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Golden Sol II Salve

Golden Sol II Salve

An organic and wildcrafted infusion of calamas, yellowdock root, rue, cinnamon, balm of gilead, bay laurel, angelica, hyssop, chrysanthemum, ashwaganda, St. John’s wort, rosemary, orange peel, red cedar tips, and goldenseal in organic jojoba following fumigation with royal hojari frankincense during our Golden Sol II election.

Combined with organic beeswax and essential oils of calendula, arnica, white grapefruit, and frankincense, crowned with 24k gold.

Offered in a 2.5 oz tin for $66, or 4 oz bulk pot for $99




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Creation Date

Sunrise August 4th, 2024, hour of Sol. Chart in image gallery.

Planetary Body


No – Beeswax


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions 0.80 × 0.80 × 2 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
NS (England, United Kingdom)
Melty and warm

I bought this to help support me with energy in the daytime, and it does really work in such a gentle and assuring way. It's very golden and melty but feels good on the body with consistent use. It also doesn't leave me feeling to bright/overly sincere like the annointing oil can.

u (Pirkanmaa, Finland)
bright, relaxing, healing

Wonderful scent, bright, relaxing, self assuring, life affirming. A flower doesn’t ask why it reaches towards the sun - it just does, happily. There are no problems I can’t tackle. No problems using the salve at nighttime. In fact, especially layered with Asclepius salve (or even without it) I think it is healing in a different way Asclepius doesn’t, and they compliment each other.

K.M. (Oregon, United States)
Bright and Juicy

This salve is a bit softer than some of the others I’ve tried (Asclepius softened up over time, but Exalted Luna and Butter Ocean are pretty firm). The scent - a sweet orange, to match the color- is absolutely lovely, and all of it together is a very JUICY result. In application, the feeling is a bit heavier than the whipped body butter, but still retains the brightness and vibrancy. I probably still wouldn’t use at bedtime, but it might be better than the butter for that! I like to keep in my purse for a nice little pick me up - for mood and energy during the day.

HNatif (Maryland, United States)
Melty Liquid Sunshine

A fresh, citrusy, luxurious healing salve. I'm using this at night with my Asclepius magnisum oil spray on my feet and lower back. It's a very sunny, bright salve but works well at bedtime. Very relaxing and dreamy, it doenst keep me awake but rather helps me sink into a deep restorative sleep.

H (New South Wales, Australia)
Bright and powerful

Lovely salve, elevates my mood. The scent is amazing.

K. (Alberta, Canada)

I usually let parcels rest before opening, especially new series. I could not be patient with this one. I only have two forms from this series, but they both have an uplifting effect, well before applying. The scent (sweet orange) of the salve alone is ticking boxes in my brain that lean towards ease and feeling happier. I'm in a bit of a muddy place right now, when I use the salve it feels like it facilitates some breaks for me to just breathe. Not as physical of a sensation for me, more of an energetic shift. Looking forward to trying the hydrosol or the incense soon.


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