Consecrated organic Aldebaran herbal base in top shelf whisky, shaken throughout gestation on Jupiter’s days and hours.
Use to anoint magical and mundane tools for material command, wealth generation, personal force, increased charisma, gravitas, elicit the favor of the Gods, luck, and the like.
Offered in a 1/2 oz dropper bottle with four pieces of carbuncle and genuine gold and silver leaf for $30
Please Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
Out of stock
Spoken for... theoretically! If there is a red banner on the main image indicating this item is Out of Stock, then it is truly spoken for. Other items are just in need of bottling and will be made available at some point in the future. Join the waiting list to be notified of any restocks.
Creation Date | August 23-24, 2019, hour of Jupiter. Chart in image gallery. |
Areas of Application | Altars, Aura, Essential Oil Diffuser, Full Body, Paper, Spatial, Tools, Wherever Appropriate |
Star | |
Step / Function | |
Magical Applications | Charging, Clearing, Mantra, Meditation / Contemplation, Mojo Bags / Sachets, Offerings to Spirits / Ancestors, Petition Packets, Sigils / Sigil Activation, Spell Bottles / Jars |
Vegan | No — Contains cruelty free, ethically, and legally harvested animal-derived components |
Dimensions | .80 × .80 × 2.85 in |
Weight | 2.5 oz |
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upon internal consumption of this tincture, I feel "filled up." there's really no better way to describe it. the way Kaitlin describes it as beefing up the auric body is accurate to my experience. it's like turning the volume up on my desires and filling my senses with *me* -- it's difficult to describe but it feels like I become More myself somehow, like Aldebaran is teasing out some part of my essence and then magnifying it for my benefit, to feel grounded. I love this stuff but it's not to be taken lightly!
I absolutely love this tincture. because it is so scarce, I am working with it sparingly and wow! It really helps me push through and do the boring but essential things I don't want to do. I take the risk of internal use and have just a drop in my coffee or water in the morning to get going. I STAY ON TASK all day and I feel so satisfied by the evening. I hope they make another Aldebaran series but if not--I will be investing in the soap when it arrives.
This tincture has saved me so many times when I've just not had the energy or will to do anything. It infuses me with drive and I can take on arduous tasks. It's amazing for creativity and can move along anything that has been stuck. I'm so glad to have this tool, thank you S+S!
I received one of the last bottles of this tincture and boy-howdy did it serve me! With what little time I had with it, it taught me a lot about the paradoxical nature of grounding in your higher sensibilities. It allowed me to break a writer's block, giving creativity a new, more welcoming sensation than I had ever experienced before. In its last act of service, it found itself flung off my altar as a sacrifice to protect me from an inordinately intense spiritual attack, that I had barely felt thanks to its protection
With my Asc in a tight-tight [exact] conjunction with Aldebaran, I definitely felt called to this series. I enjoy using S+S's tinctures as they are an easy and potent way to infuse yourself and objects with the stored energies. I add drops to tea, on skin/objects, and, my go-to, a few drops under my tongue to start the day. I noticed upon first using materia from this series that I have to be highly selective about when/how often I use them. Aldebaran doesn't mess around. I am an obsessive-hard-worker by nature, and Aldebaran pushes this into complete overdrive - wanting of all of the things, usually at the cost of my well-being. When I get into a rut, feeling unmotivated, I pull out Aldebaran. My last use was a few days ago as I have work projects coming due before the end-of-the-year. I slammed through one project, found another one worth checking into, and ended up finding some very real, very material $$$ for the company. It was highly gratifying. I know I can't operate at this level with any regular frequency, but in those handful of times a year (yes, really), the magic it churns out is unmistakable.
I sing the praises of this series a lot because it's such a workhorse (err, bull). It's been helping me get through one of the worst years of my life. I like to take 4 drops of the tincture internally (or a swipe of the oil on the skin) along with Jupiter Empyreal Vantage oil, to get sci done while keeping my eye on the big picture, the long-term goals. I wish it weren't sold out!
