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Blue Lotus + Vanilla Bean Salve

Blue Lotus + Vanilla Bean Salve

A blend of organic and fair trade jojoba oil, extra virgin olive oil, and shea butter, infused with fragrant blue lotus, lavender, frankincense, Venusian herbs, and Tahitian vanilla bean, mixed with triple filtered organic beeswax and topped with amethyst from the Venus altar.

Ritually combined during the main Exalted Venus operation with the rest of the series, gently warmed for extra herbal extraction on each Venusday since, and poured during Venus’ hour before the series went live.

Apply to sore, tight or spasming muscles, shoulders and neck, or the bottoms of feet at the end of a long day. Great for massaging yourself or loved ones. Reduces stress, assists in pain reduction, and has a calming, pleasant effect on the nervous system. Perfect before bed.

Available in a 1/2 oz screw top tin for $28, or 2 oz for $63




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Creation Date

Morning of April 7th, 2019, hour of Venus. Chart in the image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function


1/2 oz, 2 oz

Planetary Body

Uses / Applications


No — Contains cruelty free, ethically, and legally harvested animal-derived components

Dimensions 3.25 × 3.25 × 2 in
Weight 9.5 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 35 reviews
Yarrow (England, United Kingdom)
Stress-relief in a bottle

I have used this both before sleeping and before going out and its effect is beautiful either way: soothing and pleasant. For some reason, I don't entirely love the scent of this salve, even though it has clear, delicate notes of lavender (which I really like). But I wear it despite that, it's just too lovely in its magic not to :)

Philly (California, United States)

Beautiful salve that I'm addicted to the smell of! It smells so yummy and invites in rest and relaxation.

Maria S. (Minnesota, United States)
I came back for seconds...

.... and I hope there is enough stock for thirds! I made it through my first tin so fast and couldn't wait to get another one! I use this for everything and it improves every single thing it touches.

For sleep: bottoms of the feet, collar bone, belly button.
For a good time with friends: hands, arms, and offer to share -- more than any other I find this series wants to be gifted around and people are thrilled to partake!
for a good time but in bed: anywhere, everywhere?
for a great back massage and headache eraser: back, neck, shoulders, bonus points if the massage is offered by a lover <3
to stop a fight in its tracks: apply this to yourself & to the other! tension dissolves like flipping a switch.

There is no bad day that cannot be soothed away by coming to bed to wrap myself in this goodness and be gently held in sweetness as I drift off.

C.J. (California, United States)

I’ve been rubbing this into my sore, tired feet after work. I’m melting. I feel so relaxed, and my heart feels softer. It takes me out of the stress of the day and transports me into a space where I can relax and feel good.

Noah C. (Ontario, Canada)
Deep Dreams

On my second use of Exalted Venus, with Venus having just entered Libra, I had the deepest and most intense epic dream which ended with a very deep healing resolution with someone. Couldn't recommend it enough!

Amy S. (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Soothing delight

I was hesitant to engage with this salve because my relationship with Pisces energy is *weird* in that dreamy, untethered way (which my own fixed-heavy energy finds exhausting.) But I’m glad I did. I already find lavender a very soothing scent, so it immediately calms me on that front alone. But a more subtle, sensory relaxation unfolds within the minutes and hours after application. When I use it at bed time, I tend to have those sleeps where I wake up in the exact position I fell asleep in - no waking or tossing and turning. I’ve also found it excellent for creating a more sensuous mood and tuned-in experience with my partner. So very Venusian and most definitely exalted!

KJ (Alberta, Canada)
Slowly grew on me

Originally I didn't use this often, but as I've become familiar with this series I've grown more comfortable and drawn to what this is showing me about myself. The salve has been *very* helpful for sleeping recently. Assists in turning off the part of my mind that is always on, helps to tune out and be ok with doing so. For me, this series is still about self worth and it does feel like I am incorporating it into myself as I use the different items from the series. Smells like lavender and something else, but doesn't trigger anything undesirable with being prone to headaches.

