Organic orange peel, ginger, calendula, alkanet, peppercorn, and sunflower seed, fumigated during the election and immersed in top shelf golden rum with 24k + colloidal gold. Aged for one full Solar revolution.
Use to anoint that which you do not want getting oily.
Offered in a 1/2 oz glass dropper bottle for $36, or a 1 oz for $72
Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Use externally to anoint yourself (nowhere sensitive) or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Do not use while pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
$36 – $72
Creation Date | Sunrise, Sunday March 29th 2020, hour of Sol. Chart in image gallery. |
Areas of Application | Altars, Aura, Essential Oil Diffuser, Full Body, Paper, Spatial, Tools, Wherever Appropriate |
Step / Function | |
Magical Applications | Charging, Clearing, Mantra, Meditation / Contemplation, Mojo Bags / Sachets, Offerings to Spirits / Ancestors, Petition Packets, Sigils / Sigil Activation, Spell Bottles / Jars |
Planetary Body | |
Spray Bottle Size | 1 oz, 1/2 oz |
Vegan | Yes — Vegan |
Dimensions | N/A |
Weight | N/A |
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I love adding this to my coffee or water once I get settled in work. Gives me clarity and confidence in my ability to get my tasks done. This materia has worked out positively when it comes to anything business or career related. When talking to my superiors, I feel like I’m put in the best light and my colleagues come to me knowing that they can trust me.
Libra sun with a night chart and an absurd propensity for “let’s find out” discovers the Sun is hot and omg, burning, but then also…toasty cozy? And passionate. And life giving in a way I didn’t know I needed. This was a process, but I’m so glad curiosity led me to try it out.
This is definitely a more yang, aggressive potion compared to Regulus offerings. Warming herbs make this smell delicious and cozy - though you'll want to do anything else than curl up with a favorite blanky and be lazy! It's great for helping out with strenuous workouts or manual labor, and for me, I have also found it to be deeply helpful with shadow work and daddy issues. Re-fathering the self in a bottle.
Gives strength and bust confidence. I like to apply it to the skin and massage in respective energy points. Too strong to take inside for me (fallen sun in Libra in 12th).
I need solar remediation and exalted soil was created before I found S+S so I’ve resorted to forms that I normally only work with after I’ve had an experience with my usual favorite forms: oils and waters! So I got this tinc as soon as it was available again and I’m glad I did! A drop will do me. It uplifts my energy and I feel instantly reconnected with my inner fire and power. I use it on Sunday during Solar prayers and in conjunction with the bath salts.
gets me feeling in charge and empowered every time. taking this in the morning with my coffee makes me feel ready to conquer my day, do what has to be done, and be who I need to be to get where I need to go.
As a Sagg sun, Leo rising and saturn retrograde in Leo natally, I have always suffered from Imposter Syndrome. Since purchasing exalted sol, I no longer feel unworthy or like an imposter and honestly I cannot believe it. My whole life I have struggled with this energy have missed out on many opportunities in life because of it. ES has manifested as imbuing me with a sense of power and vitality, internal strength and confidence. I recently purchased the tincture and have added one drop to each of my indoor house plants with great success. With the warmth of Sol they have each grown massively and are much happier. I will definitely be purchasing more of this and highly recommend it to anyone :)
I'm an Aries Sun and Mercury in Pisces, shared placements with this series. This feels like a magical no brainer for me. I've started using it more and more, and think I'm going to order a 2nd bottle because it feels so much like a materia fit for me. It makes me feel... STRONG and in my power. Also makes me feel like I'm brilliantly shining and seen. If tinctures were Spirit Guides or Ascended Masters then Exalted Sol is mine.
Tinctures are a favorite way for me to access S+ magic. Exalted Sol is a treasure, offering the thrill of pursuit of personal best in myself and craft. Shine on, glorious one!
This tincture is very powerful. I may have overdone it on first application, and had one of those “OMG Magic is REAL” moments, but not in a good way! I have Sun in Aries, so already run kind of hot.
Now that I know how to work with Exalted Sol (I wear it on clothing, not my person)— what a powerful ally. Helps me with drive and focus, on days when it all seems like too much (ADHD problems...) I definitely need more rest on the days when I work with it, because I just DO and DO. It’s wonderful. Thank you S+S.
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Degree of Exaltation Mars Powder
Powders, Sold Out, Mars' Degree of Exaltation

