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Saturn in Capricorn Oil

Saturn in Capricorn Oil

A mélange of stone root, comfrey root, thyme, hemp seed, elder berries, black eyed peas, pu’erh tea, onyx, and various roots, stones, beans, and bones of a Saturnian nature, combined, and ritually fumigated with prayers for the Greater Malefic’s blessing, tempered in the election by Jupiter’s co-presence in Capricorn. Immersed in long-lasting, rancidity resistant 100% pure meadowfoam, alongside fossilized dinosaur bone.

A grounded and true-to-form take on Saturn, which serves as the cornerstone for the series entire. While other sub-sets of Oils, Incenses, and Powders incorporate additional ingredients, including carriers of various nature, animalia, and precious metals to achieve more specialized aims, Saturn in Capricorn’s Oil is the one to work with for educational purposes and the most direct engagement with Earth’s outermost Sphere.

Formulated a la Temperance edition to mitigate overly-malefic manifestations, a touch of frankincense and ritually harvested evergreen sprigs from the altar help ensure Saturn in Capricorn’s impacts are as productive and life-supporting as possible, while remaining within bounds of the Saturnian arcana.

The power and potency of talismanic magic is not always a blessing…

It is easy to crush and to curse and to create misfortune with strong Saturn elections, so for the best results (and with personal application in mind), we do recommend roping Jupiter or other benefics into the electional mix and adjusting the formulary to create something which will, for instance, reinforce boundaries and provide a sense of discipline, but not cut off all psychic air flow and trigger major depression, poverty, and hopelessness.

This Oil can be applied to the self or jewelry during once weekly Saturn devotions in Saturn’s day and hour for planetary attunements, or used to anoint objects and ritual tools of a compatible nature whenever necessary. It can be used to dress candles for Saturnian devotion, or for candle magic designed to erect boundaries and facilitate binding.

Promotes discipline, structure, practicality, responsibility, self-sufficiency, long-life, protection from the meddling of others, and a deeper understanding of Saturnian principles, including long-range planning, *productive self-sacrifice, and the merits of isolation, hard work, and complaint-less devotion.

While we have done all we are able to mediate negative manifestations and create something as “positive” as possible, Saturn is the Greater Malefic… anything truly Saturnian *will* have characteristic side effects. Remember that cosmologically speaking, all of the Spheres balance, moderate, and temper one another, and Saturn’s primary job is providing containment and context. It does not exist in a vacuum, nor (as living beings) should our engagement with it.

For this reason, we do recommend using Saturn’s materia in conjunction or rotation with other more benefic, uplifting, positive, and life-giving series. A little bit of Saturn provides structure and safe space for the “good stuff” you wish to fill yourself + your life with. Too much without the intervention and support of other influences will not render the best results, and may lead to a lack of joy, vitality, and the like. Use in moderation, and with mindful intent.

Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $80 (with optional Dropper Cap Kit), a 10 ml onyx gem, or “flawless glide” steel roller for $65, or mini 5 ml vials for $33, each with hand stamped Saturn label.




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Creation Date

Sunday, November 22, 2020, hour of Saturn. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body

Times/ Activities


No — Contains cruelty free, ethically, and legally harvested animal-derived components


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
G.E (Istanbul, Türkiye)
VERY Powerful

Be careful as this oil is extremely powerful yet supportive. To be honest my first application was not fun as it resurfaced my fears about social anxiety. But as I continued to use it every Saturday (with the help of asclepius) now I feel like I still do have my fears but ready to face them in a more comfortable way. It did not made them disappear rather making me stronger and more grounded to learn to how to live with them.

Karla C. (New York, United States)
makes me very productive

This Saturn in Capricorn oil has given me extra assignments at work, which I needed and am grateful for. I'm not as easily overwhelmed by all the tasks that need my attention as well. Additionally, my daydreaming isn't going to waste as much, since what I dream up after starting to use this oil I'm starting to sketch out on paper... and hopefully I can continue on this very productive track and reach my initial design goals... This Pisces needs some grounding lol! I'm also hoping to try the Saturn in Aquarius oil one day to see if it helps me with my digital work, but one step at a time for now. Ok, I have to get back to work, bye :)

Saturn in his glory

This oil is perfect for focus and discipline. It clears mental blocks, making tasks feel manageable and helps establish a steady work rhythm. I use it during Saturn devotions for grounding and productivity. And the scent is nice!