C.J. (New Jersey, United States)

This salve feels sooo sensuous. I feel incredibly relaxed whenever I apply, and cocooned in comfy Venusian energy.

stealthopera (New York, United States)
Can be both comforting and erotic

Great for relaxing and unwinding before going to bed.... no matter what you plan to do there. This is so sweet and cute and just snuggly when used solo, and great for the kind of dreamless sleep that makes you wake up refreshed. Applied before more romantic encounters, it is mind-blowing. The oceanic, overwhelming (in the best way) quality of Venus in her Exalted sign really show off during any kind of shared physical pleasure. Like MDMA without the come down or artificial emotions.

Heymish R. (Maryland, United States)
probably favorite of the series

why? I dont know I think something about having to rub it into my skin and be in my body in that moment? also it holds the charge for a sustained period even if not as loudly & strongly as the oil or Kolonia which can be preferable in some situations. already gearing up to need another one.


  1. The Venus Exalted oil is part of my Friday Venus ritual, for anointing altar items and candles. It’s scent is absolutely divine.
    For me it has an uplifting and calming quality, that has been very helpful during difficult times.
    Lastly I wear it when leaving the house or meeting people. It makes me feel radiant and more confident in my body.
    I highly recommend it!

  2. This is my natal Venus placement and I am Libra rising, so I felt immediately drawn to the soothing, all encompassing love and charm of this talismanic materia. When applied and directed with a little request or prayer, I find social interactions are deep, meaningful, and pleasant. Difficult topics can be broached with surprising ease, and even when I don’t feel particularly pleased with someone, I always find the right words or actions to remain in right relationship with them.

    Broadly, it brings many Venus gifts such as: random compliments from strangers and coworkers, unexpected boons, immediate and beneficial resolution of any conflicts that arise, and a feeling of peace and contentment.

    Do examine the election and take heed of the write-up: this also brought many small Mercury issues such as random and nearly inexplicable math errors at my work, minor transport inconveniences, etc. With the exalted Venus aura, nothing ever leads to any real conflict – everyone around me is quite forgiving and willing to work it out – but things do not always go to plan if they require more Mercurial energy. That being said, pairing with an Exalted Mercury incense has cleared that issue right up for important calls or other work.

    I always end use with a small offering of thanks to Venus and the salve itself. It has quickly come to feel like an old, reliable, loving friend. Many thanks to Kaitlin Coppock for this!

  3. Supremely soothing and calming. When my partner uses it to rub my feet, I become blissed out. It’s heavenly.

  4. This salve is easily one of my favorite things I have gotten from S+S. I originally only used it when my muscles were sore from a workout but I’ve started to use it every night and it has changed my sleep for the better. I usually rub it at and around the base of my spine then spend a few minutes on my heating pad to really let it soak in. It relaxes my whole body and keeps my dreams peaceful.

  5. The exalted Venus salve is one of my favorites to use. Anxiety is something I live with and the salve has become part of my self-care tool kit. As soon as I rub some across my chest, I can feel a soft wave of release and immediately I can breathe easier. It has gotten me through numerous dental appointments too as I have pretty severe dental anxiety.
    It’s also great at the end of a Friday to just relax at home.

  6. I’ve found this salve to be relaxing & comforting, becoming part of my self-care rituals. To my nose it smells more of lavender than vanilla or blue lotus. It’s enhanced my dreams & ive awaken with an awareness of a fruitful connection & mutual respect between blue lotus & lavender, which adds another layer to my relationship with this product.

    The texture & slip of the product is smooth, delightful & absorbent, living close to the skin as natural products do. As it settles in the vanilla is more identifiable. Overall, I find it a relaxing, luxurious product that makes me feel more connected with others. When I dab it on before sleep, it enhances my dreams & connects me with its main ingredients.

  7. this is amazing. this whole update was pretty fantastic, and this carries the same lovely energetic resonance as do the other S+S products from this release. the scent is a lovely blend of vanilla and lavender and the slip is divine. perfect for giving massages that last as long as your want, with the salve then magically absorbing into the skin as soon as the massage is done. I love this stuff at the end of a long workday or at the very start of those fabulous days that are mine all mine, completely free of obligations. if the other products from this election are rocking your world, you’re going to love this beauty.

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