Degree of Exaltation Mars Incense
Incense, Sold Out, Mars' Degree of Exaltation

Regulus Candles
Sold Out, Regulus I

Full Asclepius Series
Sold Out, Asclepius IReceive everything in the Asclepius series in small or large form (where there are size variations). Includes:
- Incense of Asclepius
- Anointing Oil of Asclepius
- Bath Salt of Asclepius
- Ritual Salt of Asclepius
- Water of Asclepius
- Complimentary rose of jericho
- Triple Purification of Asclepius Ritual
- Prayers and directions for use
- Optional: Charcoal
Available as a small set for $130 or large for $182. Asclepius talismans are currently sold out, but you can join the waitlist to be notified upon their triumphant resurrection!
You may also choose to add organic coconut charcoal to your order. Note that the charcoal must be lit on a burner, as it contains no saltpeter.
Tinctures are a favorite way for me to access S+ magic. Exalted Sol is a treasure, offering the thrill of pursuit of personal best in myself and craft. Shine on, glorious one!
This tincture is very powerful. I may have overdone it on first application, and had one of those “OMG Magic is REAL” moments, but not in a good way! I have Sun in Aries, so already run kind of hot.
Now that I know how to work with Exalted Sol (I wear it on clothing, not my person)— what a powerful ally. Helps me with drive and focus, on days when it all seems like too much (ADHD problems…) I definitely need more rest on the days when I work with it, because I just DO and DO. It’s wonderful. Thank you S+S.
Me and Exalted Sol, we are TIGHT. I have found when I am low on spoons, this tincture really helps me amp up and get moving. I’ wasn’t expecting how powerful it would be this past few days, however. I used some during Sun hour this morning and OO BOY I felt I could run a marathon. I ended up dropping what I was doing and breaking into a full on dance routing for about ten minutes — a bit disruptive, but joyful, and after my drop it all and dance moment I found that I had plenty of energy to go about my day and get done what needed to get done.
I am currently leaning on this magic quite heavily as I am experiencing a challenging transit to my natal Sun. This tincture is incredible! I love the boost in confidence and vitality it provides. I prefer this series it to the Sun in Leo series as I have a pretty active and well placed Mars. This feels much more natural and empowering to me. It has fighting champion energy – providing a full tank of fuel and a radiant light during the darkest of times. I’m so grateful this materia exists.
Kait has spoken recently about how Sol leans more toward the malefic side than the benefic side, but I think an individual’s natal chart makes a huge difference in this (especially with Sol materia.) Leo is my natal 12H, I have a night chart, and my sun is conjunct Antares, the IC, and Rahu. So solar things are difficult for me. I’ve found Solar materia to be really useful for me in brightening, accepting attention, fighting depression, etc. However, if you have a strong Sun, I see how this could maybe “burn” someone.
DELICIOUS. I often take out my bottle just to inhale its warm, spicy scent, and/or to keep it near me while I work. The effect is deep, ineffable fortification, like discovering a well of untapped strength. For this particular tincture, for whatever reason, smelling and proximity work better for me than putting a drop in water (as I do for other tinctures). Maybe because what I think this tincture is actually helping me remediate is a very tight natal Sun-Neptune conjunction. The effects of this tincture for me are like a blast of Sunlight as the clouds shift — so encouraging that even if everything isn’t “solved,” it doesn’t really have to be. This is the first S+S offering that I bought a double of! Love it. 🙂
This series was my introduction to S+S. Even though I didn’t know anything about astromagic at the time, I took it as a sign that this was for me since it was released right around my birthday. As an exalted Sun native, it’s WAY too much when the Sun is strong. But this is a perfect item for the darker days of autumn and winter. I reserve this for Sundays unless I’m guided to use it at other times. It’s basically happiness in a dropper bottle. I add a single drop to my morning health drink of fo-ti and cordyceps. If my hair wash day happens to be on a Sunday, I’ll add it to my hair rinse and it gives me a pep that lasts for a few days.
I often feel envious of Sun in Aries natives and I was extremely excited that S+ created a series to tap into the Aries flavored side of the Sun. As someone in some need of solar remediation I have found both the Sol in Leo and this series to be helpful for my self-consciousness, but in different ways.
With Exalted Sol I tend to get almost impulsive in my willingness to take action and DO SOMETHING and FIND OUT AS WE GO, which is helpful for overcoming my usual analysis-paralysis. I also become a little more willing to work through push-back and friction from reality and can accept it as a natural part of the process when making anything happen—it’s a great remedy for stepping outside of my habitual pessimism.
I usually have lower energy levels so this materia hasn’t caused significant sleep disturbance, although it is indeed noticeably warming and makes it much easier to stay awake even into late hours of the night if I forget to wash it off. I was nervous for a while that there would be an unpleasant aggression in my behavior due to Mars, but there is instead a kind of impersonal buoyancy to energy levels that I attribute to the Martial flavor. Great to have on hand!
This is the tincture I turn to when needing to polish my own inner glow. I also use this when journeying towards the more activating and illuminating aspects of inner work. Phoenix style. Lovely and grounding in the fiery transformation.
This isn’t the first S+S product that I tried, but it is the first that I felt compelled to leave a review for. I’ve been using this tincture pretty regularly since I received it, and it has been amazing in giving me a sustained feeling of get-up-and-go. Things that I’ve wanted for years seem more attainable, and I find myself taking consistent, small but steady steps towards actualizing goals. This has been my favorite S+S offering to explore so far, and I would recommend it to anyone that needs help with goalsetting or low energy.
Disclaimer: I like to use tinctures (1-2 drops) in a glass of water and ingest, which is my personal use. With that said.
For me the Exalted Sol tincture is like an energy drink. You flagging? Unable to concentrate? About to give up? Exalted Sol gives you the ability to get going. Now, its absolutely possible to use too much and go overboard. But on the days that you may need some extra oomph, ES is there to help you.
To me the entire ES line has been about the harnessing the energy of the Sun, and as we get closer and closer to the summer solstice, it seems to carry just a little extra juice.
I love this tincture! My rising is Leo, which is solar ruled, but my natal sun is in Libra, as well as a few other placements (Mercury, Venus conjunct North Node and Chiron) and my moon is in Aries so I felt drawn to solar remediation. Sometimes I’m too Libra for my own comfort and have trouble expressing my inner Aries, but I feel like this helps me harness and honor that side. I’ve had a bad habit of suppressing it, especially with people who take advantage of my nicer Libran qualities just to gaslight me for speaking up for myself or getting angry once my Aries moon gets fed up. I’m more comfortable with even getting feisty when I feel encroached on.
I’m also diagnosed with severe ADHD so I knew I had to have this series when Kaitlyn mentioned a friend who also has it struggling with similar problems Exalted Sol alleviates. I’ve noticed an increase in energy, inspiration and motivation when using this as a pick me up on days where it’s hard to get anything done. I just wish I could get a lifetime supply. 🙂