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Attuning Tincture of Deneb Algedi II

Attuning Tincture of Deneb Algedi II

Organic herbs, immersed in top shelf whiskey during our Deneb Algedi II election.

Ingredients list: marjoram, mugwort, tulsi, mullein, valerian, catnip, kava kava root, gotu kola, goat’s rue, tansey, colloidal gold.

Anoint that which you do not want getting oily. Add to floor washes.

Offered in a 1/2 oz glass jar with dropper cap for $35, or 1 oz for $60

Please Note: To promote the longest shelf-life possible and reduce the likelihood of leaking during transit, this Tincture now arrives sealed with a flat closed cap, with a glass dropper bulb + 5 ml Mini vial for collecting the displaced excess on the side (for travel or gifting!).

We suggest only inserting the bulb during periods of routine application, and keeping the flat cap for times of dormant or less active use, especially since droppers can allow for evaporation and discoloration over time.

Disclaimer: While this does not contain anything inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption (legally speaking). Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.

Also, that contraindications exist between kava kava + alcohol




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Creation Date

Waxing Gibbous Moon conj. Deneb Algedi + Jupiter on the MC, September 17th, 2021. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function


1 oz, 1/2 oz

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body


Yes — Vegan

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 2.4 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 22 reviews
NS (England, United Kingdom)
Standing up straighter internally

I do consume this as I find it's good for remediating my fallen Saturn and generally feelings of being unsafe. One small drop a day and I get closer to having a sense of surety and reliance on my inner self in a way that feels really strengthening and different to having an external protective coating.

HB (Georgia, United States)
Star Burn

When I first got this, I would ingest as a tincture .5-1mL. It made me feel weird, probably the whiskey + kava, so I don't do that anymore. Sometimes I'll pour a tiny bit out and rub it all over my hands. Usually, I add it to a floor-cleaning cocktail. The vibes this gives me is straight up discipline, which I need. It makes me want to do what's good for myself right away. This rests in a place I walk past often, and I use it whenever it calls to me, about 1-3 times per week. I've tried it with Mars in Jupiter, Cap II, Exhalted Luna, and even Mercury, and they get along well.

Gris (Querétaro, Mexico)
Buena guía.

Lo compré por recomendación y me ha ayudado guiándome y protegiéndome. Gran compra.

Elizabeth G. (England, United Kingdom)

I give a single drop of this tincture to my daughter at bedtime to keep night terrors away and promote restful sleep, along with the oil, powder and water. I works like a dream and tastes amazing!

M. (Missouri, United States)
Restorative Justice

I have a deep mistrust of law enforcement and an aversion to authority so DA did not appeal to me at all, but on the strength of Kait’s recommendation I went ahead.
The energy is actually so good. I didn’t expect this at all. It feels like something I’ve been missing without knowing it? And somehow the word regal comes to mind? (Regal isn’t my goal, but there it is.) It’s not showy, but like a deep, quiet dignity and authority inside myself rooted in the integrity and sense of honor I already have. It’s like everything is being put right. You have to try this. It’s kind of unbelievable. DA is clearly medicine *against* abuse of power.
I only had one unusual police sighting on the first day, but no increase in interactions. (Thank Heaven and DA!) DA will guide you gently. You don’t have anything to be worried about. You’ll be safe.

Tania C. (South Australia, Australia)
Attuning Tincture of Deneb Aligedi

I used the tincture on the top of my crown centre and instantly felt a slight presence which I could felt instantly protected. I work as a reader and have found it extremely beneficial in keeping peoples energies from attaching to me and I don't get drained as much too so I'm happy about that.

Asia C. (North Carolina, United States)
Great to pair with the oil

I use DA primarily for warding and in some situations oil would make quite the mess so I snagged this tincture as a substitute. It’s perfect for feeding magical vessels that would become damaged or simply get icky with an oil application. The impact upon use is potent!

