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Deneb Algedi II Steep + Smoke

Deneb Algedi II Steep + Smoke

100% organic Ingredients list: marjoram, mugwort, tulsi, mullein, valerian, catnip, kava kava root, gotu kola, goat’s rue, tansey.

I must admit, this is my absolute FAVORITE Steep + Smoke to date. If you haven’t tried one before, this might be the one to start with

Incredibly calming, smooth, and enjoyable…

Add to floor washes or spiritual baths. Smoke alone, or alongside Mother Mary Jane.

Offered in a 2.5 oz tin for $33, or 4 oz bulk pot for $49

Note that contraindications exist between kava kava + alcohol

Individual steeping pouches are available as accessories. If any Steep is too strong or bitter, simply infuse for shorter lengths of time and re-infuse for future cups, which has the added benefit of making a little go a longer way!

Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Do not use while pregnant. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.




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Creation Date

Waxing Gibbous Moon conj. Deneb Algedi + Jupiter on the MC, September 17th, 2021. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application


Step / Function


2.5 oz, 4 oz

Magical Applications

, ,

Planetary Body


Yes — Vegan

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 2.4 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
J.B. (Ontario, Canada)
All chiller no filler

Like the reviewer below, I also use a dry herb vape, and I find I have to clean my implements after using this steep and smoke, as one of the herbal components leaves a stinky residue. For me, whether steeped or smoked, this blend is relaxing - I'd recommend late afternoon or evening use, especially when paired with cannabis. Tastes GREAT steeped. I am still figuring out DA's magical effects on me, but the mundane relaxation effects have been pleasant enough to warrant the purchase on its own! I wouldn't combine this with other depressants or sedatives, or at least I'd ask my prescribing doctor first.

K.Z. (Pennsylvania, United States)
Have a light

Makes a wonderful incense offering – a little pinch goes a long way! As for the flavor, I typically dry herb vape things, and this one is very sour. If you smoke (as most people do) I think your experience will be more mellow. Yes, the re is also a higher presence of police around you with this materia as well but the experiences were positive.

Amy C. (New York, United States)
A Treasure

Make yourself copper-bottomed! a great one to imbibe and also give as an offering to your protector spirits. I love mixing a pinch of this into other basic one-herb or leaf teas as an add-on. Great for before bed too if you're feeling too wide-open psychically and otherwise.

D.K. (British Columbia, Canada)
DAII steep & smoke

I have DA opp my asc natally so I felt immediately drawn to this energy, I also have most items from this series and they are all honored treasures.

The S&S is far and away one of my most treasured items. It is so versatile, can be used to annoint candles, floor washes, in the bath in times of strife and any other way I can imagine. I have a pipe that I add materia to, and have also used in floor washes to protect the home. I also - like another poster - like to add the steeped water to a spray bottle as a homemade hydrosol and spray that around the home.

As my relationship with Sky Grandpa has evolved, my life has become so much smoother, no drama, and anybody who tries to bring that to my sphere has been rebuffed. I also attribute this energy to being the support I needed to quit drinking alcohol once and forever. SG protects from ALL harmful things, including ourselves. you should buy this S&S - but make sure to leave some more for me!

D.M. (California, United States)

Beautiful blend that brings grounding and peace of mind. It provides an oasis of calm in the midst of life's storms, and has a genuinely serenity effect on one's mood and spirit. Taste and smells delicious too. Perfect for Saturday mornings.

H.R. (Maryland, United States)
good tasting good smelling energy settling underrated

this series is amazing and this is one of the more underrated products. My favorite way to use it is to steep it and put it in a big spray bottle & spray liberally around a space. The Hydrosol can do this too but its very potent and precious and when I want to basically douse an area or spray a surface and wipe it off, this is my go-to. helps banish chaos, helps me clean my room, helps me stay focused on tasks, helps me stay out of silly BS and not run my mouth so freely. When I use it in my bedroom it helps me sleep better. helps clear out old energy too. It packs a really good punch for the cost and how much use you can get out of it. and it smells and tastes really nice!

S.T. (Tennessee, United States)
Don’t sleep on this steep and smoke!

This is probably the most physically relaxing of the steep and smokes I’ve tried and I love quite a few of them but this is my favorite. When in doubt, you can’t go wrong with this series and this form is very versatile. You can dress candles, add it to incense, drink as a tea, or smoke—the one way I haven’t used it myself.

Tamara A. (California, United States)

First, I absolutely love the DAII series. It's not quite as forceful as Saturn in Capricorn, but sometimes you need a rat-free boundary setter. And heavy Saturn usage is rather wearing, which is not awesome when you start running out of spoons. But this DAII s&s? It's perfect for getting into the roots of your self.

This s&s helps me manage my hectic life, especially when annoying things happen that are out of my control. It helps me set the internal boundaries needed to not feel responsible for them and takes the edge off of the general madness of existing in these convoluted times.

