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The Throne of the House

The Throne of the House

A talismanic perfume created for Sphere + Sundry’s Deneb Algedi II election by thee Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (and Twilight Alchemy Lab!) —

Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.

A home security blend blessed by the light of Deneb Algedi. An oil of succor and defense, the Throne of the House helps bring peace, prosperity, and protection to your home.

Benzoin resin oil (Styrax tonkinensis), frankincense essential oil and tears (Boswellia sacra), sweet marjoram essential oil (Origanum majorana), wild-harvested pine needles (Pinus sylvestris) and essential oil, patchouli essential oil (Pogostemon cablin), cedar berries, leaf, and essential oil (Juniperus monosperma), skullcap herb (Scutellaria lateriflora), myrrh essential oil and tears (Commiphora myrrha), cypress leaf and essential oil (pressus sempervirens), sassafras (Sassafras albidum), alfalfa from the TAL garden (Medicago sativa), basil leaf and essential oil (Ocimum basilicum), blessed thistle herb (Cnicus benedictus), clove essential oil and bud (Syzygium aromaticum), cumin seed (Cuminum cyminum), black cumin seed oil (Nigella sativa), hyssop herb and oil (Hyssopus officinalis), passionflower herb (Passiflora incarnate), and blue chalcedony.

Available in BPAL’s iconic 5 ml apothecary bottle for $48


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Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in
Fixed Star

Planetary Body


Benefic, Neutral


Yes — contains NO animal ingredients

Creation Date

Waxing Gibbous Moon conj. Deneb Algedi + Jupiter on the MC, September 17th, 2021. Chart in image gallery.


2.5 oz, 4 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews

I bought this specifically to make peace in my yard with noisy and angry neighbours, however, since I've had this I haven't had the opportunity to use it! Which I call a resounding success. In the meantime however, I did use Throne of rhe Home to successfully remove a copyright strike on the fair use within anl video of mine, so yet another win for the Goat's tail!

I shan’t not be crossed

It’s amazing how this completely shifted the energy in my home with a disrespectful roomate. out of nowhere they were kind, communicative, and stayed out of my way. 100% recommend to be senior of your space.


This is a core part of my home protection regime. It smells like a cross between high church incense and mulled wine. I find it lovely but my husband finds it overpowering, so I mainly apply it to the outside of the house.

Home becomes: centering, self-assurance

I've worked with plenty of DA materia, but none as embodied as this. The uniquely spiced scent is the cherry a top the subtle yet profound effects of application. Acquired during times of high turbulence, Throne of the House was my rock in the midst of massive residential and life transitions. Finding a calm, decisive demeanor in the face the challenges that come of chartering trecherous new territory, has been a greater asset than there are words for.

Reassuring protection in a bottle

I have used The Throne of the House to anoint thresholds and doorways in my home. I also used it in a protection jar that sits in the front corner of my house. The scent is powerful and grounding - a truly magic oil to protect one's home.

Romana Clifton
So cozy

This is a warm, spicy scent that feels like a quiet family evening gathered at the hearth. I like to annoint a candle with this oil and burn it on my mantle while I'm doing cleaning and home maintenance - it helps me find the sacred in the mundane.

Rachel Carter
So good!

This oil smells incredibly rich and spicy, I love it. I gave it to my partner to work on a neighbor issue—within days of warding with it, the neighbor completely changed their rude behavior! Amazing.

International Move

My young family and I made a big international move this year, and we needed to find a great apartment quickly in a major European city (that is known for having a horrorshow for a housing market). I used Throne of the House to make a series of sigils aimed at the situation, when meeting with agents and landlords, and in protecting the house we found. We found our place within one week, with a great landlord, with a better deal than we hoped for, and with all the things we need. The place matches my manifestation targets for it almost perfectly and when we moved in, I used the Throne of the House to help us settle in.


I love this stuff! It smells incredible (I even get compliments from visitors) and it just makes my home feel so cozy. I can't even describe it. I feel like my home is hugging me. Certainly haven't had any issues with neighbors or safety or anything, so hopefully this has been supportive in that respect as well.

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Small and Mighty

I don't discriminate on BPALs on their fragrances. Some scents I LOVE and others are not my most favorite- but to me ultimately ever since I bought them they DELIVER results. They are a small, affordable and mighty way to interact with S+ series. Throne of the House is a BPAL I use to protect many "houses." The House of the body, my 8th House, my father's literal house and property to name a few. The throne is a place where you are in control and you make the decisions. To me that's what this BPAL symbolizes. It symbolizes sitting on your THRONE- whatever that looks like for you, being protected, in control and ruling judiciously and with right discernment. I also add sometimes to sugar scrubs I make and it is delightful that the BPALs are already scented!


  1. The scent of The Throne of the House is spicy and warm. It’s like a hot toddy next to a fireplace on a cold snowy night. It’s SO delicious. I’m hoping to move to a larger apartment at some point this year, I’m utilizing this bpal to bless my current hope, seek protection, and for working with finding a new home. I’m really happy with how it’s working for me thus far.

  2. New neighbors moved in shortly before this arrived. They draw an aggressive, intimidating, and uncommon quality of person to the little doorsteps we share. After an encounter that left me feeling targeted, in addition to the packages beginning to disappear for the first time in my four years living here, I felt the need to establish a barrier/boundary. I anointed the inside of my front door leading to a common shared space where those interactions happened, as well as the windows and window frames. The demeanor of their guests shifted, the number of visits decreased (and the loitering) and a new tenant moved in who installed one of those ring cameras. I did notice an increase in the number of blues in my drives (and I am ever-vigilant where they are and what they’re doing) but they did their thing and I was left in peace.

  3. Okay, first of all, this smells exactly like a candle. But not just any old candle: imagine wandering around a boutique and catching a whiff of something amazing, tracking it down to realize it’s coming from a very lovely, very expensive candle whose price tag would normally scare you off, but now that you’ve found it you can’t imagine not taking it home with you, so you buy it and don’t light it until you’re ready to feel really, *really* good and create a perfect, cozy atmosphere in your home. That’s what this smells like.
    Second, something very weird just happened after using this perfume for the first time: my housemates had a DIRECTV guy over early this morning to fiddle with the satellite, which happens to be located outside my bedroom window. I overslept after a late night and really wasn’t in the mood to be bugged by these proceedings, and hoped the guy wouldn’t have to access my bedroom for any reason (especially when I heard him puttering around in the room next to mine), so I burned some DAII incense and applied this perfume along with a light dose of Eirene oil before venturing out to make some tea. I said a few words to a housemate about a rattlesnake I’d seen in the yard, then took my tea back to my room to relax. The TV guy made quick work of the satellite issue, never even appearing in my window as I sipped my tea. My bedroom was entirely undisturbed. Then, when I went down to make breakfast later, I made a lame joke as I passed my housemate again, and was completely perplexed when he followed me into the kitchen a moment later to remark on how “pleasant” and “engaging” I was being and how he just wanted to say that he didn’t know what it was, but he just really enjoyed being around me that morning (!!!!!?!) — you have to understand that this is a guy that is NOT the sort to go around giving random compliments like this, and I was feeling quite groggy and slovenly, overdue for a shower and certainly not at my best, and here was grumpy old Paul, waxing on and on (at length!) about how likable I was. It was entirely bizarre and would have been absolutely inexplicable if I hadn’t applied Throne of the House that morning! Consider me floored!!

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