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Saturn in Capricorn Incense

Saturn in Capricorn Incense

Saturn in Capricorn herbal mix, largely comprised of various roots, beans, and fermented, dried, and aged ingredients — such as stone root, comfrey root, thyme, hemp seed, elder berries, black eyed peas, pu’erh tea, onyx, and fossilized dinosaur bone, ritually combined and fumigated using frankincense and myrrh during a strong Saturn in Capricorn election, made less malefic overall by the presence of Jupiter.

Ground to a fine powder following six months of silent incubation, and made into a smooth-burning and reasonably enticing (as far as the smells of Saturn go!) incense powder, which can be formed into a mound, line, or sigil and burned on a bed of ash or sand.

Burn as an offering to Saturn during weekly prayers on Saturdays (or Tuesdays following sunset), in Saturn’s hour. Smoke bathe the body entire before engaging in Saturnian meditations, rituals, or activities, reinforcing personal boundaries and connecting to a profound sense of duty. Fumigate spaces to set a serious and productive tone, in advance of workings or meetings of Saturnian import. Charge Saturn talismans or pentacles.

100% pure, uncut organic and wildcrafted herbs and resins, marked by a hand stamped Saturn image.

Arrives in your selection of glass 1/2 oz cork top vial for $33, or 2 oz bulk pot for $99.

Note that Sphere + Sundry’s Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite.

Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to ‘cut’ the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 




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Creation Date

Sunday, November 22, 2020, hour of Saturn. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function



1/2 oz, 2 oz

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body


Yes — Vegan

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 2.85 in
Weight 2.5 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Diego M. (Colorado, United States)
Saturn in Capricorn

This incense gave me the focus and boundaries necessary to begin a major new project. The smoke smelled wonderful, and after meditation a feeling of strength and dedication came over me. I look forward to working with Saturn more in the coming months.

Micki P. (New York, United States)
Potent Effective Saturn Remediation

I have a SUPER cursed Saturn and it rules my 4th House. Afflicted by Mars, eclipsed by Rahu and in the Badhakasthana, Complex trauma, and a life with lots of love - but support and comfort always just out of reach. I like to use incense, bath salts, and kolonias to purify afflicted planets. The oils and balms for empowering well-placed ones. Waters have a nice gentle versatility. But naturally, I tended to tread very carefully when it comes to Saturn. I knew I was in pain but I had no solutions. Magic happens in steps, phases. Waiting on hold on the Saturn line until they transfer you to the Venus dept etc....Employing this stuff in my evening prayers and mantras really helped to clear some of the obscurity and impurity around my natal Saturn. Along with Immortal Heart Series, tons of mantras and rituals and pujas....the petals of my support system finally started to unfold, the angels came to my aid, and I ended up with the care, therapy, and hard-work required to heal a very ancient curse. [Salutations from celebrity rehab. XX]

Allison U. (New York, United States)
The very best of Saturn in Capricorn

This is such a remarkable series, which manages to channel the best of Saturn’s gravitas and determination. It’s incredibly grounding and particularly helpful for me in terms of helping with work-related issues and seeing projects through successfully. I was pleasantly surprised by how nice the smell is, very earthy.

K.Z. (Pennsylvania, United States)

I used quite a lot of this – and then at one point the toothpick broke off. Then some incense got compounded in the bottom and I cannot reach it or knock it down. One wonders if I was being told to slow down and, when it will unstick.

Lyric A.
It’s been super helpful for me.

I’ve been experiencing situations that have made me extremely limited in what I can do. I thought this incense would be healing and it has been. On a very important night, I had this incense on me and Saturn and the Moon were perfectly conjunct.

Ginny T. (Oregon, United States)
Seriously Strong

I use this for so many things. I was timid to get a malefic materia and waited a very long time wish I would have gotten it sooner. Amazing for protection and fortifying barriers and for staying with long term projects that aren’t particularly interesting or pleasant. It makes the hard work just idk doable.

TV (California, United States)

Though I realize that Saturn is a malefic, the Old Man has been a supportive and grounding friend to me. I have little Earth in my chart, so leaning on Saturn's profound groundedness feels very soothing to me. I primarily purchased this incense to fumigate my Saturn talisman, but I really. appreciate the earthy smell for calm meditation and devotional practices - acting as an anchor, keeping one foot on the ground at all times.

C.J. (New Jersey, United States)

I use this for Saturday saturn devotions. I also find it useful for creating a calm, clear space for meditation.

Anonymous (New Jersey, United States)

This is not incense you burn to have a nicer-smelling home. This is for power. This is the best devotional incense for Saturnian theurgy I've encountered in my 20+ years in the occult. It's definitely better-smelling than burnt hair of a black cat that's for sure. When I burn this in my rites, the sphere is immediately felt as a presence in the room by me and my magical partners. It's one of the best investments I've made in years for theurgic workings.

R.W. (Pennsylvania, United States)

I use it for my Saturn devotions. I prefer to burn it in a well ventilated space, as it has a hint of tobacco smell to it.


  1. When a burn this I feel this sense of deep relaxation. It has deepened my connection with Saturn. As I physically started to experience the calm of an appeased Saturn.

    He’s conjunct sun in my chart so that is not something I’m used to.

    When Saturn is happy. Life is peaches. It takes a bit of finesse to get there. But Saturn totally wants to chill, he’s just not natural at it.

  2. I’ve been working with Saturn for awhile now because of personal, chart afflictions. I’ve been burning a pinch of this every morning while doing my practice. I must say it is very deeply toned. Dark, ancient and smoky, almost charred overall but it takes me into that place I need to go in order to confront the mental blocks i’ve created due to past mistakes. I’m learning to make tough choices and accomplish tasks i’ve been avoiding for some time.

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