Dead Sea salt, magnesium flakes, organic spirulina, Natron, and consecrated Hermanubis II herbal mix, suffumigated during Mercury’s Eclipse of Sol on 11:11:2019, alongside prayers for Hermanubis’ blessing.
Bathe before engaging in Ancestral or Necromatic rituals, to prime for contact of the chthonic variety. May induce trance.
Offered in an 8 oz glass jar for $36, 16 oz glass bulk pot for $66, or an 18 oz bath bundle (for those who wish to avoid breakage in transit, have their own jars, or are procuring a refill) for $60.
Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you’d like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!
$36 – $66
Creation Date | 11-11-2019, hour of Mercury. Mercury Cazimi, Eclipsing Sol. Exalted Full Moon. Chart in image gallery. |
Areas of Application | |
Size | 16 oz, 18 oz bundle (weight), 8 oz |
Magical Applications | |
Planetary Body | |
Vegan | No — Contains cruelty free, ethically, and legally harvested animal-derived components |
Dimensions | N/A |
Weight | N/A |
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I’ve been soaking in a Salt of Amenti bath prior to my ancestral rituals, and the communication channels have been thrown wide open. I make sure I have some Asclepius on hand for afterwards, along with a grounding meal and lots of water to drink, to make sure I transition back to ‘life’ properly. Effective stuff for deeper conversations with my dead!
Don’t sleep on any of the bath salts. I have the rest of this series, but honestly haven’t engaged directly with these salts *yet* but they ooze power and kept locked up with the rest of my hermanubis materia. Trance inducing indeed So glad I have this in my arsenal!
But it turns out making explicit boundaries with the dead and giving them space for invited communication with me is extremely useful as a natural but developing medium. I love this bath salt and it is so slept on! Don't be scared. Just speak up and let your will be known with this series.
I have ti salt for a while now but I still did not risk to take a full bath. I am super sensitive this this series so just to open the jar smell it and have it next to me is enough to induce a slight trance just enough for automatic writing or divining.
May induce trance? Yep, they sure might. Good, potent blend that makes me want to get ahold of all of the other bath salts available!
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The Goat’s Phalanges
Available, Saturn in Capricorn, Talismanic PerfumesFirst of all the deathless gods who dwell on Olympus made a Golden Race of mortal men who lived in the time of Kronos when he was reigning in heaven. And they lived like gods without sorrow of heart, remote and free from toil and grief: miserable age rested not on them; but with legs and arms never failing they made merry with feasting beyond the reach of all evils. When they died, it was as though they were overcome with sleep, and they had all good things; for the fruitful earth unforced bare them fruit abundantly and without stint. They dwelt in ease and peace upon their lands with many good things, rich in flocks and loved by the blessed gods.
When one thinks of Saturn, joy is usually not the first word that comes to mind, but there is joy there: it is the joy of an untroubled heart and a mind in balance, the joy found in the serenity that existed in the Time Before Time.
The Goat’s Phalanges reaches back into the age of Titans. It is an oil of bringing ideas into form and an oil of grounding and guidance both from the earth itself and from primal forces beyond our comprehension. It is an oil that invokes a very specific nature of inner peace: the peace that came from a time before conflict existed. This oil honors Kronos of Elysium, King of the Golden Age.
Myrrh essential oil and tears (Commiphora myrrha and Commiphora kua), skullcap from the TAL garden (Scutellaria lateriflora), juniper berries, leaf, and essential oil (Juniperus communis), 3-year aged patchouli essential oil and patchouli root from the TAL garden (Pogostemon cablin), caraway essential oil and seed (Carum carvi), cypress essential oil (Cupressus sempervirens), spikenard essential oil and root from the TAL garden (Aralia racemosa), poplar bud (Populus nigra), clove bud and essential oil (Syzygium aromaticum), home-brewed fruit extract of dark, earthy berries, and ethically sourced goat bone. This oil is not vegan. No goats were harmed in the creation of this oil.
Arrives in that iconic BPAL 5 ml amber apothecary bottle for $48

Tincture of Empyreal Vantage
Available, Jupiter's Empyreal Vantage, Tinctures

Oil of Hermanubis (First Edition)
Anointing Oils, Available, Hermanubis I, Reduced Price

The Goat’s Teeth
Available, Saturn in Capricorn, Talismanic PerfumesAfter them was born Kronos, the wily, youngest and most terrible of her children.
The Goat’s Teeth grind away mercilessly at everything. This is an oil of cunning, shrewdness, self-control, ambition, and renegotiating relationships with subordinates and figures of authority, of giving and receiving respect and gaining prestige by earning it. This is an oil of setting sights on a goal, making the plans necessary, and achieving that goal.
Patchouli essential oil and patchouli root from the TAL garden (Pogostemon cablin), rosemary essential oil and leaf from three plants in the TAL garden (Rosmarinus officinalis, Foxtail, Gregori, Tuscan Blue), dill seed (Anethum graveolens), agrimony leaf and flower (Agrimonia eupatoria), comfrey leaf from the TAL garden (Symphytum uplandicum), cypress essential oil and leaf (Cupressus sempervirens), myrrh essential oil and tears (Commiphora myrrha), black vegetal musk, and ethically sourced goat’s teeth. This oil is not vegan. No goats were harmed in the creation of this oil.
Arrives in that iconic BPAL 5 ml amber apothecary bottle for $48
May induce trance? Yep, they sure might. Good, potent blend that makes me want to get ahold of all of the other bath salts available!