Isavella V. (New York, United States)
ADHD management hack

I have a good natal Saturn placement (also conjunct Jupiter like the election for this series, except in Libra) but I definitely still struggle with structure & discipline. I mention that because, while I do try to layer this oil with more benefic materia, even when I forget I don’t experience any problematic Saturnian symptoms. I find this oil simply removes any mental blocks re: to-do list overwhelm, allows me to clearly see all the steps I need to take in order to complete a task, and gives me the focus and emotional fortitude to just…do it. I essentially deploy this oil for ADHD management. It’s pretty great, honestly, and the results are immediate. None of the bells and whistles of sparklier materia, but can we put a price on getting shit done??!! I do recommend approaching with care: start slowly, don’t overuse & take into consideration your natal Saturnian energy. You don’t want Saturn to sneak up on ya.

M.A. (Washington, United States)
Good in catastrophe, boring in fun times (I love Saturn!)

I had a "Saturn stan" phase in 2021-2022. I was going through my Saturn profection years and getting the accolades from the decade of invisible hard work prior. Yay. Saturn was rewarding me. I loved the oil and used all the time. Then, 2023 was my Jupiter profection year, and Saturn work just felt boring. I was on the "go" and finding myself (personal year 7), just having fun. I stopped using the Saturn oil.

Now, life sucks again. It's like I leveled up, just to start at the bottom at another level. The cycle restarts. I find myself needing this Saturn oil again, just to get some grounding from a chaotic Mars profection year. That being said, Saturn materials are my FAVORITE from S+S. Mars and Mercury stuff did its thing, but Saturn stuff... I really saw my life changed. I think this is why Saturn is such a party vibe killer, it's because he's good in catastrophe. When life is rocky, he'll be your rock.

Dancer (Maine, United States)
All Grown Up

When I need to get serious and down to it, this oil (and series in general) is my go to. Recently, I was looking down a mound of household responsibilities and Saturn allowed overwhelm to pass me by, and for the work to get done at a steady pace. Keeps me cool through it all.

J.K. (North Carolina, United States)
Time Lord Boost

I apprehensively entered a Capricorn profection year last fall. To prepare I ordered this oil along with the Saturn in Capricorn incense. I am at the halfway mark now, and it has not been an easy year, but the difficulties have been generative. Using this oil each week on Saturn's day and Saturn's evening has been such a powerful reminder of how Saturn in Capricorn can help us build a solid, lasting body of work. Interestingly, it eases the burden of the ongoing task that defines this year for me. Building, slowly, surely, steadily. Applying the oil keeps my eye on the prize, this multifacted contribution I am crafting over the course of the year and the next. If you are in a Saturn profection year or if you need support for a long term task, this oil will help. Birth is not easy, but this oil brings Saturn's obstetric power to the task. I cannot say it makes the work lighter, but it does help make the results worthy of the effort.

C. (Nebraska, United States)

This is an incredible oil for working with Saturn. It truly is accessing Saturn from the most benefic angle possible. I use it for anointing candles during devotions, and find that it is an amazing tool for meditation as well.
It’s also good for boundary enforcement/protection, but I try to avoid anointing things indoors with it because it can bring the vibe down over time, and I also find it pretty heavy to wear on my person for long periods.
Saturn is an amazing teacher, and I am excited to learn more from him.

Anonymous (Missouri, United States)
Very Good!

I'm normally skeptical of most forms of online astrology-based products due to the new age crystal healer types tainting such things with nonesense. However, I was suprised that, not only is this oil good for dressing altar items, but is great for shadow work.

I had multiple dreams that have helped me to over come certain situations that were holding me back psychologically in life. Over time, working with this energy, I have been able to free myself from said situations!

The side effects list appeared to be accurate to me: sore muscles, being drowsy, and a low energy or mood is to be expected. However, this may have been caused (or exasperated) by me lifting weights, staying up late and having a mental disorder. I did notice that, ever since using the oil within my practice, some of these side effects have become more normal for me. So be mindful if this could be an issue for you!

After a brief period of these side effects, they eventually levelled out and my mental health has taken a turn for the better! I feel happier with my life than I ever have, which is odd considering the rather depressing nature of Saturn in Capricorn. I've even been more willing to do things I otherwise would not have done!

I do recommend this if you feel you need it. The side effects would've naturally come to me over time with the practice I've been engaging in and therefore I honestly don't mind. Super great experiences, and I love the earthy evergreen smell!

K.D. (New York, United States)

One of my go-tos when I’m looking for stability and longevity of effect. Working with Saturn isn’t for everyone, but I am quite comfortable with this relationship given my very fortunate natal placement (day chart; domicile; in his own bounds). I do also have Saturn in a tight and difficult relationship to my Sun & Mercury, but my experience with that difficulty seems to simply make use of this materia easier. If anything difficult comes up, I know exactly how to handle it & handle myself.


