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Quicksilver Tongue Attuning Tincture

Quicksilver Tongue Attuning Tincture

100% ingredients list (all organic or wildcrafted): a delicious blend of elder flowers, white peach tea, red clover blossom, meadowsweet, coconut milk powder, celandine, catnip, agar agar, sumac berry, safflower, plantain leaf, passionflower, orange peel, mugwort, honey, fenugreek, damiana, ashwagandha root, angelica root, blue poppy seed, rue (nominal/ homeopathic amount), slippery elm bark, and red raspberry leaf.

Ritually crafted following fumigation during Sphere + Sundry’s Quicksilver Tongue election, a tropical take on Saraswati’s sidereal yoga.

Immersed in top shelf absinthe with opaline, opal, and precious metal alloys of gold + silver, gold + copper.

Anoint that which you do not want getting oily…

Offered in a 1/2 oz glass jar with dropper cap for $35, or 1 oz for $60

Please Note: To promote the longest shelf-life possible and reduce the likelihood of leaking during transit, this Tincture now arrives sealed with a flat closed cap, with a glass dropper bulb + 5 ml Mini vial for collecting the displaced excess on the side (for travel or gifting!).

We suggest only inserting the bulb during periods of routine application, and keeping the flat cap for times of dormant or less active use, especially since droppers can allow for evaporation and discoloration over time.

Disclaimer: While this does not contain anything inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption (legally speaking). Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.




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Creation Date

Friday, May 21 2021, hour of Mercury. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body

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Spray Bottle Size

1 oz, 1/2 oz


Yes — Vegan

Dimensions N/A
Weight N/A

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Customer Reviews

Based on 46 reviews
Dena D. (Maryland, United States)
Nice as a backup

It has a really subtle energy to it, but I started using it consistently to help power creative work parties with me and friends while doing art and such. I think it's been a bit of a help for people getting their muse together.

U. (North Ostrobothnia, Finland)
Subtle and fun

Subtle and fun. All QT materia make me appreciate the act of doing art, sosialization etc for the sake of doing - it’s the journey, not the destination. What a refreshing, novel idea in a world that measures success by numbers.

Tina R. (Washington, United States)
Every single day

Every single day a drop or two in my morning coffee. QT is a precious vitamin for my creativity and even if I’m going through a rough time, I stay creating every day, even on a micro-scale. Vital.

Michelle S. (Wisconsin, United States)
Unlocked my creativity, also just really fun

This tincture unlocked my creativity in a way I haven't experienced since childhood. I never even thought of myself as a creative person, at least as an adult, until I started using this tincture, and since then I have discovered watercolors, collage, started journaling regularly, and I'm working on my own oracle deck!

Elias L. (California, United States)
When words matter

I drop this one directly on my tongue before I give interviews, and it is wildly helpful. Folks regularly comment on how engaging and charming I am when I use this tincture on my tongue! I also love adding this to coffee along with a few drops of the Exalted Mercury tincture - the latter is like rocket fuel for my brain, and this one helps channel that rocket fuel into words. Particularly, writing. In fact, when I ordered this, I did so for a writing retreat with my bestie. I thought I ordered it in time but it had not arrived when we left. I was so bummed! But others in the community assured me that the magic would already be with me, and I truly feel that it was. in 4 days I knocked out an entire book proposal. Four days! Truly an excellent ally for use when your words really matter!

Zacchary P. (Washington, United States)
A wonderful time!

This tincture is of course the perfect ally for all creative pursuits, but I've also found it to be a wonderful addition to party cocktails to ensure a fun and engaging time is had for all. The conversations are electric and the laughter is effortless. The music that plays is even enjoyable and the food, more delectable.

