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Salve of Exalted Mercury

Salve of Exalted Mercury

100% herbal ingredients (organic): Fennel, ashwaganda, alfalfa seed, skullcap, gingko, vervain, tribulus fruit, brahmi leaf, cinquefoil, gotu kola, corn silk, cornflower, lily of the valley, dill, bayberry root bark, wormwood, shepherds purse.

Fumigated with frankincense following prayers to Hermes during Sphere + Sundry’s Exalted Mercury election, and immersed in a combination of organic extra virgin olive oil and golden jojoba. Left to incubate for many moons, strained, melted with organic beeswax and essential oils of frankincense, rosemary, myrrh, vetiver, and copaiba, poured into tins and topped with genuine 24k gold.

The result is an incredibly energizing salve and transdermal nootropic, which helps support mental functioning, memory’s increase, promote eloquence and rate of speech, and helps get from point A to point B swiftly, problem solving and task-slaying along thy way!

Apply to the feet before a day’s work, rub into the shoulders, neck, brain stem, and ears.

This is like Regulus in that it’s one of the few salves recommended primarily for diurnal use, rather than as a comedown from work or to invite restful sleep, since it activates the nervous system, rather than calms it. Applied too close to beddy-bye, this is very likely to keep someone wide awake.

Offered in a 2.5 oz tin for $56, or 4 oz for $96




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Creation Date

August 12th, 2022. Hour of Mercury. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function


2.5 oz, 4 oz

Magical Applications

Planetary Body


Uses / Applications

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Scent (EOs, C02s, Absolutes)

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Potential Side Effects


Times/ Activities

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Yes — Vegan


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions 0.80 × 0.80 × 2 in
Weight 2 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Wonders from a Virgo Rising

My ascendant is Virgo, and I'm also in a 1st house profection year, so I bought this salve to honor my 1st house. And when I saw that it included vetiver, I knew I had to have it. I usually apply this salve to my feet, the tips of my ears, and the back of my neck. It's hard to explain, but it just makes me feel like my best self, and yes, I am ready to tackle any and everything that comes my way. I love using it while I'm at work and have tasks that need to get done but I really don't feel like doing. It's been excellent for that! And in typical Virgo fashion, I am ready to excel.

yes productive, but also Smooth! and LUCKY

I was so blown away when I first started using the exmerc series with how much it helped me do the stuff I wanted to do that I didnt yet notice some special things: 1. I do the things I need to do with more confidence & a lot more smoothness, like fewer motions per completed task if that makes sense, and for a frenzied person like me thats big 2. lately its been making me really lucky! like more stuff I attempt actually goes my way first try, because mercury isn't just busy, he is also lucky! cant wait to restock

Helps me focus to drive

I have severe adhd to the point I struggle with driving. I am highly anxious in the car because I worry about getting distracted. This salve is incredibly helpful for this because I live somewhere where not driving isn’t an option. I have both the body butter and this. The salve effects last longer IMO. Keep in mind—stimulants are soothing for me so if you don’t experience drowsiness with a cup of coffee, your results may be very different.

Excellent Mercury Remediation

I love this salve. The scent is so invigorating and I always feel revved up and ready to go after applying it. I find it encourages focus and is great to use if you have a writing project coming up!

Kat B
Highly Effective!

This salve is so good! I have multiple items from the Exalted Mercury series, but I think this one might be my favorite. I like to use it on days when I need some extra mental focus, or whenever I’m planning to get a lot of writing done. My natal chart is ruled by exalted Mercury, so I’m already familiar with the general tendencies of Mercury in Virgo, and using this salve definitely feels like I’m supercharging those skills. I will say that I try to avoid using it if I want to avoid hyper-focusing on a single task too much, to the exclusion of everything else. (Which is already a strong tendency of mine!) It does seem to have the “tunneling” effect that the write-up and others have described, whereas I’ve found the Mercury in Gemini series to be a better fit for multitasking, as well as a more playful approach in general. Regardless, I’d definitely recommend this salve for anyone who wants a boost in precise communication, mental focus, or the motivation to get through a particular task!

Virgo Sun Virgo Mars Virgo MC
Going Places

I love applying this salve to my feet at the beginning of the day. It makes me feel sure footed in my mercurial pursuits. If you struggle with imposter syndrome or constantly doubt your decisions - this is for you. At the very least I am able to *voice* my concerns to those who can give me sound advice.


This is one of my very favorite smelling S+S salves. The vetiver, copaiba and other oils make a fleeting yet invigorating & sultry scent experience.

Fuel and Focus

Exalted Mercury is one of my top 3 favorite series to work with and its salve doesn't disappoint. I've started laying it with DA for a less intense EM hit than using the oil and it's like taking Adderall for me (all of the materia in EM hit are incredibly intense for me and hit me like a truck, these are not subtle).

I also kind of crave them, they want to be used and helpful. Just don't use too much at once. I layer with DA for clarity or Butter Ocean to add softness.

A steadier take on Exalted Mercury

This salve is probably my favourite offering that I've tried from the Exalted Mercury series. Rather than the energizing effects of the tincture and oil, the salve has a bolstering feeling to it -- increasing alertness rather than energy. I apply a little to my temples or the bottoms of my feet when I’m restless, and to the ears for an especially strong focusing effect. Wears off gently and doesn't "drop" me after a few hours like the tincture does. Will definitely be trying more of the salves after this.

Virgo Sun Virgo Mars Virgo MC
Confidence booster

When you have a lot on your plate and cannot figure out what to do first. This salve has helped me overcome analysis paralysis. I usually use it on my shoulders and hands. Definitely helps in channeling messages better before a tarot card reading( for yourself and others)


  1. I love that this salve is even available! I’ve been trying the salves from recent series whenever possible lately.

    This product has a light, tart fennel or almost lemony scent that I find very pleasant and easy to layer with items from other series. I will probably buy a second EM salve at some point, as the product promotes a sense of mental activeness and alertness once applied. It is a convenient aid before mental and/or communication-related activities. Or when feeling unmotivated – it perks me up and supports confidence in my communication abilities even when burned out or otherwise not feeling well.

    Good for when I straight-up don’t want to do tasks I’ve put off for a while and have to do them. Or when I’m more tired than usual and I still need to give a good impression when talking.

    For reference, I have a Virgo ascendant and Venus/Mercury in the first house, with Mercury dignified in Libra. The clarity of my communication is very important to me and I loved the original Mercury Cazimi series. This Exalted Mercury series has been a great fit as well for similar reasons.

  2. EM is the most S&S material that has the most significant effect on my day-to-day life. I anoint the pulse points and bottom of my feet in the mornings; my focus, Executive functioning, and energy efficiency; it’s beyond the scope. It feels like I’m in the body of a 20-year-old; I started exercising/ going to the GYM more than I used to.

  3. I love the very subtle fennel scent to this salve, but the energetics gave me a new appreciation of what the word “exalted” really means: this is bright and high-flying but also grounded and collected, very in-flow. I appreciate the salves in any series for supplying a deeply penetrating but gentle supply of the election (bonus: I can save my oils for magical applications, and all of my purchases last longer :))

  4. Applying this salve to the bottom of my feet in the morning literally feels like I have wings on my feet, giving me so much more energy to keep moving through my day. I have recently been feeling sluggish and slow so this is a much appreciated and helpful support! It also feels warming to my feet in the cool mornings. No jittery feelings just a quickened and sustained pace to all my moves. So grateful!

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