C. (Wisconsin, United States)

Somewhat recently I decided I was going to lean really hard into this series, just feeling like there were so many issues going on at once and I just needed something to get me back on track. I started using this tincture every day to anoint myself externally along with the salve at night.
After about a week, I uncovered a major contributing cause of the chronic pain that I have been struggling with and seeing doctors for years for. I cut out some bad habits as well, and was able to get some separation and clarity from several individuals in my life that have been draining my energy for quite some time.
This is the one of the only tinctures I don’t risk taking internally, due to the kava kava. But i love anointing the crown, 3rd eye and feet with this tincture for psychic protection.
I also like to add drops of this and a pinch of DA salt to bluing bottles for extra oomph!

Jenny M. (North Carolina, United States)
Embodied boundaries

I will take a single drop of this tincture internally when I need instant grounding and a sense of myself/my boundaries. It has a complex and reassuring taste - there's a sense of depth and protection that comes on right away for me. I don't use this often, but i wouldn't be without it.

LM (Illinois, United States)
protection and high regard

I began using this tincture at the start of a new job and I felt that it assisted me with boundaries related to customer service as well as being regarded highly by my peers. I like layering it with more easeful things like Butter Ocean to help prevent me from taking things too seriously, as I found myself getting very invested in certain things and taking responsibility on. I didn't notice an increase in police presence. Overall DA materia has felt so helpful for boundaries and protection and feeling like a competent adult


  1. I’m OBSESSED with Deneb upon discovering S+S. Then I found out I have Deneb conjuncts my Aquarius Moon (sextile Uranus). Divine Comedy!

    This tincture is different than the oil and perfumes. I actually contemplated going to LAW SCHOOL?? My new favorite social media scroll is LEGAL TIK TOKS? I want to know what’s going on in the government, how it works, the theory of law, the nuances of law? I have S+S to thank for allowing me to discover a part of myself that was overshadowed by my fire stellium. I feel right at home.

  2. This tincture helped me set some strong boundaries with some people in my life who were no longer acting in my best interest. I didn’t know just how much I needed Deneb’s firm and fair presence in my life. I’m grateful for this series.

  3. I initially got this tincture mainly as an add-on to my bathing rituals and to add extra protection to my home with my wash water – and wow. I honestly didn’t expect to love this series as much as I do now. I do have my chart ruler in a very wide conjunction with Deneb Elgedi (about an 8 degree orb) so I thought its influence would be negligible. I was sorely (and happily) mistaken. This series is sooo incredibly comforting and nourishing in a way in the most subtlest of ways. I take the tincture almost daily and its helped me to be the very best (and responsible) version of myself. I find myself being responsible in the greater sense of the word but also responsible to my SELF. I take care of myself better and I lookout for my future self. As someone on the spectrum thinking linearly into the future is hard sometimes, but this Materia allows me to do that. It helps me be grounded into myself, especially hard when half my placements are in nebulous pisces. Anyways a very big fan of Deneb Elgedi!! And this tincture for helping me find my way back into and contain myself in healthy ways.

  4. This tincture, along with other DA II materia, has proven to be a very practical and essential tool in my magical arsenal. My spouse and I have been dealing with some frustrating and unfortunate legal situations against an abusive neighbor and DA has effectively kept us protected and supported through the long winded court processes. From reasonable presiding judges to appointed legal counsel who actually give a shit, DA has helped us keep our cool, stand our ground and call in needed support as we navigate these tricky waters.

  5. Out of all of the tinctures, this one is perhaps the most similar to a single malt scotch (you know the type, where the descriptor says sea spray, rope, and burnt embers, but sans smokiness – just deeply herbal). I find that tinctures work well to provide internal attunement for other materia, and this is no exception. In the same way that you use a “fuel enhancer” to ensure your engine is burning through fuel more efficiently, thus DA2 tincture provides an increased facility to access whatever aspect of the DA series you want to connect with – be it protection or wealth generation.

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