Water was freshly collected from the headwaters of the Sacramento River in Mt. Shasta the day before this series election, on the full Pisces Moon. This was used as the base water for a hydrosol of blue lotus, ritually harvested atropa belladonna, oyster mushroom, and other proprietary ingredients, then consecrated alongside the other Moon-Neptune offerings.
This water has a naturally imbued purple cast, inspired by the liminal colors of dusk, the Pisces palate, and the blue lotus flowers which feature heavily as an almost narcotic note.
This can be sprayed upon the self or a medium/ scryer to promote trance states and increase permeability between the body/ mind and other realms or entities. It can be used to prime a ritual space or sprayed on bed linens, to enhance dreamtime and induce magical sleep.
Available in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle for $27, or 2oz for $57.
$27 – $57
Creation Date | Water collected on the full Pisces Moon August 25, 2018. Consecrated with the rest of the series on August 26th, 2018. Chart in image gallery. |
Areas of Application | Altars, Aura, Essential Oil Diffuser, Full Body, Linens, Spatial, Wherever Appropriate |
Step / Function | |
Magical Applications | Clearing, Mantra, Meditation / Contemplation, Offerings to Spirits / Ancestors, Spiritual Washes / Basin Baths, Water Wards |
Planetary Body | |
Spray Bottle Size | 1/2 oz, 2 oz |
Vegan | Yes — Vegan |
Dimensions | .80 × .80 × 2.4 in |
Weight | .5 oz |
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The most amazing use I’ve found for this spray—with immediate results—is in my fiction writing. When I’m in the dreaming, note-taking, story-finding phase, and I’m getting too much in my head, a spray of this water to my brow and I fall right into a receptive waking dream-state. Zero self-consciousness, all floaty fun vision. It’s mind-altering to be sure and the exact opposite of sharpening—so you’ve got to plan your day taking that into account—but it’s magnificent for visioning. As a creative artist, I feel pure glee having this magic in my arsenal.
This spray has really been a game changer for me in regards to dream work and lucid dreaming. I spray it on my pillow before bed and I am able to enter the dream world so much quicker and easier than without it.
I bought this for use in divination and channelling. Then I read the reviews here and saw how amazing it is as a sleep aid! It has a permanent home next to the bed now. It's especially good for "switching off" after more intense materia such as Jupiter's Lightning Rod and Aldebaran.
absolutely can echo what folks are saying about this being an amazing sleeping aid. it's good for my nerves too. I've had some wild dreams too with this. I do find it helps when I pull cards as well. The sleeping aid tho is the big big big reason I'll probably buy more after I run out.
Love this water. Purchased to help find a lover - was not disappointed.
The best sleep I have had in years—restful, anchoring, yet dreamy and light—is thanks to Kaitlin and this creation. I don’t fall asleep quickly - and I usually spend the interim in anxious waiting anyhow - but the material seemed to have alleviated that. As I drifted off, I felt relaxed, but most importantly, I was at peace.
To echo what everyone has said, this spray is incredible for changing states and letting alternative ways of being permeate through. It works amazingly for sleep – I usually have issues sleeping quite regularly, but when I use this spray it helps me sink into a floating, sleep-like state quicker, and keeps me in that state throughout the night. Likewise, it's also great for tuning into a different mode of receiving information and making sense when trying to perform divinations (e.g. tarot readings). Highly recommended for support in tuning into symbols and letting go of rationality/self-doubt. Will keep buying this over and over as long as it stays in stock.
I use this primarily as a sleep aid. I spray on my sheets. It works so that I need less sleep, but I sleep a lot better and deeper. Trance like, pleasant dreamy quality that just works. I feel waking refreshed and ready to tackle the tasks of the day. Occasional psychic dreams. Seeing others reviews will also try out for divination.
i’ve used this primarily as a primer before workings, to push me slightly “off to the side.” but in recent attempts at trance states, i’ve sprayed directly into the crown of my head, and on the back of my neck, and found it to act like auto-induction - progressing from the feet up, a tingling into sedation (incredible assistance for this novice). like another testimonial, i’ve experience clogged ears after successful application!
I've used this spray multiple times, for divination, for meditation, and sometimes just for calming myself! I have an extremely moon-dominant birth chart, so that may affect a little bit of how I experience this series. Moon-Neptune in Pisces has been dreamy, soft, tranquilizing -- I do find that divination and theurgy or astral travel come easier, but even in day to day life, it provides a muffling layer that can be helpful to people who find themselves very sensitive to others' energy. Honestly this may be my favorite S+S offering so far
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Way Opening Dead-Drawing Elixir
Hermanubis I, Sold Out, Waters

Ancestral Empowerment
Anointing Oils, Waters, Incense, Powders, Sold Out, The Ancestral Series

