Thema Mundi Sacramental Cookie Sets
When we had the idea to create sacramental sugar cookies spiced with consecrated Thema Mundi edible herbal mix, we had no idea they would generate their own cult following!
By popular request, a limited number of cookie sets are available. We cannot offer many, because they take a good amount of TTLC (time + tender love and care) for our Team to painstakingly create.
These are flavored with genuine Thema Mundi materia, with hand painted decorations inspired by the Earth itself.
A small set contains 7 cookies in the 2″ standard size, which pre-existing TM Clients will be familiar with as the type that arrives as a free gift with each order.
Large sets are notably thiccer, and twice the size at 4″, also in sets of 7.
Note that if you order a cookie set, you will still get 1 free gift cookie with your order!
Also note that the photos of cookies you see here are from the first round, when they had rougher designs and we were still working out the kinks! They are much more beautiful and polished now!
$120 – $250
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