D.K. (Quebec, Canada)
QST Tincture

QST is incredibly special and is one of the easiest ways to access the divine creative, at least in my experience. It's just such lovely energy with all the benefics represented. I use QST all the time for floor washes, spell work, and clearing negative energies - works a treat! The tincture itself is the easiest way to tap into and attune to these spheres - the taste is delicious and it also provides an incredible oooomf when i add it to my floor washes. Everyone in my family is happier, more positive and chatty in the rooms I've used this in - it's a favourite.

H.C. (Scotland, United Kingdom)

Quicksilver Tongue is really special. Initially, I wasn't compelled to engage with it until I read the writeup a few times (it's always worth doing this to get the most out of materia). I used this before an art class and it really helped things flow.

Isavella V. (New York, United States)
sleeper hit status

This tincture is a sleeper hit for me, I reach for it all the time & just had to repurchase! I use it when I need to be funny & charming, social and “on.” It eases social anxiety & helps me be my best self when I’d rather be home under the covers. Not at all “speedy” like some of the other Mercury materia I’ve tried. It’s smooth yet sparkly, with a nuanced-yet-definitely-still-there pulse of mischievous Mercury energy running through it. I’ll be sad when it’s gone forever!

Noah C. (Ontario, Canada)
The Wings of Hermes in your Fingers

Creative ease in a bottle. I associate the palate of this licorice infused potion with instant inspiration and the warm bodily infused sensation of being at ease with myself, and access to the higher realms of inspiration. It all flows effortlessly once the Quicksilver slides past the tongue and into the realms of heavenly inspiration.


  1. Among its many other delightful qualities, Quicksilver Tongue provides incredible social support for the reluctant introvert. If you’ve ever felt that “too-much-people-time” emotional hangover from large gatherings and parties (even ones where you’re having a great time!) QT can help, in my experience. A glittering enchantment of a series. Thanks Kaitlin and crew for yet another potent and efficacious offering

  2. Kaitlin’s description of QT is highly accurate. It’s quite a curious ride. So I have ADHD, and in some ways QT is like an ADHD force multiplier. Now some people might assume that’s a criticism, but no way–while there are challenges with ADHD, the fun parts (creativity, hyperfocus, non-linear thinking, among others) are magical and *awesome.* This tincture amplifies those for me.

    Through reading about the QT election, I discovered that I have a natal Saraswati Yoga. My Mercury is also out of bounds and conjunct my MC, but in detriment, and along with some other aspects it makes, the result is that my Mercury is both incredibly demanding and wildly unpredictable. I feel like QT enhances the positive aspects of these configurations–there’s a smooth flow to it and a sparkling playfulness. I would say it’s an altered state of consciousness, but not like any other I’ve ever experienced. As others have written, it’s great for social situations. I have been curious how this will pair with Venus’ Aerial Delight, but I’m worried it might make me TOO devastatingly witty and charming (lol).

    The only potential caution I would offer, and this may only apply to other ADHD kids, is that it will amplify your focus, so, you know, if you’re driving or doing something else where you could potentially get dead, try to make sure at least some of that focus is actually on the danger thing and not just the sparkles.

  3. Kaitlin did not lie in her write-up when she said that this series is a “grower”. I bought this tincture for multiple reasons: I’m in the process of getting a tattoo and I want my artist to have good inspiration, I like to write, I like to journal, and I like to create art for fun.

    My very first time with this series is what I described as “taking a charisma potion”. There was a smoothness with socializing that I do not have naturally and interactions that normally drain me like small talk became much easier.

    I bought this series mostly for my writing but my focus ended up being on art. I’ve been interested in art for my entire life but the last time I remember being this devoted to it was when I was a teenager. I thought when I purchased the QST tincture that if I fell into art, it’d be solely for fun.

    I did not realize the time I’d spend pining over art supplies. The time I’d spend looking up calligraphy tutorials, the way my calligraphy got better, neater, more consistent once I regularly began partaking in this tincture. I didn’t realize that a purchase of cheap watercolors and a brush would throw me head-first into an obsession with learning watercolors and wanting to paint in ink. I looked at art classes at a local university and felt sad when I didn’t see anything specifically devoted to watercolors. When I had money to spend recently, for the first time in years, I didn’t look at Sphere and Sundry but instead I looked at art supplies.