Water of Asclepius III
Waters, Sprays + Hydrosols, Sold Out, Asclepius III

The most amazing use I’ve found for this spray—with immediate results—is in my fiction writing. When I’m in the dreaming, note-taking, story-finding phase, and I’m getting too much in my head, a spray of this water to my brow and I fall right into a receptive waking dream-state. Zero self-consciousness, all floaty fun vision. It’s mind-altering to be sure and the exact opposite of sharpening—so you’ve got to plan your day taking that into account—but it’s magnificent for visioning. As a creative artist, I feel pure glee having this magic in my arsenal.
This spray has really been a game changer for me in regards to dream work and lucid dreaming. I spray it on my pillow before bed and I am able to enter the dream world so much quicker and easier than without it.
I bought this for use in divination and channelling. Then I read the reviews here and saw how amazing it is as a sleep aid! It has a permanent home next to the bed now. It’s especially good for “switching off” after more intense materia such as Jupiter’s Lightning Rod and Aldebaran.
absolutely can echo what folks are saying about this being an amazing sleeping aid. it’s good for my nerves too. I’ve had some wild dreams too with this. I do find it helps when I pull cards as well. The sleeping aid tho is the big big big reason I’ll probably buy more after I run out.
Love this water. Purchased to help find a lover – was not disappointed.
The best sleep I have had in years—restful, anchoring, yet dreamy and light—is thanks to Kaitlin and this creation. I don’t fall asleep quickly – and I usually spend the interim in anxious waiting anyhow – but the material seemed to have alleviated that. As I drifted off, I felt relaxed, but most importantly, I was at peace.
To echo what everyone has said, this spray is incredible for changing states and letting alternative ways of being permeate through. It works amazingly for sleep – I usually have issues sleeping quite regularly, but when I use this spray it helps me sink into a floating, sleep-like state quicker, and keeps me in that state throughout the night. Likewise, it’s also great for tuning into a different mode of receiving information and making sense when trying to perform divinations (e.g. tarot readings). Highly recommended for support in tuning into symbols and letting go of rationality/self-doubt. Will keep buying this over and over as long as it stays in stock.
I use this primarily as a sleep aid. I spray on my sheets. It works so that I need less sleep, but I sleep a lot better and deeper. Trance like, pleasant dreamy quality that just works. I feel waking refreshed and ready to tackle the tasks of the day. Occasional psychic dreams. Seeing others reviews will also try out for divination.
i’ve used this primarily as a primer before workings, to push me slightly “off to the side.” but in recent attempts at trance states, i’ve sprayed directly into the crown of my head, and on the back of my neck, and found it to act like auto-induction – progressing from the feet up, a tingling into sedation (incredible assistance for this novice). like another testimonial, i’ve experience clogged ears after successful application!
I’ve used this spray multiple times, for divination, for meditation, and sometimes just for calming myself! I have an extremely moon-dominant birth chart, so that may affect a little bit of how I experience this series. Moon-Neptune in Pisces has been dreamy, soft, tranquilizing — I do find that divination and theurgy or astral travel come easier, but even in day to day life, it provides a muffling layer that can be helpful to people who find themselves very sensitive to others’ energy. Honestly this may be my favorite S+S offering so far
It’s been very helpful in divination. When working with card oracles, the feeling of certainty when choosing the cards or parting the deck is stronger.
My hand ia guided in a more direct manner and the core message of each card is received faster and clearer.
My dreams’ messages have also become clearer.
Still exploring orhwr ways to use this wonderful water.
Woooooow. It constantly amazes me how fast Kaitlyn’s art works.
As I began to unroll it from its tissue, I started feeling drunk. Like actual, slow drunk. It felt like I had just downed a glass of wine and that slow warmth came over my face and spread. I even blinked and looked around to see if it was really happening; it was. I sat down for a moment just to experience it and then set it on my zodiac altar cloth on Pisces. Once I did that my ears clogged, like I was under water, even hearing that underwater sound. It was VERY interesting. I read through the papers and decided to cover it with a cloth for me to get a little clarity lol! Once I did that, it was if nothing had happened.
I also sprayed it on my pillow before I went to bed the first night. I was out like a light and my dreams were pretty vivid. It took me a bit to wake up the next morning but I didn’t feel groggy. Beautiful!
The first time I used this spray was on vacation, in a hot tub with my Pisces boyfriend, while the moon was in Pisces applying to Neptune. Needless to say, it was a super dreamy experience (we gave each other foot rubs, THAT’S how Pisces it got up in there!). I spray it on my pillow when I’m having trouble sleeping, or around my altar space when I’m working with my crystals. It’s definitely a mood enhancer for me, aiding in feelings of floatiness and serenity.
I use this regularly in my ritual space, and I love how easily I am able to slip into trance. I find that I connect with my astral temple and the beings there very quickly and deeply, with no feelings of distraction or loss of focus. Wonderful stuff. I’m a big fan of all of Kaitlin’s waters.
I want to start by saying that I never remember my dreams. Ever. So having a tool that gives me such vivid clear dreams is truly astounding to me. Twice I’ve sprayed my pillow before bed and both times I’ve had vivid dreams and visitations from my known spirit companions. This included one very vivid past life regression, and I can’t help but wonder if this might have something to do with the fact that it came packed with a hermanubis spray, but given that I’m deeply applying myself to ancestor work at the moment, it could also just be connecting to my current work. At any rate, dreaming again is really wonderful and adds tremendously to my practice.
I have also found that it is an invaluable aid while doing astral work. Not only does it help me slip more easily into my astral self, I’ve also found that it lends a beautiful protective energy while doing that sort of work. Applying it to my skin leaves a shimmer on my astral self that is somehow both anchoring and trance-like.
And no matter how I use it, it lingers with a peaceful floaty energy that really soothes my anxious and fearful cancer nature. It’s a way to ground myself via my preferred element of water without needing to be touching it or near it, which has an everyday benefit as well as a ritual one.
Thank you for such a lovely lunar gift!