I use this as a tea for drinking and I'll use the second steep for washing my floor. I used to make a separate floor wash, but I find that leftover tea works better. This is a bit gross, but I suspect the leftover tea is more potent at boundary setting because of the spit/backwash involved.


DAII is Lawful Good: the Series. And this S&S is bottled ability to cope.

I was having trouble connecting to DAII. Tried out a few of the materia, couldn't really figure it out. Then one day my task list was endless, I literally didn't have enough hours to get everything done, I'd budgeted my time down to 15-minute increments -- and then my partner had a meltdown.

I sat beside him, trying to coach him through it, and the whole time I was thinking "We do not have TIME for a meltdown, I have to do my JOB." Finally I almost snapped at him. I needed to calm down, but I couldn't afford to *relax* -- the task list was still going to be there when the meltdown was over. I made us some tea and on impulse I made myself some DAII steep and smoke. I put my hand over the cup as it was steeping and thought, "Please give me the wherewithal to deal with this. Please give me the calm to get me through my responsibilities, the reserves to take care of my partner, and the responsibility not to run off and hide from the stress."

And... it worked. The task list was still there and there weren't magically more hours in the day, but I just calmed right down and was able to move forward and deal with it. I got my partner through the meltdown and then went back to my office and got through some work. It didn't all get done, but some of it did.

That's what this S&S is for me: the wherewithal to cope. I imagine it would be great for parents of young children. And it's been my entry point into the DAII series, which I 'get' much better now. I have a backup of this S&S and will use it carefully so I don't run out too soon.


this stuff smells amazing & tastes amazing. I use it as a tea & also I brew a weak batch as a room spray for spraying more widely & liberally & wiping windows & such, things you wouldn't want to use the potent & precious DA water for or smear oil on. I think because of the jupiter/saturn cooperation it is really good at settling down noisy chaotic or nervous energy in a space, helping me get down to business instead of ADHDing around aimlessly, and clarifying my messy mind-cloud of a to-do list into practical actionable steps, and decreasing my impulsivity. Wiping surfaces with it does have the protective effects of a typical house ward again because of Jupiter working with Saturn. I have these two in mutual reception in my chart & jupiter in Aquarius so I think of jupiter as my planetary dad kind of and the energy of the star Deneb Algedi is undeniably that of a wise protective grandfather that helps everything stay on track with great power but not violently. I use & love several materia from this series but I think the steep & smoke is under-appreciated especially considering bang for your buck! even if this was a mundane tea I would drink it.


  1. DAII is Lawful Good: the Series. And this S&S is bottled ability to cope.

    I was having trouble connecting to DAII. Tried out a few of the materia, couldn’t really figure it out. Then one day my task list was endless, I literally didn’t have enough hours to get everything done, I’d budgeted my time down to 15-minute increments — and then my partner had a meltdown.

    I sat beside him, trying to coach him through it, and the whole time I was thinking “We do not have TIME for a meltdown, I have to do my JOB.” Finally I almost snapped at him. I needed to calm down, but I couldn’t afford to *relax* — the task list was still going to be there when the meltdown was over. I made us some tea and on impulse I made myself some DAII steep and smoke. I put my hand over the cup as it was steeping and thought, “Please give me the wherewithal to deal with this. Please give me the calm to get me through my responsibilities, the reserves to take care of my partner, and the responsibility not to run off and hide from the stress.”

    And… it worked. The task list was still there and there weren’t magically more hours in the day, but I just calmed right down and was able to move forward and deal with it. I got my partner through the meltdown and then went back to my office and got through some work. It didn’t all get done, but some of it did.

    That’s what this S&S is for me: the wherewithal to cope. I imagine it would be great for parents of young children. And it’s been my entry point into the DAII series, which I ‘get’ much better now. I have a backup of this S&S and will use it carefully so I don’t run out too soon.

  2. this stuff smells amazing & tastes amazing. I use it as a tea & also I brew a weak batch as a room spray for spraying more widely & liberally & wiping windows & such, things you wouldn’t want to use the potent & precious DA water for or smear oil on. I think because of the jupiter/saturn cooperation it is really good at settling down noisy chaotic or nervous energy in a space, helping me get down to business instead of ADHDing around aimlessly, and clarifying my messy mind-cloud of a to-do list into practical actionable steps, and decreasing my impulsivity. Wiping surfaces with it does have the protective effects of a typical house ward again because of Jupiter working with Saturn. I have these two in mutual reception in my chart & jupiter in Aquarius so I think of jupiter as my planetary dad kind of and the energy of the star Deneb Algedi is undeniably that of a wise protective grandfather that helps everything stay on track with great power but not violently. I use & love several materia from this series but I think the steep & smoke is under-appreciated especially considering bang for your buck! even if this was a mundane tea I would drink it.

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