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Water of Exalted Venus II

Water of Exalted Venus II

Water freshly harvested from Mt. Shasta, distilled via copper alembic with organic lavender, pink amethyst, purple jade, and sundry ingredients of the Venusian sphere. Consecrated during the Exalted Venus II working window, and tucked into beds of ritually treated herbal matter for many months of quiet gestation.

Use as a body, linen, or room spray before intimate encounters, socializing, or to relieve stress and promote joyful embodiment. Provides an atmosphere of respite and intimacy from the outside world.

Spray over altars as an offering, and to energize them.

Self-care that promotes relief, release, + self-love…

Arrives in a glass spray bottle with keepsake purple jade. Available in a 1/2 oz travel or sample size for $30, or full 2 oz for $75




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Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 0.80 × 0.80 × 2 in
Creation Date

Morning of April 7th, 2022. Hour of Venus. Chart in image gallery.

Spray Bottle Size

1/2 oz, 2 oz

Planetary Body




Yes — contains NO animal ingredients


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

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Customer Reviews

Based on 44 reviews
Helped my migraines

The biggest tangible effect I experienced from this water is that it could end a migraine within the span of a minute. I have migraines that do not go away, even with meds, and with this water sprayed all over the head and neck area, they'd just leave...like immediately and totally (not just the headache portion, the whole damn thing). I do have a Pisces 6H, so I'm guessing that's a part of it too. I tried using it for relational stuff and just didn't find that it hit as much for that, for me. Again, probably has to do with my chart. It was more of a private thing for me, the kind of thing that helped me feel good in my skin inside my own house and helped relieve pain or discomfort. It doesn't feel sociable like Aerial Queen does, at least not in the airy way. With Aerial Queen, I would be talking, moving, connecting, and with Exalted Venus, I would just be comfortable and who came to me, came to me.

Linda Lee
Water of Exalted Venus

I love Water of Exalted Venus II!! I have an exalted venus in a private house that I have difficulty accessing as it can be overpowered by my Mars/Saturn co-presence in a social house. Not anymore! The effect was immediate. This is the one where other people immediately commented on my more amenable ways, from business partners to family members. I got an email from my business partner, with whom I frequently verbally spar, asking if I was feeling well, as he was not used to my graciousness. A family member also commented, "You have changed," when I did not immediately try to correct an error. I have also started to schedule more spa treatments, which I love. I layer it daily with Jup Juice and Asclepius IV, and I am enjoying its benefits, as well as my family and business partners!

Heymish Rorke
fastest working, lightest touch of this series

great for if you want the oomph layering with other forms, but also great if you, like maybe have to get stuff done today but still want that dreamy feeling. def worth it

Delicious Venus oomph

This is my favorite S&S Venus series. I have had wonderful experiences (and results!) with all of the other forms I've experimented with. I like to use the waters pretty casually so I thought, why not just keep a bottle on hand for adding a little bubbly sparkle to my social interactions as needed. The smallest bottle is great for keeping on hand in my purse or backpack. I struggle with staying relaxed in public and social situations. Applying this to my auric field, crown and hair is like summoning a cloud of super-chill-love-vibes that hovers and just melts away anxiety and physical rigidity. I love that I can use the heavier forms (like the oil and incense) in ritual, and then also enjoy on the fly in this lighter form. They array of offerings here truly covers all your bases :)


I bought this water for my partner who used it before an outing. Everyone was commenting how peaceful he seemed, and he said he felt very relaxed and connected to those present.

Light Touch of Calm Social Energy

I highly recommend this spray if your are ruled by Venus and are looking for a light boost for your social anxiety…


This water feels most appropriate to be applied on the body as it does not have any sparkles in it. I like to add it to beauty routine and any time I need accept myself as it is.

First Aid to Love

Helps this Cap Moon open up to feeling and receiving love. Any other Cap Moon reading this understands what a huge deal that is.

I will always repurchase this

I’m not exaggerating when I say that this water has paid for itself multiple times. When I wear it, I get gifts and unexpected perks! I love the scent and the way it instantly opens me up to receive.

Can’t recommend enough!

Highly recommend to those with trauma histories that make it difficult to feel fully embodied and *there* during intimate encounters. Really got my libido up and running after a long lull, and most importantly, helped me feel safe. Smells great too! Thank you S&S!


  1. I notice an immediate calming effect from this spray, and it really helps “smooth the rough edges” of whatever I may be experiencing. It’s been helpful in allowing space for vulnerability and gentleness (things that can be hard for those of us with Big Fire Sign Energy lol), as well as emotional presence in general. It’s also great for when I just want to feel pretty (especially given that the scent is DIVINE— cool and floral, with just a hint of rain). It seems to layer well with the Fomalhaut, Jupiter and Regulus III (for me at least).

  2. This spray makes me feel so calm and relaxed at once. I typically use it to be at ease or connect more vulnerably with others, or before getting a massage or going to therapy. I’m so grateful for it!

  3. This feels like a delicious, friendly boost of joy. I have my natal 6th H Venus exalted in Pisces (but sadly under attack from *both* malefics forming an exact conjunction in Sagittarius). The first Friday morning that I spritzed the water on me (during Venus’ hour), I had *everyone* I chanced across, from babies and children on their school run to harried moms and office-goers waiting for a bus, look into my eyes and give me a wide smile. Can’t wait to see how the effects continue to wear as I tune in more into Venus and work on remediation.
    Many thanks to Kaitlin for this burst of relief and sweetness in these stressful times!

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