of negative emotions.

Important note: Contains a small amount of pennyroyal. Do not use while pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or if you could be pregnant.

Offered in an 8 oz glass bail jar for $33, or 16 oz bulk pot for $66




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Creation Date

Sunset of September 16th, 2020. Evening of the New Moon in Virgo III.

Areas of Application

Step / Function


16 oz, 18 oz bundle (weight), 8 oz

Magical Applications


Planetary Body


No — Contains cruelty free, ethically, and legally harvested animal-derived components

Dimensions N/A
Weight N/A

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Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
D.M. (California, United States)

These are being sold out for a while now but I still have a little bit of this salt left and I cherish it and save it for special days. The salt being so helpful in bring me to my true self, and my true uncovered feelings.

Tina R. (Washington, United States)
Restored to a sense of my own sacredness

My favorite use for this materia is a foot bath. There’s something so beautiful about letting the Divine Mothers tend to my own earthly feet. And if I don’t have the space/time to sink all the way into an immersive IH experience, which I often don’t, a foot bath makes me feel like a deeply cared for, sacred being once again.


I have used these bath salts a few times (and restocked once already), but the most meaningful time was an evening in October of 2021. That afternoon, I was in an extremely traumatic car accident that I was lucky to have survived. By the time I made it home, I was exhausted, unsettled, terrified, manic...all sorts of feelings. I'm usually a little stingy with my S&S but in this case, I poured a ton into a warm bath and got in. Slowly, carefully, I was able to start unwinding myself from what I had gone through, and I soaked for over an hour while I listened to someone read the Memorare on repeat. It didn't heal me completely, but it started the process, and that was a such a gift. Unbelievably wonderful medicine.


Soothing just to hold in my hands, the package felt like a weighted blanket, fluffy pillows, and toasty clean sheets with a cup of honied chamomile tea had welcomed me in from the rain for a good night of sleep. I used just a tiny bit the first time today (no time for a full bath) and it's been soo relief giving. My secret is adding a little bit to body wash or a huge jar of regular sea salt and epsom salt as a body scrub for days like this. I love the IH series dearly and as usual, wish I had gone for the bath salts sooner.


Soothing, enveloping, and really loving energy. I feel like working with Immortal Heart in this form is especially powerful, the water just transmits its energy so perfectly. Even using just a small amount of these bath salts is effective, I find. The scent is so lovely, too. And the accompanying prayer is one of the most eloquent and beautiful invocations of Divine Feminine energy! Really grateful.

Alex E.

I'm never quite sure of how I relate to the Immortal Heart series as a whole; there is much about it in concept that feels very alien to me (probably an indication that I need what it provides). However, I do know that the bath I took with these salts was incredibly powerful--so powerful, in fact, that I've only done it once so far. The bath provided an immediate sense of deep protection, to the point that I struggled to stay awake in the bath. This was very much what was needed in that moment, and I do look to my use of this series as an important starting point for a process of rebuilding myself.


I used these bath salts the other night as an impulse in the winding down category. Alot of my job and time seems to be facilitating conversation, creating spaces for people to feel secure to speak, and listening. It is exhaustive. I felt drawn to using Immortal Heart to basically wind down from a day of doing so, and in general it did that. It was gentler than Asclepius for this purpose, but I find Asclepius to be more solar and IM to be much more lunar in nature.


These bath salts are extremely potent. As another reviewer said, I typically cut the amount of salt I would use in half and then add some regular sea salt to the bath. Even doing that, the bath is still incredibly fragrant. I find these bath salts, like the rest of the Immortal Heart Series, to be very comforting. If you need a soothing bath that will change your overall energy, this will definitely get you there.


Intensely fragrant--I smell a lot of lavender--very strong. I usually dilute S+S bath salts, mixing them sea salt and/or Epsom salt and then make a hot water and salt mix into the shower. Kaitlin's guidelines for a full cleansing are wonderful! I used Immortal Heart during the most recent eclipses. While the oil makes me sleepy, the salts just left me feeling peaceful and refreshed. They also mix really well with Asclepius Salts.


  1. I have used these bath salts a few times (and restocked once already), but the most meaningful time was an evening in October of 2021. That afternoon, I was in an extremely traumatic car accident that I was lucky to have survived. By the time I made it home, I was exhausted, unsettled, terrified, manic…all sorts of feelings. I’m usually a little stingy with my S&S but in this case, I poured a ton into a warm bath and got in. Slowly, carefully, I was able to start unwinding myself from what I had gone through, and I soaked for over an hour while I listened to someone read the Memorare on repeat. It didn’t heal me completely, but it started the process, and that was a such a gift. Unbelievably wonderful medicine.

  2. Soothing just to hold in my hands, the package felt like a weighted blanket, fluffy pillows, and toasty clean sheets with a cup of honied chamomile tea had welcomed me in from the rain for a good night of sleep. I used just a tiny bit the first time today (no time for a full bath) and it’s been soo relief giving. My secret is adding a little bit to body wash or a huge jar of regular sea salt and epsom salt as a body scrub for days like this. I love the IH series dearly and as usual, wish I had gone for the bath salts sooner.

  3. Soothing, enveloping, and really loving energy. I feel like working with Immortal Heart in this form is especially powerful, the water just transmits its energy so perfectly. Even using just a small amount of these bath salts is effective, I find. The scent is so lovely, too. And the accompanying prayer is one of the most eloquent and beautiful invocations of Divine Feminine energy! Really grateful.

  4. I’m never quite sure of how I relate to the Immortal Heart series as a whole; there is much about it in concept that feels very alien to me (probably an indication that I need what it provides). However, I do know that the bath I took with these salts was incredibly powerful–so powerful, in fact, that I’ve only done it once so far. The bath provided an immediate sense of deep protection, to the point that I struggled to stay awake in the bath. This was very much what was needed in that moment, and I do look to my use of this series as an important starting point for a process of rebuilding myself.

  5. I used these bath salts the other night as an impulse in the winding down category. Alot of my job and time seems to be facilitating conversation, creating spaces for people to feel secure to speak, and listening. It is exhaustive. I felt drawn to using Immortal Heart to basically wind down from a day of doing so, and in general it did that. It was gentler than Asclepius for this purpose, but I find Asclepius to be more solar and IM to be much more lunar in nature.

  6. These bath salts are extremely potent. As another reviewer said, I typically cut the amount of salt I would use in half and then add some regular sea salt to the bath. Even doing that, the bath is still incredibly fragrant. I find these bath salts, like the rest of the Immortal Heart Series, to be very comforting. If you need a soothing bath that will change your overall energy, this will definitely get you there.

  7. Intensely fragrant–I smell a lot of lavender–very strong. I usually dilute S+S bath salts, mixing them sea salt and/or Epsom salt and then make a hot water and salt mix into the shower. Kaitlin’s guidelines for a full cleansing are wonderful! I used Immortal Heart during the most recent eclipses. While the oil makes me sleepy, the salts just left me feeling peaceful and refreshed. They also mix really well with Asclepius Salts.

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