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Saturn in Aquarius Candles

Saturn in Aquarius Candles

Soy wax, dyed a ghostly “white walker” blue, poured over consecrated Saturn in Aquarius powder throughout the election window. Crowned with white gold and black sardonyx.

Burn during Saturn devotions, or use in binding spells. Light petitions and sigils with its consecrated flame.

Fire gaze for meditative and gnostic purposes.

Offered as a 9″ slim vigil for $168.


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Weight 14 oz
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 9 in
Creation Data

Morning of January 23rd 2023, hour of Saturn. Chart in image gallery.

Planetary Body


Fixed Star


Malefic, Neutral


FIRE HAZARD — Never leave fire unattended. Clear away packing materials before burning and do not close the lid on boxes while a flame is burning


Yes — contains NO animal ingredients

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Serious perspective

I use this candle infrequently, but packs quite a punch. I find it offers a needed perspective when things feel too ego-driven or in the weeds.

Ritual work

I originally purchased this for Saturn devotions, but since realized that my chart is just a bit too Saturn heavy for regular attunement. But now I am using the candle in ritual workings where I need Saturn's impact to achieve my goals. So far the candle has boosted two energetic cord cuttings and I'm grateful for this support.

Gentle, feminist Saturn?

I have strong Saturn influences in my chart, both through the natal position of my Saturn and its aspects and the fact that my sun and chart ruler are in Capricorn. Sometimes I thrive with Saturn’s influences, but of course Saturn can be harsh and depressing. I love this gentle application of Saturn - adding supportive structure and commitment to my mutable sign angles. Much easier introduction to Saturn materia than the Saturn in Cap series (which is also v useful in a v different way).


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