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Water of the Sovereign’s Throne

Water of the Sovereign’s Throne

A distillation of consecrated Sovereign’s Throne herbs, roots, and gems distilled throughout the day of the Operation.

Solomon’s Seal root, Master root, Lucky Hand root, Low John and licorice root. Master of the Woods, bay laurel, turmeric, white oak, gotu kola, mastic, wormwood, mugwort, witch grass, and sundry. Myrrh, turmeric, frankincense, bay laurel, tulsi, yellow mandarin, and vetiver.

While most Waters in our catalogue are some of the breeziest, easiest to metabolize items in a given collection, Water of the Sovereign’s Throne is perhaps the most anchoring item Capricorn III has to offer. It is deeply, unconditionally rooting. It will. not. budge.

When applied to the body, it can result in you yourself not wanting to budge, instilling a sense of physical heaviness. Which can be really helpful to help offset the manic and distracted side effects of Mercury in Virgo or Gemini materia, and “focus” others with tendencies like it. It can also be of great aid to those with hyperactive tendencies, children bouncing off the walls, and the like.

As an Altar and space primer, it sets the stage for focus and depth, receptive to your Sovereign command.

For the type of casual and uplifting application to the body most Waters provide, we actually recommend the Kolonía in Capricorn III’s case! It has a much lighter effect. 

Waters can also be misted over Altars as an exquisite Spirit offering.

Each glass spray bottle contains three pieces of unakite jasper and spangles of genuine 24k gold.




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Creation Date

Pre-dawn the morning of January 29th, 2024. Hour of Mercury. Chart in image gallery

Planetary Body

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Yes — Vegan

Dimensions 0.80 × 0.80 × 2 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
L. (Maryland, United States)
Grounding Mental Flow

It might be because Capricorn III contains my Saturn (final chart dispositor), and I have a lot of directly Saturn-ruled planets, but I don’t find the water heavy at all. It is grounding and focused, but for me it mostly promotes flow, especially creative flow (Capricorn is my 5th house). Spraying my work chair has been very helpful for editing long documents. I can still multitask and jump between things quickly if needed, but I’m less likely to go down unnecessary rabbit holes or waste mental energy.


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