AMAZING. I got this tincture at the brilliant suggestion of Ursula Rising to help me deal with my natal Mars in Libra in a tight square to my chart ruler. (It was my first time with an S+S offering so I was not prepared for just how transformational this experience would be!!!) For the first few weeks, I took one drop per day in my morning coffee or glass of water, and the effect was immediate. It's like other reviewers have said -- liquid courage, fortification, resolve. You get that extra little push that enables you to say or do the thing you'd otherwise hesitate on for fear of upsetting people, even when you know it's the right thing to say/do. For a Libra Mars (with Cancer Moon), this is life changing! After that initial few-week period of taking a drop a day, I already felt so much better. A few times since then, I've taken a drop here and there as a tune-up. Hoping to make this little bottle last. So grateful! Thank you! <3
You want to super-power your coffee to get things done? This doesn't quite have the pep of a solar energy drink, but its got more staying power. I put 2-3 drops into my coffee, and have had a super productive morning. Again, strong Jupiter-Mars influence for me, and it manifests in getting shit done. Anything that seems like an obstacle today seems to just crumble under the focus I've been able to put into it. Crush metaphorical boulders with your mind! I'm sure I'm going to be exhausted later. But in the meantime....
I absolutely love this tincture. I have been adding it to my ink as it dissolves well. It has definitely given my prosperity sigil work a boost.
Truly incredible stuff. Seems to mimic some of the psychosocial effects of testosterone, particularly the AUDACITY. sooooooo gooood. (I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice)
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Degree of Exaltation Mars Oil
Anointing Oils, Mars' Degree of Exaltation, Sold Out

Pearl Polish + Honey Beautifying Mask Duo
Sundry, Face + Body, Altar Boxes + Ritual Sets, Sold Out

Ritual Salt of Asclepius
Asclepius I, Sold OutThis ritual salt is from the Dead Sea, mixed with essential oils of frankincense, cypress, and rosemary, consecrated to Asclepius for the purposes of cleansing, banishing illness, and preserving good health.
Sprinkle on yourself, your doorstep or hearth, your floor before sweeping or vacuuming, or add to cleaning solutions to help purify energies and bring healing and renewal into your sphere. Can be used before workings to set a clean stage, or after to clear away energies and spirits. Also helpful against ghost and poltergeist activity. Not intended for consumption.
Available in a half ounce vial for $13.

This tincture has saved me so many times when I’ve just not had the energy or will to do anything. It infuses me with drive and I can take on arduous tasks. It’s amazing for creativity and can move along anything that has been stuck. I’m so glad to have this tool, thank you S+S!
I received one of the last bottles of this tincture and boy-howdy did it serve me! With what little time I had with it, it taught me a lot about the paradoxical nature of grounding in your higher sensibilities. It allowed me to break a writer’s block, giving creativity a new, more welcoming sensation than I had ever experienced before. In its last act of service, it found itself flung off my altar as a sacrifice to protect me from an inordinately intense spiritual attack, that I had barely felt thanks to its protection
With my Asc in a tight-tight [exact] conjunction with Aldebaran, I definitely felt called to this series. I enjoy using S+S’s tinctures as they are an easy and potent way to infuse yourself and objects with the stored energies. I add drops to tea, on skin/objects, and, my go-to, a few drops under my tongue to start the day. I noticed upon first using materia from this series that I have to be highly selective about when/how often I use them. Aldebaran doesn’t mess around. I am an obsessive-hard-worker by nature, and Aldebaran pushes this into complete overdrive – wanting of all of the things, usually at the cost of my well-being. When I get into a rut, feeling unmotivated, I pull out Aldebaran. My last use was a few days ago as I have work projects coming due before the end-of-the-year. I slammed through one project, found another one worth checking into, and ended up finding some very real, very material $$$ for the company. It was highly gratifying. I know I can’t operate at this level with any regular frequency, but in those handful of times a year (yes, really), the magic it churns out is unmistakable.
I sing the praises of this series a lot because it’s such a workhorse (err, bull). It’s been helping me get through one of the worst years of my life. I like to take 4 drops of the tincture internally (or a swipe of the oil on the skin) along with Jupiter Empyreal Vantage oil, to get sci done while keeping my eye on the big picture, the long-term goals. I wish it weren’t sold out!
