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One of ♃ talismanic perfume oils formulated for the Jupiter in Sagittarius series by Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, per the equivalent election in her location. Of it, she shares —

An oil to support education, enhance scholarship and insight, and spark discovery. This oil enhances the speed at which you absorb information and aids you in retaining and processing data.

Peppermint essential oil and leaves from the TAL garden (Mentha piperita), clary sage essential oil (Salvia sclarea), rosemary essential oil (Rosmarinus officinalis) and rosemary leaves and flowers from the TAL garden (Rosmarinus officinalis), anise seed essential oil (Pimpinella anisum), Sicilian lemon essential oil (Citrus limon (L.) Burm.f.) and lemon peel from the TAL garden (Citrus limon), cedar berries (Juniperus monosperma), cedar leaf (Thuja plicata), Atlas cedar essential oil (Cedrus atlantica), lemongrass from the TAL garden (Cymbopogon citratus), bay leaf from the TAL garden (Laurus nobilis), and citrine chips washed in whiskey.



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Spoken for... theoretically! If there is a red banner on the main image indicating this item is Out of Stock, then it is truly spoken for. Other items are just in need of bottling and will be made available at some point in the future. Join the waiting list to be notified of any restocks.

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Creation Date

October 23rd, 2019, hour of Jupiter. Moon conj. Regulus. Chart in image gallery

Areas of Application



Step / Function

Magical Applications

, ,

Planetary Body


Yes — Vegan


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions 1 × 2 × 3 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
G. (Illinois, United States)

I had this on deck when I was doing both school and work full time. Despite the lack of sleep, this aided me in writing many papers and prepping for exams.

April S. (California, United States)
Focus Finder

Best for helping me find my focus and also expand my thinking at the same time. Great for learning new things. I use it for my zoom classes. Helps me stay focused in the class and take in the information.

Reviewer avatar
Kelly S. (California, United States)
My most used BPAL!

Though I wouldn't say that this is my 'favorite' BPAL, it's certainly my most used. As a writer and occasional academic, I find that it is very helpful getting me in the proper mindset when I need to focus on mental pursuits. Just wonderful for an all around clear-headed, honed-in headspace! A workhorse of a BPAL, for sure!

V.M. (Massachusetts, United States)

Not a biggest fan of the smell, but it does give me the clarity as I study/learn/take exams. Helps with integration which I work in conjunction with ancestral practices to support my learning.


You know how there are certain situations (*cough*FAMILY*cough) that completely erode your maturity, your self-control, and your good judgement? If you've been there and are looking for help at keeping your cool instead of flying off the handle, you might need Reperio. I call it my "good decisions juice."

Reperio is the angel on your shoulder whispering wisdom in your ear, the hand on your arm restraining you from crossing lines and burning bridges. It helps you make the hard, unappealing choices that have positive long-term consequences. It helps you see how knee-jerk reactions are pointless and self-destructive, no matter how gratifying they are.

As for the scent profile, it's a bright, not unpleasant medicinal smell. I can't really identify anything other than the rosemary and a liiiiitle bit of the anise. It's very well-blended from a perfume standpoint.

Zoe K.

I bought this oil intending to use it when I'm doing intense studying but I ended up using it more frequently and on other occasions too. My 5yo son said it smells of trees -- minty, woody and leafy. It's like being on top of a tree, taking in the smells of the greenery while enjoying the scenery and the cool breeze. it gives focus without the tunnel vision. I wear it for social occasions to calm my nerves since I have Sagittarius in my 11th house. It makes me a better listener and less self-conscious.


This is the oil for research: I have had the most brilliant breakthroughs in my research: finding sources hitherto unknown or electronic versions of out of print works - all the way to having novel and excellent threads of thoughts to build my thesis. Outside of my research process, academic or for self-inquiry, I have applied this oil to be able to rally the energies within to just through data handling necessary for my work when lethargy and procrastination strikes. It can be used to roll one's sleeves up to get on with processing information. But, beyond this use, it opens portals through which can experience the heady highs of innovation.


I scheduled some uninterrupted work time to work with a data request that involved extracting information from various places and place it in a spreadsheet. I thought this might be the beginning of the process, but I ended being something that I was able to almost complete. Definitely helps with focus and data processing.


I might have to get a second bottle of this. This helped calm and steady my nerves enough so using the brain is enjoyable, I dunno if anyone can relate to PTSD related brain fog, but this did help lift the density of that quite a bit for me. Smells like an old-school study, definitely sets the mood for studying and also studying fun things with others.


Reperio is an honoured friend. I'm a university student studying theoretical mathematics and computer science, so the abstract is abundant. I also have been struggling with my relationship to learning as my courses have become more demanding and rigorous, and I have struggled with playing catch up from the impacts of adversities on my studies. Reperio brings the spark back, and breathes Jupiterian warmth and excitement to places that can be flattened by study stress. On a day-to-day basis, I feel it helps me make connections and maintain my resilience to learn (I'm less prone to getting bogged down in trying to avoid failure, because I have faith in the end process). I like combining it with Mars in Scorpio Temperance oil (Scorpio 9H), which is an incredibly motivational study mix for me with actual staying power. In the bigger picture, I genuinely think that Reperio is helping me in the process of working through my academic baggage, and shaping my university experience to be more of what I want it to be.


  1. You know how there are certain situations (*cough*FAMILY*cough) that completely erode your maturity, your self-control, and your good judgement? If you’ve been there and are looking for help at keeping your cool instead of flying off the handle, you might need Reperio. I call it my “good decisions juice.”

    Reperio is the angel on your shoulder whispering wisdom in your ear, the hand on your arm restraining you from crossing lines and burning bridges. It helps you make the hard, unappealing choices that have positive long-term consequences. It helps you see how knee-jerk reactions are pointless and self-destructive, no matter how gratifying they are.