    If you’re picking a form of materia, the tinctures bring something out of you. They unfurl parts of you that you thought were dormant in incredible, powerful ways. You can feel the tinctures take root and eventually blossom. Quicksilver has done that with my interest in art. I went into this series hoping it’d help me with my writing goals. I think it might do that someday, but my soul is telling me to ride this wave. I think QST is awakening parts of me I’ve been neglecting for all these years.

  4. This is one of those series that really consistently and strongly comes through for me. The way it helps spark and sustain creative outflow comes as no surprise, but the way it facilitates and sustains my ability to operate in social situations does. It’s like borrowing the powers of an extrovert for a time; not that I become more gregarious, as such, but more that I’m not drained by a higher intensity of socialability than I typically am. One of my favorite recent series (I mean, what’s not to love?). I’ve used it both on my person and mixed in with art materials, with very satisfying results. Thank you Kaitlin + crew for making such a good one.

  5. I have been working with this tincture as I have been working on some writing and let me tell you it has helped my writing so so much! I feel my ideas just flow easier and I’m able to express myself better. Highly recommend!

  6. First of all, I love that the base of this tincture is absinthe. How fitting (and delicious!)

    QT is one of those series that basically feels like “me”. Whether it’s because I have both Sun and Venus in Gemini, or because this is an overall subtle series, I don’t know. (Both? I have a similar feeling about MiS, which is my natal placement, although of course the *results* are very different.)

    It’s definitely been a “grower not a shower” for me. I got this tincture (and other items) when the series came out at the end of October 2021 and started using them…and November 2021 I finished a multichapter story I had started a year and a half ago. I looked back at this and went “oh”. I was able to sustain and be sustained by my creativity during a tremendously stressful time.

    This tincture has been useful and fun while writing, reading, listening to music, making jewelry, hanging out with cool folks, shopping for art supplies…I should also say that I generally experience the time effects as time passing more *slowly* than I think it is…that I have more time to do the creative thing I’m doing.

  7. This is one of my most beloved S+S items. I have been using it in and on everything I can; one of my favorite methods is to add a few drops to the water when I paint with watercolors. Did I mention that I paint now? I had never in my life considered painting before I started regularly using this tincture. Now? I love it! I’m not very good, but I love it anyway, because it’s FUN and QST really is all about play. Anyway, do not overlook this series and this item in particular! I think I just talked myself into a backup bottle while writing this review.

  8. I’ve been using this tincture while filming and editing a class on watercolor painting. The main benefit I got was while doing voiceover and editing – got all of it on the first shot, something uncommon for me.
    Words flow and the editing was smooth, I still had some technical issues but I guess that can’t be helped 100% as mercury was in pisces.
    I look forward to experimenting more with this while I’m painting as well!

  9. The wonderful uplift from the absinthe brings an immediate smile to the user (me!). I work as an astrologer and teacher, and give a lot of presentations to groups of students. I always use QT before I go on to ensure that my speech is creative and inspiring, and mind nimble while juggling many ideas. Layering with Regulus Materia gives an extra boost of warmth. Love love love. <3

  10. The Quicksilver Attuning Tincture has been one of the most helpful tools for getting through creative stagnancy. The taste is a bit bubbly, anise-like, and sweet—not as bitter as some of the other attuning tinctures. I feel more curious and playful, following internet rabbit holes down to always interesting ends. I feel my mind moving faster, but also in a more joyful way like someone skipping at a sunlit park.

  11. I gifted a bottle to my Bf for a writing project 4 months ago. I didn’t tell him much about the nature of QT, and I’m not sure how much he even uses it, but he keeps it in his bag. Since then, the offspring of a legendary musician has started renting & playing music upstairs, with lots of music practice and a few dinner parties, and my bf suddenly took up music again after many years, so the house is now filling with instruments. Totally unexpected but delightful developments..

