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Mars-Jupiter Anointing Oil

Mars-Jupiter Anointing Oil

An organic and wildcrafted blend of yohimbe and cinnamon bark, nopal cactus, tribulus fruit, horny goat weed, and chili, with roots of kava kava, ginger, maca, fo-ti, and nettle, red root, cayenne pepper, and ginseng, which was fumigated with Mars’ Degree of Exaltation Incense x boswellia resin at the height of our Mars-Jupiter election.

Immersed in 100% organic jojoba oil with fossilized red coral, paired with warming, yang-tonifying essential oils, and genuine 24k gold.

Anoint the body or objects, especially before mundane and magical activities in alignment with the Mars-Jupiter arcana…

Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $80 (with optional Dropper Cap Kit), a 10 ml “flawless glide” steel roller for $65, or mini 5 ml vials for $33.




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Creation Data

June 21st 2022, hour of Mars. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body


Uses / Applications

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Scent (EOs, C02s, Absolutes)

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Potential Side Effects

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Suggested Pairings


Times/ Activities

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HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 52 reviews
Hillary H. (Pennsylvania, United States)
“Battery Boost”

I will say, I have Mars in Aries, so that is in play. But, MAN, this is like the best pick me up, recharge, shoulders back, chest up, brow bent, hands ready… like the mushroom sound from Mario when you get the “grow up into” what you need to run the rapids, rise to the challenge, and stand strong. I totally feel the captain of the crew, leader written of in the story as well. A strong ally, way more benefic than I’d ever expected, and up to the task. This oil is a dumper on hard Mars transits, lol. It literally gets jolly and requires a “measured hand.” lol. It’s the most “video game” like oil I’ve worked with in how it almost “jingles” at you the way “items” sparkle for you to find when playing an RPG. I love this one. Big hearted and brave with a good ability to blend. I’d make this into a morning cereal box buddy if I could.

Amy C. (Florida, United States)
Highly recommend!

This is one of my favorite oils I’ve purchased! It’s been especially helpful during this recent Mars RX. I have Jupiter currently transiting my second house. This oil has helped me stay focused and helped achieve some big goals!

Jess (Florida, United States)
Doing All The Things?!

Okay, so I admit I ordered this oil after reading the review about using it to manifest someone special. I also really like how the bath salts smell/make me feel, so I thought, why not add the oil to the mix? My manifestation mileage varies (a.k.a. nothing yet lol), but honestly it's whatever at this point. I'm perfectly happy facing the day smelling like cinnamon. I've found that this is great for when I need to roll up my sleeves and get stuff done, especially in my male-dominated work environment. My Mars is in my native Virgo and my Jupiter is in Aries, so this is great for channeling all my inner "grr" energy into something constructive. I run hot (and spicy), so I can't speak to whether tapping into that is good for everyone. But it makes me feel good, so that's what matters.

G.E (Istanbul, Türkiye)
A Cute Mars

Yes it is Mars, but it is super gentle and I did not experience any side effects at all. Like drinking a shot of espresso, perfect for an energy boost. I use it before my cardio sessions and when I need extra physical energy throughout the day.
It is warming and not suitable for hot weather.

Lauren S. (Colorado, United States)
Hype Embodied

The martial magic with this one is real. As a very martial day-Mars person, my hope here was to work with my natal Mars and counterbalance with Jupiter in order to channel some of the inflammation into energy and prowess. In particular, I used this series to start a training regimen with my Jupiter-ruled fitness coach brother. We train on Tuesdays, using with a Sagittarius rising chart. Pairing that with the anointing oil, hymn and smoke offering has been amazing. My focus is better, my energy feels more constructive, and my gains in strength training are helping to protect my joints from my hypermobility (my natal Mars is square Neptune conjunct my Capricorn AC).

The first time I used this series I got whole-body tingles, cars literally just moved out of my way as I drove to my brother's and I was hype and over-energized all day. So definitely don't neglect the warnings on this: do NOT use it too close to bedtime if you intend to sleep. If you're martial already like me, maybe avoid using it past 3pm lmao. It is materia that truly needs something to tackle so I also wouldn't recommend it casually unless you're giving the energy somewhere to go.

Also I have to say when mine arrived, it was a little too martial because the powder vial had shattered. It's the only series I've ever had that happen with because S+S is so good with their packaging. I took it as Mars being like "you really didn't need more Mars, but if you insist..." Rather than being upset I cracked up and enjoy serving Mars incense on the little glass dagger he made from the vial. Honestly, the hype is real on this one. I love it so much! 10/10

TN (Oregon, United States)
Feeling strong

Fortifying, energizing, empowering. Promotes confidence and stamina. Wonderful companion for physical endeavors and actually pairs wonderfully with Exalted Luna + Jupiter for a well rounded health-focused agenda. I've really appreciated the way it feels more sustainable than a hot flash in the pan type energy that leaves you feeling burnt out. Not aggravating, just motivating.

A.S. (England, United Kingdom)
dream boyfriend in a bottle

Right, so I'm going to have to cry because I'm probably never going to find a guy with energy as great as Mars-Jup and this series is basically my natal Venus' dream guy. Thanks Kaitlin and Austin for setting the bar impossibly high for every masculine energy to ever enter my life!

Key words I'll leave the reader with: Sexy, empowering and fun.

Get yourself a bottle. That simple. Chefs kiss.

This is an amazing review, A.S! *laughing emoji*

Wanted to quickly mention that you actually *can* use this to draw your dream boyfriend by adding it to spells for a relationship, especially combined with Venus! You can also launch a sigil shoal with qualities you anoint with the influence ^_^

Kay E. (Washington, United States)
Benefic Mars

This is Mars with the wisdom of the Greater Benefic. The courage/boldness/productivity of Mars with the optimism of Jupiter. Great for mornings, particularly if feeling any degree of dread about the upcoming day.

Karla C. (New York, United States)
it's awesome!

I ordered this Mars/Jupiter oil because i’m Aries rising with my Mars in Scorpio in a wide conjunction to Saturn (i feel the restriction). In my Bazi chart fire is also my weakest element. Well, I wanted help unlocking my energy and drive. This oil would be my first step into becoming the person that i know is hiding somewhere within me. Funnily enough though, my mother has used up most of my oil, lol! I forgot that she has a nice mutual reception between Mars in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Aries - she naturally gravitated towards it and now loves it. I massage some acupressure points on her belly (she tends to have a slow digestion) and she sleeps well. But she also reached an important financial goal this month! I ask Mars and Jupiter to help her and keep her happy and they certainly have… as for me, my energy level is gradually increasing and i’ve been getting more work done (Saturn rules my MC.) I will have to order it again for sure. It’s awesome!

C. (Oregon, United States)
The best workout buddy

My stamina and enthusiasm during workouts definitely increases when I apply this oil beforehand over the muscle groups I’m exercising. As promised, the Jupiterian influence grounds and softens Mars’ fiery edge, still boosting energy and motivation while avoiding the emotional irritability I’ve experienced as a side effect when working with, say, Antares materia.


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