    As for the scent profile, it’s a bright, not unpleasant medicinal smell. I can’t really identify anything other than the rosemary and a liiiiitle bit of the anise. It’s very well-blended from a perfume standpoint.

  2. I bought this oil intending to use it when I’m doing intense studying but I ended up using it more frequently and on other occasions too. My 5yo son said it smells of trees — minty, woody and leafy. It’s like being on top of a tree, taking in the smells of the greenery while enjoying the scenery and the cool breeze. it gives focus without the tunnel vision. I wear it for social occasions to calm my nerves since I have Sagittarius in my 11th house. It makes me a better listener and less self-conscious.

  3. This is the oil for research: I have had the most brilliant breakthroughs in my research: finding sources hitherto unknown or electronic versions of out of print works – all the way to having novel and excellent threads of thoughts to build my thesis. Outside of my research process, academic or for self-inquiry, I have applied this oil to be able to rally the energies within to just through data handling necessary for my work when lethargy and procrastination strikes. It can be used to roll one’s sleeves up to get on with processing information. But, beyond this use, it opens portals through which can experience the heady highs of innovation.

  4. I scheduled some uninterrupted work time to work with a data request that involved extracting information from various places and place it in a spreadsheet. I thought this might be the beginning of the process, but I ended being something that I was able to almost complete. Definitely helps with focus and data processing.

  5. I might have to get a second bottle of this. This helped calm and steady my nerves enough so using the brain is enjoyable, I dunno if anyone can relate to PTSD related brain fog, but this did help lift the density of that quite a bit for me. Smells like an old-school study, definitely sets the mood for studying and also studying fun things with others.

  6. Reperio is an honoured friend. I’m a university student studying theoretical mathematics and computer science, so the abstract is abundant. I also have been struggling with my relationship to learning as my courses have become more demanding and rigorous, and I have struggled with playing catch up from the impacts of adversities on my studies. Reperio brings the spark back, and breathes Jupiterian warmth and excitement to places that can be flattened by study stress. On a day-to-day basis, I feel it helps me make connections and maintain my resilience to learn (I’m less prone to getting bogged down in trying to avoid failure, because I have faith in the end process). I like combining it with Mars in Scorpio Temperance oil (Scorpio 9H), which is an incredibly motivational study mix for me with actual staying power. In the bigger picture, I genuinely think that Reperio is helping me in the process of working through my academic baggage, and shaping my university experience to be more of what I want it to be.

  7. it really is great for editing things n focusing. works better than mercury sprays but maybe that’s because i have a jupiter ruled mercury. i make sure i hit it on the jupiter day n hour so far and yeah it kinda jogs the brain and that’s it does like just lets me see what i overlooked or how to fit the same pieces differently or yeah sometimes leads me to the right book or source. smells nice.

  8. I’ve been using Reperio to focus when working on my Masters research proposal. It’s excellent and does exactly what it’s said to – I feel incredibly grounded, able to think clearly without the usual anxious brain fog that plagues me, and able to keep going with my task. This is interesting as Jupiter in Sag doesn’t read as particularly grounded to me, but somehow this oil does work really well for that. It’s excellent for being clear and precise without falling into excessively obsessive detail-orientation, which I suppose is the Jupiter side of things. Thank you for this great offering!

  9. the twice i’ve worn this conspicuously excellent literary conversations with my partner were had!

  10. When I first opened the bottle and took a sniff, I had a vision of Professor Trelawney from Harry Potter, and that excited me.

    This has been a great support in all of the astrology learning I’ve been doing. I feel like knowledge is almost bypassing my intellect: I can feel the information, as if I am absorbing it through my entire being energetically. I have a natal Mercury in Virgo and Jupiter in Virgo (both in the 12th house), and I feel like this helps me not get swallowed up by details and order, nor lost in the “fog” or doubt. I have a greater ability to balance the information-gathering and analytical capabilities of my Mercury with the enormous benefit of being able to grasp the “big picture” and make more connections in a clear way. And I also have the ability to stay more present rather than staring off into space here and there, or losing my train of thought. It’s fantastic. I’m extremely grateful for this one! Thank you!

  11. Need a brain boost? Get you some Reperio! I ordered this in anticipation of beginning a new job with an INTENSE 12-week training course—basically a non-stop firehose of technical information. I’ve been wearing it most days, and Reperio has NOT let me down.
    The vast majority of the concepts and information presented have just *clicked*, like they slid into slots in my brain they were meant to be in. I’ve been working ahead in the curriculum. All my projects were turned in early and needed minimal revisions. It turned my brain up to 11.
    Besides the mental effects, Reperio smells fresh and invigorating and delightful! When I apply it, the peppermint and rosemary is very forward, but that mellows as it dries down and blends nicely with the other notes.

  12. The moment I took a whiff of this I burst into tears — it was as if all of the hope and sage wisdom of Jupiter in Sagittarius came rushing back at me. I didn’t realize how much Jupiter in Sagittarius had been guiding me.

    I purchased Reperio under recommendation from a friend who said it should help me study, particularly while Mercury is lacking in dignity and it has not only kept me curious, but given me a lot of insight into what occult and medical authors *actually* mean in their writing.

    As an experiment I applied this to the wrists of a few friends of mine at a holiday party who had no idea what it was but willingly participated and soon enough the last dregs of my party enlivened again, only with discussion about politics and who is the most ethical, forward-thinking candidate!

    Reperio spurs healthy debates, banishes bigotry, and keeps people open and honest. It’s great for dissecting any/all principles/ideals/visions and gaining perspective — it’s both lofty and truthful.

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