  12. I am not always a tincture person, but I was definitely called to try this one and was not disappointed. QT is such a versatile series already, and being able to ingest and embody its wisdom and inspiration has lead to not only creative output, but creative connections. The social quality of this series cannot go un-mentioned, as I definitely have felt QT expand and enrich my personal and professional connections in ways that have introduced growth, creative potential and opportunity in many new and exciting ways. I love the Jupiter/Mercury/Venus combination, it layers so well with so many other series. (My personal recent favorite being QT + Regulus III)

  13. I’m on a second bottle of this tincture— it’s incredible. I was in a bit of a rut as far as finding a purpose to create, and this almost instantly helped me re-remember that the creativity itself is the purpose. For some reason I find it hard to explain this sort of issue to others, but Kaitlin’s work has a way of addressing things like that. Super thankful for this series.

  14. For me, this tincture having an absinthe base is about tapping into all the Green Fairy creative context as well. The taste is absinthe-like (hello anise!), and for me the effects have centered around quickness. This is about FLEET, of mind and spirit. Lightness and speed is a gift my friends.

    Wouldst thou like to scamper?

  15. I enjoy this tincture a lot. Helpful before creative work, and I’ve noticed the sense of time flying- and also, of actually working quick-quick-quickly, which is uh, highly unusual for me. Also applied it before a dinner party and held forth with some funny stories, lots of laughing and merriment. I usually go to Venus in Libra for being social, but this turns out to be a great alternative.

  16. I’m a maker so I expected that this tincture would help with my creative endeavors. It’s really great for translating ideas into objects, which is always a challenge for me. I have a tendency to get stuck in the details of planning, overcomplicating a process that should be straightforward. But this tincture gets me out of thinking and into doing.

    The bonus is that it does more than amplify creative experiences. It really helped me tackle a cleaning project while keeping a good mood. I loathe cleaning and am constantly reorganizing. It’s a stressful cycle, so to be able to get through a cleaning project while feeling peppy makes this an invaluable product. Highly recommend!

  17. I’ve engaged with this tincture to assist with ease in writing. I don’t directly approach any planet while applying or using this series; instead, I focus my altar space and prayers to The Muses. It has opened up such a beautiful new practice that has allowed me to soften from my anxiety and let the words flow as their meant to. I recommend this to all Mercurial folx who need a release from the pressure and tightness that can occur from Mercury overwhelm and to help allow the creativity to pour from your fingertips. The tincture provides relaxation and a certain trust in where you’re headed—and the results on the other end have truly been remarkable

  18. I take a drop of this before music lessons and the time warp effect can be insane! 45 min that used to go arduously goes in 15 and a ton of tiny details easily learned and retained. Highly recommend anyone who needs help with learning.

  19. This is incredible! Super effective, fun, listening to music is a heightened experience with this tincture. Practice time with instruments is a lot more inspired. One of my hustles is singing and with this I perceive a sweeter tonality to my voice. Get ready to vibe with this tincture ✨✨

  20. Absinthe, oh absinthe, you have helped awaken hidden messages for me over the years. This tincture has quickly become one of my favorites and most used. I notice I have been keeping it in a prominent place in my ritual space when I log in for astrology, tarot, and occult courses/calls in this highly virtual learning age. Preparing myself by using the QT tincture has increased my absorption of knowledge and heightened my creativity when thinking through my own manifestation and spell work.

  21. I absolutely adore this tincture. It’s a perfect *zing* in a bottle, and I find is an incredible tap into the QT series. It smells delicious and I’ve anointed several of my art supplies: paint brushes, performance shoes, etc., and find that it is a powerful connect to the muses. I also love to versatility of this series and being able to use it for three planetary influences. Adore this tincture so much – stellar as always.

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