AMAZING. I got this tincture at the brilliant suggestion of Ursula Rising to help me deal with my natal Mars in Libra in a tight square to my chart ruler. (It was my first time with an S+S offering so I was not prepared for just how transformational this experience would be!!!) For the first few weeks, I took one drop per day in my morning coffee or glass of water, and the effect was immediate. It’s like other reviewers have said — liquid courage, fortification, resolve. You get that extra little push that enables you to say or do the thing you’d otherwise hesitate on for fear of upsetting people, even when you know it’s the right thing to say/do. For a Libra Mars (with Cancer Moon), this is life changing! After that initial few-week period of taking a drop a day, I already felt so much better. A few times since then, I’ve taken a drop here and there as a tune-up. Hoping to make this little bottle last. So grateful! Thank you! <3
You want to super-power your coffee to get things done? This doesn’t quite have the pep of a solar energy drink, but its got more staying power. I put 2-3 drops into my coffee, and have had a super productive morning. Again, strong Jupiter-Mars influence for me, and it manifests in getting shit done. Anything that seems like an obstacle today seems to just crumble under the focus I’ve been able to put into it. Crush metaphorical boulders with your mind! I’m sure I’m going to be exhausted later. But in the meantime….
I absolutely love this tincture. I have been adding it to my ink as it dissolves well. It has definitely given my prosperity sigil work a boost.
Truly incredible stuff. Seems to mimic some of the psychosocial effects of testosterone, particularly the AUDACITY. sooooooo gooood. (I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice)
Sooooooo – the first things that happened that I finally acted as mature as I always wanted to in my work environment.
I nailed an audition with a 100% vote (usually it’s a max of 60%) and after a while of using it I finally spoke up to some very close persons whom I had NEVER in my life told how I felt, in about 20 years. I mean, this is huge.
Another effect is that I finally got my personal affairs in order – I’m speaking year-long administrational struggles – resolved. Not in a magic puff, but by tremendous clarity and focus and sudden appearance of expert helpers. I’m grateful and finally calm.
This tincture helped me stand my ground in a long term argument and help me win it in only a few hours. Aldebaran is a formidable force that makes you massively stubborn with the oomph of steadfast resolve. I take pity on the person who crosses someone under the influence of this tincture.
This isn’t the kind of thing you’re supposed to take everyday unless you’re going through a period of immense challenges. If you are, this will help you stick things out. I do warn that this is not for the idle however and would be irresponsible to take on those days.
This tincture is like liquid courage! Even just holding the bottle gives me the feeling of incredible strength. Like Popeye and spinach. Fortifying and encouraging. The first day I received it I took care of important things that I had been putting off that I was avoiding due to nerves. I have also used it to remain head strong with a project that I tend to shrink and feel less capable on. Very much a conquer your fears and forge your way through essence. I can see why it must be directed and not just used willy nilly. Kind of like dynamite for breaking through your personal barriers.
When using this tincture, I find myself able to stay in a good mood throughout the workday. It just makes work seem less *heavy* and overwhelming, which I really need as someone who works directly with the public. As someone who is empathic, it is very easy for me to take on the moods of the people I am around, which is just awful when I get two or three frustrated people before lunch time. It really makes the day longer. But this tincture is so incredibly GROUNDING, I feel so secure and stable; it essentially makes me into a duck and all that chaotic energy rolls off my feathers like water droplets.
This tincture helps me find a focused and directed flow state quickly and reliably. I’m impressed by the supportive nature of the energies – was honestly expecting a lot more vigorous and demanding experience. Instead, it’s a feeling of, “c’mon! We want to do this, so let’s do this. And if we find we don’t want to do this one particular task, then there are 10 others we can try instead.” That might be very specific to me, a highly creative and kind of weird and moody individual, lol, but I really do not like being told what to do, and was worried I’d rebel against authority! That’s not what’s happening, and I’m enjoying having this tincture in my toolbox.
This tincture has been my go to for when I need courage. Even my driving is a lot more defensive! I have a very mellow personality and this is a great complement to mine. It strengthens my will and makes me do things I’m usually chicken about and successfully. I find that using this before work increases my confidence and I always feel that I accomplish a lot of things on my to do list as well. This blend is so yang to my yin!