A hydrosol of consecrated organic and wildcrafted Golden Sol II herbs, combined with organic sugar cane alcohol, and essential oils of white grapefruit, hyssop, orange blossom, angelica, and frankincense, with genuine colloidal gold.
Perhaps the most perfume-like Water we’ve ever released!
Like holy incense from Sunday mass, drifting through an orange grove in early Spring, co-mingled with hot tea, fresh from the kettle.
Lifts the mood, lightens the heart, and fills the mind with optimism for a brighter future.
Makes the mouth water a bit, too!
Perfectly captures the juicy, water-loving elements of this election in particular.
Halfway between a Cleansing and Additive form, Sphere + Sundry’s hydrosols are designed for expeditious state change when misted throughout the aura and spaces, upon the body, and to freshen linens. They are easy to use and infinitely practical, pairing well with just about every other form as a priming influence that kickstarts its onset.
Waters can also be misted over Altars as an exquisite Spirit offering.
Each glass spray bottle contains golden drops of visible essential oil, alongside specks of 24k gold.
$30 – $75
Creation Date | Sunrise August 4th, 2024, hour of Sol. Chart in image gallery. |
Planetary Body | |
Vegan | Yes — Vegan |
Dimensions | 0.80 × 0.80 × 2 in |
Weight | 1 oz |
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If you are going to try one form from this series I would highly recommend this form. I ended up getting a larger bottle because the smaller size was sold out at the time and I am so glad that I took the chance. This has been incredible for me! The smell is really great, a light scent of honey and flowers. It's like misting yourself with sunshine. I have been using this on Sundays and at times when I'm looking to feel uplifted and/or lighthearted. It can easily lift me from a bad mood and tends to make life in general more enjoyable. It's like summer vacation when you were a kid. You feel carefree and full of joy! I really love the immediate shift I can feel when I use this hydrosol.
This hydrosol is so uplifting and has been extremely supportive. It’s great for when you’re struggling with feeling low, depressed, anxious, insecure, stressed, overwhelmed, etc. I find I’m more inclined to engage in healthier self care practices and just feel generally overall more motivated to care for myself in the ways I need to, but often struggle to. Super supportive for overcoming feelings of hopelessness, depression, melancholy, and fatigue. Solar energy helps me embody my own self worth which naturally inclines me to take better care of myself. I was born on a Pluto cazimi and Solar issues have always been a big struggle for me, but this medicine is just right for helping with these lifelong struggles. I like the water bc it’s refreshing and not *too* heavy, but also packs quite a punch in its effects and feel. The scent itself is definitely stronger/heavier than most waters, but that seems fitting considering it’s the SUN! Interestingly it seems to have led to even more bonding and affection between my cats and me as well, which is always a plus ;) thank you S&S!
I spray this on my face every morning and it uplifts me so much. The first time I used it I started singing Beyonce's "Alien Superstar" to myself until I finally had to turn the song on! I was really struggling with getting up in the morning and getting the motivation to start my day. Not anymore! I immediately open all of the blinds. I sing to myself. And I have an overall boost of joy. I never want to be without this.
Using this after the kolonia has really helped lift my spirits during the grey winter months.
It is so easy to access this energy, and it feels like a blanket of comforting sunshine. This is the perfect hydrosol to experience as an aura spray as it is so easy to feel it. I was hesitant on the most perfume-like descriptor, but it doesn't trigger any scent issues. Will probably use up the small 1/2oz I got a lot faster than I was anticipating. Perfect for me on Thursdays, but even more cozy and stabilizing on Sundays.
I find this hydrosol especially helpful in uplifting my mood, especially if I'm feeling sensitive, self conscious or heart achy. It's gently warming, inspiring and heart opening. A ray of sunshine.
I pair this with the salve on mornings where I haven't had enough sleep and just feel really tired and unmoved by the day - which is often! This combination works like nothing else to keep me going throughout the day without crashing, on a wave of good steady considered energy that comes from a place of being genuine and acting with integrity.
This always uplifts my spirit anytime I apply, like a breath of fresh air that reminds me that anything is possible and some part of me always remains connected to Source / Inner Joy, even when it gets covered up by stress and other spiritual gunk. It also makes personal revelations about the ways I'm getting in my own way bring up far fewer feelings of guilt and personal recrimination than such insights typically bring up. A gentle way to invite in a new perspective and clear vision without finding it overwhelming, which is a pretty big deal for someone who has *not* traditionally had an easy relationship with anything solar
One spritz of this and it feels as if the clouds disperse both in the outer world and the inner world. The steady warmth of one's own light is stoked and uplifted. Truly amazing.
To me, waters are some of the nicest forms of S+ materia - both moderately cleansing AND constructive. As everyone seems to agree, the scent of this one is particularly divine, which helps usher in the uplifting sensation and experience of the magic itself. Spray yourself / your aura to shed the layers of masking you might have put on in fear, and to get a boost of confidence in your own authenticity and sense of self.
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The Goat’s Teeth
Available, Saturn in Capricorn, Talismanic PerfumesAfter them was born Kronos, the wily, youngest and most terrible of her children.
The Goat’s Teeth grind away mercilessly at everything. This is an oil of cunning, shrewdness, self-control, ambition, and renegotiating relationships with subordinates and figures of authority, of giving and receiving respect and gaining prestige by earning it. This is an oil of setting sights on a goal, making the plans necessary, and achieving that goal.
Patchouli essential oil and patchouli root from the TAL garden (Pogostemon cablin), rosemary essential oil and leaf from three plants in the TAL garden (Rosmarinus officinalis, Foxtail, Gregori, Tuscan Blue), dill seed (Anethum graveolens), agrimony leaf and flower (Agrimonia eupatoria), comfrey leaf from the TAL garden (Symphytum uplandicum), cypress essential oil and leaf (Cupressus sempervirens), myrrh essential oil and tears (Commiphora myrrha), black vegetal musk, and ethically sourced goat’s teeth. This oil is not vegan. No goats were harmed in the creation of this oil.
Arrives in that iconic BPAL 5 ml amber apothecary bottle for $48

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