  1. In the year or so since this oil arrived, I have felt a gradual, steady transformation toward being much more comfortable with solitude, delayed gratification, and the slow work of building toward long term goals. I already had some of these tendencies (L1 is in Capricorn), but now it’s like a fuller potential in this area has been unlocked, and any impediments to realizing Capricorn traits and values have been melting away. It now feels very comfortable and natural to think of time in terms of decades (even centuries / my legacy beyond my lifetime) instead of thinking so much in terms of minutes, hours, or days. This shift is really conducive toward being able to develop and execute long-term strategies through patient, incremental effort.

  2. It’s very rare to find something that meshes well with my energy, so the entire Saturn in Capricorn line is a treat. My friend gave me a sample of Swamp Gator and I responded really well to that, so I decided to buy the regular one. My natural body energy is heavily void and death-related, so this oil actually feels so comfortable on my skin to use on a weekly basis. It’s been very relaxing for me to use, and feels safe and secure somehow, I feel like I’m right in my element. I also get called to do exorcisms and banish malicious entities for people professionally, and this has been helping with that as well.

    While I’m aware of the listed side effects, I’ve actually found that with the right direction, the SiC line helps me block out unwanted interference from spells and selectively allow for the parts I do want (allowing for better results with wealth spells, conjuring, and basically everything else that I do). I love it and I’m glad I saved up for a bottle of this oil!

  3. I get so much use out of this Saturn in Capricorn oil. I don’t usually apply it to my body. It’s too intense for me. Golden Goat and Golden Gator seem more appropriate for that. But ironically it’s the oil that is disappearing the quickest because I use it in so many other ways. This intense and straight forward Saturn charge is perfect for spell work and in ritual. I have use it to dress candles, activate sigils, anoint talismans, as well as for warding. I used it to ward my apartment, and it is worth purchasing just for that. I applied some oil around all of the windows and external doors of my apartment and it’s sealed up tighter than a plush custom-made coffin. My spell work and daily theurgic practice immediately improved, my energy levels went up, and all of my talismans and sigils from previous rituals “woke up.” I live on a very busy city block and I’m able to mitigate and manage any undesirable or loud activity with a spur of the moment verbal petition. This oil really helped me claim my space and assert my right to live in a peaceful environment.

  4. Holy moly! This oil is amazing! My Capricorn sun is sandwiched between Uranus and Saturn and Mercury is also hanging out in the house with us…so yes for a Capricorn heavy stellium gal this oil is like rocket fuel! I find that applying just a little bit and layering with a whisper of either a benefic or a luminary really increases my productivity like tenfold! And not just productivity for the sake of productivity, but actually walking in accordance with my values and taking meaningful steps towards accomplishing the goals my sweet heart desires. Amazing stuff! I will be getting more most definitely! thanks to the team!

  5. I have Saturn in Capricorn conj my Ascendant natally and my Saturn return was the greatest period of my entire life; wanting to continue that sense of “coming into myself” and “come home,” I purchased as much of this series as possible. The Saturn in Capricorn oil is immensely calming, soothing, and brings me into an immediate sense of self-autonomy and “Everything is going to be fine-ness.” It genuinely feels like some one is sitting with me, not in a comforting sense, but a strong mentoring presence. I am a lifter/body builder and occasionally combine this with Mars materia to go to the gym and it is *phenomenal. My romantic partner can occasionally tell when I am using the materia – I make decisions a bit more forcefully than I normally do haha.

  6. As expected, Saturn in Capricorn packs a punch! In the best of ways, obviously. I’ve used this as a meditation aid with wonderful results! One of His strongest messages for me has been to slow down, double check, and be responsible and He also has allowed me to visualize the Walls that keep me from moving forward sometimes.

    Before this it was very hard for me to see the things I had to do and do them! But SiC has made me more of a realist! He helps put all my ducks in a row. He has also pushed me to throw away a couple of extra projects into the trash because they aren’t worthwhile and just take away focus from my primary work.

    I will probably never be A Realist, but Saturn in Capricorn provides a lot of grounding for me. The smell reminds me a lot of my Grandmother’s house.

    I used this weekly for a month and since then I’ve used it maybe once every two weeks. He’s not a walk in the park for me, but a very necessary influence.

  7. I struggle with productivity and usually have to take an ADHD medication in the morning. I decided to do a small application of the Saturn Oil to start my day, tempering it with Sol in Leo oil as recommended. I had not taken my ADHD medication yet. Even from a small amount, the rise in my heart rate with really noticable, and I was taking on effects that were similar to my medication right from the bat. It’s been a few hours and with my medication now also in my system, the amount of focus and clear headed accuracy my thoughts have is really incredible. I had originally bought this for buckling down on future projects and studying, and I’m now extremely glad I did. I think next time instead of Sol in Leo I might temper with the Empress oil, the sun ambience is a bit energetic and the Venus aspects might be more beneficial for my personal purposes. Regardless, a really powerful product.

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