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Aerial Delight Steep + Smoke

Aerial Delight Steep + Smoke

100% ingredients: Organic damiana leaf, organic raspberry leaf, organic red clover blossom, organic yarrow flower, organic chamomile flower, organic jasmine flower, organic passion flower, organic mugwort, organic plantain leaf, organic periwinkle, vanilla bean.

Smokeable, steepable herbs of Venusian virtue, consecrated during our Aerial Delight election.

Add to floor washes or spiritual baths. Smoke alone, or partied to Mother Mary Jane.

Offered in a 2.5 oz tin for $33, or 4 oz bulk pot for $49




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Creation Date

Morning of September 9th, 2021. Hour of Venus, Rising. Chart in the image gallery

Areas of Application


Step / Function

Magical Applications

, ,

Planetary Body


Yes — Vegan

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 2 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
NS (England, United Kingdom)
Easy and moderating

I've had some issues connecting with the power of this series, which may have something to do with being a very staunch Venus in Taurus person natally. However, I really enjoy this steep. It's pretty, tastes lovely with honey, and seems to make the tea a temperate/drinkable temperature more quickly. I find that I can metabolise this energy better as a gentle warm tea, and it seems to kick in quickly with me feeling more grounded in being with those I care about and being able to pay attention and listen to them.

Ashley M. (Texas, United States)


EL V. (District of Columbia, United States)
good to the last drop!

this is my first steep + smoke from S+ and I can't wait to try others (once I get through the rest of my very long ordering wishlist). I love that it's so multifunctional: tea, smoke, housecleaning?! while I haven't used it for the latter, I can attest that the tea is a delightful sip, florally blended to perfection. as others have mentioned, you can drink it long after the recommended steep time and it's still delicious. // I've used the smoke approach on its own for simple relaxation - it works great when you need a hit of chill without any other plant medicine. but it's also lovely paired with Mother Mary Jane, and makes the smoke taste even more delightful. when smoked with others, I become noticeably more socially relaxed + affectionate.

C. (Nebraska, United States)

Steep and smokes are slowly becoming one of my favorite forms - they are so versatile (infused honeys and syrups are my jam right now) but also I find that smoking them almost works the same as incense in that it has a cleansing/purifying effect in addition to what the power of that series is offering.
VAD addresses imbalances in relationships and brings people back together.

Eliza B. (Massachusetts, United States)
Playful yet chill

While on the whole I find this to be a blend that makes me inclined to be social, I find it to be less a club rager kind of social but the social energy of having your closest friends over to smoke a joint and rewatch your favorite shows. It's a good time but not a crazy extroverted wild time either. It's simple, unfussy relaxation.

Ann L. (Georgia, United States)

This steep is very tasty with a touch of honey or sugar, and also pairs well with other herbal tea blends like Tulsi Rose or Throat Coat. The first time I partook of this tea it was right before bedtime, and I woke up NOT having a hot flash for the first time since I began perimenopause. I'm going to continue drinking the tea at least weekly to see if that effect will continue - but even if it doesn't, I'm grateful for the general Venus self-care vibes the tea induces.

Recently I shared it with a friend who had just had major surgery on her reproductive organs, hoping it would aid in her recovery (the surgery causes temporary but sharp hormone swings). Between the Aerial Delight tea and a solid slather of Asclepius salve, she reported the best night of sleep she'd had in over a year, reduced nausea, and fewer surgical after-effects.

D.K. (British Columbia, Canada)
Relaxation in a bottle

Oh my gosh I love this S&S so much. It is marvelous as a floor wash for a boost of feel good energy in the house, all is well indeed. I like to smoke this in my pipe (with or without MJ) with cloud king S&S when I'm feeling stressed out or just to unwind at the end of the day. The effects are akin to being so relaxed, optimistic and happy, but also being couch locked. perfect way to boost morale at any time.

D.M. (California, United States)

This tea tastes divine and promotes a sense of harmony, balance, and well-being. Truly delivers on its promise, blending delicious flavours with powerful, uplifting effects. Feels good to have it on it own or in company of close person. With a person, however, it makes me a chatterbox :)

Amy R. (Nebraska, United States)
Steep Competition

Can’t say much on the blends smokability (don’t smoke), but I can say that the tea is a lovely blend, tasty, and great with honey (which I’m sure Venus appreciates). Felt calm and focused after drinking it the couple times I had, and I think it definitely gives an ability to interact/mediate in that Libra Venus way.


I'm actually drinking a cup of this right now as I write this. The most palpable sensation is a general feeling that "All is Well."
Flavor-wise, it's soft and gentle and has a lightly sweet quality on its own. This is a blend that's very forgiving if left to steep. The cup I'm currently drinking steeped for 2 hours, and there's barely even the tiniest hint of bitterness. This feels appropriate for the "Beauty takes Time" lesson that came along with VAD's release -- no rushing here, please, not even to take your tea out.
(Blissful tea hack: stir a little of the VAD Honey into this.)


  1. I’m actually drinking a cup of this right now as I write this. The most palpable sensation is a general feeling that “All is Well.”
    Flavor-wise, it’s soft and gentle and has a lightly sweet quality on its own. This is a blend that’s very forgiving if left to steep. The cup I’m currently drinking steeped for 2 hours, and there’s barely even the tiniest hint of bitterness. This feels appropriate for the “Beauty takes Time” lesson that came along with VAD’s release — no rushing here, please, not even to take your tea out.
    (Blissful tea hack: stir a little of the VAD Honey into this.)

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